info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
comes to manually blocking users. When we decide to block a user, feedback is sent to ArkoseLabs to
improve their risk prediction model.
Enabling the `arkose_labs_prevent_login` feature flag results in sessions with a `High` risk
score being denied access. So far, we have kept this feature flag disabled to evaluate Arkose
Protect's predictions and to make sure we are not preventing legitimate users from signing in.
That said, we have seen that interactive challenges are effective in preventing some malicious
sign-in attempts as not completing them prevents attackers from moving on to the next sign-in step.
## Configuration
To enable Arkose Protect:
1. License ArkoseLabs.
1. Get the public and private API keys from the [ArkoseLabs Portal](
1. Enable the ArkoseLabs login challenge. Run the following commands in the Rails console, replacing `<your_public_api_key>` and `<your_private_api_key>` with your own API keys.
1. Optional. To prevent high risk sessions from signing, enable the `arkose_labs_prevent_login` feature flag. Run the following command in the Rails console: