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# Cascading Settings
> Introduced in [GitLab 13.11](
The cascading settings framework allows groups to essentially inherit settings
values from ancestors (parent group on up the group hierarchy) and from
instance-level application settings. The framework also allows settings values
to be enforced on groups lower in the hierarchy.
Cascading settings can currently only be defined within `NamespaceSetting`, though
the framework may be extended to other objects in the future.
## Add a new cascading setting
Settings are not cascading by default. To define a cascading setting, take the following steps:
1. In the `NamespaceSetting` model, define the new attribute using the `cascading_attr`
helper method. You can use an array to define multiple attributes on a single line.
class NamespaceSetting
include CascadingNamespaceSettingAttribute
cascading_attr :delayed_project_removal
1. Create the database columns.
You can use the following database migration helper for a completely new setting.
The helper creates four columns, two each in `namespace_settings` and
class AddDelayedProjectRemovalCascadingSetting < Gitlab::Database::Migration[1.0]
include Gitlab::Database::MigrationHelpers::CascadingNamespaceSettings
def up
add_cascading_namespace_setting :delayed_project_removal, :boolean, default: false, null: false
def down
remove_cascading_namespace_setting :delayed_project_removal
Existing settings being converted to a cascading setting will require individual
migrations to add columns and change existing columns. Use the specifications
below to create migrations as required:
1. Columns in `namespace_settings` table:
- `delayed_project_removal`: No default value. Null values allowed. Use any column type.
- `lock_delayed_project_removal`: Boolean column. Default value is false. Null values not allowed.
1. Columns in `application_settings` table:
- `delayed_project_removal`: Type matching for the column created in `namespace_settings`.
Set default value as desired. Null values not allowed.
- `lock_delayed_project_removal`: Boolean column. Default value is false. Null values not allowed.
## Convenience methods
By defining an attribute using the `cascading_attr` method, a number of convenience
methods are automatically defined.
cascading_attr :delayed_project_removal
**Convenience Methods Available:**
- `delayed_project_removal`
- `delayed_project_removal=`
- `delayed_project_removal_locked?`
- `delayed_project_removal_locked_by_ancestor?`
- `delayed_project_removal_locked_by_application_setting?`
- `delayed_project_removal?` (Boolean attributes only)
- `delayed_project_removal_locked_ancestor` (Returns locked namespace settings object `[namespace_id]`)
### Attribute reader method (`delayed_project_removal`)
The attribute reader method (`delayed_project_removal`) returns the correct
cascaded value using the following criteria:
1. Returns the dirty value, if the attribute has changed. This allows standard
Rails validators to be used on the attribute, though `nil` values *must* be allowed.
1. Return locked ancestor value.
1. Return locked instance-level application settings value.
1. Return this namespace's attribute, if not nil.
1. Return value from nearest ancestor where value is not nil.
1. Return instance-level application setting.
### `_locked?` method
By default, the `_locked?` method (`delayed_project_removal_locked?`) returns
`true` if an ancestor of the group or application setting locks the attribute.
It returns `false` when called from the group that locked the attribute.
When `include_self: true` is specified, it returns `true` when called from the group that locked the attribute.
This would be relevant, for example, when checking if an attribute is locked from a project.
## Display cascading settings on the frontend
There are a few Rails view helpers, HAML partials, and JavaScript functions that can be used to display a cascading setting on the frontend.
### Rails view helpers
Calls through to the [`_locked?` method](#_locked-method) to check if the setting is locked.
| Argument | Description | Type | Required (default value) |
| `attribute` | Name of the setting. For example, `:delayed_project_removal`. | `String` or `Symbol` | `true` |
| `group` | Current group. | [`Group`]( | `true` |
| `**args` | Additional arguments to pass through to the [`_locked?` method](#_locked-method) | | `false` |
### HAML partials
Renders the enforcement checkbox.
| Local | Description | Type | Required (default value) |
| `attribute` | Name of the setting. For example, `:delayed_project_removal`. | `String` or `Symbol` | `true` |
| `group` | Current group. | [`Group`]( | `true` |
| `form` | [Rails FormBuilder object]( | [`ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder`]( | `true` |
| `setting_locked` | If the setting is locked by an ancestor group or administrator setting. Can be calculated with [`cascading_namespace_setting_locked?`]( | `Boolean` | `true` |
| `help_text` | Text shown below the checkbox. | `String` | `false` (Subgroups cannot change this setting.) |
Renders the label for a checkbox setting.
| Local | Description | Type | Required (default value) |
| `attribute` | Name of the setting. For example, `:delayed_project_removal`. | `String` or `Symbol` | `true` |
| `group` | Current group. | [`Group`]( | `true` |
| `form` | [Rails FormBuilder object]( | [`ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder`]( | `true` |
| `setting_locked` | If the setting is locked by an ancestor group or administrator setting. Can be calculated with [`cascading_namespace_setting_locked?`]( | `Boolean` | `true` |
| `settings_path_helper` | Lambda function that generates a path to the ancestor setting. For example, `settings_path_helper: -> (locked_ancestor) { edit_group_path(locked_ancestor, anchor: 'js-permissions-settings') }` | `Lambda` | `true` |
| `help_text` | Text shown below the checkbox. | `String` | `false` (`nil`) |
Renders the label for a fieldset setting.
| Local | Description | Type | Required (default value) |
| `attribute` | Name of the setting. For example, `:delayed_project_removal`. | `String` or `Symbol` | `true` |
| `group` | Current group. | [`Group`]( | `true` |
| `setting_locked` | If the setting is locked. Can be calculated with [`cascading_namespace_setting_locked?`]( | `Boolean` | `true` |
| `settings_path_helper` | Lambda function that generates a path to the ancestor setting. For example, `-> (locked_ancestor) { edit_group_path(locked_ancestor, anchor: 'js-permissions-settings') }` | `Lambda` | `true` |
| `help_text` | Text shown below the checkbox. | `String` | `false` (`nil`) |
Renders the mount element needed to initialize the JavaScript used to display the popover when hovering over the lock icon. This partial is only needed once per page.
### JavaScript
Initializes the JavaScript needed to display the popover when hovering over the lock icon (**{lock}**).
This function should be imported and called in the [page-specific JavaScript](fe_guide/
### Put it all together
-# app/views/groups/edit.html.haml
= render 'shared/namespaces/cascading_settings/lock_popovers'
- delayed_project_removal_locked = cascading_namespace_setting_locked?(:delayed_project_removal, @group)
- merge_method_locked = cascading_namespace_setting_locked?(:merge_method, @group)
= form_for @group do |f|
.form-group{ data: { testid: 'delayed-project-removal-form-group' } }
= f.check_box :delayed_project_removal, checked: @group.namespace_settings.delayed_project_removal?, disabled: delayed_project_removal_locked, class: 'custom-control-input'
= render 'shared/namespaces/cascading_settings/setting_label_checkbox', attribute: :delayed_project_removal,
group: @group,
form: f,
setting_locked: delayed_project_removal_locked,
settings_path_helper: -> (locked_ancestor) { edit_group_path(locked_ancestor, anchor: 'js-permissions-settings') },
help_text: s_('Settings|Projects will be permanently deleted after a 7-day delay. Inherited by subgroups.') do
= s_('Settings|Enable delayed project deletion')
= render 'shared/namespaces/cascading_settings/enforcement_checkbox',
attribute: :delayed_project_removal,
group: @group,
form: f,
setting_locked: delayed_project_removal_locked
= render 'shared/namespaces/cascading_settings/setting_label_fieldset', attribute: :merge_method,
group: @group,
setting_locked: merge_method_locked,
settings_path_helper: -> (locked_ancestor) { edit_group_path(locked_ancestor, anchor: 'js-permissions-settings') },
help_text: s_('Settings|Determine what happens to the commit history when you merge a merge request.') do
= s_('Settings|Merge method')
= f.radio_button :merge_method, :merge, class: "custom-control-input", disabled: merge_method_locked
= f.label :merge_method_merge, class: 'custom-control-label' do
= s_('Settings|Merge commit')
= s_('Settings|Every merge creates a merge commit.')
= f.radio_button :merge_method, :rebase_merge, class: "custom-control-input", disabled: merge_method_locked
= f.label :merge_method_rebase_merge, class: 'custom-control-label' do
= s_('Settings|Merge commit with semi-linear history')
= s_('Settings|Every merge creates a merge commit.')
= f.radio_button :merge_method, :ff, class: "custom-control-input", disabled: merge_method_locked
= f.label :merge_method_ff, class: 'custom-control-label' do
= s_('Settings|Fast-forward merge')
= s_('Settings|No merge commits are created.')
= render 'shared/namespaces/cascading_settings/enforcement_checkbox',
attribute: :merge_method,
group: @group,
form: f,
setting_locked: merge_method_locked
// app/assets/javascripts/pages/groups/edit/index.js
import { initCascadingSettingsLockPopovers } from '~/namespaces/cascading_settings';