
1225 lines
42 KiB
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# frozen_string_literal: true
require 'spec_helper'
require 'tempfile'
RSpec.describe 'Jobs', :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do
include Gitlab::Routing
include ProjectForksHelper
let(:user) { create(:user) }
let(:user_access_level) { :developer }
let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) }
let(:pipeline) { create(:ci_pipeline, project: project, sha: project.commit('HEAD').sha) }
2018-02-05 04:07:37 -05:00
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :trace_live, pipeline: pipeline) }
let(:job2) { create(:ci_build) }
let(:artifacts_file) do
fixture_file_upload('spec/fixtures/banana_sample.gif', 'image/gif')
before do
stub_feature_flags(jobs_table_vue: false)
project.add_role(user, user_access_level)
describe "GET /:project/jobs" do
context 'with no jobs' do
before do
visit project_jobs_path(project)
it 'shows the empty state page' do
expect(page).to have_content('Use jobs to automate your tasks')
expect(page).to have_link('Create CI/CD configuration file', href: project_ci_pipeline_editor_path(project))
context 'with a job' do
let!(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) }
context "Pending scope" do
before do
visit project_jobs_path(project, scope: :pending)
it "shows Pending tab jobs" do
expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'Pending')
expect(page).to have_content job.short_sha
expect(page).to have_content job.ref
expect(page).to have_content
context "Running scope" do
before do!
visit project_jobs_path(project, scope: :running)
it "shows Running tab jobs" do
expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'Running')
expect(page).to have_content job.short_sha
expect(page).to have_content job.ref
expect(page).to have_content
context "Finished scope" do
before do!
visit project_jobs_path(project, scope: :finished)
it "shows Finished tab jobs" do
expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'Finished')
expect(page).to have_content('Use jobs to automate your tasks')
context "All jobs" do
before do
visit project_jobs_path(project)
it "shows All tab jobs" do
expect(page).to have_selector('.nav-links', text: 'All')
expect(page).to have_content job.short_sha
expect(page).to have_content job.ref
expect(page).to have_content
context "when visiting old URL" do
let(:jobs_url) do
before do
visit jobs_url.sub('/-/jobs', '/builds')
it "redirects to new URL" do
expect(page.current_path).to eq(jobs_url)
describe "GET /:project/jobs/:id" do
context "Job from project" do
2018-03-26 14:23:11 -04:00
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'shows status name', :js do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
expect(page).to have_css('', text: 'passed')
it 'shows commit`s data', :js do
requests = inspect_requests do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(200)
expect(page).to have_content pipeline.sha[0..7]
expect(page).to have_content pipeline.commit.title
it 'shows active job', :js do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="active-job"]')
context 'pipeline info block', :js do
it 'shows pipeline id and source branch' do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
within '.js-pipeline-info' do
expect(page).to have_content("Pipeline ##{} for #{pipeline.ref}")
context 'when pipeline is detached merge request pipeline' do
let(:merge_request) do
target_project: target_project,
source_project: source_project)
let(:source_project) { project }
let(:target_project) { project }
let(:pipeline) { merge_request.all_pipelines.last }
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'shows merge request iid and source branch' do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
within '.js-pipeline-info' do
expect(page).to have_content("for !#{pipeline.merge_request.iid} " \
"with #{pipeline.merge_request.source_branch}")
expect(page).to have_link("!#{pipeline.merge_request.iid}",
href: project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request))
expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.source_branch,
href: project_commits_path(project, merge_request.source_branch))
context 'when source project is a forked project' do
let(:source_project) { fork_project(project, user, repository: true) }
let(:target_project) { project }
it 'shows merge request iid and source branch', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do
visit project_job_path(source_project, job)
within '.js-pipeline-info' do
expect(page).to have_content("for !#{pipeline.merge_request.iid} " \
"with #{pipeline.merge_request.source_branch}")
expect(page).to have_link("!#{pipeline.merge_request.iid}",
href: project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request))
expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.source_branch,
href: project_commits_path(source_project, merge_request.source_branch))
context 'when pipeline is merge request pipeline' do
let(:merge_request) do
target_project: target_project,
source_project: source_project)
let(:source_project) { project }
let(:target_project) { project }
let(:pipeline) { merge_request.all_pipelines.last }
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'shows merge request iid and source branch' do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
within '.js-pipeline-info' do
expect(page).to have_content("for !#{pipeline.merge_request.iid} " \
"with #{pipeline.merge_request.source_branch} " \
"into #{pipeline.merge_request.target_branch}")
expect(page).to have_link("!#{pipeline.merge_request.iid}",
href: project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request))
expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.source_branch,
href: project_commits_path(project, merge_request.source_branch))
expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.target_branch,
href: project_commits_path(project, merge_request.target_branch))
context 'when source project is a forked project' do
let(:source_project) { fork_project(project, user, repository: true) }
let(:target_project) { project }
it 'shows merge request iid and source branch', :sidekiq_might_not_need_inline do
visit project_job_path(source_project, job)
within '.js-pipeline-info' do
expect(page).to have_content("for !#{pipeline.merge_request.iid} " \
"with #{pipeline.merge_request.source_branch} " \
"into #{pipeline.merge_request.target_branch}")
expect(page).to have_link("!#{pipeline.merge_request.iid}",
href: project_merge_request_path(project, merge_request))
expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.source_branch,
href: project_commits_path(source_project, merge_request.source_branch))
expect(page).to have_link(pipeline.merge_request.target_branch,
href: project_commits_path(project, merge_request.target_branch))
context 'sidebar', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, pipeline: pipeline, name: '<img src=x onerror=alert(document.domain)>') }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'renders escaped tooltip name' do
expect(page).to have_content('<img src=x onerror=alert(document.domain)> - passed')
context 'when job is not running', :js do
2018-03-26 14:23:11 -04:00
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'shows retry button' do
expect(page).to have_link('Retry')
2017-06-14 04:23:34 -04:00
context 'if job passed' do
it 'does not show New issue button' do
expect(page).not_to have_link('New issue')
2017-06-14 04:23:34 -04:00
context 'if job failed' do
2018-03-26 14:23:11 -04:00
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'shows New issue button' do
expect(page).to have_link('New issue')
it 'links to issues/new with the title and description filled in' do
2017-08-28 05:55:10 -04:00
button_title = "Job Failed ##{}"
job_url = project_job_url(project, job, host:, port: page.server.port)
options = { issue: { title: button_title, description: "Job [##{}](#{job_url}) failed for #{job.sha}:\n" } }
href = new_project_issue_path(project, options)
page.within('.build-sidebar') do
expect(find('[data-testid="job-new-issue"]')['href']).to include(href)
context 'when job is running', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :running, pipeline: pipeline) }
let(:job_url) { project_job_path(project, job) }
before do
visit job_url
context 'job is cancelable' do
it 'shows cancel button' do
click_link 'Cancel'
expect(page.current_path).to eq(job_url)
context 'when job is waiting for resource', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :waiting_for_resource, pipeline: pipeline, resource_group: resource_group) }
let(:resource_group) { create(:ci_resource_group, project: project) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'shows correct UI components' do
expect(page).to have_content("This job is waiting for resource: #{resource_group.key}")
expect(page).to have_link("Cancel this job")
context "Job from other project" do
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job2)
it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) }
context "Download artifacts", :js do
before do
create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: artifacts_file, job: job)
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'has button to download artifacts' do
expect(page).to have_content 'Download'
it 'downloads the zip file when user clicks the download button' do
requests = inspect_requests do
click_link 'Download'
artifact_request = requests.find { |req| req.url.match(%r{artifacts/download}) }
expect(artifact_request.response_headers['Content-Disposition']).to eq(%Q{attachment; filename="#{job.artifacts_file.filename}"; filename*=UTF-8''#{job.artifacts_file.filename}})
expect(artifact_request.response_headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding']).to eq("binary")
expect(artifact_request.response_headers['Content-Type']).to eq("image/gif")
expect(artifact_request.body).to eq(
context 'Artifacts expire date', :js do
before do
create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: artifacts_file, expire_at: expire_at, job: job)
job.update!(artifacts_expire_at: expire_at)
visit project_job_path(project, job)
context 'no expire date defined' do
let(:expire_at) { nil }
it 'does not have the Keep button' do
expect(page).not_to have_content 'Keep'
context 'when expire date is defined' do
let(:expire_at) { + 7.days }
context 'when user has ability to update job' do
context 'when artifacts are unlocked' do
before do
it 'keeps artifacts when keep button is clicked' do
expect(page).to have_content 'The artifacts will be removed in'
click_link 'Keep'
expect(page).to have_no_link 'Keep'
expect(page).to have_no_content 'The artifacts will be removed in'
context 'when artifacts are locked' do
before do
it 'shows the keep button' do
expect(page).to have_link 'Keep'
context 'when user does not have ability to update job' do
let(:user_access_level) { :guest }
it 'does not have keep button' do
expect(page).to have_no_link 'Keep'
context 'when artifacts expired' do
let(:expire_at) { - 7.days }
context 'when artifacts are unlocked' do
before do
it 'does not have the Keep button' do
expect(page).to have_content 'The artifacts were removed'
expect(page).not_to have_link 'Keep'
context 'when artifacts are locked' do
before do
it 'has the Keep button' do
expect(page).not_to have_content 'The artifacts were removed'
expect(page).to have_link 'Keep'
context "when visiting old URL" do
let(:job_url) do
project_job_path(project, job)
before do
visit job_url.sub('/-/jobs', '/builds')
it "redirects to new URL" do
expect(page.current_path).to eq(job_url)
describe 'Raw trace', :js do
before do!
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it do
expect(page).to have_css('[data-testid="job-raw-link-controller"]')
2018-07-05 02:32:05 -04:00
describe 'HTML trace', :js do
before do!
visit project_job_path(project, job)
context 'when job has an initial trace' do
it 'loads job trace' do
expect(page).to have_content 'BUILD TRACE'
job.trace.write(+'a+b') do |stream|
stream.append(+' and more trace', 11)
expect(page).to have_content 'BUILD TRACE and more trace'
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
describe 'Variables' do
let(:trigger_request) { create(:ci_trigger_request) }
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline, trigger_request: trigger_request) }
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
context 'when user is a maintainer' do
shared_examples 'no reveal button variables behavior' do
it 'renders a hidden value with no reveal values button', :js do
expect(page).to have_content('Trigger token')
expect(page).to have_content('Trigger variables')
expect(page).not_to have_selector('[data-testid="trigger-reveal-values-button"]')
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="trigger-build-key"]', text: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1')
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="trigger-build-value"]', text: '••••••')
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
context 'when variables are stored in trigger_request' do
before do
trigger_request.update_attribute(:variables, { 'TRIGGER_KEY_1' => 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1' } )
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
visit project_job_path(project, job)
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
it_behaves_like 'no reveal button variables behavior'
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
context 'when variables are stored in pipeline_variables' do
before do
create(:ci_pipeline_variable, pipeline: pipeline, key: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1', value: 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1')
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
visit project_job_path(project, job)
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
it_behaves_like 'no reveal button variables behavior'
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
context 'when user is a maintainer' do
before do
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
shared_examples 'reveal button variables behavior' do
it 'renders a hidden value with a reveal values button', :js do
expect(page).to have_content('Trigger token')
expect(page).to have_content('Trigger variables')
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="trigger-reveal-values-button"]')
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="trigger-build-key"]', text: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1')
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="trigger-build-value"]', text: '••••••')
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
it 'reveals values on button click', :js do
click_button 'Reveal values'
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="trigger-build-key"]', text: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1')
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="trigger-build-value"]', text: 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1')
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
context 'when variables are stored in trigger_request' do
before do
trigger_request.update_attribute(:variables, { 'TRIGGER_KEY_1' => 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1' } )
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it_behaves_like 'reveal button variables behavior'
2018-12-07 11:30:52 -05:00
context 'when variables are stored in pipeline_variables' do
before do
create(:ci_pipeline_variable, pipeline: pipeline, key: 'TRIGGER_KEY_1', value: 'TRIGGER_VALUE_1')
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it_behaves_like 'reveal button variables behavior'
context 'when job starts environment', :js do
let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', project: project) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, build)
context 'job is successful and has deployment' do
Squashed commit of the following: commit 931d6ab0e025b0268d94e455f736b09a025e0578 Merge: b34d165320d 93846eb152f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Nov 5 09:36:58 2018 +0900 Merge branch 'master-ce' into stateful_deployments commit b34d165320d6f3298c8b776ba66270a59c217412 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 18:07:08 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit b5e0527c5d4fe8f18b2fdda5916bae9b8cd859a4 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 15:32:03 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit f78a5e96e66fe2d25086df495e339b470a274df8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:59:29 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 6ce7c483e0591b5d6f9588a99853834327b80031 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:55:48 2018 +0900 Add partial index for filling deployment at migration commit aecccfb5118c8982db3ba502fdf37b5e639fbfc6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:42:24 2018 +0900 Fix fill empty finished at migration commit 0199e1761ad1b391ae87a53a9a113d3256529e0e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:19:44 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 56ac84cd8095afab5b909119445537b7da06a2ff Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 10:06:49 2018 +0900 Fix guard clause to prevent multiple deployments to a job commit 521561b6b303b54635c30cb23d78e49d14cec53d Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 20:19:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 2878da0d29b9bd2dde69a1b216203df118dd59a1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:38:59 2018 +0900 Simplify the factory commit 22fd7df02133f3a21828554965fd5619905eac2c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:33:50 2018 +0900 Simplify the Deployable and BuildSuccessWorker commit 41108959677ed614f4548443a2f4303c4c04925a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 18:34:20 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit ae75fe7461ac72f621498797f478d42331342b84 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 17:19:12 2018 +0900 Fix weird virtual deployment status commit 380fee7494d06407dccc292c3cbedbcee7b6e235 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:59:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 29889fcbaadb3bbfd2f11c10bfbf5dceb3e3ddba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:07:10 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 36ac13f345f5ef25725c2236a791a40a3a9e6126 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:22:17 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit ba9aede922e1643db3f06c56736d46d6d86d356b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:21:33 2018 +0900 Fix ambiguious factory specification in update deployment service spec commit 013afb5668cb30dc4ca5b21945c17b341e7ea7f9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:10:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 78793670d049e2dfb5fc98177eb4d10f20b9310b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 18:26:12 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 73d27e87c66698f2e3a817bb8728f02475b7ba4f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 16:22:14 2018 +0900 Fix index commit 8580a226ea68bf5e49b35bfb5f404968bbfaf8e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:34:57 2018 +0900 Fix deployment relationships in Ci::Build commit d6d28b55afd1179200b4f5188e0b53079ff3c1a7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:27:53 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 94eb754e2e1bb9a1fe627f86823f571a8298d27b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 14:07:11 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 0b30f80bcd08a7a06bdde3378ec1733f865284be Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 20:15:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 466bdcdb6af8cdb475c9fa16bd7d1dff23b11e40 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 19:28:51 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit a7c3caac99139e70fe3f1f3d14856939fa25c527 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 17:33:47 2018 +0900 Fix factory commit cea28ae100532e6711ce1d22676719a94e2da8a0 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 16:28:18 2018 +0900 Drop leagacy success commit 3785d685eabc10b6597cf3db67bf08385ccf298a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:37:28 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary migration file commit 0d597fa46eeffdbb9a4afb53005a8183e433c6bf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:35:53 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit ec3c2abc6944e09f6410468ae5e356865ec7b02b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:34:21 2018 +0900 Rename post migration file commit 0e7281885a84656acf95f0f423732680f8fec076 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:31:01 2018 +0900 Remove include EnumWithNil commit b3846d59c07e07275126c70361bde7f30810729e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:05:50 2018 +0900 Decouple action commit c9f9ba4eae9ca1edc7d8751e1d2e0572cb222d9c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:23:29 2018 +0900 Remove status mock commit d95bfea1ca67b3a27a3226a669c2b1266d696682 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:17:14 2018 +0900 Add action commit 0cec39e0f76c22a18498f46d65ad7226fb30c3f8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 13:44:07 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 7b4c5f8e1b00dd8e6aa944352f9d8a9f3ae6f1c7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:59:41 2018 +0900 Revert build success worker commit 0c52ffa4a23eea488c187317e8b400369846f399 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:11:47 2018 +0900 Use add_column_with_default properly commit ba9bae357da5dfd2f6ec05f7f9db9d0b31224f48 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 18:40:55 2018 +0900 Fix with_status commit 75dffc97b9c5f6fa73d9d09b125c8f849fa2caae Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:56 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 25188ccc52fb29ca63b9205c4d95ffc2e0afadee Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:17 2018 +0900 Set default values in regular migration commit 98ea037fbf39c8d9f0db77fb50e2d08382425158 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 17:27:49 2018 +0900 Fix static analysis commit e7d1765f77f9ff9b94a34985a7855bdaab1da675 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:37:10 2018 +0900 Remove empty spec commit 0033f521ed1eae8117dba231961aa47c068bbcfb Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:34:55 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit 0be4c6b3ade6d9a8bf28bcd177c66ebd7bb7d20a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:32:45 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit a93d25d79df7e25bdf688fc938c712922f9dc4df Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:02:31 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 339ad50cf471ca706b29f008ccd2bb881dd5b776 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 15:06:22 2018 +0900 Rename Deployments Success worker commit bd69c78085adcb9b0f8ff9b7041ae355953ad7ab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 14:43:03 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 004748b2a9c5236ec13eb01289418f3d6571c92c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 20:09:10 2018 +0900 Rename to update deployment service commit b04a85e761de501f030f3844fd485a2b9e46f7f7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:46:52 2018 +0900 Add spec for Project commit 548af23a5a07f0c20b72849d03aa0b98a0b49134 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:43:25 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit c977e4d3f17194c46a1bf857b473017ce21ef7e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:58:07 2018 +0900 Add spec for Environment commit 73feb9010f8d8093bee4b46e56d30cfef3e8e34a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:39:24 2018 +0900 Add spec for Deployment model commit 9a3cfbf766f402571588839375cf311bb9807035 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:18:02 2018 +0900 Fix statis analysis commit a30d28dbc631a29855883ca89c592a10c012f1d2 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:17:32 2018 +0900 Ignore nil instance commit fa6fdd89f380e588a6bcf14b1f9aef0d14d3854b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 16:20:40 2018 +0900 Add spec for deployable concern commit aa91186821dc671df2c7a641e37586dd5dfc1008 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:37:23 2018 +0900 Clean up deployable commit 34d3e18731f7906a3db250b105a64d1db83c2fca Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:13:05 2018 +0900 Fix 17 cycle analytics commit 8dc9e00408f9b390175e7d5ea743eed4fb9e3f79 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 13:56:51 2018 +0900 Fix static analysys commit 5c4175807a537bafc4b889b0a97e8f96f0e483cd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 15:05:05 2018 +0900 Skip unnecessary sidekiq worker commit 9d8b5d423f49cc247c96ce3767d03b4af305809f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:53:13 2018 +0900 Add changelog commit c8cabba496722240cadf7c161c80bceb09727cba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:44:45 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit f7643885ac2329e18d690a4e4f2d7614b732c793 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 19:38:45 2018 +0900 Fix deployment widget specs commit 03bd04b5c98b634dff6a0ab4292c150a9031995c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:50:16 2018 +0900 Fix env status spec commit 4a49c6502b161a12f0f62d5ec167dff777047dab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:48:59 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 4044822887987e20a703990ff20352a532eeb965 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:47:17 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 9939d44b7eb9da371de74c0f04fed1eb3db37ad3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:45:43 2018 +0900 Add a new spec for deployment success worker commit f61c4d3657b5ef13b5da171460da68a6643ad4b5 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:38:11 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analytics helper commit b6242615e8298fb7fc047c8df8006c25ad717c70 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:41:54 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysis helper commit 9a001cb4c4ed6f3b87dc612bdffc60a6b2b0a132 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:37:08 2018 +0900 Ignore coding offence in build success worker's spec commit 1fb88583025bac8a56172cbd59be04258ea4c5f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:33:11 2018 +0900 Added more spec for deployments commit 1a6ba97ababbf62e8dd0ae0c56d75ab1268fd0ce Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:36:50 2018 +0900 Move after create hookd into success worker commit 09de5fed5d6f108423779cf9d9e7f1d21f3c1c91 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:30:06 2018 +0900 Fix build spec commit 73a55cbcabbb1e928eca3e53e8ff75dec178bc90 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:08:43 2018 +0900 Fix update_deployment_metrics_service_spec.rb commit ee05136a02ae9fa348b4b89b9a69937ebb9697dd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 17:32:05 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary degelate commit e246ddeebc01a807ccc36fdb484c3e72ad91e680 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:07:39 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary optimistic locking commit dcc225c8237b90e3bc8dcc3dc2e3252e0b0be093 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:00:22 2018 +0900 Simplify status replication commit 13a5fd7afb67ba2712fcaecaea5fedf05f9ad177 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:29:24 2018 +0900 Fix sidekiq queue names commit dcc796f48d523538e1c91b9cd3e1c7065e5329b1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:23:55 2018 +0900 Revert success check in update_merge_request_metrics commit 129ef083d637d4acb8c97a6d9ab96deb2ff6efcd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:18:31 2018 +0900 Fix queue name of deployment success worker commit 10fe5a6484f4f02322ce5bb16844fc7b1d565963 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:09:42 2018 +0900 Introduce deployable module commit d91260bbe105bf46f6c06d9e9593c8c4cd5139cf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 14:05:31 2018 +0900 Add database index for successful deployments commit 74274147263de4b60870065a19935498ce662e30 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 13:51:59 2018 +0900 Fix invalid state transition commit ff18463cc847bf3cf5a3e49f3651eedfdf67c7e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 20:05:15 2018 +0900 Fix coding style offence commit 0202c0f5b631601edab7b359b087b307f5eb7ba3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:34:07 2018 +0900 Target only successful deployments from other relations commit 1f2758cb030dec1df5dda30f6bc3e25b6d0841c9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:21:28 2018 +0900 Add namespace explicitly commit 3d9227b6e5642cecde88d4edac925125f6474b11 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 17:42:30 2018 +0900 Fix spec in DeleteInconsistentInternalIdRecords commit 3e0cc99ff6c5c7188511618228a6ec027752ce69 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 16:10:16 2018 +0900 Fixed spec commit 8de09b8bb31f7b9f24ecdf9f2dd8ef358a260263 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 14:22:35 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service commit 31957570b4444492eeb412e765f96a56416c25f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:21:26 2018 +0900 Move CreateDeploymentService. Fix Cycle analytics spec and fixture. commit d2eb433a1bb9710c0d4778c4f34c12b6b64f60e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:11:22 2018 +0900 Fix build success worker commit 25e6cd87138bcdb69de8785ca367e479c8dbcc59 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:49:13 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service spec commit d268bf410bf65e86c81eb76d50aa8e145b32d249 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:01:23 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysys spec's deployment commit 525ade8aa1e4394ed8a759bb0437e407fbe74a35 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 18:24:04 2018 +0900 Fix factory to set legacy status by default commit c6a990821ac0a1ffa49e20e2d78d94b8ce075914 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 17:25:40 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary lib from deployment commit a6107e0e85ac26ee09da3316ebc11de32f067d82 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:38:58 2018 +0900 Fix recursive call commit 15c5f3b64061a75af3c3039ca7f49b1cc4ff3068 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:30:44 2018 +0900 Add finished_at commit c8d3d70366f694d78acb7e30d342c7697798b922 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:55:31 2018 +0900 Fix last_deployment methods as it used to return successful deployment always commit 96bbe8670cece021766fde95fe573cbbe23d1e55 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:49:57 2018 +0900 Redefine statuses commit c86a9d0bd2ab3e7a00bf61f094a96ee99b76b289 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:50:27 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit 9ff5f0eaafbc08795018c7bb282b19f6327dee21 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:18:04 2018 +0900 Default status nil to success commit 5928bd9bb94e1e8908ed1561e01595be84d5f4ec Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 16 15:13:48 2018 +0900 Add status to Deployment
2018-11-04 19:37:40 -05:00
let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_live, environment:, pipeline: pipeline, deployment: deployment) }
let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, project: environment.project) }
it 'shows a link for the job' do
expect(page).to have_link
it 'shows deployment message' do
expect(page).to have_content 'This job is deployed to production'
expect(find('[data-testid="job-environment-link"]')['href']).to match("environments/#{}")
context 'when there is a cluster used for the deployment' do
let(:cluster) { create(:cluster, name: 'the-cluster') }
let(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, cluster: cluster, environment: environment, project: environment.project) }
let(:user_access_level) { :maintainer }
it 'shows a link to the cluster' do
expect(page).to have_link 'the-cluster'
it 'shows the name of the cluster' do
expect(page).to have_content 'using cluster the-cluster'
context 'when the user is not able to view the cluster' do
let(:user_access_level) { :developer }
it 'includes only the name of the cluster without a link' do
expect(page).to have_content 'using cluster the-cluster'
expect(page).not_to have_link 'the-cluster'
context 'job is complete and not successful' do
let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :trace_artifact, environment:, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'shows a link for the job' do
expect(page).to have_link
expect(find('[data-testid="job-environment-link"]')['href']).to match("environments/#{}")
context 'deployment still not finished' do
Squashed commit of the following: commit 931d6ab0e025b0268d94e455f736b09a025e0578 Merge: b34d165320d 93846eb152f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Nov 5 09:36:58 2018 +0900 Merge branch 'master-ce' into stateful_deployments commit b34d165320d6f3298c8b776ba66270a59c217412 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 18:07:08 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit b5e0527c5d4fe8f18b2fdda5916bae9b8cd859a4 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 15:32:03 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit f78a5e96e66fe2d25086df495e339b470a274df8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:59:29 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 6ce7c483e0591b5d6f9588a99853834327b80031 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:55:48 2018 +0900 Add partial index for filling deployment at migration commit aecccfb5118c8982db3ba502fdf37b5e639fbfc6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:42:24 2018 +0900 Fix fill empty finished at migration commit 0199e1761ad1b391ae87a53a9a113d3256529e0e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:19:44 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 56ac84cd8095afab5b909119445537b7da06a2ff Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 10:06:49 2018 +0900 Fix guard clause to prevent multiple deployments to a job commit 521561b6b303b54635c30cb23d78e49d14cec53d Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 20:19:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 2878da0d29b9bd2dde69a1b216203df118dd59a1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:38:59 2018 +0900 Simplify the factory commit 22fd7df02133f3a21828554965fd5619905eac2c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:33:50 2018 +0900 Simplify the Deployable and BuildSuccessWorker commit 41108959677ed614f4548443a2f4303c4c04925a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 18:34:20 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit ae75fe7461ac72f621498797f478d42331342b84 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 17:19:12 2018 +0900 Fix weird virtual deployment status commit 380fee7494d06407dccc292c3cbedbcee7b6e235 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:59:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 29889fcbaadb3bbfd2f11c10bfbf5dceb3e3ddba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:07:10 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 36ac13f345f5ef25725c2236a791a40a3a9e6126 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:22:17 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit ba9aede922e1643db3f06c56736d46d6d86d356b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:21:33 2018 +0900 Fix ambiguious factory specification in update deployment service spec commit 013afb5668cb30dc4ca5b21945c17b341e7ea7f9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:10:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 78793670d049e2dfb5fc98177eb4d10f20b9310b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 18:26:12 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 73d27e87c66698f2e3a817bb8728f02475b7ba4f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 16:22:14 2018 +0900 Fix index commit 8580a226ea68bf5e49b35bfb5f404968bbfaf8e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:34:57 2018 +0900 Fix deployment relationships in Ci::Build commit d6d28b55afd1179200b4f5188e0b53079ff3c1a7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:27:53 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 94eb754e2e1bb9a1fe627f86823f571a8298d27b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 14:07:11 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 0b30f80bcd08a7a06bdde3378ec1733f865284be Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 20:15:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 466bdcdb6af8cdb475c9fa16bd7d1dff23b11e40 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 19:28:51 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit a7c3caac99139e70fe3f1f3d14856939fa25c527 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 17:33:47 2018 +0900 Fix factory commit cea28ae100532e6711ce1d22676719a94e2da8a0 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 16:28:18 2018 +0900 Drop leagacy success commit 3785d685eabc10b6597cf3db67bf08385ccf298a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:37:28 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary migration file commit 0d597fa46eeffdbb9a4afb53005a8183e433c6bf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:35:53 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit ec3c2abc6944e09f6410468ae5e356865ec7b02b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:34:21 2018 +0900 Rename post migration file commit 0e7281885a84656acf95f0f423732680f8fec076 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:31:01 2018 +0900 Remove include EnumWithNil commit b3846d59c07e07275126c70361bde7f30810729e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:05:50 2018 +0900 Decouple action commit c9f9ba4eae9ca1edc7d8751e1d2e0572cb222d9c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:23:29 2018 +0900 Remove status mock commit d95bfea1ca67b3a27a3226a669c2b1266d696682 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:17:14 2018 +0900 Add action commit 0cec39e0f76c22a18498f46d65ad7226fb30c3f8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 13:44:07 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 7b4c5f8e1b00dd8e6aa944352f9d8a9f3ae6f1c7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:59:41 2018 +0900 Revert build success worker commit 0c52ffa4a23eea488c187317e8b400369846f399 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:11:47 2018 +0900 Use add_column_with_default properly commit ba9bae357da5dfd2f6ec05f7f9db9d0b31224f48 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 18:40:55 2018 +0900 Fix with_status commit 75dffc97b9c5f6fa73d9d09b125c8f849fa2caae Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:56 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 25188ccc52fb29ca63b9205c4d95ffc2e0afadee Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:17 2018 +0900 Set default values in regular migration commit 98ea037fbf39c8d9f0db77fb50e2d08382425158 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 17:27:49 2018 +0900 Fix static analysis commit e7d1765f77f9ff9b94a34985a7855bdaab1da675 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:37:10 2018 +0900 Remove empty spec commit 0033f521ed1eae8117dba231961aa47c068bbcfb Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:34:55 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit 0be4c6b3ade6d9a8bf28bcd177c66ebd7bb7d20a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:32:45 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit a93d25d79df7e25bdf688fc938c712922f9dc4df Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:02:31 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 339ad50cf471ca706b29f008ccd2bb881dd5b776 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 15:06:22 2018 +0900 Rename Deployments Success worker commit bd69c78085adcb9b0f8ff9b7041ae355953ad7ab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 14:43:03 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 004748b2a9c5236ec13eb01289418f3d6571c92c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 20:09:10 2018 +0900 Rename to update deployment service commit b04a85e761de501f030f3844fd485a2b9e46f7f7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:46:52 2018 +0900 Add spec for Project commit 548af23a5a07f0c20b72849d03aa0b98a0b49134 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:43:25 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit c977e4d3f17194c46a1bf857b473017ce21ef7e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:58:07 2018 +0900 Add spec for Environment commit 73feb9010f8d8093bee4b46e56d30cfef3e8e34a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:39:24 2018 +0900 Add spec for Deployment model commit 9a3cfbf766f402571588839375cf311bb9807035 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:18:02 2018 +0900 Fix statis analysis commit a30d28dbc631a29855883ca89c592a10c012f1d2 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:17:32 2018 +0900 Ignore nil instance commit fa6fdd89f380e588a6bcf14b1f9aef0d14d3854b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 16:20:40 2018 +0900 Add spec for deployable concern commit aa91186821dc671df2c7a641e37586dd5dfc1008 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:37:23 2018 +0900 Clean up deployable commit 34d3e18731f7906a3db250b105a64d1db83c2fca Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:13:05 2018 +0900 Fix 17 cycle analytics commit 8dc9e00408f9b390175e7d5ea743eed4fb9e3f79 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 13:56:51 2018 +0900 Fix static analysys commit 5c4175807a537bafc4b889b0a97e8f96f0e483cd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 15:05:05 2018 +0900 Skip unnecessary sidekiq worker commit 9d8b5d423f49cc247c96ce3767d03b4af305809f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:53:13 2018 +0900 Add changelog commit c8cabba496722240cadf7c161c80bceb09727cba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:44:45 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit f7643885ac2329e18d690a4e4f2d7614b732c793 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 19:38:45 2018 +0900 Fix deployment widget specs commit 03bd04b5c98b634dff6a0ab4292c150a9031995c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:50:16 2018 +0900 Fix env status spec commit 4a49c6502b161a12f0f62d5ec167dff777047dab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:48:59 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 4044822887987e20a703990ff20352a532eeb965 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:47:17 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 9939d44b7eb9da371de74c0f04fed1eb3db37ad3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:45:43 2018 +0900 Add a new spec for deployment success worker commit f61c4d3657b5ef13b5da171460da68a6643ad4b5 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:38:11 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analytics helper commit b6242615e8298fb7fc047c8df8006c25ad717c70 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:41:54 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysis helper commit 9a001cb4c4ed6f3b87dc612bdffc60a6b2b0a132 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:37:08 2018 +0900 Ignore coding offence in build success worker's spec commit 1fb88583025bac8a56172cbd59be04258ea4c5f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:33:11 2018 +0900 Added more spec for deployments commit 1a6ba97ababbf62e8dd0ae0c56d75ab1268fd0ce Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:36:50 2018 +0900 Move after create hookd into success worker commit 09de5fed5d6f108423779cf9d9e7f1d21f3c1c91 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:30:06 2018 +0900 Fix build spec commit 73a55cbcabbb1e928eca3e53e8ff75dec178bc90 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:08:43 2018 +0900 Fix update_deployment_metrics_service_spec.rb commit ee05136a02ae9fa348b4b89b9a69937ebb9697dd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 17:32:05 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary degelate commit e246ddeebc01a807ccc36fdb484c3e72ad91e680 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:07:39 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary optimistic locking commit dcc225c8237b90e3bc8dcc3dc2e3252e0b0be093 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:00:22 2018 +0900 Simplify status replication commit 13a5fd7afb67ba2712fcaecaea5fedf05f9ad177 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:29:24 2018 +0900 Fix sidekiq queue names commit dcc796f48d523538e1c91b9cd3e1c7065e5329b1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:23:55 2018 +0900 Revert success check in update_merge_request_metrics commit 129ef083d637d4acb8c97a6d9ab96deb2ff6efcd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:18:31 2018 +0900 Fix queue name of deployment success worker commit 10fe5a6484f4f02322ce5bb16844fc7b1d565963 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:09:42 2018 +0900 Introduce deployable module commit d91260bbe105bf46f6c06d9e9593c8c4cd5139cf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 14:05:31 2018 +0900 Add database index for successful deployments commit 74274147263de4b60870065a19935498ce662e30 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 13:51:59 2018 +0900 Fix invalid state transition commit ff18463cc847bf3cf5a3e49f3651eedfdf67c7e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 20:05:15 2018 +0900 Fix coding style offence commit 0202c0f5b631601edab7b359b087b307f5eb7ba3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:34:07 2018 +0900 Target only successful deployments from other relations commit 1f2758cb030dec1df5dda30f6bc3e25b6d0841c9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:21:28 2018 +0900 Add namespace explicitly commit 3d9227b6e5642cecde88d4edac925125f6474b11 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 17:42:30 2018 +0900 Fix spec in DeleteInconsistentInternalIdRecords commit 3e0cc99ff6c5c7188511618228a6ec027752ce69 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 16:10:16 2018 +0900 Fixed spec commit 8de09b8bb31f7b9f24ecdf9f2dd8ef358a260263 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 14:22:35 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service commit 31957570b4444492eeb412e765f96a56416c25f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:21:26 2018 +0900 Move CreateDeploymentService. Fix Cycle analytics spec and fixture. commit d2eb433a1bb9710c0d4778c4f34c12b6b64f60e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:11:22 2018 +0900 Fix build success worker commit 25e6cd87138bcdb69de8785ca367e479c8dbcc59 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:49:13 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service spec commit d268bf410bf65e86c81eb76d50aa8e145b32d249 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:01:23 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysys spec's deployment commit 525ade8aa1e4394ed8a759bb0437e407fbe74a35 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 18:24:04 2018 +0900 Fix factory to set legacy status by default commit c6a990821ac0a1ffa49e20e2d78d94b8ce075914 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 17:25:40 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary lib from deployment commit a6107e0e85ac26ee09da3316ebc11de32f067d82 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:38:58 2018 +0900 Fix recursive call commit 15c5f3b64061a75af3c3039ca7f49b1cc4ff3068 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:30:44 2018 +0900 Add finished_at commit c8d3d70366f694d78acb7e30d342c7697798b922 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:55:31 2018 +0900 Fix last_deployment methods as it used to return successful deployment always commit 96bbe8670cece021766fde95fe573cbbe23d1e55 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:49:57 2018 +0900 Redefine statuses commit c86a9d0bd2ab3e7a00bf61f094a96ee99b76b289 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:50:27 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit 9ff5f0eaafbc08795018c7bb282b19f6327dee21 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:18:04 2018 +0900 Default status nil to success commit 5928bd9bb94e1e8908ed1561e01595be84d5f4ec Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 16 15:13:48 2018 +0900 Add status to Deployment
2018-11-04 19:37:40 -05:00
let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :running, environment:, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'shows a link to latest deployment' do
expect(page).to have_link
expect(page).to have_content 'This job is creating a deployment'
expect(find('[data-testid="job-environment-link"]')['href']).to match("environments/#{}")
context 'when job stops environment', :js do
let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'production', project: project) }
let(:build) do
pipeline: pipeline,
options: { environment: { action: 'stop' } }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, build)
it 'does not show environment information banner' do
expect(page).not_to have_selector('.js-environment-container')
expect(page).not_to have_selector('.environment-information')
expect(page).not_to have_text(
describe 'environment info in job view', :js do
before do
Squashed commit of the following: commit 931d6ab0e025b0268d94e455f736b09a025e0578 Merge: b34d165320d 93846eb152f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Nov 5 09:36:58 2018 +0900 Merge branch 'master-ce' into stateful_deployments commit b34d165320d6f3298c8b776ba66270a59c217412 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 18:07:08 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit b5e0527c5d4fe8f18b2fdda5916bae9b8cd859a4 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 15:32:03 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit f78a5e96e66fe2d25086df495e339b470a274df8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:59:29 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 6ce7c483e0591b5d6f9588a99853834327b80031 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:55:48 2018 +0900 Add partial index for filling deployment at migration commit aecccfb5118c8982db3ba502fdf37b5e639fbfc6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:42:24 2018 +0900 Fix fill empty finished at migration commit 0199e1761ad1b391ae87a53a9a113d3256529e0e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:19:44 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 56ac84cd8095afab5b909119445537b7da06a2ff Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 10:06:49 2018 +0900 Fix guard clause to prevent multiple deployments to a job commit 521561b6b303b54635c30cb23d78e49d14cec53d Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 20:19:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 2878da0d29b9bd2dde69a1b216203df118dd59a1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:38:59 2018 +0900 Simplify the factory commit 22fd7df02133f3a21828554965fd5619905eac2c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:33:50 2018 +0900 Simplify the Deployable and BuildSuccessWorker commit 41108959677ed614f4548443a2f4303c4c04925a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 18:34:20 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit ae75fe7461ac72f621498797f478d42331342b84 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 17:19:12 2018 +0900 Fix weird virtual deployment status commit 380fee7494d06407dccc292c3cbedbcee7b6e235 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:59:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 29889fcbaadb3bbfd2f11c10bfbf5dceb3e3ddba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:07:10 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 36ac13f345f5ef25725c2236a791a40a3a9e6126 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:22:17 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit ba9aede922e1643db3f06c56736d46d6d86d356b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:21:33 2018 +0900 Fix ambiguious factory specification in update deployment service spec commit 013afb5668cb30dc4ca5b21945c17b341e7ea7f9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:10:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 78793670d049e2dfb5fc98177eb4d10f20b9310b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 18:26:12 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 73d27e87c66698f2e3a817bb8728f02475b7ba4f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 16:22:14 2018 +0900 Fix index commit 8580a226ea68bf5e49b35bfb5f404968bbfaf8e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:34:57 2018 +0900 Fix deployment relationships in Ci::Build commit d6d28b55afd1179200b4f5188e0b53079ff3c1a7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:27:53 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 94eb754e2e1bb9a1fe627f86823f571a8298d27b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 14:07:11 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 0b30f80bcd08a7a06bdde3378ec1733f865284be Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 20:15:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 466bdcdb6af8cdb475c9fa16bd7d1dff23b11e40 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 19:28:51 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit a7c3caac99139e70fe3f1f3d14856939fa25c527 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 17:33:47 2018 +0900 Fix factory commit cea28ae100532e6711ce1d22676719a94e2da8a0 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 16:28:18 2018 +0900 Drop leagacy success commit 3785d685eabc10b6597cf3db67bf08385ccf298a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:37:28 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary migration file commit 0d597fa46eeffdbb9a4afb53005a8183e433c6bf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:35:53 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit ec3c2abc6944e09f6410468ae5e356865ec7b02b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:34:21 2018 +0900 Rename post migration file commit 0e7281885a84656acf95f0f423732680f8fec076 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:31:01 2018 +0900 Remove include EnumWithNil commit b3846d59c07e07275126c70361bde7f30810729e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:05:50 2018 +0900 Decouple action commit c9f9ba4eae9ca1edc7d8751e1d2e0572cb222d9c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:23:29 2018 +0900 Remove status mock commit d95bfea1ca67b3a27a3226a669c2b1266d696682 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:17:14 2018 +0900 Add action commit 0cec39e0f76c22a18498f46d65ad7226fb30c3f8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 13:44:07 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 7b4c5f8e1b00dd8e6aa944352f9d8a9f3ae6f1c7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:59:41 2018 +0900 Revert build success worker commit 0c52ffa4a23eea488c187317e8b400369846f399 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:11:47 2018 +0900 Use add_column_with_default properly commit ba9bae357da5dfd2f6ec05f7f9db9d0b31224f48 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 18:40:55 2018 +0900 Fix with_status commit 75dffc97b9c5f6fa73d9d09b125c8f849fa2caae Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:56 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 25188ccc52fb29ca63b9205c4d95ffc2e0afadee Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:17 2018 +0900 Set default values in regular migration commit 98ea037fbf39c8d9f0db77fb50e2d08382425158 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 17:27:49 2018 +0900 Fix static analysis commit e7d1765f77f9ff9b94a34985a7855bdaab1da675 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:37:10 2018 +0900 Remove empty spec commit 0033f521ed1eae8117dba231961aa47c068bbcfb Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:34:55 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit 0be4c6b3ade6d9a8bf28bcd177c66ebd7bb7d20a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:32:45 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit a93d25d79df7e25bdf688fc938c712922f9dc4df Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:02:31 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 339ad50cf471ca706b29f008ccd2bb881dd5b776 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 15:06:22 2018 +0900 Rename Deployments Success worker commit bd69c78085adcb9b0f8ff9b7041ae355953ad7ab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 14:43:03 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 004748b2a9c5236ec13eb01289418f3d6571c92c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 20:09:10 2018 +0900 Rename to update deployment service commit b04a85e761de501f030f3844fd485a2b9e46f7f7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:46:52 2018 +0900 Add spec for Project commit 548af23a5a07f0c20b72849d03aa0b98a0b49134 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:43:25 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit c977e4d3f17194c46a1bf857b473017ce21ef7e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:58:07 2018 +0900 Add spec for Environment commit 73feb9010f8d8093bee4b46e56d30cfef3e8e34a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:39:24 2018 +0900 Add spec for Deployment model commit 9a3cfbf766f402571588839375cf311bb9807035 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:18:02 2018 +0900 Fix statis analysis commit a30d28dbc631a29855883ca89c592a10c012f1d2 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:17:32 2018 +0900 Ignore nil instance commit fa6fdd89f380e588a6bcf14b1f9aef0d14d3854b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 16:20:40 2018 +0900 Add spec for deployable concern commit aa91186821dc671df2c7a641e37586dd5dfc1008 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:37:23 2018 +0900 Clean up deployable commit 34d3e18731f7906a3db250b105a64d1db83c2fca Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:13:05 2018 +0900 Fix 17 cycle analytics commit 8dc9e00408f9b390175e7d5ea743eed4fb9e3f79 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 13:56:51 2018 +0900 Fix static analysys commit 5c4175807a537bafc4b889b0a97e8f96f0e483cd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 15:05:05 2018 +0900 Skip unnecessary sidekiq worker commit 9d8b5d423f49cc247c96ce3767d03b4af305809f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:53:13 2018 +0900 Add changelog commit c8cabba496722240cadf7c161c80bceb09727cba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:44:45 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit f7643885ac2329e18d690a4e4f2d7614b732c793 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 19:38:45 2018 +0900 Fix deployment widget specs commit 03bd04b5c98b634dff6a0ab4292c150a9031995c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:50:16 2018 +0900 Fix env status spec commit 4a49c6502b161a12f0f62d5ec167dff777047dab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:48:59 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 4044822887987e20a703990ff20352a532eeb965 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:47:17 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 9939d44b7eb9da371de74c0f04fed1eb3db37ad3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:45:43 2018 +0900 Add a new spec for deployment success worker commit f61c4d3657b5ef13b5da171460da68a6643ad4b5 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:38:11 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analytics helper commit b6242615e8298fb7fc047c8df8006c25ad717c70 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:41:54 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysis helper commit 9a001cb4c4ed6f3b87dc612bdffc60a6b2b0a132 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:37:08 2018 +0900 Ignore coding offence in build success worker's spec commit 1fb88583025bac8a56172cbd59be04258ea4c5f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:33:11 2018 +0900 Added more spec for deployments commit 1a6ba97ababbf62e8dd0ae0c56d75ab1268fd0ce Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:36:50 2018 +0900 Move after create hookd into success worker commit 09de5fed5d6f108423779cf9d9e7f1d21f3c1c91 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:30:06 2018 +0900 Fix build spec commit 73a55cbcabbb1e928eca3e53e8ff75dec178bc90 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:08:43 2018 +0900 Fix update_deployment_metrics_service_spec.rb commit ee05136a02ae9fa348b4b89b9a69937ebb9697dd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 17:32:05 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary degelate commit e246ddeebc01a807ccc36fdb484c3e72ad91e680 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:07:39 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary optimistic locking commit dcc225c8237b90e3bc8dcc3dc2e3252e0b0be093 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:00:22 2018 +0900 Simplify status replication commit 13a5fd7afb67ba2712fcaecaea5fedf05f9ad177 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:29:24 2018 +0900 Fix sidekiq queue names commit dcc796f48d523538e1c91b9cd3e1c7065e5329b1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:23:55 2018 +0900 Revert success check in update_merge_request_metrics commit 129ef083d637d4acb8c97a6d9ab96deb2ff6efcd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:18:31 2018 +0900 Fix queue name of deployment success worker commit 10fe5a6484f4f02322ce5bb16844fc7b1d565963 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:09:42 2018 +0900 Introduce deployable module commit d91260bbe105bf46f6c06d9e9593c8c4cd5139cf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 14:05:31 2018 +0900 Add database index for successful deployments commit 74274147263de4b60870065a19935498ce662e30 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 13:51:59 2018 +0900 Fix invalid state transition commit ff18463cc847bf3cf5a3e49f3651eedfdf67c7e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 20:05:15 2018 +0900 Fix coding style offence commit 0202c0f5b631601edab7b359b087b307f5eb7ba3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:34:07 2018 +0900 Target only successful deployments from other relations commit 1f2758cb030dec1df5dda30f6bc3e25b6d0841c9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:21:28 2018 +0900 Add namespace explicitly commit 3d9227b6e5642cecde88d4edac925125f6474b11 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 17:42:30 2018 +0900 Fix spec in DeleteInconsistentInternalIdRecords commit 3e0cc99ff6c5c7188511618228a6ec027752ce69 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 16:10:16 2018 +0900 Fixed spec commit 8de09b8bb31f7b9f24ecdf9f2dd8ef358a260263 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 14:22:35 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service commit 31957570b4444492eeb412e765f96a56416c25f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:21:26 2018 +0900 Move CreateDeploymentService. Fix Cycle analytics spec and fixture. commit d2eb433a1bb9710c0d4778c4f34c12b6b64f60e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:11:22 2018 +0900 Fix build success worker commit 25e6cd87138bcdb69de8785ca367e479c8dbcc59 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:49:13 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service spec commit d268bf410bf65e86c81eb76d50aa8e145b32d249 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:01:23 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysys spec's deployment commit 525ade8aa1e4394ed8a759bb0437e407fbe74a35 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 18:24:04 2018 +0900 Fix factory to set legacy status by default commit c6a990821ac0a1ffa49e20e2d78d94b8ce075914 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 17:25:40 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary lib from deployment commit a6107e0e85ac26ee09da3316ebc11de32f067d82 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:38:58 2018 +0900 Fix recursive call commit 15c5f3b64061a75af3c3039ca7f49b1cc4ff3068 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:30:44 2018 +0900 Add finished_at commit c8d3d70366f694d78acb7e30d342c7697798b922 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:55:31 2018 +0900 Fix last_deployment methods as it used to return successful deployment always commit 96bbe8670cece021766fde95fe573cbbe23d1e55 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:49:57 2018 +0900 Redefine statuses commit c86a9d0bd2ab3e7a00bf61f094a96ee99b76b289 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:50:27 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit 9ff5f0eaafbc08795018c7bb282b19f6327dee21 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:18:04 2018 +0900 Default status nil to success commit 5928bd9bb94e1e8908ed1561e01595be84d5f4ec Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 16 15:13:48 2018 +0900 Add status to Deployment
2018-11-04 19:37:40 -05:00
allow_any_instance_of(Ci::Build).to receive(:create_deployment)
visit project_job_path(project, job)
context 'job with outdated deployment' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) }
let(:second_build) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) }
let(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) }
Squashed commit of the following: commit 931d6ab0e025b0268d94e455f736b09a025e0578 Merge: b34d165320d 93846eb152f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Nov 5 09:36:58 2018 +0900 Merge branch 'master-ce' into stateful_deployments commit b34d165320d6f3298c8b776ba66270a59c217412 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 18:07:08 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit b5e0527c5d4fe8f18b2fdda5916bae9b8cd859a4 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 15:32:03 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit f78a5e96e66fe2d25086df495e339b470a274df8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:59:29 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 6ce7c483e0591b5d6f9588a99853834327b80031 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:55:48 2018 +0900 Add partial index for filling deployment at migration commit aecccfb5118c8982db3ba502fdf37b5e639fbfc6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:42:24 2018 +0900 Fix fill empty finished at migration commit 0199e1761ad1b391ae87a53a9a113d3256529e0e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:19:44 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 56ac84cd8095afab5b909119445537b7da06a2ff Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 10:06:49 2018 +0900 Fix guard clause to prevent multiple deployments to a job commit 521561b6b303b54635c30cb23d78e49d14cec53d Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 20:19:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 2878da0d29b9bd2dde69a1b216203df118dd59a1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:38:59 2018 +0900 Simplify the factory commit 22fd7df02133f3a21828554965fd5619905eac2c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:33:50 2018 +0900 Simplify the Deployable and BuildSuccessWorker commit 41108959677ed614f4548443a2f4303c4c04925a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 18:34:20 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit ae75fe7461ac72f621498797f478d42331342b84 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 17:19:12 2018 +0900 Fix weird virtual deployment status commit 380fee7494d06407dccc292c3cbedbcee7b6e235 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:59:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 29889fcbaadb3bbfd2f11c10bfbf5dceb3e3ddba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:07:10 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 36ac13f345f5ef25725c2236a791a40a3a9e6126 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:22:17 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit ba9aede922e1643db3f06c56736d46d6d86d356b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:21:33 2018 +0900 Fix ambiguious factory specification in update deployment service spec commit 013afb5668cb30dc4ca5b21945c17b341e7ea7f9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:10:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 78793670d049e2dfb5fc98177eb4d10f20b9310b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 18:26:12 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 73d27e87c66698f2e3a817bb8728f02475b7ba4f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 16:22:14 2018 +0900 Fix index commit 8580a226ea68bf5e49b35bfb5f404968bbfaf8e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:34:57 2018 +0900 Fix deployment relationships in Ci::Build commit d6d28b55afd1179200b4f5188e0b53079ff3c1a7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:27:53 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 94eb754e2e1bb9a1fe627f86823f571a8298d27b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 14:07:11 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 0b30f80bcd08a7a06bdde3378ec1733f865284be Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 20:15:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 466bdcdb6af8cdb475c9fa16bd7d1dff23b11e40 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 19:28:51 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit a7c3caac99139e70fe3f1f3d14856939fa25c527 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 17:33:47 2018 +0900 Fix factory commit cea28ae100532e6711ce1d22676719a94e2da8a0 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 16:28:18 2018 +0900 Drop leagacy success commit 3785d685eabc10b6597cf3db67bf08385ccf298a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:37:28 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary migration file commit 0d597fa46eeffdbb9a4afb53005a8183e433c6bf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:35:53 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit ec3c2abc6944e09f6410468ae5e356865ec7b02b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:34:21 2018 +0900 Rename post migration file commit 0e7281885a84656acf95f0f423732680f8fec076 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:31:01 2018 +0900 Remove include EnumWithNil commit b3846d59c07e07275126c70361bde7f30810729e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:05:50 2018 +0900 Decouple action commit c9f9ba4eae9ca1edc7d8751e1d2e0572cb222d9c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:23:29 2018 +0900 Remove status mock commit d95bfea1ca67b3a27a3226a669c2b1266d696682 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:17:14 2018 +0900 Add action commit 0cec39e0f76c22a18498f46d65ad7226fb30c3f8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 13:44:07 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 7b4c5f8e1b00dd8e6aa944352f9d8a9f3ae6f1c7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:59:41 2018 +0900 Revert build success worker commit 0c52ffa4a23eea488c187317e8b400369846f399 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:11:47 2018 +0900 Use add_column_with_default properly commit ba9bae357da5dfd2f6ec05f7f9db9d0b31224f48 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 18:40:55 2018 +0900 Fix with_status commit 75dffc97b9c5f6fa73d9d09b125c8f849fa2caae Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:56 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 25188ccc52fb29ca63b9205c4d95ffc2e0afadee Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:17 2018 +0900 Set default values in regular migration commit 98ea037fbf39c8d9f0db77fb50e2d08382425158 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 17:27:49 2018 +0900 Fix static analysis commit e7d1765f77f9ff9b94a34985a7855bdaab1da675 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:37:10 2018 +0900 Remove empty spec commit 0033f521ed1eae8117dba231961aa47c068bbcfb Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:34:55 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit 0be4c6b3ade6d9a8bf28bcd177c66ebd7bb7d20a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:32:45 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit a93d25d79df7e25bdf688fc938c712922f9dc4df Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:02:31 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 339ad50cf471ca706b29f008ccd2bb881dd5b776 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 15:06:22 2018 +0900 Rename Deployments Success worker commit bd69c78085adcb9b0f8ff9b7041ae355953ad7ab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 14:43:03 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 004748b2a9c5236ec13eb01289418f3d6571c92c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 20:09:10 2018 +0900 Rename to update deployment service commit b04a85e761de501f030f3844fd485a2b9e46f7f7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:46:52 2018 +0900 Add spec for Project commit 548af23a5a07f0c20b72849d03aa0b98a0b49134 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:43:25 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit c977e4d3f17194c46a1bf857b473017ce21ef7e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:58:07 2018 +0900 Add spec for Environment commit 73feb9010f8d8093bee4b46e56d30cfef3e8e34a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:39:24 2018 +0900 Add spec for Deployment model commit 9a3cfbf766f402571588839375cf311bb9807035 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:18:02 2018 +0900 Fix statis analysis commit a30d28dbc631a29855883ca89c592a10c012f1d2 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:17:32 2018 +0900 Ignore nil instance commit fa6fdd89f380e588a6bcf14b1f9aef0d14d3854b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 16:20:40 2018 +0900 Add spec for deployable concern commit aa91186821dc671df2c7a641e37586dd5dfc1008 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:37:23 2018 +0900 Clean up deployable commit 34d3e18731f7906a3db250b105a64d1db83c2fca Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:13:05 2018 +0900 Fix 17 cycle analytics commit 8dc9e00408f9b390175e7d5ea743eed4fb9e3f79 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 13:56:51 2018 +0900 Fix static analysys commit 5c4175807a537bafc4b889b0a97e8f96f0e483cd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 15:05:05 2018 +0900 Skip unnecessary sidekiq worker commit 9d8b5d423f49cc247c96ce3767d03b4af305809f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:53:13 2018 +0900 Add changelog commit c8cabba496722240cadf7c161c80bceb09727cba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:44:45 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit f7643885ac2329e18d690a4e4f2d7614b732c793 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 19:38:45 2018 +0900 Fix deployment widget specs commit 03bd04b5c98b634dff6a0ab4292c150a9031995c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:50:16 2018 +0900 Fix env status spec commit 4a49c6502b161a12f0f62d5ec167dff777047dab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:48:59 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 4044822887987e20a703990ff20352a532eeb965 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:47:17 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 9939d44b7eb9da371de74c0f04fed1eb3db37ad3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:45:43 2018 +0900 Add a new spec for deployment success worker commit f61c4d3657b5ef13b5da171460da68a6643ad4b5 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:38:11 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analytics helper commit b6242615e8298fb7fc047c8df8006c25ad717c70 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:41:54 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysis helper commit 9a001cb4c4ed6f3b87dc612bdffc60a6b2b0a132 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:37:08 2018 +0900 Ignore coding offence in build success worker's spec commit 1fb88583025bac8a56172cbd59be04258ea4c5f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:33:11 2018 +0900 Added more spec for deployments commit 1a6ba97ababbf62e8dd0ae0c56d75ab1268fd0ce Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:36:50 2018 +0900 Move after create hookd into success worker commit 09de5fed5d6f108423779cf9d9e7f1d21f3c1c91 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:30:06 2018 +0900 Fix build spec commit 73a55cbcabbb1e928eca3e53e8ff75dec178bc90 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:08:43 2018 +0900 Fix update_deployment_metrics_service_spec.rb commit ee05136a02ae9fa348b4b89b9a69937ebb9697dd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 17:32:05 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary degelate commit e246ddeebc01a807ccc36fdb484c3e72ad91e680 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:07:39 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary optimistic locking commit dcc225c8237b90e3bc8dcc3dc2e3252e0b0be093 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:00:22 2018 +0900 Simplify status replication commit 13a5fd7afb67ba2712fcaecaea5fedf05f9ad177 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:29:24 2018 +0900 Fix sidekiq queue names commit dcc796f48d523538e1c91b9cd3e1c7065e5329b1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:23:55 2018 +0900 Revert success check in update_merge_request_metrics commit 129ef083d637d4acb8c97a6d9ab96deb2ff6efcd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:18:31 2018 +0900 Fix queue name of deployment success worker commit 10fe5a6484f4f02322ce5bb16844fc7b1d565963 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:09:42 2018 +0900 Introduce deployable module commit d91260bbe105bf46f6c06d9e9593c8c4cd5139cf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 14:05:31 2018 +0900 Add database index for successful deployments commit 74274147263de4b60870065a19935498ce662e30 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 13:51:59 2018 +0900 Fix invalid state transition commit ff18463cc847bf3cf5a3e49f3651eedfdf67c7e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 20:05:15 2018 +0900 Fix coding style offence commit 0202c0f5b631601edab7b359b087b307f5eb7ba3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:34:07 2018 +0900 Target only successful deployments from other relations commit 1f2758cb030dec1df5dda30f6bc3e25b6d0841c9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:21:28 2018 +0900 Add namespace explicitly commit 3d9227b6e5642cecde88d4edac925125f6474b11 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 17:42:30 2018 +0900 Fix spec in DeleteInconsistentInternalIdRecords commit 3e0cc99ff6c5c7188511618228a6ec027752ce69 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 16:10:16 2018 +0900 Fixed spec commit 8de09b8bb31f7b9f24ecdf9f2dd8ef358a260263 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 14:22:35 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service commit 31957570b4444492eeb412e765f96a56416c25f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:21:26 2018 +0900 Move CreateDeploymentService. Fix Cycle analytics spec and fixture. commit d2eb433a1bb9710c0d4778c4f34c12b6b64f60e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:11:22 2018 +0900 Fix build success worker commit 25e6cd87138bcdb69de8785ca367e479c8dbcc59 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:49:13 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service spec commit d268bf410bf65e86c81eb76d50aa8e145b32d249 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:01:23 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysys spec's deployment commit 525ade8aa1e4394ed8a759bb0437e407fbe74a35 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 18:24:04 2018 +0900 Fix factory to set legacy status by default commit c6a990821ac0a1ffa49e20e2d78d94b8ce075914 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 17:25:40 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary lib from deployment commit a6107e0e85ac26ee09da3316ebc11de32f067d82 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:38:58 2018 +0900 Fix recursive call commit 15c5f3b64061a75af3c3039ca7f49b1cc4ff3068 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:30:44 2018 +0900 Add finished_at commit c8d3d70366f694d78acb7e30d342c7697798b922 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:55:31 2018 +0900 Fix last_deployment methods as it used to return successful deployment always commit 96bbe8670cece021766fde95fe573cbbe23d1e55 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:49:57 2018 +0900 Redefine statuses commit c86a9d0bd2ab3e7a00bf61f094a96ee99b76b289 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:50:27 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit 9ff5f0eaafbc08795018c7bb282b19f6327dee21 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:18:04 2018 +0900 Default status nil to success commit 5928bd9bb94e1e8908ed1561e01595be84d5f4ec Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 16 15:13:48 2018 +0900 Add status to Deployment
2018-11-04 19:37:40 -05:00
let!(:first_deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, deployable: job) }
let!(:second_deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, deployable: second_build) }
it 'shows deployment message' do
expected_text = 'This job is an out-of-date deployment to staging. View the most recent deployment.'
expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: expected_text)
it 'renders a link to the most recent deployment' do
expect(find('[data-testid="job-environment-link"]')['href']).to match("environments/#{}")
expect(find('[data-testid="job-deployment-link"]')['href']).to include(second_deployment.deployable.project.path, second_deployment.deployable_id.to_s)
context 'when deployment does not have a deployable' do
let!(:second_deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment, deployable: nil) }
it 'has an empty href' do
expect(find('[data-testid="job-deployment-link"]')['href']).to be_empty
context 'job failed to deploy' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :trace_artifact, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) }
it 'shows deployment message' do
expected_text = 'The deployment of this job to staging did not succeed.'
expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: expected_text)
context 'job will deploy' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :running, :trace_live, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) }
context 'when environment exists' do
let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) }
it 'shows deployment message' do
expected_text = 'This job is creating a deployment to staging'
expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: expected_text)
expect(find('[data-testid="job-environment-link"]')['href']).to match("environments/#{}")
context 'when it has deployment' do
Squashed commit of the following: commit 931d6ab0e025b0268d94e455f736b09a025e0578 Merge: b34d165320d 93846eb152f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Nov 5 09:36:58 2018 +0900 Merge branch 'master-ce' into stateful_deployments commit b34d165320d6f3298c8b776ba66270a59c217412 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 18:07:08 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit b5e0527c5d4fe8f18b2fdda5916bae9b8cd859a4 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 15:32:03 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit f78a5e96e66fe2d25086df495e339b470a274df8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:59:29 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 6ce7c483e0591b5d6f9588a99853834327b80031 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:55:48 2018 +0900 Add partial index for filling deployment at migration commit aecccfb5118c8982db3ba502fdf37b5e639fbfc6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:42:24 2018 +0900 Fix fill empty finished at migration commit 0199e1761ad1b391ae87a53a9a113d3256529e0e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 14:19:44 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 56ac84cd8095afab5b909119445537b7da06a2ff Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Nov 2 10:06:49 2018 +0900 Fix guard clause to prevent multiple deployments to a job commit 521561b6b303b54635c30cb23d78e49d14cec53d Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 20:19:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 2878da0d29b9bd2dde69a1b216203df118dd59a1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:38:59 2018 +0900 Simplify the factory commit 22fd7df02133f3a21828554965fd5619905eac2c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 19:33:50 2018 +0900 Simplify the Deployable and BuildSuccessWorker commit 41108959677ed614f4548443a2f4303c4c04925a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 18:34:20 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit ae75fe7461ac72f621498797f478d42331342b84 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 17:19:12 2018 +0900 Fix weird virtual deployment status commit 380fee7494d06407dccc292c3cbedbcee7b6e235 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:59:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 29889fcbaadb3bbfd2f11c10bfbf5dceb3e3ddba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 15:07:10 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 36ac13f345f5ef25725c2236a791a40a3a9e6126 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:22:17 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit ba9aede922e1643db3f06c56736d46d6d86d356b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:21:33 2018 +0900 Fix ambiguious factory specification in update deployment service spec commit 013afb5668cb30dc4ca5b21945c17b341e7ea7f9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Nov 1 14:10:24 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 78793670d049e2dfb5fc98177eb4d10f20b9310b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 18:26:12 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 73d27e87c66698f2e3a817bb8728f02475b7ba4f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 16:22:14 2018 +0900 Fix index commit 8580a226ea68bf5e49b35bfb5f404968bbfaf8e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:34:57 2018 +0900 Fix deployment relationships in Ci::Build commit d6d28b55afd1179200b4f5188e0b53079ff3c1a7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 15:27:53 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 94eb754e2e1bb9a1fe627f86823f571a8298d27b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 31 14:07:11 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 0b30f80bcd08a7a06bdde3378ec1733f865284be Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 20:15:31 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit 466bdcdb6af8cdb475c9fa16bd7d1dff23b11e40 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 19:28:51 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit a7c3caac99139e70fe3f1f3d14856939fa25c527 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 17:33:47 2018 +0900 Fix factory commit cea28ae100532e6711ce1d22676719a94e2da8a0 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 16:28:18 2018 +0900 Drop leagacy success commit 3785d685eabc10b6597cf3db67bf08385ccf298a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:37:28 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary migration file commit 0d597fa46eeffdbb9a4afb53005a8183e433c6bf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:35:53 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit ec3c2abc6944e09f6410468ae5e356865ec7b02b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:34:21 2018 +0900 Rename post migration file commit 0e7281885a84656acf95f0f423732680f8fec076 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:31:01 2018 +0900 Remove include EnumWithNil commit b3846d59c07e07275126c70361bde7f30810729e Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 15:05:50 2018 +0900 Decouple action commit c9f9ba4eae9ca1edc7d8751e1d2e0572cb222d9c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:23:29 2018 +0900 Remove status mock commit d95bfea1ca67b3a27a3226a669c2b1266d696682 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 14:17:14 2018 +0900 Add action commit 0cec39e0f76c22a18498f46d65ad7226fb30c3f8 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 30 13:44:07 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 7b4c5f8e1b00dd8e6aa944352f9d8a9f3ae6f1c7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:59:41 2018 +0900 Revert build success worker commit 0c52ffa4a23eea488c187317e8b400369846f399 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 19:11:47 2018 +0900 Use add_column_with_default properly commit ba9bae357da5dfd2f6ec05f7f9db9d0b31224f48 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 18:40:55 2018 +0900 Fix with_status commit 75dffc97b9c5f6fa73d9d09b125c8f849fa2caae Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:56 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary line in schema.rb commit 25188ccc52fb29ca63b9205c4d95ffc2e0afadee Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 29 16:26:17 2018 +0900 Set default values in regular migration commit 98ea037fbf39c8d9f0db77fb50e2d08382425158 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 17:27:49 2018 +0900 Fix static analysis commit e7d1765f77f9ff9b94a34985a7855bdaab1da675 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:37:10 2018 +0900 Remove empty spec commit 0033f521ed1eae8117dba231961aa47c068bbcfb Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:34:55 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit 0be4c6b3ade6d9a8bf28bcd177c66ebd7bb7d20a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:32:45 2018 +0900 Simplify spec changes commit a93d25d79df7e25bdf688fc938c712922f9dc4df Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 16:02:31 2018 +0900 Fix flaky spec commit 339ad50cf471ca706b29f008ccd2bb881dd5b776 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 15:06:22 2018 +0900 Rename Deployments Success worker commit bd69c78085adcb9b0f8ff9b7041ae355953ad7ab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 26 14:43:03 2018 +0900 Fix coding offence commit 004748b2a9c5236ec13eb01289418f3d6571c92c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 20:09:10 2018 +0900 Rename to update deployment service commit b04a85e761de501f030f3844fd485a2b9e46f7f7 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:46:52 2018 +0900 Add spec for Project commit 548af23a5a07f0c20b72849d03aa0b98a0b49134 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 18:43:25 2018 +0900 Fix spec commit c977e4d3f17194c46a1bf857b473017ce21ef7e9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:58:07 2018 +0900 Add spec for Environment commit 73feb9010f8d8093bee4b46e56d30cfef3e8e34a Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:39:24 2018 +0900 Add spec for Deployment model commit 9a3cfbf766f402571588839375cf311bb9807035 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:18:02 2018 +0900 Fix statis analysis commit a30d28dbc631a29855883ca89c592a10c012f1d2 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 17:17:32 2018 +0900 Ignore nil instance commit fa6fdd89f380e588a6bcf14b1f9aef0d14d3854b Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 16:20:40 2018 +0900 Add spec for deployable concern commit aa91186821dc671df2c7a641e37586dd5dfc1008 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:37:23 2018 +0900 Clean up deployable commit 34d3e18731f7906a3db250b105a64d1db83c2fca Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 15:13:05 2018 +0900 Fix 17 cycle analytics commit 8dc9e00408f9b390175e7d5ea743eed4fb9e3f79 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 25 13:56:51 2018 +0900 Fix static analysys commit 5c4175807a537bafc4b889b0a97e8f96f0e483cd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 15:05:05 2018 +0900 Skip unnecessary sidekiq worker commit 9d8b5d423f49cc247c96ce3767d03b4af305809f Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:53:13 2018 +0900 Add changelog commit c8cabba496722240cadf7c161c80bceb09727cba Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 24 14:44:45 2018 +0900 Squashed commit of the following: commit f7643885ac2329e18d690a4e4f2d7614b732c793 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 19:38:45 2018 +0900 Fix deployment widget specs commit 03bd04b5c98b634dff6a0ab4292c150a9031995c Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:50:16 2018 +0900 Fix env status spec commit 4a49c6502b161a12f0f62d5ec167dff777047dab Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:48:59 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 4044822887987e20a703990ff20352a532eeb965 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 17:47:17 2018 +0900 Fix environment spec commit 9939d44b7eb9da371de74c0f04fed1eb3db37ad3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:45:43 2018 +0900 Add a new spec for deployment success worker commit f61c4d3657b5ef13b5da171460da68a6643ad4b5 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 15:38:11 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analytics helper commit b6242615e8298fb7fc047c8df8006c25ad717c70 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:41:54 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysis helper commit 9a001cb4c4ed6f3b87dc612bdffc60a6b2b0a132 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:37:08 2018 +0900 Ignore coding offence in build success worker's spec commit 1fb88583025bac8a56172cbd59be04258ea4c5f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 23 14:33:11 2018 +0900 Added more spec for deployments commit 1a6ba97ababbf62e8dd0ae0c56d75ab1268fd0ce Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:36:50 2018 +0900 Move after create hookd into success worker commit 09de5fed5d6f108423779cf9d9e7f1d21f3c1c91 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:30:06 2018 +0900 Fix build spec commit 73a55cbcabbb1e928eca3e53e8ff75dec178bc90 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 19:08:43 2018 +0900 Fix update_deployment_metrics_service_spec.rb commit ee05136a02ae9fa348b4b89b9a69937ebb9697dd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 17:32:05 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary degelate commit e246ddeebc01a807ccc36fdb484c3e72ad91e680 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:07:39 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary optimistic locking commit dcc225c8237b90e3bc8dcc3dc2e3252e0b0be093 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 16:00:22 2018 +0900 Simplify status replication commit 13a5fd7afb67ba2712fcaecaea5fedf05f9ad177 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:29:24 2018 +0900 Fix sidekiq queue names commit dcc796f48d523538e1c91b9cd3e1c7065e5329b1 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:23:55 2018 +0900 Revert success check in update_merge_request_metrics commit 129ef083d637d4acb8c97a6d9ab96deb2ff6efcd Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:18:31 2018 +0900 Fix queue name of deployment success worker commit 10fe5a6484f4f02322ce5bb16844fc7b1d565963 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 15:09:42 2018 +0900 Introduce deployable module commit d91260bbe105bf46f6c06d9e9593c8c4cd5139cf Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 14:05:31 2018 +0900 Add database index for successful deployments commit 74274147263de4b60870065a19935498ce662e30 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Mon Oct 22 13:51:59 2018 +0900 Fix invalid state transition commit ff18463cc847bf3cf5a3e49f3651eedfdf67c7e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 20:05:15 2018 +0900 Fix coding style offence commit 0202c0f5b631601edab7b359b087b307f5eb7ba3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:34:07 2018 +0900 Target only successful deployments from other relations commit 1f2758cb030dec1df5dda30f6bc3e25b6d0841c9 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 18:21:28 2018 +0900 Add namespace explicitly commit 3d9227b6e5642cecde88d4edac925125f6474b11 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 17:42:30 2018 +0900 Fix spec in DeleteInconsistentInternalIdRecords commit 3e0cc99ff6c5c7188511618228a6ec027752ce69 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 16:10:16 2018 +0900 Fixed spec commit 8de09b8bb31f7b9f24ecdf9f2dd8ef358a260263 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Fri Oct 19 14:22:35 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service commit 31957570b4444492eeb412e765f96a56416c25f3 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:21:26 2018 +0900 Move CreateDeploymentService. Fix Cycle analytics spec and fixture. commit d2eb433a1bb9710c0d4778c4f34c12b6b64f60e6 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 20:11:22 2018 +0900 Fix build success worker commit 25e6cd87138bcdb69de8785ca367e479c8dbcc59 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:49:13 2018 +0900 Fix create deployment service spec commit d268bf410bf65e86c81eb76d50aa8e145b32d249 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 19:01:23 2018 +0900 Fix cycle analysys spec's deployment commit 525ade8aa1e4394ed8a759bb0437e407fbe74a35 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 18:24:04 2018 +0900 Fix factory to set legacy status by default commit c6a990821ac0a1ffa49e20e2d78d94b8ce075914 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Thu Oct 18 17:25:40 2018 +0900 Remove unnecessary lib from deployment commit a6107e0e85ac26ee09da3316ebc11de32f067d82 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:38:58 2018 +0900 Fix recursive call commit 15c5f3b64061a75af3c3039ca7f49b1cc4ff3068 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 17:30:44 2018 +0900 Add finished_at commit c8d3d70366f694d78acb7e30d342c7697798b922 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:55:31 2018 +0900 Fix last_deployment methods as it used to return successful deployment always commit 96bbe8670cece021766fde95fe573cbbe23d1e55 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 15:49:57 2018 +0900 Redefine statuses commit c86a9d0bd2ab3e7a00bf61f094a96ee99b76b289 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:50:27 2018 +0900 Fix schema.rb commit 9ff5f0eaafbc08795018c7bb282b19f6327dee21 Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Wed Oct 17 14:18:04 2018 +0900 Default status nil to success commit 5928bd9bb94e1e8908ed1561e01595be84d5f4ec Author: Shinya Maeda <> Date: Tue Oct 16 15:13:48 2018 +0900 Add status to Deployment
2018-11-04 19:37:40 -05:00
let!(:deployment) { create(:deployment, :success, environment: environment) }
it 'shows that deployment will be overwritten' do
expected_text = 'This job is creating a deployment to staging'
expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: expected_text)
expect(page).to have_css('.environment-information', text: 'latest deployment')
expect(find('[data-testid="job-environment-link"]')['href']).to match("environments/#{}")
context 'when environment does not exist' do
let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) }
it 'shows deployment message' do
expected_text = 'This job is creating a deployment to staging'
expect(page).to have_css(
'.environment-information', text: expected_text)
expect(page).not_to have_css(
'.environment-information', text: 'latest deployment')
expect(find('[data-testid="job-environment-link"]')['href']).to match("environments/#{}")
context 'job that failed to deploy and environment has not been created' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :failed, :trace_artifact, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) }
it 'shows deployment message' do
expected_text = 'The deployment of this job to staging did not succeed'
expect(page).to have_css(
'.environment-information', text: expected_text)
context 'job that will deploy and environment has not been created' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :running, :trace_live, environment: 'staging', pipeline: pipeline) }
let!(:environment) { create(:environment, name: 'staging', project: project) }
it 'shows deployment message' do
expected_text = 'This job is creating a deployment to staging'
expect(page).to have_css(
'.environment-information', text: expected_text)
expect(page).not_to have_css(
'.environment-information', text: 'latest deployment')
context 'Playable manual action' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :playable, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'shows manual action empty state', :js do
expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title])
expect(page).to have_content('This job requires a manual action')
expect(page).to have_content('This job requires manual intervention to start. Before starting this job, you can add variables below for last-minute configuration changes.')
expect(page).to have_button('Trigger this manual action')
2018-01-19 11:15:30 -05:00
it 'plays manual action and shows pending status', :js do
click_button 'Trigger this manual action'
2018-01-12 09:31:48 -05:00
2018-01-22 05:10:57 -05:00
expect(page).to have_content('This job has not started yet')
2018-01-22 11:10:34 -05:00
expect(page).to have_content('This job is in pending state and is waiting to be picked by a runner')
2018-01-12 09:31:48 -05:00
expect(page).to have_content('pending')
2018-10-03 03:11:08 -04:00
context 'Delayed job' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :scheduled, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
2018-10-04 22:54:09 -04:00
it 'shows delayed job', :js do
expect(page).to have_content('This is a delayed job to run in')
2018-11-22 03:38:05 -05:00
expect(page).to have_content("This job will automatically run after its timer finishes.")
2018-10-03 03:11:08 -04:00
expect(page).to have_link('Unschedule job')
2018-10-04 07:52:14 -04:00
it 'unschedules delayed job and shows manual action', :js do
2018-10-03 03:11:08 -04:00
click_link 'Unschedule job'
expect(page).to have_content('This job requires a manual action')
expect(page).to have_content('This job requires manual intervention to start. Before starting this job, you can add variables below for last-minute configuration changes.')
expect(page).to have_button('Trigger this manual action')
2018-10-03 03:11:08 -04:00
context 'Non triggered job' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :created, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'shows empty state', :js do
expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title])
expect(page).to have_content('This job has not been triggered yet')
2018-01-22 05:10:57 -05:00
expect(page).to have_content('This job depends on upstream jobs that need to succeed in order for this job to be triggered')
context 'Pending job', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
2018-01-22 05:10:57 -05:00
it 'shows pending empty state' do
expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title])
2018-01-22 11:08:39 -05:00
expect(page).to have_content('This job has not started yet')
2018-01-22 11:10:34 -05:00
expect(page).to have_content('This job is in pending state and is waiting to be picked by a runner')
2018-03-08 12:33:06 -05:00
context 'Canceled job', :js do
2018-03-08 12:33:06 -05:00
context 'with log' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :canceled, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'renders job log' do
expect(page).to have_selector('.job-log')
2018-03-08 12:33:06 -05:00
context 'without log', :js do
2018-03-08 12:33:06 -05:00
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :canceled, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'renders empty state' do
expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title])
expect(page).not_to have_selector('.job-log')
2018-03-08 12:33:06 -05:00
expect(page).to have_content('This job has been canceled')
context 'Skipped job', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :skipped, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'renders empty state' do
expect(page).to have_content(job.detailed_status(user).illustration[:title])
expect(page).not_to have_selector('.job-log')
expect(page).to have_content('This job has been skipped')
context 'when job is failed but has no trace', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :failed, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'renders empty state' do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
expect(job).not_to have_trace
expect(page).to have_content('This job does not have a trace.')
context 'with erased job', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :erased, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'renders erased job warning' do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
page.within('[data-testid="job-erased-block"]') do
expect(page).to have_content('Job has been erased')
context 'without erased job', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'does not render erased job warning' do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
expect(page).not_to have_css('[data-testid="job-erased-block"]')
context 'on mobile', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) }
2018-11-15 05:13:50 -05:00
it 'renders collapsed sidebar' do
page.current_window.resize_to(600, 800)
visit project_job_path(project, job)
expect(page).to have_css('[data-testid="job-sidebar"].right-sidebar-collapsed', visible: false)
expect(page).not_to have_css('[data-testid="job-sidebar"].right-sidebar-expanded', visible: false)
context 'on desktop', :js do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'renders expanded sidebar' do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
expect(page).to have_css('[data-testid="job-sidebar"].right-sidebar-expanded')
expect(page).not_to have_css('[data-testid="job-sidebar"].right-sidebar-collapsed')
2018-10-25 07:53:00 -04:00
context 'stuck', :js do
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
context 'without active runners available' do
let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, active: false) }
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, runner: runner) }
it 'renders message about job being stuck because no runners are active' do
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="job-stuck-no-active-runners"]')
expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners that can run this job.")
2018-10-25 07:53:00 -04:00
context 'when available runners can not run specified tag' do
let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, active: false) }
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, runner: runner, tag_list: %w(docker linux)) }
it 'renders message about job being stuck because of no runners with the specified tags' do
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="job-stuck-with-tags"')
expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners online or available with any of these tags assigned to them:")
2018-10-25 07:53:00 -04:00
context 'when runners are offline and build has tags' do
let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, active: true) }
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, runner: runner, tag_list: %w(docker linux)) }
it 'renders message about job being stuck because of no runners with the specified tags' do
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="job-stuck-with-tags"')
expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners online or available with any of these tags assigned to them:")
2018-10-25 07:53:00 -04:00
context 'without any runners available' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline) }
it 'renders message about job being stuck because no runners are available' do
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="job-stuck-no-active-runners"]')
expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because you don't have any active runners that can run this job.")
2018-10-25 07:53:00 -04:00
context 'without available runners online' do
let(:runner) { create(:ci_runner, :instance, active: true) }
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :pending, pipeline: pipeline, runner: runner) }
it 'renders message about job being stuck because runners are offline' do
expect(page).to have_selector('[data-testid="job-stuck-no-runners"')
expect(page).to have_content("This job is stuck because the project doesn't have any runners online assigned to it.")
2018-10-25 07:53:00 -04:00
describe "POST /:project/jobs/:id/cancel", :js do
context "Job from project" do
before do!
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'loads the page and shows all needed controls' do
expect(page).to have_content 'Retry'
describe "POST /:project/jobs/:id/retry", :js do
context "Job from project", :js do
before do!
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'shows the right status and buttons' do
page.within('aside.right-sidebar') do
expect(page).to have_content 'Cancel'
2017-05-31 11:00:30 -04:00
context "Job that current user is not allowed to retry" do
before do!
project.update!(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC)
2017-06-23 14:20:07 -04:00
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'does not show the Retry button' do
page.within('aside.right-sidebar') do
expect(page).not_to have_content 'Retry'
context "Job that failed because of a forward deployment failure" do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :forward_deployment_failure, pipeline: pipeline) }
before do
visit project_job_path(project, job)
it 'shows a modal to warn the user' do
page.within('.modal-header') do
expect(page).to have_content 'Are you sure you want to retry this job?'
it 'retries the job' do
within '[data-testid="ci-header-content"]' do
expect(page).to have_content('pending')
describe "GET /:project/jobs/:id/download", :js do
before do
create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: artifacts_file, job: job)
visit project_job_path(project, job)
click_link 'Download'
context "Build from other project" do
before do
create(:ci_job_artifact, :archive, file: artifacts_file, job: job2)
it do
requests = inspect_requests do
visit download_project_job_artifacts_path(project, job2)
expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(404)
describe 'GET /:project/jobs/:id/raw', :js do
context 'access source' do
2017-05-31 11:00:30 -04:00
context 'job from project' do
2018-02-02 04:47:20 -05:00
context 'when job is running' do
before do!
2018-02-02 04:47:20 -05:00
it 'sends the right headers' do
requests = inspect_requests(inject_headers: { 'X-Sendfile-Type' => 'X-Sendfile' }) do
visit raw_project_job_path(project, job)
expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(200)
expect(requests.first.response_headers['Content-Type']).to eq('text/plain; charset=utf-8')
expect(requests.first.response_headers['X-Sendfile']).to eq(job.trace.send(:current_path))
2018-02-02 04:47:20 -05:00
context 'when job is complete' do
let(:job) { create(:ci_build, :success, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) }
2018-02-02 04:47:20 -05:00
it 'sends the right headers' do
requests = inspect_requests(inject_headers: { 'X-Sendfile-Type' => 'X-Sendfile' }) do
visit raw_project_job_path(project, job)
expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(200)
expect(requests.first.response_headers['Content-Type']).to eq('text/plain; charset=utf-8')
expect(requests.first.response_headers['X-Sendfile']).to eq(job.job_artifacts_trace.file.path)
context 'job from other project' do
before do!
it 'sends the right headers' do
requests = inspect_requests(inject_headers: { 'X-Sendfile-Type' => 'X-Sendfile' }) do
visit raw_project_job_path(project, job2)
expect(requests.first.status_code).to eq(404)
context "when visiting old URL" do
let(:raw_job_url) do
raw_project_job_path(project, job)
before do
visit raw_job_url.sub('/-/jobs', '/builds')
it "redirects to new URL" do
expect(page.current_path).to eq(raw_job_url)
describe "GET /:project/jobs/:id/trace.json" do
let(:build) { create(:ci_build, :trace_artifact, pipeline: pipeline) }
2017-05-31 11:00:30 -04:00
context "Job from project" do
before do
visit trace_project_job_path(project, build, format: :json)
it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) }
2017-05-31 11:00:30 -04:00
context "Job from other project" do
before do
visit trace_project_job_path(project, job2, format: :json)
it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) }
describe "GET /:project/jobs/:id/status" do
2017-05-31 11:00:30 -04:00
context "Job from project" do
before do
visit status_project_job_path(project, job)
it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(200) }
2017-05-31 11:00:30 -04:00
context "Job from other project" do
before do
visit status_project_job_path(project, job2)
it { expect(page.status_code).to eq(404) }