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# Job artifacts
> - Introduced in GitLab 8.2 and GitLab Runner 0.7.0.
> - Starting with GitLab 8.4 and GitLab Runner 1.0, the artifacts archive format changed to `ZIP`, and it's now possible to browse its contents, with the added ability of downloading the files separately.
> - In GitLab 8.17, builds were renamed to jobs.
> - The artifacts browser will be available only for new artifacts that are sent to GitLab using GitLab Runner version 1.0 and up. It won't be possible to browse old artifacts already uploaded to GitLab.
Job artifacts are a list of files and directories created by a job
once it finishes. This feature is [enabled by default](../../administration/ in all
GitLab installations.
Job artifacts created by GitLab Runner are uploaded to GitLab and are downloadable as a single archive using the GitLab UI or the [GitLab API](../../api/
<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
For an overview, watch the video [GitLab CI Pipeline, Artifacts, and Environments](
Watch also [GitLab CI pipeline tutorial for beginners](
## Defining artifacts in `.gitlab-ci.yml`
A simple example of using the artifacts definition in `.gitlab-ci.yml` would be
the following:
script: xelatex mycv.tex
- mycv.pdf
expire_in: 1 week
A job named `pdf` calls the `xelatex` command in order to build a PDF file from
the latex source file `mycv.tex`. We then define the `artifacts` paths which in
turn are defined with the `paths` keyword. All paths to files and directories
are relative to the repository that was cloned during the build.
The artifacts will be uploaded when the job succeeds by default, but can be set to upload
when the job fails, or always, if the [`artifacts:when`](../yaml/
parameter is used. These uploaded artifacts will be kept in GitLab for 1 week as defined
by the `expire_in` definition. You can keep the artifacts from expiring
via the [web interface](#browsing-artifacts). If the expiry time is not defined, it defaults
to the [instance wide setting](../../user/admin_area/settings/
For more examples on artifacts, follow the [artifacts reference in
### `artifacts:reports`
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 11.2.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.2 and above.
The `artifacts:reports` keyword is used for collecting test reports, code quality
reports, and security reports from jobs. It also exposes these reports in GitLab's
UI (merge requests, pipeline views, and security dashboards).
NOTE: **Note:**
The test reports are collected regardless of the job results (success or failure).
You can use [`artifacts:expire_in`](../yaml/ to set up an expiration
date for their artifacts.
NOTE: **Note:**
If you also want the ability to browse the report output files, include the
[`artifacts:paths`](../yaml/ keyword.
#### `artifacts:reports:junit`
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 11.2.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.2 and above.
The `junit` report collects [JUnit XML files](
as artifacts. Although JUnit was originally developed in Java, there are many
[third party ports]( for other
languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and so on.
See [JUnit test reports](../ for more details and examples.
Below is an example of collecting a JUnit XML file from Ruby's RSpec test tool:
stage: test
- bundle install
- rspec --format RspecJunitFormatter --out rspec.xml
junit: rspec.xml
The collected JUnit reports will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be automatically shown in merge requests.
NOTE: **Note:**
In case the JUnit tool you use exports to multiple XML files, you can specify
multiple test report paths within a single job and they will be automatically
concatenated into a single file. Use a filename pattern (`junit: rspec-*.xml`),
an array of filenames (`junit: [rspec-1.xml, rspec-2.xml, rspec-3.xml]`), or a
combination thereof (`junit: [rspec.xml, test-results/TEST-*.xml]`).
#### `artifacts:reports:dotenv`
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.9.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and later.
The `dotenv` report collects a set of environment variables as artifacts.
The collected variables are registered as runtime-created variables of the job,
which is useful to [set dynamic environment URLs after a job finishes](../environments/
There are a couple of limitations on top of the [original dotenv rules](
- The variable key can contain only letters, digits and underscore ('_').
- The size of the dotenv file must be smaller than 5 kilobytes.
- The number of variables must be less than 10.
- It does not support variable substitution in the dotenv file itself.
- It does not support empty lines and comments (`#`) in dotenv file.
- It does not support quote escape, spaces in a quote, a new line expansion in a quote, in dotenv file.
#### `artifacts:reports:cobertura`
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.9.
> - Requires [GitLab Runner]( 11.5 and above.
The `cobertura` report collects [Cobertura coverage XML files](../../user/project/merge_requests/
The collected Cobertura coverage reports will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact
and will be automatically shown in merge requests.
Cobertura was originally developed for Java, but there are many
third party ports for other languages like JavaScript, Python, Ruby, and so on.
#### `artifacts:reports:terraform`
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.0.
> - Requires [GitLab Runner]( 11.5 and above.
The `terraform` report obtains a Terraform `tfplan.json` file. The collected Terraform
plan report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will be automatically shown
in merge requests.
#### `artifacts:reports:codequality` **(STARTER)**
> - Introduced in GitLab 11.5.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and above.
The `codequality` report collects [CodeQuality issues](../../user/project/merge_requests/
as artifacts.
The collected Code Quality report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be summarized in merge requests.
#### `artifacts:reports:sast` **(ULTIMATE)**
> - Introduced in GitLab 11.5.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and above.
The `sast` report collects [SAST vulnerabilities](../../user/application_security/sast/
as artifacts.
The collected SAST report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will be summarized
in the merge requests and pipeline view. It's also used to provide data for security
#### `artifacts:reports:dependency_scanning` **(ULTIMATE)**
> - Introduced in GitLab 11.5.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and above.
The `dependency_scanning` report collects [Dependency Scanning vulnerabilities](../../user/application_security/dependency_scanning/
as artifacts.
The collected Dependency Scanning report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be summarized in the merge requests and pipeline view. It's also used to provide data for security
#### `artifacts:reports:container_scanning` **(ULTIMATE)**
> - Introduced in GitLab 11.5.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and above.
The `container_scanning` report collects [Container Scanning vulnerabilities](../../user/application_security/container_scanning/
as artifacts.
The collected Container Scanning report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be summarized in the merge requests and pipeline view. It's also used to provide data for security
#### `artifacts:reports:dast` **(ULTIMATE)**
> - Introduced in GitLab 11.5.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and above.
The `dast` report collects [DAST vulnerabilities](../../user/application_security/dast/
as artifacts.
The collected DAST report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be summarized in the merge requests and pipeline view. It's also used to provide data for security
#### `artifacts:reports:license_management` **(ULTIMATE)**
> - Introduced in GitLab 11.5.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and above.
CAUTION: **Warning:**
This artifact is still valid but is **deprecated** in favor of the
introduced in GitLab 12.8.
The `license_management` report collects [Licenses](../../user/compliance/license_compliance/
as artifacts.
The collected License Compliance report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be summarized in the merge requests and pipeline view. It's also used to provide data for security
#### `artifacts:reports:license_scanning` **(ULTIMATE)**
> - Introduced in GitLab 12.8.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and above.
The `license_scanning` report collects [Licenses](../../user/compliance/license_compliance/
as artifacts.
The License Compliance report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be automatically shown in merge requests, pipeline view and provide data for security
#### `artifacts:reports:performance` **(PREMIUM)**
> - Introduced in GitLab 11.5.
> - Requires GitLab Runner 11.5 and above.
The `performance` report collects [Performance metrics](../../user/project/merge_requests/
as artifacts.
The collected Performance report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be automatically shown in merge requests.
#### `artifacts:reports:metrics` **(PREMIUM)**
> Introduced in GitLab 11.10.
The `metrics` report collects [Metrics](../
as artifacts.
The collected Metrics report will be uploaded to GitLab as an artifact and will
be automatically shown in merge requests.
## Browsing artifacts
> - From GitLab 9.2, PDFs, images, videos, and other formats can be previewed directly in the job artifacts browser without the need to download them.
> - Introduced in [GitLab 10.1](, HTML files in a public project can be previewed directly in a new tab without the need to download them when [GitLab Pages](../../administration/pages/ is enabled. The same applies for textual formats (currently supported extensions: `.txt`, `.json`, and `.log`).
> - Introduced in [GitLab 12.4](, artifacts in private projects can be previewed when [GitLab Pages access control](../../administration/pages/ is enabled.
After a job finishes, if you visit the job's specific page, there are three
buttons. You can download the artifacts archive or browse its contents, whereas
the **Keep** button appears only if you've set an [expiry date](../yaml/ to the
artifacts in case you changed your mind and want to keep them.
![Job artifacts browser button](img/job_artifacts_browser_button.png)
The archive browser shows the name and the actual file size of each file in the
archive. If your artifacts contained directories, then you're also able to
browse inside them.
Below you can see what browsing looks like. In this case we have browsed inside
the archive and at this point there is one directory, a couple files, and
one HTML file that you can view directly online when
[GitLab Pages](../../administration/pages/ is enabled (opens in a new tab).
![Job artifacts browser](img/job_artifacts_browser.png)
## Downloading artifacts
If you need to download an artifact or the whole archive, there are buttons in various places
in the GitLab UI to do this:
1. While on the pipelines page, you can see the download icon for each job's
artifacts and archive in the right corner:
![Job artifacts in Pipelines page](img/job_artifacts_pipelines_page.png)
1. While on the **Jobs** page, you can see the download icon for each job's
artifacts and archive in the right corner:
![Job artifacts in Builds page](img/job_artifacts_builds_page.png)
1. While inside a specific job, you're presented with a download button
along with the one that browses the archive:
![Job artifacts browser button](img/job_artifacts_browser_button.png)
1. And finally, when browsing an archive you can see the download button at
the top right corner:
![Job artifacts browser](img/job_artifacts_browser.png)
## Downloading the latest artifacts
It's possible to download the latest artifacts of a job via a well known URL
so you can use it for scripting purposes.
NOTE: **Note:**
The latest artifacts are created by jobs in the **most recent** successful pipeline
for the specific ref. If you run two types of pipelines for the same ref, the latest
artifact will be determined by timing. For example, if a branch pipeline created
by merging a merge request runs at the same time as a scheduled pipeline, the
latest artifact will be from the pipeline that completed most recently.
Artifacts for other pipelines can be accessed with direct access to them.
The structure of the URL to download the whole artifacts archive is the following:
To download a single file from the artifacts use the following URL:
For example, to download the latest artifacts of the job named `coverage` of
the `master` branch of the `gitlab` project that belongs to the `gitlab-org`
namespace, the URL would be:
To download the file `coverage/index.html` from the same
artifacts use the following URL:
There is also a URL to browse the latest job artifacts:
For example:
There is also a URL to specific files, including HTML files that
are shown in [GitLab Pages](../../administration/pages/
For example, when a job `coverage` creates the artifact `htmlcov/index.html`,
you can access it at:
The latest builds are also exposed in the UI in various places. Specifically,
look for the download button in:
- The main project's page
- The branches page
- The tags page
If the latest job has failed to upload the artifacts, you can see that
information in the UI.
![Latest artifacts button](img/job_latest_artifacts_browser.png)
## Erasing artifacts
DANGER: **Warning:**
This is a destructive action that leads to data loss. Use with caution.
You can erase a single job via the UI, which will also remove the job's
artifacts and trace, if you are:
- The owner of the job.
- A [Maintainer](../../user/ of the project.
To erase a job:
1. Navigate to a job's page.
1. Click the trash icon at the top right of the job's trace.
1. Confirm the deletion.
## Retrieve artifacts of private projects when using GitLab CI
In order to retrieve a job artifact of a different project, you might need to use a private token in order to [authenticate and download](../../api/ the artifacts.
<!-- ## Troubleshooting
Include any troubleshooting steps that you can foresee. If you know beforehand what issues
one might have when setting this up, or when something is changed, or on upgrading, it's
important to describe those, too. Think of things that may go wrong and include them here.
This is important to minimize requests for support, and to avoid doc comments with
questions that you know someone might ask.
Each scenario can be a third-level heading, e.g. `### Getting error message X`.
If you have none to add when creating a doc, leave this section in place
but commented out to help encourage others to add to it in the future. -->