With GitLab self-hosted, you deploy your own GitLab instance on-premises or on a private cloud of your choice. GitLab self-hosted is available for [free and with paid subscriptions](https://about.gitlab.com/products/): Libre, Starter, Premium, and Ultimate.
GitLab.com is our SaaS offering. It's hosted, managed, and administered by GitLab, with [free and paid plans](https://about.gitlab.com/gitlab-com/) for individuals and teams: Free, Bronze, Silver, and Gold.
- [GitLab Quick Actions](user/project/quick_actions.md): Textual shortcuts for common actions on issues or merge requests that are usually done by clicking buttons or dropdowns in GitLab's UI.
- [User account](user/profile/index.md): Manage your account
- [Authentication](topics/authentication/index.md): Account security with two-factor authentication, setup your ssh keys and deploy keys for secure access to your projects.
- [Profile settings](user/profile/index.md#profile-settings): Manage your profile settings, two factor authentication and more.
- [Work In Progress Merge Requests](user/project/merge_requests/work_in_progress_merge_requests.md)
- [Merge Request discussion resolution](user/discussions/index.md#moving-a-single-discussion-to-a-new-issue): Resolve discussions, move discussions in a merge request to an issue, only allow merge requests to be merged if all discussions are resolved.
- [Milestones](user/project/milestones/index.md): Organize issues and merge requests into a cohesive group, optionally setting a due date.
- [Todos](workflow/todos.md): A chronological list of to-dos that are waiting for your input, all in a simple dashboard.
### Git and GitLab
- [Git](topics/git/index.md): Getting started with Git, branching strategies, Git LFS, advanced use.
- [Git cheatsheet](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/marketing/raw/master/design/print/git-cheatsheet/print-pdf/git-cheatsheet.pdf): Download a PDF describing the most used Git operations.
- [GitLab Flow](workflow/gitlab_flow.md): explore the best of Git with the GitLab Flow strategy.
### Migrate and import your projects from other platforms
- [Migrating from SVN](workflow/importing/migrating_from_svn.md): Convert a SVN repository to Git and GitLab.
### Continuous Integration, Delivery, and Deployment
- [GitLab CI](ci/README.md): Explore the features and capabilities of Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery, and Continuous Deployment with GitLab.
- [Auto Deploy](ci/autodeploy/index.md): Configure GitLab CI for the deployment of your application.
- [Review Apps](ci/review_apps/index.md): Preview changes to your app right from a merge request.
- [GitLab Cycle Analytics](user/project/cycle_analytics.md): Cycle Analytics measures the time it takes to go from an [idea to production](https://about.gitlab.com/2016/08/05/continuous-integration-delivery-and-deployment-with-gitlab/#from-idea-to-production-with-gitlab) for each project you have.
- [GitLab Container Registry](user/project/container_registry.md): Learn how to use GitLab's built-in Container Registry.
### Automation
- [API](api/README.md): Automate GitLab via a simple and powerful API.
- [GitLab Webhooks](user/project/integrations/webhooks.md): Let GitLab notify you when new code has been pushed to your project.
### Integrations
- [Project Services](user/project/integrations/project_services.md): Integrate a project with external services, such as CI and chat.
- [GitLab Integration](integration/README.md): Integrate with multiple third-party services with GitLab to allow external issue trackers and external authentication.