2013-04-06 15:32:23 -04:00
= check_box_tag "check_all_issues", nil, false, class: "check_all_issues left"
= form_tag bulk_update_project_issues_path(@project), method: :post do
%span.update_issues_text Update selected issues with
= select_tag('update[status]', options_for_select(['open', 'closed']), prompt: "Status")
2013-06-17 07:55:41 -04:00
= select_tag('update[assignee_id]', options_from_collection_for_select(@project.team.members, "id", "name", params[:assignee_id]), prompt: "Assignee")
2013-04-06 15:32:23 -04:00
= select_tag('update[milestone_id]', options_from_collection_for_select(issues_active_milestones, "id", "title", params[:milestone_id]), prompt: "Milestone")
= hidden_field_tag 'update[issues_ids]', []
= hidden_field_tag :status, params[:status]
= button_tag "Save", class: "btn update_selected_issues btn-small btn-save"
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
%span Filter by
%a.dropdown-toggle.btn.btn-small{href: '#', "data-toggle" => "dropdown"}
%span.light labels:
- if params[:label_name].present?
%strong= params[:label_name]
- else
= link_to project_issues_with_filter_path(@project, label_name: nil) do
2013-05-08 03:00:19 -04:00
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
- issue_label_names.each do |label_name|
= link_to project_issues_with_filter_path(@project, label_name: label_name) do
%span{class: "label #{label_css_class(label_name)}"}
= label_name
%a.dropdown-toggle.btn.btn-small{href: '#', "data-toggle" => "dropdown"}
%span.light assignee:
- if @assignee.present?
%strong= @assignee.name
- elsif params[:assignee_id] == "0"
- else
= link_to project_issues_with_filter_path(@project, assignee_id: nil) do
2013-05-08 03:00:19 -04:00
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
= link_to project_issues_with_filter_path(@project, assignee_id: 0) do
2013-06-17 07:55:41 -04:00
- @project.team.members.sort_by(&:name).each do |user|
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
= link_to project_issues_with_filter_path(@project, assignee_id: user.id) do
2013-06-06 12:02:58 -04:00
= image_tag gravatar_icon(user.email), class: "avatar s16", alt: ''
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
= user.name
2013-05-08 03:00:19 -04:00
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
%a.dropdown-toggle.btn.btn-small{href: '#', "data-toggle" => "dropdown"}
%span.light milestone:
- if @milestone.present?
%strong= @milestone.title
- elsif params[:milestone_id] == "0"
2013-06-22 11:19:00 -04:00
None (backlog)
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
- else
= link_to project_issues_with_filter_path(@project, milestone_id: nil) do
2013-05-08 03:00:19 -04:00
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
= link_to project_issues_with_filter_path(@project, milestone_id: 0) do
2013-06-22 11:19:00 -04:00
None (backlog)
2013-05-08 06:43:21 -04:00
- issues_active_milestones.each do |milestone|
= link_to project_issues_with_filter_path(@project, milestone_id: milestone.id) do
%strong= milestone.title
%small.light= milestone.expires_at
2013-05-08 03:00:19 -04:00
2013-04-06 15:32:23 -04:00
= render @issues
- if @issues.blank?
%h4.nothing_here_message Nothing to show here
2012-03-21 18:09:56 -04:00
2012-03-21 18:09:57 -04:00
- if @issues.present?
2013-04-06 15:32:23 -04:00
%span.issue_counter #{@issues.total_count}
issues for this filter
2012-07-27 20:35:24 -04:00
2013-04-06 15:32:23 -04:00
= paginate @issues, remote: true, theme: "gitlab"