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package config
import (
type TomlURL struct {
func (u *TomlURL) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
temp, err := url.Parse(string(text))
u.URL = *temp
return err
type TomlDuration struct {
func (d *TomlDuration) UnmarshalText(text []byte) error {
temp, err := time.ParseDuration(string(text))
d.Duration = temp
return err
type ObjectStorageCredentials struct {
Provider string
S3Credentials S3Credentials `toml:"s3"`
AzureCredentials AzureCredentials `toml:"azurerm"`
type ObjectStorageConfig struct {
URLMux *blob.URLMux `toml:"-"`
type S3Credentials struct {
AwsAccessKeyID string `toml:"aws_access_key_id"`
AwsSecretAccessKey string `toml:"aws_secret_access_key"`
type S3Config struct {
Region string `toml:"-"`
Bucket string `toml:"-"`
PathStyle bool `toml:"-"`
Endpoint string `toml:"-"`
UseIamProfile bool `toml:"-"`
ServerSideEncryption string `toml:"-"` // Server-side encryption mode (e.g. AES256, aws:kms)
SSEKMSKeyID string `toml:"-"` // Server-side encryption key-management service key ID (e.g. arn:aws:xxx)
type GoCloudConfig struct {
URL string `toml:"-"`
type AzureCredentials struct {
AccountName string `toml:"azure_storage_account_name"`
AccountKey string `toml:"azure_storage_access_key"`
type RedisConfig struct {
Sentinel []TomlURL
SentinelMaster string
Password string
DB *int
MaxIdle *int
MaxActive *int
type ImageResizerConfig struct {
MaxScalerProcs uint32 `toml:"max_scaler_procs"`
MaxFilesize uint64 `toml:"max_filesize"`
type TlsConfig struct {
Certificate string `toml:"certificate"`
Key string `toml:"key"`
MinVersion string `toml:"min_version"`
MaxVersion string `toml:"max_version"`
type ListenerConfig struct {
Network string `toml:"network"`
Addr string `toml:"addr"`
Tls *TlsConfig `toml:"tls"`
type Config struct {
Redis *RedisConfig `toml:"redis"`
Backend *url.URL `toml:"-"`
CableBackend *url.URL `toml:"-"`
Version string `toml:"-"`
DocumentRoot string `toml:"-"`
DevelopmentMode bool `toml:"-"`
Socket string `toml:"-"`
CableSocket string `toml:"-"`
ProxyHeadersTimeout time.Duration `toml:"-"`
APILimit uint `toml:"-"`
APIQueueLimit uint `toml:"-"`
APIQueueTimeout time.Duration `toml:"-"`
APICILongPollingDuration time.Duration `toml:"-"`
ObjectStorageConfig ObjectStorageConfig `toml:"-"`
ObjectStorageCredentials ObjectStorageCredentials `toml:"object_storage"`
PropagateCorrelationID bool `toml:"-"`
ImageResizerConfig ImageResizerConfig `toml:"image_resizer"`
AltDocumentRoot string `toml:"alt_document_root"`
ShutdownTimeout TomlDuration `toml:"shutdown_timeout"`
TrustedCIDRsForXForwardedFor []string `toml:"trusted_cidrs_for_x_forwarded_for"`
TrustedCIDRsForPropagation []string `toml:"trusted_cidrs_for_propagation"`
Listeners []ListenerConfig `toml:"listeners"`
MetricsListener *ListenerConfig `toml:"metrics_listener"`
var DefaultImageResizerConfig = ImageResizerConfig{
MaxScalerProcs: uint32(math.Max(2, float64(runtime.NumCPU())/2)),
MaxFilesize: 250 * 1000, // 250kB,
func LoadConfig(data string) (*Config, error) {
cfg := &Config{ImageResizerConfig: DefaultImageResizerConfig}
if _, err := toml.Decode(data, cfg); err != nil {
return nil, err
return cfg, nil
func (c *Config) RegisterGoCloudURLOpeners() error {
c.ObjectStorageConfig.URLMux = new(blob.URLMux)
creds := c.ObjectStorageCredentials
if strings.EqualFold(creds.Provider, "AzureRM") && creds.AzureCredentials.AccountName != "" && creds.AzureCredentials.AccountKey != "" {
accountName := azureblob.AccountName(creds.AzureCredentials.AccountName)
accountKey := azureblob.AccountKey(creds.AzureCredentials.AccountKey)
credential, err := azureblob.NewCredential(accountName, accountKey)
if err != nil {
log.WithError(err).Error("error creating Azure credentials")
return err
pipeline := azureblob.NewPipeline(credential, azblob.PipelineOptions{})
azureURLOpener := &azureURLOpener{
AccountName: accountName,
Pipeline: pipeline,
Options: azureblob.Options{Credential: credential},
c.ObjectStorageConfig.URLMux.RegisterBucket(azureblob.Scheme, azureURLOpener)
return nil