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# frozen_string_literal: true
2011-10-16 17:07:10 -04:00
require 'spec_helper'
RSpec.describe Snippet do
describe 'modules' do
subject { described_class }
it { include_module(Gitlab::VisibilityLevel) }
it { include_module(Participable) }
it { include_module(Referable) }
it { include_module(Sortable) }
2016-06-03 05:44:04 -04:00
it { include_module(Awardable) }
describe 'associations' do
it { belong_to(:author).class_name('User') }
it { belong_to(:project) }
it { have_many(:notes).dependent(:destroy) }
2016-06-03 05:44:04 -04:00
it { have_many(:award_emoji).dependent(:destroy) }
it { have_many(:user_mentions).class_name("SnippetUserMention") }
it { have_one(:snippet_repository) }
it { have_one(:statistics).class_name('SnippetStatistics').dependent(:destroy) }
2011-10-16 17:07:10 -04:00
describe 'validation' do
it { validate_presence_of(:author) }
it { validate_presence_of(:title) }
it { validate_length_of(:title).is_at_most(255) }
it { validate_length_of(:file_name).is_at_most(255) }
it { validate_presence_of(:content) }
it { validate_inclusion_of(:visibility_level).in_array(Gitlab::VisibilityLevel.values) }
it do
allow(Gitlab::CurrentSettings).to receive(:snippet_size_limit).and_return(1)
.to validate_length_of(:content)
.with_message("is too long (2 Bytes). The maximum size is 1 Byte.")
context 'content validations' do
context 'with existing snippets' do
let(:snippet) { create(:personal_snippet, content: 'This is a valid content at the time of creation') }
before do
expect(snippet).to be_valid
stub_application_setting(snippet_size_limit: 2)
it 'does not raise a validation error if the content is not changed' do
snippet.title = 'new title'
expect(snippet).to be_valid
it 'raises and error if the content is changed and the size is bigger than limit' do
snippet.content = snippet.content + "test"
expect(snippet).not_to be_valid
context 'with new snippets' do
let(:limit) { 15 }
before do
stub_application_setting(snippet_size_limit: limit)
it 'is valid when content is smaller than the limit' do
snippet = build(:personal_snippet, content: 'Valid Content')
expect(snippet).to be_valid
it 'raises error when content is bigger than setting limit' do
snippet = build(:personal_snippet, content: 'This is an invalid content')
aggregate_failures do
expect(snippet).not_to be_valid
expect(snippet.errors[:content]).to include("is too long (#{snippet.content.size} Bytes). The maximum size is #{limit} Bytes.")
2011-10-16 17:07:10 -04:00
describe 'callbacks' do
it 'creates snippet statistics when the snippet is created' do
snippet = build(:snippet)
expect(snippet.statistics).to be_nil
expect(snippet.statistics).to be_persisted
describe '#to_reference' do
context 'when snippet belongs to a project' do
let(:project) { build(:project, name: 'sample-project') }
let(:snippet) { build(:snippet, id: 1, project: project) }
it 'returns a String reference to the object' do
expect(snippet.to_reference).to eq "$1"
it 'supports a cross-project reference' do
another_project = build(:project, name: 'another-project', namespace: project.namespace)
expect(snippet.to_reference(another_project)).to eq "sample-project$1"
context 'when snippet does not belong to a project' do
let(:snippet) { build(:snippet, id: 1, project: nil) }
it 'returns a String reference to the object' do
expect(snippet.to_reference).to eq "$1"
it 'still returns shortest reference when project arg present' do
another_project = build(:project, name: 'another-project')
expect(snippet.to_reference(another_project)).to eq "$1"
describe '#file_name' do
let(:snippet) { build(:snippet, file_name: file_name) }
context 'file_name is nil' do
let(:file_name) { nil }
it 'returns an empty string' do
expect(snippet.file_name).to eq ''
context 'file_name is not nil' do
let(:file_name) { 'foo.txt' }
it 'returns the file_name' do
expect(snippet.file_name).to eq file_name
describe "#content_html_invalidated?" do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet, content: "md", content_html: "html", file_name: "") }
it "invalidates the HTML cache of content when the filename changes" do
expect { snippet.file_name = "foo.rb" }.to change { snippet.content_html_invalidated? }.from(false).to(true)
describe '.search' do
let_it_be(:snippet) { create(:snippet, title: 'test snippet', description: 'description') }
it 'returns snippets with a matching title' do
expect( eq([snippet])
it 'returns snippets with a partially matching title' do
expect([0..2])).to eq([snippet])
it 'returns snippets with a matching title regardless of the casing' do
expect( eq([snippet])
it 'returns snippets with a matching file name' do
expect( eq([snippet])
it 'returns snippets with a partially matching file name' do
expect([0..2])).to eq([snippet])
it 'returns snippets with a matching file name regardless of the casing' do
expect( eq([snippet])
it 'returns snippets with a matching description' do
expect( eq([snippet])
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
describe 'when default snippet visibility set to internal' do
using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
before do
stub_application_setting(default_snippet_visibility: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL)
where(:attribute_name, :value) do
:visibility | 'private'
:visibility_level | Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE
'visibility' | 'private'
'visibility_level' | Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE
with_them do
it 'sets the visibility level' do
snippet = => value, title: 'test', file_name: 'test.rb', content: 'test data')
expect(snippet.visibility_level).to eq(Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE)
expect(snippet.title).to eq('test')
expect(snippet.file_name).to eq('test.rb')
expect(snippet.content).to eq('test data')
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
describe '.with_optional_visibility' do
let_it_be(:public_snippet) { create(:snippet, :public) }
let_it_be(:private_snippet) { create(:snippet, :private) }
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
context 'when a visibility level is provided' do
it 'returns snippets with the given visibility' do
snippets = described_class
expect(snippets).to eq([public_snippet])
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
context 'when a visibility level is not provided' do
it 'returns all snippets' do
snippets = described_class.with_optional_visibility
expect(snippets).to include(public_snippet, private_snippet)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
describe '.only_personal_snippets' do
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
it 'returns snippets not associated with any projects' do
snippet = create(:snippet)
snippets = described_class.only_personal_snippets
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(snippets).to eq([snippet])
describe '.only_include_projects_visible_to' do
let_it_be(:author) { create(:user) }
let_it_be(:project1) { create(:project_empty_repo, :public, namespace: author.namespace) }
let_it_be(:project2) { create(:project_empty_repo, :internal, namespace: author.namespace) }
let_it_be(:project3) { create(:project_empty_repo, :private, namespace: author.namespace) }
let_it_be(:snippet1) { create(:project_snippet, project: project1, author: author) }
let_it_be(:snippet2) { create(:project_snippet, project: project2, author: author) }
let_it_be(:snippet3) { create(:project_snippet, project: project3, author: author) }
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
context 'when a user is provided' do
it 'returns snippets visible to the user' do
user = create(:user)
snippets = described_class.only_include_projects_visible_to(user)
expect(snippets).to include(snippet1, snippet2)
expect(snippets).not_to include(snippet3)
context 'when a user is not provided' do
it 'returns snippets visible to anonymous users' do
snippets = described_class.only_include_projects_visible_to
expect(snippets).to include(snippet1)
expect(snippets).not_to include(snippet2, snippet3)
describe 'only_include_projects_with_snippets_enabled' do
let_it_be(:project, reload: true) { create(:project_empty_repo) }
let_it_be(:snippet) { create(:project_snippet, project: project) }
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
let(:access_level) { ProjectFeature::ENABLED }
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
before do
project.project_feature.update(snippets_access_level: access_level)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
it 'includes snippets for projects with snippets enabled' do
snippets = described_class.only_include_projects_with_snippets_enabled
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(snippets).to eq([snippet])
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
context 'when snippet_access_level is private' do
let(:access_level) { ProjectFeature::PRIVATE }
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
context 'when the include_private option is enabled' do
it 'includes snippets for projects with snippets set to private' do
snippets = described_class.only_include_projects_with_snippets_enabled(include_private: true)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(snippets).to eq([snippet])
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
context 'when the include_private option is not enabled' do
it 'does not include snippets for projects that have snippets set to private' do
snippets = described_class.only_include_projects_with_snippets_enabled
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(snippets).to be_empty
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
describe '.only_include_authorized_projects' do
it 'only includes snippets for projects the user is authorized to see' do
user = create(:user)
project1 = create(:project_empty_repo, :private)
project2 = create(:project_empty_repo, :private)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
create(:project_snippet, project: project2)
snippet = create(:project_snippet, project: project1)
snippets = described_class.only_include_authorized_projects(user)
expect(snippets).to eq([snippet])
describe '.for_project_with_user' do
let_it_be(:public_project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :public) }
let_it_be(:private_project) { create(:project_empty_repo, :private) }
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
context 'when a user is provided' do
let_it_be(:user) { create(:user) }
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
it 'returns an empty collection if the user can not view the snippets' do
create(:project_snippet, :public, project: private_project)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(described_class.for_project_with_user(private_project, user)).to be_empty
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
it 'returns the snippets if the user is a member of the project' do
snippet = create(:project_snippet, project: private_project)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
snippets = described_class.for_project_with_user(private_project, user)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(snippets).to eq([snippet])
it 'returns public snippets for a public project the user is not a member of' do
snippet = create(:project_snippet, :public, project: public_project)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
create(:project_snippet, :private, project: public_project)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
snippets = described_class.for_project_with_user(public_project, user)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(snippets).to eq([snippet])
context 'when a user is not provided' do
it 'returns an empty collection for a private project' do
create(:project_snippet, :public, project: private_project)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(described_class.for_project_with_user(private_project)).to be_empty
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
it 'returns public snippets for a public project' do
snippet = create(:project_snippet, :public, project: public_project)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
create(:project_snippet, :private, project: public_project)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
snippets = described_class.for_project_with_user(public_project)
Rewrite SnippetsFinder to improve performance This completely rewrites the SnippetsFinder class from the ground up in order to improve its performance. The old code was beyond salvaging. It was complex, included various Rails 5 workarounds, comments that shouldn't be necessary, and most important of all: it produced a really poorly performing database query. As a result, I opted for rewriting the finder from scratch, instead of trying to patch the existing code. Instead of trying to reuse as many existing methods as possible, I opted for defining new methods specifically meant for the SnippetsFinder. This requires some extra code here and there, but allows us to have much more control over the resulting SQL queries. It is these changes that then allow us to produce a _much_ more efficient query. To illustrate how bad the old query was, we will use my own snippets as an example. Currently I have 52 snippets, most of which are global ones. To retrieve these, you would run the following Ruby code: user = User.find_by(username: 'yorickpeterse'), author: user).execute On the resulting query will take between 10 and 15 seconds to run, producing the query plan found at Apart from the long execution time, the total number of buffers (the sum of all shared hits) is around 185 GB, though the real number is probably (hopefully) much lower as I doubt simply summing these numbers produces the true total number of buffers used. The new query's plan can be found at, and this query takes between 10 and 100-ish milliseconds to run. The total number of buffers used is only about 30 MB. Fixes
2018-10-25 11:35:31 -04:00
expect(snippets).to eq([snippet])
describe '.visible_to_or_authored_by' do
it 'returns snippets visible to the user' do
user = create(:user)
snippet1 = create(:snippet, :public)
snippet2 = create(:snippet, :private, author: user)
snippet3 = create(:snippet, :private)
snippets = described_class.visible_to_or_authored_by(user)
expect(snippets).to include(snippet1, snippet2)
expect(snippets).not_to include(snippet3)
describe '#participants' do
let_it_be(:project) { create(:project, :public) }
let_it_be(:snippet) { create(:snippet, content: 'foo', project: project) }
let_it_be(:note1) do
noteable: snippet,
project: project,
note: 'a')
let_it_be(:note2) do
noteable: snippet,
project: project,
note: 'b')
it 'includes the snippet author and note authors' do
expect(snippet.participants).to include(,,
describe '#check_for_spam' do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet, visibility_level: visibility_level) }
subject do
snippet.assign_attributes(title: title)
context 'when public and spammable attributes changed' do
let(:visibility_level) { Snippet::PUBLIC }
let(:title) { 'woo' }
it 'returns true' do be_truthy
context 'when private' do
let(:visibility_level) { Snippet::PRIVATE }
let(:title) { snippet.title }
it 'returns false' do be_falsey
it 'returns true when switching to public' do!
snippet.visibility_level = Snippet::PUBLIC
expect(snippet.check_for_spam?).to be_truthy
context 'when spammable attributes have not changed' do
let(:visibility_level) { Snippet::PUBLIC }
let(:title) { snippet.title }
it 'returns false' do be_falsey
2017-04-13 12:47:28 -04:00
describe '#blob' do
let(:snippet) { build(:snippet) }
2017-04-13 12:47:28 -04:00
it 'returns a blob representing the snippet data' do
blob = snippet.blob
expect(blob).to be_a(Blob)
expect(blob.path).to eq(snippet.file_name)
expect( eq(snippet.content)
describe '#blobs' do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet) }
it 'returns a blob representing the snippet data' do
blob = snippet.blob
expect(blob).to be_a(Blob)
expect(blob.path).to eq(snippet.file_name)
expect( eq(snippet.content)
context 'when repository does not exist' do
it 'returns empty array' do
expect(snippet.blobs).to be_empty
context 'when repository exists' do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet, :repository) }
it 'returns array of blobs' do
expect(snippet.blobs).to all(be_a(Blob))
describe '#to_json' do
let(:snippet) { build(:snippet) }
it 'excludes secret_token from generated json' do
expect(Gitlab::Json.parse(to_json).keys).not_to include("secret_token")
it 'does not override existing exclude option value' do
expect(Gitlab::Json.parse(to_json(except: [:id])).keys).not_to include("secret_token", "id")
def to_json(params = {})
describe '#storage' do
let(:snippet) { build(:snippet, id: 1) }
it "stores snippet in #{Storage::Hashed::SNIPPET_REPOSITORY_PATH_PREFIX} dir" do
expect( start_with Storage::Hashed::SNIPPET_REPOSITORY_PATH_PREFIX
describe '#track_snippet_repository' do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet) }
let(:shard_name) { 'foo' }
subject { snippet.track_snippet_repository(shard_name) }
context 'when a snippet repository entry does not exist' do
it 'creates a new entry' do
expect { subject }.to change(snippet, :snippet_repository)
it 'tracks the snippet storage location' do
expect(snippet.snippet_repository).to have_attributes(
disk_path: snippet.disk_path,
shard_name: shard_name
context 'when a tracking entry exists' do
let!(:snippet) { create(:snippet, :repository) }
let(:snippet_repository) { snippet.snippet_repository }
let(:shard_name) { 'bar' }
it 'does not create a new entry in the database' do
expect { subject }.not_to change(snippet, :snippet_repository)
it 'updates the snippet storage location' do
allow(snippet).to receive(:disk_path).and_return('fancy/new/path')
expect(snippet.snippet_repository).to have_attributes(
disk_path: 'fancy/new/path',
shard_name: shard_name
describe '#create_repository' do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet) }
subject { snippet.create_repository }
it 'creates the repository' do
expect(snippet.repository).to receive(:after_create).and_call_original
expect(subject).to be_truthy
expect(snippet.repository.exists?).to be_truthy
it 'tracks snippet repository' do
expect do
subject change(SnippetRepository, :count).by(1)
it 'sets same shard in snippet repository as in the repository storage' do
expect(snippet).to receive(:repository_storage).and_return('picked')
expect(snippet).to receive(:repository_exists?).and_return(false)
expect(snippet.repository).to receive(:create_if_not_exists)
expect(snippet.snippet_repository.shard_name).to eq 'picked'
context 'when repository exists' do
let!(:snippet) { create(:snippet, :repository) }
it 'does not try to create repository' do
expect(snippet.repository).not_to receive(:after_create)
expect(snippet.create_repository).to be_nil
context 'when snippet_repository exists' do
it 'does not create a new snippet repository' do
expect do
end.not_to change(SnippetRepository, :count)
context 'when snippet_repository does not exist' do
it 'creates a snippet_repository' do
expect do
snippet.create_repository change(SnippetRepository, :count).by(1)
describe '#repository_storage' do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet) }
subject { snippet.repository_storage }
before do
expect_next_instance_of(ApplicationSetting) do |instance|
expect(instance).to receive(:pick_repository_storage).and_return('picked')
it 'returns repository storage from ApplicationSetting' do
expect(described_class).to receive(:pick_repository_storage).and_call_original
expect(subject).to eq 'picked'
context 'when snippet_project is already created' do
let!(:snippet_repository) { create(:snippet_repository, snippet: snippet) }
before do
allow(snippet_repository).to receive(:shard_name).and_return('foo')
it 'returns repository_storage from snippet_project' do
expect(subject).to eq 'foo'
describe '#repository_size_checker' do
subject { build(:personal_snippet) }
let(:checker) { subject.repository_size_checker }
let(:current_size) { 60 }
before do
allow(subject.repository).to receive(:size).and_return(current_size)
it 'sets up size checker', :aggregate_failures do
expect(checker.current_size).to eq(current_size.megabytes)
expect(checker.limit).to eq(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.snippet_size_limit)
expect(checker.enabled?).to be_truthy
describe '#can_cache_field?' do
using RSpec::Parameterized::TableSyntax
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet, file_name: file_name) }
subject { snippet.can_cache_field?(field) }
where(:field, :file_name, :result) do
:title | nil | true
:title | '' | true
:description | nil | true
:description | '' | true
:content | nil | false
:content | '' | false
:content | '' | true
with_them do
it { eq result }
describe '#url_to_repo' do
subject { snippet.url_to_repo }
context 'with personal snippet' do
let(:snippet) { create(:personal_snippet) }
it { eq(Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_path_prefix + "snippets/#{}.git") }
context 'with project snippet' do
let(:snippet) { create(:project_snippet) }
it { eq(Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.ssh_path_prefix + "#{snippet.project.full_path}/snippets/#{}.git") }
describe '.max_file_limit' do
subject { described_class.max_file_limit(nil) }
it "returns #{Snippet::MAX_FILE_COUNT}" do
expect(subject).to eq Snippet::MAX_FILE_COUNT
context 'when feature flag :snippet_multiple_files is disabled' do
it "returns #{described_class::MAX_SINGLE_FILE_COUNT}" do
stub_feature_flags(snippet_multiple_files: false)
expect(subject).to eq described_class::MAX_SINGLE_FILE_COUNT
describe '#list_files' do
let_it_be(:snippet) { create(:snippet, :repository) }
let(:ref) { 'test-ref' }
subject { snippet.list_files(ref) }
context 'when snippet has a repository' do
it 'lists files from the repository with the ref' do
expect(snippet.repository).to receive(:ls_files).with(ref)
context 'when ref is nil' do
let(:ref) { nil }
it 'lists files from the repository from the deafult_branch' do
expect(snippet.repository).to receive(:ls_files).with(snippet.default_branch)
context 'when snippet does not have a repository' do
before do
allow(snippet.repository).to receive(:empty?).and_return(true)
it 'returns an empty array' do
expect(subject).to eq []
describe '#multiple_files?' do
subject { snippet.multiple_files? }
context 'when snippet has multiple files' do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet, :repository) }
it { be_truthy }
context 'when snippet does not have multiple files' do
let(:snippet) { create(:snippet, :empty_repo) }
it { be_falsey }
context 'when the snippet does not have a repository' do
let(:snippet) { build(:snippet) }
it { be_falsey }
2011-10-16 17:07:10 -04:00