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info: "See the Technical Writers assigned to Development Guidelines:"
# Deprecated feature removal schedule
This page contains information related to upcoming products, features, and functionality.
It is important to note that the information presented is for informational purposes only.
Please do not rely on this information for purchasing or planning purposes.
As with all projects, the items mentioned on this page are subject to change or delay.
The development, release, and timing of any products, features, or functionality remain at the
sole discretion of GitLab Inc.
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located at `lib/tasks/gitlab/docs/compile_deprecations.rake`.
Do not edit this page directly.
To add a deprecation, use the example.yml file in `/data/deprecations/templates` as a template.
To update this doc, run `bin/rake gitlab:docs:compile_deprecations`.
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## 14.4
### Rename Task Runner pod to Toolbox
The Task Runner pod is used to execute periodic housekeeping tasks within the GitLab application and is often confused with the GitLab Runner. Thus, [Task Runner will be renamed to Toolbox](
This will result in the rename of the sub-chart: `gitlab/task-runner` to `gitlab/toolbox`. Resulting pods will be named along the lines of `{{ .Release.Name }}-toolbox`, which will often be `gitlab-toolbox`. They will be locatable with the label `app=toolbox`.
Announced: 2021-08-22
## 14.6
### Release CLI be distributed as a generic package
The [release-cli]( will be released as a [generic package]( starting in GitLab 14.2. We will continue to deploy it as a binary to S3 until GitLab 14.5 and stop distributing it in S3 in GitLab 14.6.
Announced: 2021-08-22
## 15.0
### Audit events for repository push events
Audit events for [repository events]( are now deprecated and will be removed in GitLab 15.0.
These events have always been disabled by default and had to be manually enabled with a
feature flag. Enabling them can cause too many events to be generated which can
dramatically slow down GitLab instances. For this reason, they are being removed.
Announced: 2021-09-22
### GitLab Serverless
[GitLab Serverless]( is a feature set to support Knative-based serverless development with automatic deployments and monitoring.
We decided to remove the GitLab Serverless features as they never really resonated with our users. Besides, given the continuous development of Kubernetes and Knative, our current implementations do not even work with recent versions.
Announced: 2021-09-22
### Legacy database configuration
The syntax of [GitLabs database](
configuration located in `database.yml` is changing and the legacy format is deprecated. The legacy format
supported using a single PostgreSQL adapter, whereas the new format is changing to support multiple databases. The `main:` database needs to be defined as a first configuration item.
This deprecation mainly impacts users compiling GitLab from source because Omnibus will handle this configuration automatically.
Announced: 2021-09-22
### OmniAuth Kerberos gem
The `omniauth-kerberos` gem will be removed in our next major release, GitLab 15.0.
This gem has not been maintained and has very little usage. We therefore plan to remove support for this authentication method and recommend using the Kerberos [SPNEGO]( integration instead. You can follow the [upgrade instructions]( to upgrade from the `omniauth-kerberos` integration to the supported one.
Note that we are not deprecating the Kerberos SPNEGO integration, only the old password-based Kerberos integration.
Announced: 2021-09-22
### REST API Runner will not contain 'paused'
Runner REST API will not return "paused" as a status in GitLab 15.0.
REST API: Paused runners' status will only relate to runner contact status, such as:
"online", "offline", "not_connected". Status "paused" will not appear when the runner is
not active.
When checking if a runner is "paused", API users are advised to check the boolean attribute
"active" to be `false` instead.
### `AuthenticationType` for `[runners.cache.s3]` must be explicitly assigned
In GitLab 15.0 and later, to access the AWS S3 cache, you must specify the `AuthenticationType` for [`[runners.cache.s3]`]( The `AuthenticationType` must be `IAM` or `credentials`.
Prior to 14.5, if you did not define the `AuthenticationType`, GitLab Runner chose a type for you.
Announced: 2021-11-22
## 15.2
### NFS for Git repository storage deprecated
With the general availability of Gitaly Cluster ([introduced in GitLab 13.0](, we have deprecated development (bugfixes, performance improvements, etc) for NFS for Git repository storage in GitLab 14.0. We will continue to provide technical support for NFS for Git repositories throughout 14.x, but we will remove all support for NFS in GitLab 15.0. Please see our official [Statement of Support]( for further information.
Gitaly Cluster offers tremendous benefits for our customers such as:
- [Variable replication factors](
- [Strong consistency](
- [Distributed read capabilities](
We encourage customers currently using NFS for Git repositories to plan their migration by reviewing our documentation on [migrating to Gitaly Cluster](
Announced: 2021-06-22