Derek Taylor df58aa9d2b Minor edits. 2020-03-27 14:50:01 -05:00
README.md Updating README. 2020-03-12 11:12:09 -05:00
autostart.sh Restructing the entire dotfile repo! 2019-01-15 15:27:01 -06:00
config.py Minor edits. 2020-03-27 14:50:01 -05:00
default_config.py Minor edits. 2020-01-24 20:38:41 -06:00


My Qtile Configuration

Screenshot of my desktop

A full-featured, pure-Python tiling window manager


  • Simple, small and extensible. It's easy to write your own layouts, widgets and commands.
  • Configured in Python.
  • Command shell that allows all aspects of Qtile to be managed and inspected.
  • Complete remote scriptability - write scripts to set up workspaces, manipulate windows, update status bar widgets and more.
  • Qtile's remote scriptability makes it one of the most thoroughly unit-tested window managers around.

My Keybindings

The MODKEY is set to the Super key (aka the Windows key). I try to keep the keybindings consistent with all of my window managers.

Keybinding Action
MODKEY + RETURN opens terminal (alacritty is the terminal but can be easily changed)
MODKEY + SHIFT + RETURN opens run launcher (dmenu is the run launcher but can be easily changed)
MODKEY + TAB rotates through the available layouts
MODKEY + SHIFT + c closes window with focus
MODKEY + SHIFT + r restarts qtile
MODKEY + SHIFT + q quits qtile
MODKEY + 1-9 switch focus to workspace (1-9)
MODKEY + SHIFT + 1-9 send focused window to workspace (1-9)
MODKEY + j lazy layout up (switches focus between windows in the stack)
MODKEY + k lazy layout down (switches focus between windows in the stack)
MODKEY + SHIFT + j lazy layout shuffle_up (rotates the windows in the stack)
MODKEY + SHIFT + k lazy layout shuffle_down (rotates the windows in the stack)
MODKEY + h expand size of window (MondadTall layout)
MODKEY + l shrink size of window (MondadTall layout)
MODKEY + w switch focus to monitor 1
MODKEY + e switch focus to monitor 2
MODKEY + r switch focus to monitor 3
MODKEY + period switch focus to next monitor
MODKEY + comma switch focus to prev monitor


Qtile is supported by a dedicated group of users. If you need any help, please don't hesitate to fire off an email to our mailing list or join us on IRC.