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# GraphQL API style guide
This document outlines the style guide for GitLab's [GraphQL API](../api/graphql/
## How GitLab implements GraphQL
We use the [GraphQL Ruby gem]( written by [Robert Mosolgo](
All GraphQL queries are directed to a single endpoint
which is exposed as an API endpoint at `/api/graphql`.
## Deep Dive
In March 2019, Nick Thomas hosted a Deep Dive (GitLab team members only: ``)
on GitLab's [GraphQL API](../api/graphql/ to share his domain specific knowledge
with anyone who may work in this part of the code base in the future. You can find the
[recording on YouTube](, and the slides on
[Google Slides](
and in [PDF](
Everything covered in this deep dive was accurate as of GitLab 11.9, and while specific
details may have changed since then, it should still serve as a good introduction.
## GraphiQL
GraphiQL is an interactive GraphQL API explorer where you can play around with existing queries.
You can access it in any GitLab environment on `https://<>/-/graphql-explorer`.
For example, the one for [](
## Authentication
Authentication happens through the `GraphqlController`, right now this
uses the same authentication as the Rails application. So the session
can be shared.
It is also possible to add a `private_token` to the querystring, or
add a `HTTP_PRIVATE_TOKEN` header.
## Types
We use a code-first schema, and we declare what type everything is in Ruby.
For example, `app/graphql/types/issue_type.rb`:
graphql_name 'Issue'
field :iid, GraphQL::ID_TYPE, null: true
field :title, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, null: true
# we also have a method here that we've defined, that extends `field`
markdown_field :title_html, null: true
field :description, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, null: true
markdown_field :description_html, null: true
We give each type a name (in this case `Issue`).
The `iid`, `title` and `description` are _scalar_ GraphQL types.
`iid` is a `GraphQL::ID_TYPE`, a special string type that signifies a unique ID.
`title` and `description` are regular `GraphQL::STRING_TYPE` types.
When exposing a model through the GraphQL API, we do so by creating a
new type in `app/graphql/types`. You can also declare custom GraphQL data types
for scalar data types (e.g. `TimeType`).
When exposing properties in a type, make sure to keep the logic inside
the definition as minimal as possible. Instead, consider moving any
logic into a presenter:
class Types::MergeRequestType < BaseObject
present_using MergeRequestPresenter
name 'MergeRequest'
An existing presenter could be used, but it is also possible to create
a new presenter specifically for GraphQL.
The presenter is initialized using the object resolved by a field, and
the context.
### Nullable fields
GraphQL allows fields to be "nullable" or "non-nullable". The former means
that `null` may be returned instead of a value of the specified type. **In
general**, you should prefer using nullable fields to non-nullable ones, for
the following reasons:
- It's common for data to switch from required to not-required, and back again
- Even when there is no prospect of a field becoming optional, it may not be **available** at query time
- For instance, the `content` of a blob may need to be looked up from Gitaly
- If the `content` is nullable, we can return a **partial** response, instead of failing the whole query
- Changing from a non-nullable field to a nullable field is difficult with a versionless schema
Non-nullable fields should only be used when a field is required, very unlikely
to become optional in the future, and very easy to calculate. An example would
be `id` fields.
Further reading:
- [GraphQL Best Practices Guide](
- [Using nullability in GraphQL](
### Exposing Global IDs
When exposing an `ID` field on a type, we will by default try to
expose a global ID by calling `to_global_id` on the resource being
To override this behavior, you can implement an `id` method on the
type for which you are exposing an ID. Please make sure that when
exposing a `GraphQL::ID_TYPE` using a custom method that it is
globally unique.
The records that are exposing a `full_path` as an `ID_TYPE` are one of
these exceptions. Since the full path is a unique identifier for a
`Project` or `Namespace`.
### Connection Types
GraphQL uses [cursor based
to expose collections of items. This provides the clients with a lot
of flexibility while also allowing the backend to use different
pagination models.
To expose a collection of resources we can use a connection type. This wraps the array with default pagination fields. For example a query for project-pipelines could look like this:
query($project_path: ID!) {
project(fullPath: $project_path) {
pipelines(first: 2) {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
This would return the first 2 pipelines of a project and related
pagination information, ordered by descending ID. The returned data would
look like this:
"data": {
"project": {
"pipelines": {
"pageInfo": {
"hasNextPage": true,
"hasPreviousPage": false
"edges": [
"cursor": "Nzc=",
"node": {
"id": "gid://gitlab/Pipeline/77",
"status": "FAILED"
"cursor": "Njc=",
"node": {
"id": "gid://gitlab/Pipeline/67",
"status": "FAILED"
To get the next page, the cursor of the last known element could be
query($project_path: ID!) {
project(fullPath: $project_path) {
pipelines(first: 2, after: "Njc=") {
pageInfo {
edges {
node {
To ensure that we get consistent ordering, we will append an ordering on the primary
key, in descending order. This is usually `id`, so basically we will add `order(id: :desc)`
to the end of the relation. A primary key _must_ be available on the underlying table.
#### Shortcut fields
Sometimes it can seem easy to implement a "shortcut field", having the resolver return the first of a collection if no parameters are passed.
These "shortcut fields" are discouraged because they create maintenance overhead.
They need to be kept in sync with their canonical field, and deprecated or modified if their canonical field changes.
Use the functionality the framework provides unless there is a compelling reason to do otherwise.
For example, instead of `latest_pipeline`, use `pipelines(last: 1)`.
### Exposing permissions for a type
To expose permissions the current user has on a resource, you can call
the `expose_permissions` passing in a separate type representing the
permissions for the resource.
For example:
module Types
class MergeRequestType < BaseObject
expose_permissions Types::MergeRequestPermissionsType
The permission type inherits from `BasePermissionType` which includes
some helper methods, that allow exposing permissions as non-nullable
class MergeRequestPermissionsType < BasePermissionType
present_using MergeRequestPresenter
graphql_name 'MergeRequestPermissions'
abilities :admin_merge_request, :update_merge_request, :create_note
ability_field :resolve_note,
description: 'Indicates the user can resolve discussions on the merge request'
permission_field :push_to_source_branch, method: :can_push_to_source_branch?
- **`permission_field`**: Will act the same as `graphql-ruby`'s
`field` method but setting a default description and type and making
them non-nullable. These options can still be overridden by adding
them as arguments.
- **`ability_field`**: Expose an ability defined in our policies. This
behaves the same way as `permission_field` and the same
arguments can be overridden.
- **`abilities`**: Allows exposing several abilities defined in our
policies at once. The fields for these will all have be non-nullable
booleans with a default description.
## Feature flags
Developers can add [feature flags](../development/feature_flags/ to GraphQL
fields in the following ways:
- Add the `feature_flag` property to a field. This will allow the field to be _hidden_
from the GraphQL schema when the flag is disabled.
- Toggle the return value when resolving the field.
You can refer to these guidelines to decide which approach to use:
- If your field is experimental, and its name or type is subject to
change, use the `feature_flag` property.
- If your field is stable and its definition will not change, even after the flag is
removed, toggle the return value of the field instead. Note that
[all fields should be nullable](#nullable-fields) anyway.
### `feature_flag` property
The `feature_flag` property allows you to toggle the field's
within the GraphQL schema. This will remove the field from the schema
when the flag is disabled.
A description is [appended](
to the field indicating that it is behind a feature flag.
CAUTION: **Caution:**
If a client queries for the field when the feature flag is disabled, the query will
fail. Consider this when toggling the visibility of the feature on or off on
The `feature_flag` property does not allow the use of
[feature gates based on actors](../development/feature_flags/
This means that the feature flag cannot be toggled only for particular
projects, groups, or users, but instead can only be toggled globally for
field :test_field, type: GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
null: true,
description: 'Some test field',
feature_flag: :my_feature_flag
### Toggle the value of a field
This method of using feature flags for fields is to toggle the
return value of the field. This can be done in the resolver, in the
type, or even in a model method, depending on your preference and
When applying a feature flag to toggle the value of a field, the
`description` of the field must:
- State that the value of the field can be toggled by a feature flag.
- Name the feature flag.
- State what the field will return when the feature flag is disabled (or
enabled, if more appropriate).
field :foo, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
null: true,
description: 'Some test field. Will always return `null`' \
'if `my_feature_flag` feature flag is disabled'
def foo unless Feature.enabled?(:my_feature_flag, object)
## Deprecating fields
GitLab's GraphQL API is versionless, which means we maintain backwards
compatibility with older versions of the API with every change. Rather
than removing a field, we need to _deprecate_ the field instead. In
future, GitLab
[may remove deprecated fields](
Fields are deprecated using the `deprecated` property. The value
of the property is a `Hash` of:
- `reason` - Reason for the deprecation.
- `milestone` - Milestone that the field was deprecated.
field :token, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE, null: true,
deprecated: { reason: 'Login via token has been removed', milestone: '10.0' },
description: 'Token for login'
The original `description:` of the field should be maintained, and should
_not_ be updated to mention the deprecation.
### Deprecation reason style guide
Where the reason for deprecation is due to the field being replaced
with another field, the `reason` must be:
Use `otherFieldName`
field :designs, ::Types::DesignManagement::DesignCollectionType, null: true,
deprecated: { reason: 'Use `designCollection`', milestone: '10.0' },
description: 'The designs associated with this issue',
If the field is not being replaced by another field, a descriptive
deprecation `reason` should be given.
## Enums
GitLab GraphQL enums are defined in `app/graphql/types`. When defining new enums, the
following rules apply:
- Values must be uppercase.
- Class names must end with the string `Enum`.
- The `graphql_name` must not contain the string `Enum`.
For example:
module Types
class TrafficLightStateEnum < BaseEnum
graphql_name 'TrafficLightState'
description 'State of a traffic light'
value 'RED', description: 'Drivers must stop'
value 'YELLOW', description: 'Drivers must stop when it is safe to'
value 'GREEN', description: 'Drivers can start or keep driving'
If the enum will be used for a class property in Ruby that is not an uppercase string,
you can provide a `value:` option that will adapt the uppercase value.
In the following example:
- GraphQL inputs of `OPENED` will be converted to `'opened'`.
- Ruby values of `'opened'` will be converted to `"OPENED"` in GraphQL responses.
module Types
class EpicStateEnum < BaseEnum
graphql_name 'EpicState'
description 'State of a GitLab epic'
value 'OPENED', value: 'opened', description: 'An open Epic'
value 'CLOSED', value: 'closed', description: 'An closed Epic'
## Descriptions
All fields and arguments
[must have descriptions](
A description of a field or argument is given using the `description:`
keyword. For example:
field :id, GraphQL::ID_TYPE, description: 'ID of the resource'
Descriptions of fields and arguments are viewable to users through:
- The [GraphiQL explorer](#graphiql).
- The [static GraphQL API reference](../api/graphql/#reference).
### Description style guide
To ensure consistency, the following should be followed whenever adding or updating
- Mention the name of the resource in the description. Example:
`'Labels of the issue'` (issue being the resource).
- Use `"{x} of the {y}"` where possible. Example: `'Title of the issue'`.
Do not start descriptions with `The`.
- Descriptions of `GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE` fields should answer the question: "What does
this field do?". Example: `'Indicates project has a Git repository'`.
- Always include the word `"timestamp"` when describing an argument or
field of type `Types::TimeType`. This lets the reader know that the
format of the property will be `Time`, rather than just `Date`.
- No `.` at end of strings.
field :id, GraphQL::ID_TYPE, description: 'ID of the Issue'
field :confidential, GraphQL::BOOLEAN_TYPE, description: 'Indicates the issue is confidential'
field :closed_at, Types::TimeType, description: 'Timestamp of when the issue was closed'
## Authorization
Authorizations can be applied to both types and fields using the same
abilities as in the Rails app.
If the:
- Currently authenticated user fails the authorization, the authorized
resource will be returned as `null`.
- Resource is part of a collection, the collection will be filtered to
exclude the objects that the user's authorization checks failed against.
Also see [authorizing resources in a mutation](#authorizing-resources).
TIP: **Tip:**
Try to load only what the currently authenticated user is allowed to
view with our existing finders first, without relying on authorization
to filter the records. This minimizes database queries and unnecessary
authorization checks of the loaded records.
### Type authorization
Authorize a type by passing an ability to the `authorize` method. All
fields with the same type will be authorized by checking that the
currently authenticated user has the required ability.
For example, the following authorization ensures that the currently
authenticated user can only see projects that they have the
`read_project` ability for (so long as the project is returned in a
field that uses `Types::ProjectType`):
module Types
class ProjectType < BaseObject
authorize :read_project
You can also authorize against multiple abilities, in which case all of
the ability checks must pass.
For example, the following authorization ensures that the currently
authenticated user must have `read_project` and `another_ability`
abilities to see a project:
module Types
class ProjectType < BaseObject
authorize [:read_project, :another_ability]
### Field authorization
Fields can be authorized with the `authorize` option.
For example, the following authorization ensures that the currently
authenticated user must have the `owner_access` ability to see the
module Types
class MyType < BaseObject
field :project, Types::ProjectType, null: true, resolver: Resolvers::ProjectResolver, authorize: :owner_access
Fields can also be authorized against multiple abilities, in which case
all of ability checks must pass. **Note:** This requires explicitly
passing a block to `field`:
module Types
class MyType < BaseObject
field :project, Types::ProjectType, null: true, resolver: Resolvers::ProjectResolver do
authorize [:owner_access, :another_ability]
NOTE: **Note:** If the field's type already [has a particular
authorization](#type-authorization) then there is no need to add that
same authorization to the field.
### Type and Field authorizations together
Authorizations are cumulative, so where authorizations are defined on
a field, and also on the field's type, then the currently authenticated
user would need to pass all ability checks.
In the following simplified example the currently authenticated user
would need both `first_permission` and `second_permission` abilities in
order to see the author of the issue.
class UserType
authorize :first_permission
class IssueType
field :author, UserType, authorize: :second_permission
## Resolvers
We define how the application serves the response using _resolvers_
stored in the `app/graphql/resolvers` directory.
The resolver provides the actual implementation logic for retrieving
the objects in question.
To find objects to display in a field, we can add resolvers to
Arguments can be defined within the resolver, those arguments will be
made available to the fields using the resolver. When exposing a model
that had an internal ID (`iid`), prefer using that in combination with
the namespace path as arguments in a resolver over a database
ID. Otherwise use a [globally unique ID](#exposing-global-ids).
We already have a `FullPathLoader` that can be included in other
resolvers to quickly find Projects and Namespaces which will have a
lot of dependent objects.
To limit the amount of queries performed, we can use `BatchLoader`.
## Mutations
Mutations are used to change any stored values, or to trigger
actions. In the same way a GET-request should not modify data, we
cannot modify data in a regular GraphQL-query. We can however in a
To find objects for a mutation, arguments need to be specified. As with
[resolvers](#resolvers), prefer using internal ID or, if needed, a
global ID rather than the database ID.
### Fields
In the most common situations, a mutation would return 2 fields:
- The resource being modified
- A list of errors explaining why the action could not be
performed. If the mutation succeeded, this list would be empty.
By inheriting any new mutations from `Mutations::BaseMutation` the
`errors` field is automatically added. A `clientMutationId` field is
also added, this can be used by the client to identify the result of a
single mutation when multiple are performed within a single request.
### Building Mutations
Mutations live in `app/graphql/mutations` ideally grouped per
resources they are mutating, similar to our services. They should
inherit `Mutations::BaseMutation`. The fields defined on the mutation
will be returned as the result of the mutation.
Always provide a consistent GraphQL-name to the mutation, this name is
used to generate the input types and the field the mutation is mounted
on. The name should look like `<Resource being modified><Mutation
class name>`, for example the `Mutations::MergeRequests::SetWip`
mutation has GraphQL name `MergeRequestSetWip`.
Arguments required by the mutation can be defined as arguments
required for a field. These will be wrapped up in an input type for
the mutation. For example, the `Mutations::MergeRequests::SetWip`
with GraphQL-name `MergeRequestSetWip` defines these arguments:
argument :project_path, GraphQL::ID_TYPE,
required: true,
description: "The project the merge request to mutate is in"
argument :iid, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,
required: true,
description: "The iid of the merge request to mutate"
argument :wip,
required: false,
description: <<~DESC
Whether or not to set the merge request as a WIP.
If not passed, the value will be toggled.
This would automatically generate an input type called
`MergeRequestSetWipInput` with the 3 arguments we specified and the
These arguments are then passed to the `resolve` method of a mutation
as keyword arguments. From here, we can call the service that will
modify the resource.
The `resolve` method should then return a hash with the same field
names as defined on the mutation and an `errors` array. For example,
the `Mutations::MergeRequests::SetWip` defines a `merge_request`
field :merge_request,
null: true,
description: "The merge request after mutation"
This means that the hash returned from `resolve` in this mutation
should look like this:
# The merge request modified, this will be wrapped in the type
# defined on the field
merge_request: merge_request,
# An array if strings if the mutation failed after authorization
errors: merge_request.errors.full_messages
To make the mutation available it should be defined on the mutation
type that lives in `graphql/types/mutation_types`. The
`mount_mutation` helper method will define a field based on the
GraphQL-name of the mutation:
module Types
class MutationType < BaseObject
include Gitlab::Graphql::MountMutation
graphql_name "Mutation"
mount_mutation Mutations::MergeRequests::SetWip
Will generate a field called `mergeRequestSetWip` that
`Mutations::MergeRequests::SetWip` to be resolved.
### Authorizing resources
To authorize resources inside a mutation, we first provide the required
abilities on the mutation like this:
module Mutations
module MergeRequests
class SetWip < Base
graphql_name 'MergeRequestSetWip'
authorize :update_merge_request
We can then call `authorize!` in the `resolve` method, passing in the resource we
want to validate the abilities for.
Alternatively, we can add a `find_object` method that will load the
object on the mutation. This would allow you to use the
`authorized_find!` helper method.
When a user is not allowed to perform the action, or an object is not
found, we should raise a
`Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ResourceNotAvailable` error. Which will be
correctly rendered to the clients.
## Validating arguments
For validations of single arguments, use the
[`prepare` option](
as normal.
Sometimes a mutation or resolver may accept a number of optional
arguments, but still want to validate that at least one of the optional
arguments were given. In this situation, consider using the `#ready?`
method within your mutation or resolver to provide the validation. The
`#ready?` method will be called before any work is done within the
`#resolve` method.
def ready?(**args)
if args.values_at(:body, :position).compact.blank?
raise Gitlab::Graphql::Errors::ArgumentError,
'body or position arguments are required'
# Always remember to call `#super`
In the future this may be able to be done using `InputUnions` if
[this RFC](
is merged.
## GitLab's custom scalars
### `Types::TimeType`
must be used as the type for all fields and arguments that deal with Ruby
`Time` and `DateTime` objects.
The type is
[a custom scalar](
- Converts Ruby's `Time` and `DateTime` objects into standardized
ISO-8601 formatted strings, when used as the type for our GraphQL fields.
- Converts ISO-8601 formatted time strings into Ruby `Time` objects,
when used as the type for our GraphQL arguments.
This allows our GraphQL API to have a standardized way that it presents time
and handles time inputs.
field :created_at, Types::TimeType, null: true, description: 'Timestamp of when the issue was created'
## Testing
_full stack_ tests for a graphql query or mutation live in
When adding a query, the `a working graphql query` shared example can
be used to test if the query renders valid results.
Using the `GraphqlHelpers#all_graphql_fields_for`-helper, a query
including all available fields can be constructed. This makes it easy
to add a test rendering all possible fields for a query.
To test GraphQL mutation requests, `GraphqlHelpers` provides 2
helpers: `graphql_mutation` which takes the name of the mutation, and
a hash with the input for the mutation. This will return a struct with
a mutation query, and prepared variables.
This struct can then be passed to the `post_graphql_mutation` helper,
that will post the request with the correct parameters, like a GraphQL
client would do.
To access the response of a mutation, the `graphql_mutation_response`
helper is available.
Using these helpers, we can build specs like this:
let(:mutation) do
project_path: 'gitlab-org/gitlab-foss',
iid: '1',
wip: true
2018-10-30 10:53:01 +00:00
it 'returns a successful response' do
post_graphql_mutation(mutation, current_user: user)
expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:success)
expect(graphql_mutation_response(:merge_request_set_wip)['errors']).to be_empty
## Notes about Query flow and GraphQL infrastructure
GitLab's GraphQL infrastructure can be found in `lib/gitlab/graphql`.
[Instrumentation]( is functionality
that wraps around a query being executed. It is implemented as a module that uses the `Instrumentation` class.
Example: `Present`
module Gitlab
module Graphql
module Present
#... some code above...
def self.use(schema_definition)
A [Query Analyzer]( contains a series
of callbacks to validate queries before they are executed. Each field can pass through
the analyzer, and the final value is also available to you.
[Multiplex queries]( enable
multiple queries to be sent in a single request. This reduces the number of requests sent to the server.
(there are custom Multiplex Query Analyzers and Multiplex Instrumentation provided by GraphQL Ruby).
### Query limits
Queries and mutations are limited by depth, complexity, and recursion
to protect server resources from overly ambitious or malicious queries.
These values can be set as defaults and overridden in specific queries as needed.
The complexity values can be set per object as well, and the final query complexity is
evaluated based on how many objects are being returned. This is useful
for objects that are expensive (e.g. requiring Gitaly calls).
For example, a conditional complexity method in a resolver:
def self.resolver_complexity(args, child_complexity:)
complexity = super
complexity += 2 if args[:labelName]
More about complexity:
[GraphQL Ruby documentation](
## Documentation and Schema
Our schema is located at `app/graphql/gitlab_schema.rb`.
See the [schema reference](../api/graphql/reference/ for details.
This generated GraphQL documentation needs to be updated when the schema changes.
For information on generating GraphQL documentation and schema files, see
[updating the schema documentation](