
735 lines
23 KiB
Raw Normal View History

* @module common-utils
import { GlBreakpointInstance as breakpointInstance } from '@gitlab/ui/dist/utils';
import $ from 'jquery';
import Cookies from 'js-cookie';
import { isFunction, defer } from 'lodash';
import { SCOPED_LABEL_DELIMITER } from '~/vue_shared/components/sidebar/labels_select_widget/constants';
import { convertToCamelCase, convertToSnakeCase } from './text_utility';
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import { isObject } from './type_utility';
import { getLocationHash } from './url_utility';
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export const getPagePath = (index = 0) => {
const { page = '' } = document?.body?.dataset;
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return page.split(':')[index];
2017-09-06 04:01:01 -04:00
export const checkPageAndAction = (page, action) => {
const pagePath = getPagePath(1);
const actionPath = getPagePath(2);
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return pagePath === page && actionPath === action;
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export const isInIncidentPage = () => checkPageAndAction('incidents', 'show');
export const isInIssuePage = () => checkPageAndAction('issues', 'show');
export const isInDesignPage = () => checkPageAndAction('issues', 'designs');
export const isInMRPage = () => checkPageAndAction('merge_requests', 'show');
2018-04-03 12:03:00 -04:00
export const isInEpicPage = () => checkPageAndAction('epics', 'show');
2017-09-06 04:01:01 -04:00
export const getDashPath = (path = window.location.pathname) => path.split('/-/')[1] || null;
export const getCspNonceValue = () => {
const metaTag = document.querySelector('meta[name=csp-nonce]');
return metaTag && metaTag.content;
export const rstrip = (val) => {
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if (val) {
return val.replace(/\s+$/, '');
return val;
export const disableButtonIfEmptyField = (fieldSelector, buttonSelector, eventName = 'input') => {
const field = $(fieldSelector);
const closestSubmit = field.closest('form').find(buttonSelector);
if (rstrip(field.val()) === '') {
// eslint-disable-next-line func-names
return field.on(eventName, function () {
2017-09-06 04:01:01 -04:00
if (rstrip($(this).val()) === '') {
return closestSubmit.disable();
return closestSubmit.enable();
// automatically adjust scroll position for hash urls taking the height of the navbar into account
export const handleLocationHash = () => {
let hash = getLocationHash();
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if (!hash) return;
// This is required to handle non-unicode characters in hash
hash = decodeURIComponent(hash);
const target = document.getElementById(hash) || document.getElementById(`user-content-${hash}`);
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const fixedTabs = document.querySelector('.js-tabs-affix');
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const fixedDiffStats = document.querySelector('.js-diff-files-changed');
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const fixedNav = document.querySelector('.navbar-gitlab');
const performanceBar = document.querySelector('#js-peek');
const topPadding = 8;
const diffFileHeader = document.querySelector('.js-file-title');
const versionMenusContainer = document.querySelector('.mr-version-menus-container');
const fixedIssuableTitle = document.querySelector('.issue-sticky-header');
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let adjustment = 0;
if (fixedNav) adjustment -= fixedNav.offsetHeight;
if (target && target.scrollIntoView) {
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if (fixedTabs) {
adjustment -= fixedTabs.offsetHeight;
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if (fixedDiffStats) {
adjustment -= fixedDiffStats.offsetHeight;
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if (performanceBar) {
adjustment -= performanceBar.offsetHeight;
if (diffFileHeader) {
adjustment -= diffFileHeader.offsetHeight;
if (versionMenusContainer) {
adjustment -= versionMenusContainer.offsetHeight;
if (isInIssuePage()) {
adjustment -= fixedIssuableTitle?.offsetHeight;
if (isInMRPage()) {
adjustment -= topPadding;
setTimeout(() => {
window.scrollBy(0, adjustment);
2017-09-06 04:01:01 -04:00
// Check if element scrolled into viewport from above or below
export const isInViewport = (el, offset = {}) => {
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const rect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const { top, left } = offset;
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return ( >= (top || 0) &&
rect.left >= (left || 0) &&
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rect.bottom <= window.innerHeight &&
parseInt(rect.right, 10) <= window.innerWidth
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export const parseUrl = (url) => {
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const parser = document.createElement('a');
parser.href = url;
return parser;
export const parseUrlPathname = (url) => {
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const parsedUrl = parseUrl(url);
// parsedUrl.pathname will return an absolute path for Firefox and a relative path for IE11
// We have to make sure we always have an absolute path.
return parsedUrl.pathname.charAt(0) === '/' ? parsedUrl.pathname : `/${parsedUrl.pathname}`;
export const isMetaKey = (e) => e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.altKey || e.shiftKey;
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// Identify following special clicks
// 1) Cmd + Click on Mac (e.metaKey)
// 2) Ctrl + Click on PC (e.ctrlKey)
// 3) Middle-click or Mouse Wheel Click (e.which is 2)
export const isMetaClick = (e) => e.metaKey || e.ctrlKey || e.which === 2;
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* Get the current computed outer height for given selector.
export const getOuterHeight = (selector) => {
const element = document.querySelector(selector);
if (!element) {
return undefined;
return element.offsetHeight;
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export const contentTop = () => {
const isDesktop = breakpointInstance.isDesktop();
const heightCalculators = [
() => getOuterHeight('#js-peek'),
() => getOuterHeight('.navbar-gitlab'),
({ desktop }) => {
const container = document.querySelector('.line-resolve-all-container');
let size = 0;
if (!desktop && container) {
size = container.offsetHeight;
return size;
() => getOuterHeight('.merge-request-tabs'),
() => getOuterHeight('.js-diff-files-changed'),
({ desktop }) => {
const diffsTabIsActive = window.mrTabs?.currentAction === 'diffs';
let size;
if (desktop && diffsTabIsActive) {
size = getOuterHeight('.diff-file .file-title-flex-parent:not([style="display:none"])');
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return size;
({ desktop }) => {
let size;
if (desktop) {
size = getOuterHeight('.mr-version-controls');
return size;
return heightCalculators.reduce((totalHeight, calculator) => {
return totalHeight + (calculator({ desktop: isDesktop }) || 0);
}, 0);
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export const scrollToElement = (element, options = {}) => {
let el = element;
if (element instanceof $) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-destructuring
el = element[0];
} else if (typeof el === 'string') {
el = document.querySelector(element);
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if (el && el.getBoundingClientRect) {
// In the previous implementation, jQuery naturally deferred this scrolling.
// Unfortunately, we're quite coupled to this implementation detail now.
defer(() => {
const { duration = 200, offset = 0 } = options;
const y = el.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset + offset - contentTop();
window.scrollTo({ top: y, behavior: duration ? 'smooth' : 'auto' });
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export const scrollToElementWithContext = (element) => {
const offsetMultiplier = -0.1;
return scrollToElement(element, { offset: window.innerHeight * offsetMultiplier });
* Returns a function that can only be invoked once between
* each browser screen repaint.
* @param {Function} fn
export const debounceByAnimationFrame = (fn) => {
let requestId;
return function debounced(...args) {
if (requestId) {
requestId = window.requestAnimationFrame(() => fn.apply(this, args));
const handleSelectedRange = (range, restrictToNode) => {
// Make sure this range is within the restricting container
if (restrictToNode && !range.intersectsNode(restrictToNode)) return null;
// If only a part of the range is within the wanted container, we need to restrict the range to it
if (restrictToNode && !restrictToNode.contains(range.commonAncestorContainer)) {
if (!restrictToNode.contains(range.startContainer)) range.setStart(restrictToNode, 0);
if (!restrictToNode.contains(range.endContainer))
range.setEnd(restrictToNode, restrictToNode.childNodes.length);
const container = range.commonAncestorContainer;
// add context to fragment if needed
if (container.tagName === 'OL') {
const parentContainer = document.createElement(container.tagName);
return parentContainer;
return range.cloneContents();
export const getSelectedFragment = (restrictToNode) => {
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const selection = window.getSelection();
if (selection.rangeCount === 0) return null;
// Most usages of the selection only want text from a part of the page (e.g. discussion)
if (restrictToNode && !selection.containsNode(restrictToNode, true)) return null;
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const documentFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
documentFragment.originalNodes = [];
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for (let i = 0; i < selection.rangeCount; i += 1) {
const range = selection.getRangeAt(i);
const handledRange = handleSelectedRange(range, restrictToNode);
if (handledRange) {
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if (documentFragment.textContent.length === 0 && documentFragment.children.length === 0) {
return null;
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return documentFragment;
export const insertText = (target, text) => {
// Firefox doesn't support `document.execCommand('insertText', false, text)` on textareas
const { selectionStart, selectionEnd, value } = target;
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const textBefore = value.substring(0, selectionStart);
const textAfter = value.substring(selectionEnd, value.length);
const insertedText = text instanceof Function ? text(textBefore, textAfter) : text;
const newText = textBefore + insertedText + textAfter;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
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target.value = newText;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
target.selectionStart = selectionStart + insertedText.length;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign
target.selectionEnd = selectionStart + insertedText.length;
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// Trigger autosave
target.dispatchEvent(new Event('input'));
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// Trigger autosize
const event = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('autosize:update', true, false);
this will take in the headers from an API response and normalize them
this way we don't run into production issues when nginx gives us lowercased header keys
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export const normalizeHeaders = (headers) => {
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const upperCaseHeaders = {};
Object.keys(headers || {}).forEach((e) => {
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upperCaseHeaders[e.toUpperCase()] = headers[e];
return upperCaseHeaders;
* Parses pagination object string values into numbers.
* @param {Object} paginationInformation
* @returns {Object}
export const parseIntPagination = (paginationInformation) => ({
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perPage: parseInt(paginationInformation['X-PER-PAGE'], 10),
page: parseInt(paginationInformation['X-PAGE'], 10),
total: parseInt(paginationInformation['X-TOTAL'], 10),
totalPages: parseInt(paginationInformation['X-TOTAL-PAGES'], 10),
nextPage: parseInt(paginationInformation['X-NEXT-PAGE'], 10),
previousPage: parseInt(paginationInformation['X-PREV-PAGE'], 10),
export const buildUrlWithCurrentLocation = (param) => {
if (param) return `${window.location.pathname}${param}`;
return window.location.pathname;
* Based on the current location and the string parameters provided
* creates a new entry in the history without reloading the page.
* @param {String} param
export const historyPushState = (newUrl) => {
window.history.pushState({}, document.title, newUrl);
* Based on the current location and the string parameters provided
* overwrites the current entry in the history without reloading the page.
* @param {String} param
export const historyReplaceState = (newUrl) => {
window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, newUrl);
2018-11-21 10:10:45 -05:00
2019-01-15 01:04:37 -05:00
* Returns true for a String value of "true" and false otherwise.
* This is the opposite of Boolean(...).toString().
* `parseBoolean` is idempotent.
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* @param {String} value
* @returns {Boolean}
export const parseBoolean = (value) => (value && value.toString()) === 'true';
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* @callback backOffCallback
* @param {Function} next
* @param {Function} stop
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* Back Off exponential algorithm
* backOff :: (Function<next, stop>, Number) -> Promise<Any, Error>
* @param {backOffCallback} fn function to be called
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* @param {Number} timeout
* @return {Promise<Any, Error>}
* @example
* ```
* backOff(function (next, stop) {
* // Let's perform this function repeatedly for 60s or for the timeout provided.
* ourFunction()
* .then(function (result) {
* // continue if result is not what we need
* next();
* // when result is what we need let's stop with the repetions and jump out of the cycle
* stop(result);
* })
* .catch(function (error) {
* // if there is an error, we need to stop this with an error.
* stop(error);
* })
* }, 60000)
* .then(function (result) {})
* .catch(function (error) {
* // deal with errors passed to stop()
* })
* ```
export const backOff = (fn, timeout = 60000) => {
const maxInterval = 32000;
let nextInterval = 2000;
let timeElapsed = 0;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const stop = (arg) => (arg instanceof Error ? reject(arg) : resolve(arg));
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const next = () => {
if (timeElapsed < timeout) {
setTimeout(() => fn(next, stop), nextInterval);
timeElapsed += nextInterval;
nextInterval = Math.min(nextInterval + nextInterval, maxInterval);
} else {
reject(new Error(BACKOFF_TIMEOUT));
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2017-02-05 12:36:00 -05:00
2017-09-06 04:01:01 -04:00
fn(next, stop);
export const spriteIcon = (icon, className = '') => {
const classAttribute = className.length > 0 ? `class="${className}"` : '';
return `<svg ${classAttribute}><use xlink:href="${gon.sprite_icons}#${icon}" /></svg>`;
* @callback ConversionFunction
* @param {string} prop
* This function takes a conversion function as the first parameter
* and applies this function to each prop in the provided object.
* This method also supports additional params in `options` object
* @param {ConversionFunction} conversionFunction - Function to apply to each prop of the object.
* @param {Object} obj - Object to be converted.
* @param {Object} options - Object containing additional options.
* @param {boolean} options.deep - FLag to allow deep object converting
* @param {Array[]} options.dropKeys - List of properties to discard while building new object
* @param {Array[]} options.ignoreKeyNames - List of properties to leave intact (as snake_case) while building new object
export const convertObjectProps = (conversionFunction, obj = {}, options = {}) => {
if (!isFunction(conversionFunction) || obj === null) {
return {};
const { deep = false, dropKeys = [], ignoreKeyNames = [] } = options;
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const isObjParameterArray = Array.isArray(obj);
const initialValue = isObjParameterArray ? [] : {};
return Object.keys(obj).reduce((acc, prop) => {
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const val = obj[prop];
// Drop properties from new object if
// there are any mentioned in options
if (dropKeys.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
return acc;
// Skip converting properties in new object
// if there are any mentioned in options
if (ignoreKeyNames.indexOf(prop) > -1) {
acc[prop] = val;
return acc;
if (deep && (isObject(val) || Array.isArray(val))) {
if (isObjParameterArray) {
acc[prop] = convertObjectProps(conversionFunction, val, options);
} else {
acc[conversionFunction(prop)] = convertObjectProps(conversionFunction, val, options);
} else if (isObjParameterArray) {
acc[prop] = val;
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} else {
acc[conversionFunction(prop)] = val;
2018-06-21 08:22:40 -04:00
return acc;
}, initialValue);
* This method takes in object with snake_case property names
* and returns a new object with camelCase property names
* Reasoning for this method is to ensure consistent property
* naming conventions across JS code.
* This method also supports additional params in `options` object
* @param {Object} obj - Object to be converted.
* @param {Object} options - Object containing additional options.
* @param {boolean} options.deep - FLag to allow deep object converting
* @param {Array[]} options.dropKeys - List of properties to discard while building new object
* @param {Array[]} options.ignoreKeyNames - List of properties to leave intact (as snake_case) while building new object
export const convertObjectPropsToCamelCase = (obj = {}, options = {}) =>
convertObjectProps(convertToCamelCase, obj, options);
* Converts all the object keys to snake case
* This method also supports additional params in `options` object
* @param {Object} obj - Object to be converted.
* @param {Object} options - Object containing additional options.
* @param {boolean} options.deep - FLag to allow deep object converting
* @param {Array[]} options.dropKeys - List of properties to discard while building new object
* @param {Array[]} options.ignoreKeyNames - List of properties to leave intact (as snake_case) while building new object
export const convertObjectPropsToSnakeCase = (obj = {}, options = {}) =>
convertObjectProps(convertToSnakeCase, obj, options);
export const addSelectOnFocusBehaviour = (selector = '.js-select-on-focus') => {
// Click a .js-select-on-focus field, select the contents
// Prevent a mouseup event from deselecting the input
$(selector).on('focusin', function selectOnFocusCallback() {
2018-06-21 08:22:40 -04:00
.one('mouseup', (e) => {
2018-06-21 08:22:40 -04:00
2018-07-23 05:39:10 -04:00
* Method to round of values with decimal places
* with provided precision.
* Eg; roundOffFloat(3.141592, 3) = 3.142
* Refer to spec/frontend/lib/utils/common_utils_spec.js for
2018-07-23 05:39:10 -04:00
* more supported examples.
* @param {Float} number
* @param {Number} precision
export const roundOffFloat = (number, precision = 0) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
const multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
return Math.round(number * multiplier) / multiplier;
* Method to round values to the nearest half (0.5)
* Eg; roundToNearestHalf(3.141592) = 3, roundToNearestHalf(3.41592) = 3.5
* Refer to spec/frontend/lib/utils/common_utils_spec.js for
* more supported examples.
* @param {Float} number
* @returns {Float|Number}
export const roundToNearestHalf = (num) => Math.round(num * 2).toFixed() / 2;
* Method to round down values with decimal places
* with provided precision.
* Eg; roundDownFloat(3.141592, 3) = 3.141
* Refer to spec/frontend/lib/utils/common_utils_spec.js for
* more supported examples.
* @param {Float} number
* @param {Number} precision
export const roundDownFloat = (number, precision = 0) => {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-properties
const multiplier = Math.pow(10, precision);
return Math.floor(number * multiplier) / multiplier;
* Represents navigation type constants of the Performance Navigation API.
* Detailed explanation see
export const NavigationType = {
* Method to perform case-insensitive search for a string
* within multiple properties and return object containing
* properties in case there are multiple matches or `null`
* if there's no match.
* Eg; Suppose we want to allow user to search using for a string
* within `iid`, `title`, `url` or `reference` props of a target object;
* const objectToSearch = {
* "iid": 1,
* "title": "Error omnis quos consequatur ullam a vitae sed omnis libero cupiditate. &3",
* "url": "/groups/gitlab-org/-/epics/1",
* "reference": "&1",
* };
* Following is how we call searchBy and the return values it will yield;
* - `searchBy('omnis', objectToSearch);`: This will return `{ title: ... }` as our
* query was found within title prop we only return that.
* - `searchBy('1', objectToSearch);`: This will return `{ "iid": ..., "reference": ..., "url": ... }`.
* - `searchBy('', objectToSearch);`:
* This will return `{ "url": ... }`.
* - `searchBy('foo', objectToSearch);`: This will return `null` as no property value
* matched with our query.
* You can learn more about behaviour of this method by referring to tests
* within `spec/frontend/lib/utils/common_utils_spec.js`.
* @param {string} query String to search for
* @param {object} searchSpace Object containing properties to search in for `query`
export const searchBy = (query = '', searchSpace = {}) => {
const targetKeys = searchSpace !== null ? Object.keys(searchSpace) : [];
if (!query || !targetKeys.length) {
return null;
const normalizedQuery = query.toLowerCase();
const matches = targetKeys
.filter((item) => {
const searchItem = `${searchSpace[item]}`.toLowerCase();
return (
searchItem.indexOf(normalizedQuery) > -1 ||
normalizedQuery.indexOf(searchItem) > -1 ||
normalizedQuery === searchItem
.reduce((acc, prop) => {
const match = acc;
match[prop] = searchSpace[prop];
return acc;
}, {});
return Object.keys(matches).length ? matches : null;
* Checks if the given Label has a special syntax `::` in
* it's title.
* Expected Label to be an Object with `title` as a key:
* { title: 'LabelTitle', ...otherProperties };
* @param {Object} label
* @returns Boolean
export const isScopedLabel = ({ title = '' } = {}) => title.includes(SCOPED_LABEL_DELIMITER);
* Returns the base value of the scoped label
* Expected Label to be an Object with `title` as a key:
* { title: 'LabelTitle', ...otherProperties };
* @param {Object} label
* @returns String
export const scopedLabelKey = ({ title = '' }) =>
isScopedLabel({ title }) && title.split(SCOPED_LABEL_DELIMITER)[0];
// Methods to set and get Cookie
export const setCookie = (name, value) => Cookies.set(name, value, { expires: 365 });
export const getCookie = (name) => Cookies.get(name);
export const removeCookie = (name) => Cookies.remove(name);
* Returns the status of a feature flag.
* Currently, there is no way to access feature
* flags in Vuex other than directly tapping into
* window.gon.
* This should only be used on Vuex. If feature flags
* need to be accessed in Vue components consider
* using the Vue feature flag mixin.
* @param {String} flag Feature flag
* @returns {Boolean} on/off
export const isFeatureFlagEnabled = (flag) => window.gon.features?.[flag];
* This method takes in array with snake_case strings
* and returns a new array with camelCase strings
* @param {Array[String]} array - Array to be converted
* @returns {Array[String]} Converted array
export const convertArrayToCamelCase = (array) => => convertToCamelCase(i));
export const isLoggedIn = () => Boolean(window.gon?.current_user_id);