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- page_title s_('BackgroundMigrations|Background Migrations')
- @breadcrumb_link = admin_background_migrations_path(database: params[:database])
%h3= s_('BackgroundMigrations|Background Migrations')
- learnmore_link = help_page_path('user/admin_area/monitoring/background_migrations')
- learnmore_link_start = '<a href="%{url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">'.html_safe % { url: learnmore_link }
= html_escape(s_('BackgroundMigrations|Background migrations are used to perform data migrations whenever a migration exceeds the time limits in our guidelines. %{linkStart}Learn more%{linkEnd}')) % { linkStart: learnmore_link_start, linkEnd: '</a>'.html_safe }
- if @databases.size > 1
#js-database-listbox{ data: { databases: @databases, selected_database: @selected_database } }
= gl_tabs_nav do
= gl_tab_link_to admin_background_migrations_path({ tab: nil, database: params[:database] }), item_active: @current_tab == 'queued' do
= _('Queued')
= gl_tab_counter_badge limited_counter_with_delimiter(@relations_by_tab['queued'])
= gl_tab_link_to admin_background_migrations_path({ tab: 'failed', database: params[:database] }), item_active: @current_tab == 'failed' do
= _('Failed')
= gl_tab_counter_badge limited_counter_with_delimiter(@relations_by_tab['failed'])
= gl_tab_link_to admin_background_migrations_path({ tab: 'finished', database: params[:database] }), item_active: @current_tab == 'finished' do
= _('Finished')
= gl_tab_counter_badge limited_counter_with_delimiter(@relations_by_tab['finished']){ role: 'tabpanel' }{ role: 'table' }
%thead{ role: 'rowgroup' }
%tr{ role: 'row' }
%th.border-bottom{ role: 'cell' }= _('Migration')
%th.border-bottom{ role: 'cell' }= _('Progress')
%th.border-bottom{ role: 'cell' }= _('Status')
%th.border-bottom{ role: 'cell' }
%tbody{ role: 'rowgroup' }
= render partial: 'migration', collection: @migrations
= paginate_collection @migrations