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require 'spec_helper'
2012-08-08 08:52:09 +00:00
describe GitlabMarkdownHelper do
include ApplicationHelper
2015-03-27 11:58:23 +00:00
let!(:project) { create(:project) }
let(:user) { create(:user, username: 'gfm') }
let(:commit) { project.repository.commit }
let(:issue) { create(:issue, project: project) }
Merge Request on forked projects The good: - You can do a merge request for a forked commit and it will merge properly (i.e. it does work). - Push events take into account merge requests on forked projects - Tests around merge_actions now present, spinach, and other rspec tests - Satellites now clean themselves up rather then recreate The questionable: - Events only know about target projects - Project's merge requests only hold on to MR's where they are the target - All operations performed in the satellite The bad: - Duplication between project's repositories and satellites (e.g. commits_between) (for reference: Fixes: Make test repos/satellites only create when needed -Spinach/Rspec now only initialize test directory, and setup stubs (things that are relatively cheap) -project_with_code, source_project_with_code, and target_project_with_code now create/destroy their repos individually -fixed remote removal -How to merge renders properly -Update emails to show project/branches -Edit MR doesn't set target branch -Fix some failures on editing/creating merge requests, added a test -Added back a test around merge request observer -Clean up project_transfer_spec, Remove duplicate enable/disable observers -Ensure satellite lock files are cleaned up, Attempted to add some testing around these as well -Signifant speed ups for tests -Update formatting ordering in notes_on_merge_requests -Remove wiki schema update Fixes for search/search results -Search results was using by_project for a list of projects, updated this to use in_projects -updated search results to reference the correct (target) project -udpated search results to print both sides of the merge request Change-Id: I19407990a0950945cc95d62089cbcc6262dab1a8
2013-04-25 14:15:33 +00:00
let(:merge_request) { create(:merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project) }
2013-03-25 07:20:14 +00:00
let(:snippet) { create(:project_snippet, project: project) }
2015-03-27 11:58:23 +00:00
# Helper expects a current_user method.
let(:current_user) { user }
before do
# Helper expects a @project instance variable
@project = project
describe "#gfm" do
it "should forward HTML options to links" do
expect(gfm("Fixed in #{}", @project, class: 'foo')).
to have_selector('')
describe "referencing multiple objects" do
let(:actual) { "!#{merge_request.iid} -> #{} -> ##{issue.iid}" }
it "should link to the merge request" do
expected = namespace_project_merge_request_path(project.namespace, project, merge_request)
expect(gfm(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should link to the commit" do
expected = namespace_project_commit_path(project.namespace, project, commit)
expect(gfm(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should link to the issue" do
expected = namespace_project_issue_path(project.namespace, project, issue)
expect(gfm(actual)).to match(expected)
2012-09-05 20:05:20 +00:00
context 'parse_tasks: true' do
before(:all) do
@source_text_asterisk = <<-EOT.strip_heredoc
* [ ] valid unchecked task
* [x] valid lowercase checked task
* [X] valid uppercase checked task
* [ ] valid unchecked nested task
* [x] valid checked nested task
[ ] not an unchecked task - no list item
[x] not a checked task - no list item
* [ ] not an unchecked task - too many spaces
* [x ] not a checked task - too many spaces
* [] not an unchecked task - no spaces
* Not a task [ ] - not at beginning
@source_text_dash = <<-EOT.strip_heredoc
- [ ] valid unchecked task
- [x] valid lowercase checked task
- [X] valid uppercase checked task
- [ ] valid unchecked nested task
- [x] valid checked nested task
it 'should render checkboxes at beginning of asterisk list items' do
rendered_text = markdown(@source_text_asterisk, parse_tasks: true)
expect(rendered_text).to match(/<input.*checkbox.*valid unchecked task/)
expect(rendered_text).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid lowercase checked task/
expect(rendered_text).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid uppercase checked task/
it 'should render checkboxes at beginning of dash list items' do
rendered_text = markdown(@source_text_dash, parse_tasks: true)
expect(rendered_text).to match(/<input.*checkbox.*valid unchecked task/)
expect(rendered_text).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid lowercase checked task/
expect(rendered_text).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid uppercase checked task/
it 'should render checkboxes for nested tasks' do
rendered_text = markdown(@source_text_asterisk, parse_tasks: true)
expect(rendered_text).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid unchecked nested task/
expect(rendered_text).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid checked nested task/
it 'should not be confused by whitespace before bullets' do
rendered_text_asterisk = markdown(@source_text_asterisk,
parse_tasks: true)
rendered_text_dash = markdown(@source_text_dash, parse_tasks: true)
expect(rendered_text_asterisk).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid unchecked nested task/
expect(rendered_text_asterisk).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid checked nested task/
expect(rendered_text_dash).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid unchecked nested task/
expect(rendered_text_dash).to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*valid checked nested task/
it 'should not render checkboxes outside of list items' do
rendered_text = markdown(@source_text_asterisk, parse_tasks: true)
expect(rendered_text).not_to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*not an unchecked task - no list item/
expect(rendered_text).not_to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*not a checked task - no list item/
it 'should not render checkboxes with invalid formatting' do
rendered_text = markdown(@source_text_asterisk, parse_tasks: true)
expect(rendered_text).not_to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*not an unchecked task - too many spaces/
expect(rendered_text).not_to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*not a checked task - too many spaces/
expect(rendered_text).not_to match(
/<input.*checkbox.*not an unchecked task - no spaces/
expect(rendered_text).not_to match(
/Not a task.*<input.*checkbox.*not at beginning/
describe '#link_to_gfm' do
let(:commit_path) { namespace_project_commit_path(project.namespace, project, commit) }
let(:issues) { create_list(:issue, 2, project: project) }
it 'should handle references nested in links with all the text' do
actual = link_to_gfm("This should finally fix ##{issues[0].iid} and ##{issues[1].iid} for real", commit_path)
doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(actual)
# Make sure we didn't create invalid markup
expect(doc.errors).to be_empty
# Leading commit link
expect(doc.css('a')[0].attr('href')).to eq commit_path
expect(doc.css('a')[0].text).to eq 'This should finally fix '
# First issue link
to eq namespace_project_issue_path(project.namespace, project, issues[0])
expect(doc.css('a')[1].text).to eq "##{issues[0].iid}"
2012-08-02 00:28:50 +00:00
# Internal commit link
expect(doc.css('a')[2].attr('href')).to eq commit_path
expect(doc.css('a')[2].text).to eq ' and '
2012-08-02 00:28:50 +00:00
# Second issue link
to eq namespace_project_issue_path(project.namespace, project, issues[1])
expect(doc.css('a')[3].text).to eq "##{issues[1].iid}"
# Trailing commit link
expect(doc.css('a')[4].attr('href')).to eq commit_path
expect(doc.css('a')[4].text).to eq ' for real'
2012-08-02 00:28:50 +00:00
it 'should forward HTML options' do
actual = link_to_gfm("Fixed in #{}", commit_path, class: 'foo')
doc = Nokogiri::HTML.parse(actual)
expect(doc.css('a')).to satisfy do |v|
# 'foo' gets added to all links
v.all? { |a| a.attr('class').match(/foo$/) }
2012-08-02 00:28:50 +00:00
it "escapes HTML passed in as the body" do
actual = "This is a <h1>test</h1> - see ##{issues[0].iid}"
expect(link_to_gfm(actual, commit_path)).
to match('&lt;h1&gt;test&lt;/h1&gt;')
2012-08-02 00:28:50 +00:00
describe "#markdown" do
# TODO (rspeicher) - This block tests multiple different contexts. Break this up!
it "should add ids and links to headers" do
# Test every rule except nested tags.
text = '..Ab_c-d. e..'
id = 'ab_c-d-e'
expect(markdown("# #{text}")).
to match(%r{<h1 id="#{id}">#{text}<a href="[^"]*##{id}"></a></h1>})
expect(markdown("# #{text}", {no_header_anchors:true})).
to eq("<h1>#{text}</h1>")
id = 'link-text'
expect(markdown("# [link text](url) ![img alt](url)")).to match(
%r{<h1 id="#{id}"><a href="[^"]*url">link text</a> <img[^>]*><a href="[^"]*##{id}"></a></h1>}
# REFERENCES (PART TWO: THE REVENGE) ---------------------------------------
it "should handle references in headers" do
actual = "\n# Working around ##{issue.iid}\n## Apply !#{merge_request.iid}"
expect(markdown(actual, no_header_anchors: true)).
to match(%r{<h1[^<]*>Working around <a.+>##{issue.iid}</a></h1>})
expect(markdown(actual, no_header_anchors: true)).
to match(%r{<h2[^<]*>Apply <a.+>!#{merge_request.iid}</a></h2>})
it "should handle references in <em>" do
actual = "Apply _!#{merge_request.iid}_ ASAP"
to match(%r{Apply <em><a.+>!#{merge_request.iid}</a></em>})
# CODE BLOCKS -------------------------------------------------------------
it "should leave code blocks untouched" do
2015-04-13 22:10:49 +00:00
allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user)
allow(helper).to receive(:user_color_scheme_class).and_return(:white)
target_html = "<pre class=\"code highlight white plaintext\"><code>some code from $#{}\nhere too\n</code></pre>\n"
2012-11-28 15:05:11 +00:00
expect(markdown("\n some code from $#{}\n here too\n")).
to eq(target_html)
expect(markdown("\n```\nsome code from $#{}\nhere too\n```\n")).
to eq(target_html)
it "should leave inline code untouched" do
expect(markdown("Don't use `$#{}` here.")).
to eq "<p>Don't use <code>$#{}</code> here.</p>\n"
2013-01-16 21:08:01 +00:00
# REF-LIKE AUTOLINKS? -----------------------------------------------------
# Basically: Don't parse references inside `<a>` tags.
it "should leave ref-like autolinks untouched" do
expect(markdown("look at http://example.tld/#!#{merge_request.iid}")).to eq("<p>look at <a href=\"http://example.tld/#!#{merge_request.iid}\">http://example.tld/#!#{merge_request.iid}</a></p>\n")
it "should leave ref-like href of 'manual' links untouched" do
2015-04-06 15:18:47 +00:00
expect(markdown("why not [inspect !#{merge_request.iid}](http://example.tld/#!#{merge_request.iid})")).to eq("<p>why not <a href=\"http://example.tld/#!#{merge_request.iid}\">inspect </a><a href=\"#{namespace_project_merge_request_path(project.namespace, project, merge_request)}\" title=\"Merge Request: #{merge_request.title}\" class=\"gfm gfm-merge_request\">!#{merge_request.iid}</a><a href=\"http://example.tld/#!#{merge_request.iid}\"></a></p>\n")
it "should leave ref-like src of images untouched" do
expect(markdown("screen shot: ![some image](http://example.tld/#!#{merge_request.iid})")).to eq("<p>screen shot: <img src=\"http://example.tld/#!#{merge_request.iid}\" alt=\"some image\"></p>\n")
# RELATIVE URLS -----------------------------------------------------------
# TODO (rspeicher): These belong in a relative link filter spec
context 'relative links' do
context 'with a valid repository' do
before do
@repository = project.repository
@ref = 'markdown'
it "should handle relative urls for a file in master" do
actual = "[GitLab API doc](doc/api/\n"
expected = "<p><a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/blob/#{@ref}/doc/api/\">GitLab API doc</a></p>\n"
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should handle relative urls for a file in master with an anchor" do
actual = "[GitLab API doc](doc/api/\n"
expected = "<p><a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/blob/#{@ref}/doc/api/\">GitLab API doc</a></p>\n"
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should not handle relative urls for the current file with an anchor" do
actual = "[GitLab API doc](#section)\n"
expected = "<p><a href=\"#section\">GitLab API doc</a></p>\n"
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should handle relative urls for a directory in master" do
actual = "[GitLab API doc](doc/api)\n"
expected = "<p><a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/tree/#{@ref}/doc/api\">GitLab API doc</a></p>\n"
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should handle absolute urls" do
actual = "[GitLab](\n"
expected = "<p><a href=\"\">GitLab</a></p>\n"
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should handle relative urls in reference links for a file in master" do
actual = "[GitLab API doc][GitLab readme]\n [GitLab readme]: doc/api/\n"
expected = "<p><a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/blob/#{@ref}/doc/api/\">GitLab API doc</a></p>\n"
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should handle relative urls in reference links for a directory in master" do
actual = "[GitLab API doc directory][GitLab readmes]\n [GitLab readmes]: doc/api/\n"
expected = "<p><a href=\"/#{project.path_with_namespace}/tree/#{@ref}/doc/api\">GitLab API doc directory</a></p>\n"
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it "should not handle malformed relative urls in reference links for a file in master" do
actual = "[GitLab readme]: doc/api/\n"
expected = ""
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it 'should allow whitelisted HTML tags from the user' do
actual = '<dl><dt>Term</dt><dd>Definition</dd></dl>'
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(actual)
context 'with an empty repository' do
before do
@project = create(:empty_project)
@repository = @project.repository
it "should not touch relative urls" do
actual = "[GitLab API doc][GitLab readme]\n [GitLab readme]: doc/api/\n"
expected = "<p><a href=\"doc/api/\">GitLab API doc</a></p>\n"
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
# SANITIZATION ------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO (rspeicher): These are testing SanitizationFilter, not `markdown`
it 'should sanitize tags that are not whitelisted' do
actual = '<textarea>no inputs allowed</textarea> <blink>no blinks</blink>'
expected = 'no inputs allowed no blinks'
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
expect(markdown(actual)).not_to match('<.textarea>')
expect(markdown(actual)).not_to match('<.blink>')
it 'should allow whitelisted tag attributes from the user' do
actual = '<a class="custom">link text</a>'
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(actual)
it 'should sanitize tag attributes that are not whitelisted' do
actual = '<a href="" foo="bar">link text</a>'
expected = '<a href="">link text</a>'
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
it 'should sanitize javascript in attributes' do
actual = %q(<a href="javascript:alert('foo')">link text</a>)
expected = '<a>link text</a>'
expect(markdown(actual)).to match(expected)
describe '#render_wiki_content' do
before do
2013-12-14 13:43:48 +00:00
@wiki = double('WikiPage')
allow(@wiki).to receive(:content).and_return('wiki content')
2013-05-19 09:13:39 +00:00
it "should use GitLab Flavored Markdown for markdown files" do
allow(@wiki).to receive(:format).and_return(:markdown)
expect(helper).to receive(:markdown).with('wiki content')
it "should use the Gollum renderer for all other file types" do
allow(@wiki).to receive(:format).and_return(:rdoc)
2013-12-14 13:43:48 +00:00
formatted_content_stub = double('formatted_content')
expect(formatted_content_stub).to receive(:html_safe)
allow(@wiki).to receive(:formatted_content).and_return(formatted_content_stub)