diff --git a/app/views/shared/_project_filter.html.haml b/app/views/shared/_project_filter.html.haml
index 5e0f503c819..f3d032ef986 100644
--- a/app/views/shared/_project_filter.html.haml
+++ b/app/views/shared/_project_filter.html.haml
@@ -1,15 +1,16 @@
= form_tag project_entities_path, method: 'get' do
- %ul.nav.nav-pills.nav-stacked
- %li{class: ("active" if params[:scope].blank?)}
- = link_to project_filter_path(scope: nil) do
- Everyone's
- %li{class: ("active" if params[:scope] == 'assigned-to-me')}
- = link_to project_filter_path(scope: 'assigned-to-me') do
- Assigned to me
- %li{class: ("active" if params[:scope] == 'created-by-me')}
- = link_to project_filter_path(scope: 'created-by-me') do
- Created by me
+ - if current_user
+ %ul.nav.nav-pills.nav-stacked
+ %li{class: ("active" if params[:scope].blank?)}
+ = link_to project_filter_path(scope: nil) do
+ Everyone's
+ %li{class: ("active" if params[:scope] == 'assigned-to-me')}
+ = link_to project_filter_path(scope: 'assigned-to-me') do
+ Assigned to me
+ %li{class: ("active" if params[:scope] == 'created-by-me')}
+ = link_to project_filter_path(scope: 'created-by-me') do
+ Created by me
%li{class: ("active" if params[:state].blank?)}