There are two editions of GitLab: [Enterprise Edition]( (EE) and [Community Edition]( (CE). GitLab CE is delivered via git from the [gitlabhq repository]( New versions of GitLab are released in stable branches and the master branch is for bleeding edge development.
EE releases are available not long after CE releases. To obtain the GitLab EE there is a [repository at]( For more information about the release process see the section 'New versions and upgrading' in the readme.
Both EE and CE require an add-on component called gitlab-shell. It is obtained from the [gitlab-shell repository]( New versions are usually tags but staying on the master branch will give you the latest stable version. New releases are generally around the same time as GitLab CE releases with exception for informal security updates deemed critical.
**Sidekiq** is a worker that primarily handles sending out emails.
It takes tasks from the Redis communication board;
**A Unicorn worker** is a worker that handles quick/mundane tasks.
They work with the communication board (Redis).
Their job description:
- check permissions by checking the user session stored in a Redis “cubby hole”;
- make tasks for Sidekiq;
- fetch stuff from the warehouse or move things around in there;
**Gitlab-shell** is a third kind of worker that takes orders from a fax machine (SSH) instead of the front desk (HTTP).
Gitlab-shell communicates with Sidekiq via the “communication board” (Redis), and asks quick questions of the Unicorn workers either directly or via the front desk.
**GitLab Enterprise Edition (the application)** is the collection of processes and business practices that the office is run by.
GitLab is primarily installed within the `/home/git` user home directory as `git` user. Within the home directory is where the gitlabhq server software resides as well as the repositories (though the repository location is configurable).
The bare repositories are located in `/home/git/repositories`. GitLab is a ruby on rails application so the particulars of the inner workings can be learned by studying how a ruby on rails application works.
A typical install of GitLab will be on GNU/Linux. It uses Nginx or Apache as a web front end to proxypass the Unicorn web server. By default, communication between Unicorn and the front end is via a Unix domain socket but forwarding requests via TCP is also supported. The web front end accesses `/home/git/gitlab/public` bypassing the Unicorn server to serve static pages, uploads (e.g. avatar images or attachments), and precompiled assets. GitLab serves web pages and a [GitLab API]( using the Unicorn web server. It uses Sidekiq as a job queue which, in turn, uses redis as a non-persistent database backend for job information, meta data, and incoming jobs.
The GitLab web app uses MySQL or PostgreSQL for persistent database information (e.g. users, permissions, issues, other meta data). GitLab stores the bare git repositories it serves in `/home/git/repositories` by default. It also keeps default branch and hook information with the bare repository. `/home/git/gitlab-satellites` keeps checked out repositories when performing actions such as a merge request, editing files in the web interface, etc.
The satellite repository is used by the web interface for editing repositories and the wiki which is also a git repository. When serving repositories over HTTP/HTTPS GitLab utilizes the GitLab API to resolve authorization and access as well as serving git objects.
The add-on component gitlab-shell serves repositories over SSH. It manages the SSH keys within `/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys` which should not be manually edited. gitlab-shell accesses the bare repositories directly to serve git objects and communicates with redis to submit jobs to Sidekiq for GitLab to process. gitlab-shell queries the GitLab API to determine authorization and access.
### Installation Folder Summary
To summarize here's the [directory structure of the `git` user home directory](../install/
GitLab has several components to operate. As a system user (i.e. any user that is not the `git` user) it requires a persistent database (MySQL/PostreSQL) and redis database. It also uses Apache httpd or Nginx to proxypass Unicorn. As the `git` user it starts Sidekiq and Unicorn (a simple ruby HTTP server running on port `8080` by default). Under the GitLab user there are normally 4 processes: `unicorn_rails master` (1 process), `unicorn_rails worker` (2 processes), `sidekiq` (1 process).
Repositories get accessed via HTTP or SSH. HTTP cloning/push/pull utilizes the GitLab API and SSH cloning is handled by gitlab-shell (previously explained).
[GitLab]( provides rake tasks with which you see version information and run a quick check on your configuration to ensure it is configured properly within the application. See [maintenance rake tasks](
Note: It is recommended to log into the `git` user using `sudo -i -u git` or `sudo su - git`. While the sudo commands provided by gitlabhq work in Ubuntu they do not always work in RHEL.