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- name: GDK
command: |
echo START_TIME_IN_SECONDS="$(date +%s)" | tee /workspace/
gp sync-done gitpod-start
gp sync-await gdk-copied && cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit && gdk help
- init: |
echo "$(date) Copying GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
cp -r $HOME/gitlab-development-kit /workspace/
set -e
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit
# Ensure GitLab directory is symlinked under the GDK
ln -nfs "$GITPOD_REPO_ROOT" /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab
mv /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/secrets.yml /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab/config
# ensure gdk.yml has correct instance settings
gdk config set gitlab.rails.port 443
gdk config set gitlab.rails.https.enabled true
gdk config set
gdk config set webpack.static false
gdk config set webpack.live_reload false
# reconfigure GDK
echo "$(date) Reconfiguring GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
gdk reconfigure
# run DB migrations
echo "$(date) Running DB migrations" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
make gitlab-db-migrate
# stop GDK
echo "$(date) Stopping GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
gdk stop
echo "$(date) GDK stopped" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
command: |
gp sync-await gitpod-start
set -e
gp sync-done gdk-copied
[[ -f /workspace/ ]] && source /workspace/
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit
# update GDK
if [ "$GITLAB_UPDATE_GDK" == true ]; then
echo "$(date) Updating GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
gdk update
# ensure gdk.yml has correct instance settings
gdk config set gitlab.rails.hostname $(gp url 3000 | sed -e 's+^http[s]*://++')
gdk config set gitlab.rails.port 443
gdk config set gitlab.rails.https.enabled true
gdk config set
gdk config set webpack.static false
gdk config set webpack.live_reload false
# reconfigure GDK
echo "$(date) Reconfiguring GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
gdk reconfigure
# start GDK
echo "$(date) Starting GDK" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
export DEV_SERVER_PUBLIC_ADDR=$(gp url 3808)
export RAILS_HOSTS=$(gp url 3000 | sed -e 's+^http[s]*://++')
gdk start
# Run DB migrations
if [ "$GITLAB_RUN_DB_MIGRATIONS" == true ]; then
make gitlab-db-migrate
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit/gitlab
# Display which branch we're on
git branch --show-current
# Install Lefthook
bundle exec lefthook install
git checkout db/structure.sql
cd /workspace/gitlab-development-kit
# Waiting for GitLab ...
gp ports await 3000
printf "Waiting for GitLab at $(gp url 3000) ..."
# Check /-/readiness which returns JSON, but we're only interested in the exit code
# We use http://localhost:3000 instead of the public hostname because
# it's no longer possible to access as specific cookies are required
until curl --silent --no-buffer --fail http://localhost:3000/-/readiness > /dev/null 2>&1; do printf '.'; sleep 5; done && echo ""
# Give Gitpod a few more seconds to set up everything ...
sleep 5
printf "$(date) GitLab is up (took ~%.1f minutes)\n" "$((10*$SECONDS/60))e-1" | tee -a /workspace/startup.log
gp preview $(gp url 3000) || true
[[ -f /workspace/ ]] && printf "Took %.1f minutes from being executed through to completion %s\n" "$((10*(($(date +%s)-${START_TIME_IN_SECONDS}))/60))e-1" "$([[ -f "$PREBUILD_LOG" ]] && echo "With Prebuilds")"
- port: 2222 # sshd
onOpen: ignore
- port: 3000 # rails-web
onOpen: notify
- port: 3005 # gitlab-docs
onOpen: notify
- port: 3010 # gitlab-pages
onOpen: ignore
- port: 3808 # webpack
onOpen: ignore
- port: 5000 # auto_devops
onOpen: ignore
- port: 5778 # jaeger
onOpen: ignore
- port: 9000 # object_store / minio
onOpen: ignore
- port: 9122 # gitlab-shell
onOpen: ignore
- rebornix.ruby@0.28.1
- wingrunr21.vscode-ruby@0.28.0
- karunamurti.haml@1.4.1
- octref.vetur@0.36.0
- dbaeumer.vscode-eslint@2.2.6
- GitLab.gitlab-workflow@3.48.1
- DavidAnson.vscode-markdownlint@0.47.0