# frozen_string_literal: true
module Ci
class JobArtifact < ActiveRecord::Base
include AfterCommitQueue
include ObjectStorage::BackgroundMove
extend Gitlab::Ci::Model
NotSupportedAdapterError = Class.new(StandardError)
TEST_REPORT_FILE_TYPES = %w[junit].freeze
NON_ERASABLE_FILE_TYPES = %w[trace].freeze
archive: nil,
metadata: nil,
trace: nil,
junit: 'junit.xml',
codequality: 'gl-code-quality-report.json',
sast: 'gl-sast-report.json',
dependency_scanning: 'gl-dependency-scanning-report.json',
container_scanning: 'gl-container-scanning-report.json',
dast: 'gl-dast-report.json',
license_management: 'gl-license-management-report.json',
performance: 'performance.json'
archive: :zip,
metadata: :gzip,
trace: :raw,
junit: :gzip,
# All these file formats use `raw` as we need to store them uncompressed
# for Frontend to fetch the files and do analysis
# When they will be only used by backend, they can be `gzipped`.
codequality: :raw,
sast: :raw,
dependency_scanning: :raw,
container_scanning: :raw,
dast: :raw,
license_management: :raw,
performance: :raw
belongs_to :project
belongs_to :job, class_name: "Ci::Build", foreign_key: :job_id
mount_uploader :file, JobArtifactUploader
validates :file_format, presence: true, unless: :trace?, on: :create
validate :valid_file_format?, unless: :trace?, on: :create
before_save :set_size, if: :file_changed?
after_save :update_project_statistics_after_save, if: :size_changed?
after_destroy :update_project_statistics_after_destroy, unless: :project_destroyed?
after_save :update_file_store, if: :file_changed?
scope :with_files_stored_locally, -> { where(file_store: [nil, ::JobArtifactUploader::Store::LOCAL]) }
scope :with_file_types, -> (file_types) do
types = self.file_types.select { |file_type| file_types.include?(file_type) }.values
where(file_type: types)
scope :test_reports, -> do
scope :erasable, -> do
types = self.file_types.reject { |file_type| NON_ERASABLE_FILE_TYPES.include?(file_type) }.values
scope :expired, -> (limit) { where('expire_at < ?', Time.now).limit(limit) }
delegate :filename, :exists?, :open, to: :file
enum file_type: {
archive: 1,
metadata: 2,
trace: 3,
junit: 4,
sast: 5, ## EE-specific
dependency_scanning: 6, ## EE-specific
container_scanning: 7, ## EE-specific
dast: 8, ## EE-specific
codequality: 9, ## EE-specific
license_management: 10, ## EE-specific
performance: 11 ## EE-specific
enum file_format: {
raw: 1,
zip: 2,
gzip: 3
# `file_location` indicates where actual files are stored.
# Ideally, actual files should be stored in the same directory, and use the same
# convention to generate its path. However, sometimes we can't do so due to backward-compatibility.
# legacy_path ... The actual file is stored at a path consists of a timestamp
# and raw project/model IDs. Those rows were migrated from
# `ci_builds.artifacts_file` and `ci_builds.artifacts_metadata`
# hashed_path ... The actual file is stored at a path consists of a SHA2 based on the project ID.
# This is the default value.
enum file_location: {
legacy_path: 1,
hashed_path: 2
gzip: Gitlab::Ci::Build::Artifacts::Adapters::GzipStream,
raw: Gitlab::Ci::Build::Artifacts::Adapters::RawStream
def valid_file_format?
unless TYPE_AND_FORMAT_PAIRS[self.file_type&.to_sym] == self.file_format&.to_sym
errors.add(:file_format, 'Invalid file format with specified file type')
def update_file_store
# The file.object_store is set during `uploader.store!`
# which happens after object is inserted/updated
self.update_column(:file_store, file.object_store)
def self.artifacts_size_for(project)
self.where(project: project).sum(:size)
def local_store?
[nil, ::JobArtifactUploader::Store::LOCAL].include?(self.file_store)
def hashed_path?
return true if trace? # ArchiveLegacyTraces background migration might not have `file_location` column
super || self.file_location.nil?
def expire_in
expire_at - Time.now if expire_at
def expire_in=(value)
self.expire_at =
if value
def each_blob(&blk)
unless file_format_adapter_class
raise NotSupportedAdapterError, 'This file format requires a dedicated adapter'
file.open do |stream|
def file_format_adapter_class
def set_size
self.size = file.size
def update_project_statistics_after_save
update_project_statistics(size.to_i - size_was.to_i)
def update_project_statistics_after_destroy
def update_project_statistics(difference)
ProjectStatistics.increment_statistic(project_id, :build_artifacts_size, difference)
def project_destroyed?
# Use job.project to avoid extra DB query for project