<!-- This issue template is used by https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/analytics-section/product-intelligence/ for tracking effort around Service Ping reporting for GitLab.com -->
The [Product Intelligence group](https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/development/analytics/product-intelligence/) runs manual reporting of ServicePing for GitLab.com on a weekly basis. This issue:
1. Add the SSH key to the local SSH agent: `ssh-add`.
1. Connect to the bastion with SSH agent forwarding: `ssh -A lb-bastion.gprd.gitlab.com`.
1. Note which bastion host machine was assigned. For example: `<username>@bastion-01-inf-gprd.c.gitlab-production.internal:~$` shows that you are connected to `bastion-01-inf-gprd.c.gitlab-production.internal`.
1. Create a named screen: `screen -S $USER-service-ping-$(date +%F)`.
1. Connect to the console host: `ssh $USER-rails@console-01-sv-gprd.c.gitlab-production.internal`.
1. Run: `ServicePing::SubmitService.new.execute`.
1. Press <kbd>Control</kbd>+<kbd>a</kbd> followed by <kbd>Control</kbd>+<kbd>d</kbd> to detach from the screen session.
1. Exit from the bastion: `exit`.
## Verification (After approximately 30 hours)
1. Reconnect to the bastion: `ssh -A lb-bastion.gprd.gitlab.com`. Make sure that you are connected to the same host machine that ServicePing was started on. For example, to connect directly to the host machine, use `ssh bastion-01-inf-gprd.c.gitlab-production.internal`.
1. Find your screen session: `screen -ls`.
1. Attach to your screen session: `screen -x 14226.mwawrzyniak_service_ping_2021_01_22`.
1. Check the last payload in the `raw_usage_data` table: `RawUsageData.last.payload`.
1. Check the when the payload was sent: `RawUsageData.last.sent_at`.
## Stop the Service Ping process
Use either of these processes:
1. Reconnect to the bastion host machine. For example, use: `ssh bastion-01-inf-gprd.c.gitlab-production.internal`.
1. Find your screen session: `$ screen -ls`.
1. Attach to your screen session: `$ sudo -u <username> screen -r`.
1. Press <kbd>Control</kbd>+<kbd>c</kbd> to stop the Service Ping process.
1. Reconnect to the bastion host machine. For example, type: `ssh bastion-01-inf-gprd.c.gitlab-production.internal`.
1. List all process started by your username: `ps faux | grep <username>`.
1. Locate the username that owns ServicePing reporting.
1. Send the kill signal for the ServicePing PID: `kill -9 <service_ping_pid>`.
## Service Ping process triggering (through a long-running SSH session)
1. Connect to the `gprd` Rails console.
1. Run `SubmitUsagePingService.new.execute`. This process requires more than 30 hours to complete.
1. Find the last payload in the `raw_usage_data` table: `RawUsageData.last.payload`.
1. Check the when the payload was sent: `RawUsageData.last.sent_at`.
# Get the payload
# Time when payload was sent to VersionsAppp
# Verify Service Ping in VersionsApp
To verify that the ServicePing was received in the VersionsApp do the following steps:
1. Go to the VersionsApp console and locate: `RawUsageData.find(uuid: '')`.
1. Check the object. Either:
- Go to the Rails console and check the related `RawUsageData` object.
- Go to the VersionsApp UI <https://version.gitlab.com/usage_data/usage_data_id>.