
61 lines
2.4 KiB
Raw Normal View History
New merge request
= link_to 'Change branches', new_project_merge_request_path(@project)
= form_for [@project, @merge_request], html: { class: "merge-request-form" } do |f|
= f.label :title do
= "Title *"
= f.text_field :title, class: "form-control input-lg js-gfm-input", maxlength: 255, rows: 5, required: true
= f.label :description, "Description"
= f.text_area :description, class: "form-control js-gfm-input", rows: 10
%p.hint Description is parsed with #{link_to "GitLab Flavored Markdown", help_markdown_path, target: '_blank'}.
- if @target_repo.contribution_guide
- contribution_guide_url = project_blob_path(@target_project, tree_join(@target_repo.root_ref,
Please review the
%strong #{link_to "guidelines for contribution", contribution_guide_url}
to this repository.
= f.hidden_field :source_project_id
= f.hidden_field :target_project_id
= f.hidden_field :target_branch
= f.hidden_field :source_branch
= f.submit 'Submit a merge request', class: "btn btn-create"
Commits (#{@commits.count})
- if @commits.size > MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE
- Commit.decorate(@commits.first(MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE)).each do |commit|
= render "projects/commits/inline_commit", commit: commit, project: @project
other #{@commits.size - MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE} commits hidden to prevent performance issues.
- else
%ul.well-list= render Commit.decorate(@commits), project: @project
%h4 Changes
- if @diffs.present?
= render "projects/commits/diffs", diffs: @diffs, project: @project
- elsif @commits.size > MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE
%h4 This comparison includes more than #{MergeRequestDiff::COMMITS_SAFE_SIZE} commits.
%p To preserve performance the line changes are not shown.