
Ignoring revisions in .git-blame-ignore-revs. Click here to bypass and see the normal blame view.

62 lines
3.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Job')
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, @project)
= link_to project_job_path(@project, artifact.job) do ##{artifact.job_id}
- else ##{artifact.job_id}
- if artifact.job.ref{ "aria-label" => artifact.job.tag? ? _('Tag') : _('Branch') }
= artifact.job.tag? ? sprite_icon('tag', css_class: 'sprite') : sprite_icon('branch', css_class: 'sprite')
= link_to artifact.job.ref, project_ref_path(@project, artifact.job.ref), class: 'ref-name'
- else
.light= _('none')
.icon-container.commit-icon{ "aria-label" => _('Commit') }
= sprite_icon('commit')
- if artifact.job.sha
= link_to artifact.job.short_sha, project_commit_path(@project, artifact.job.sha), class: 'commit-sha mr-0'
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Name')
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Creation date')
= sprite_icon("calendar")
%span= time_ago_with_tooltip(artifact.created_at)
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Expiration date')
- if artifact.expire_at
= sprite_icon("calendar")
%span= time_ago_with_tooltip(artifact.expire_at)
.table-mobile-header{ role: 'rowheader' }= _('Size')
= number_to_human_size(artifact.size, precision: 2)
- if can?(current_user, :read_build, @project)
= link_to download_project_job_artifacts_path(@project, artifact.job), rel: 'nofollow', download: '', title: _('Download artifacts'), data: { placement: 'top', container: 'body' }, ref: 'tooltip', aria: { label: _('Download artifacts') }, class: 'gl-button btn btn-default btn-icon has-tooltip' do
= sprite_icon('download', css_class: 'gl-icon')
= link_to browse_project_job_artifacts_path(@project, artifact.job), rel: 'nofollow', title: _('Browse artifacts'), data: { placement: 'top', container: 'body' }, ref: 'tooltip', aria: { label: _('Browse artifacts') }, class: 'gl-button btn btn-default btn-icon has-tooltip' do
= sprite_icon('folder-open', css_class: 'gl-icon')
- if can?(current_user, :destroy_artifacts, @project)
= link_to project_artifact_path(@project, artifact), data: { placement: 'top', container: 'body', confirm: _('Are you sure you want to delete these artifacts?'), confirm_btn_variant: "danger" }, method: :delete, title: _('Delete artifacts'), ref: 'tooltip', aria: { label: _('Delete artifacts') }, class: 'gl-button btn btn-danger btn-icon has-tooltip' do
= sprite_icon('remove', css_class: 'gl-icon')