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How to Configure LDAP with GitLab CE

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# How to configure LDAP with GitLab CE
> **Type:** admin guide ||
> **Level:** intermediary ||
> **Author:** [Chris Wilson]( ||
> **Publication date:** 2017/05/03
## Introduction
Managing a large number of users in GitLab can become a burden for system administrators. As an organization grows so do user accounts. Keeping these user accounts in sync across multiple enterprise applications often becomes a time consuming task.
In this guide we will focus on configuring GitLab with Active Directory. [Active Directory]( is a popular LDAP compatible directory service provided by Microsoft, included in all modern Windows Server operating systems.
GitLab has supported LDAP integration since [version 2.2]( With GitLab LDAP [group syncing](#group-syncing-ee) being added to GitLab Enterprise Edition in [version 6.0]( LDAP integration has become one of the most popular features in GitLab.
## Getting started
### Choosing an LDAP Server
The main reason organizations choose to utilize a LDAP server is to keep the entire organization's user base consolidated into a central repository. Users can access multiple applications and systems across the IT environment using a single login. Because LDAP is an open, vendor-neutral, industry standard application protocol, the number of applications using LDAP authentication continues to increase.
There are many commercial and open source [directory servers]( that support the LDAP protocol. Deciding on the right directory server highly depends on the existing IT environment in which the server will be integrated with.
For example, [Active Directory]( is generally favored in a primarily Windows environment, as this allows quick integration with existing services. Other popular directory services include:
- [Oracle Internet Directory](
- [OpenLDAP](
- [389 Directory](
- [OpenDJ](
- [ApacheDS](
> GitLab uses the [Net::LDAP]( library under the hood. This means it supports all [IETF]( compliant LDAPv3 servers.
### Active Directory (AD)
We won't cover the installation and configuration of Windows Server or Active Directory Domain Services in this tutorial. There are a number of resources online to guide you through this process:
- Install Windows Server 2012 - ( - [Installing Windows Server 2012 ](
- Install Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) ( [Install Active Directory Domain Services](
> **Shortcut:** You can quickly install AD DS via PowerShell using
`Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services -IncludeManagementTools`
### Creating an AD **OU** structure
Configuring organizational units (**OU**s) is an important part of setting up Active Directory. **OU**s form the base for an entire organizational structure. Using GitLab as an example we have designed the **OU** structure below using the geographic **OU** model. In the Geographic Model we separate **OU**s for different geographic regions.
| GitLab **OU** Design | GitLab AD Structure |
| :----------------------------: | :------------------------------: |
| ![GitLab OU Design][gitlab_ou] | ![GitLab AD Structure][ldap_ou] |
[gitlab_ou]: img/gitlab_ou.png
[ldap_ou]: img/ldap_ou.gif
Using PowerShell you can output the **OU** structure as a table (_all names are examples only_):
Get-ADObject -LDAPFilter "(objectClass=*)" -SearchBase 'OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org' -Properties CanonicalName | Format-Table Name,CanonicalName -A
OU CanonicalName
---- -------------
United States INT/United States
Developers INT/United States/Developers
Gary Johnson INT/United States/Developers/Gary Johnson
Ellis Matthews INT/United States/Developers/Ellis Matthews
William Collins INT/United States/Developers/William Collins
People Ops INT/United States/People Ops
Margaret Baker INT/United States/People Ops/Margaret Baker
Libby Hartzler INT/United States/People Ops/Libby Hartzler
Victoria Ryles INT/United States/People Ops/Victoria Ryles
The Netherlands INT/The Netherlands
Developers INT/The Netherlands/Developers
John Doe INT/The Netherlands/Developers/John Doe
Jon Mealy INT/The Netherlands/Developers/Jon Mealy
Jane Weingarten INT/The Netherlands/Developers/Jane Weingarten
Production INT/The Netherlands/Production
Sarah Konopka INT/The Netherlands/Production/Sarah Konopka
Cynthia Bruno INT/The Netherlands/Production/Cynthia Bruno
David George INT/The Netherlands/Production/David George
United Kingdom INT/United Kingdom
Developers INT/United Kingdom/Developers
Leroy Fox INT/United Kingdom/Developers/Leroy Fox
Christopher Alley INT/United Kingdom/Developers/Christopher Alley
Norris Morita INT/United Kingdom/Developers/Norris Morita
Support INT/United Kingdom/Support
Laura Stanley INT/United Kingdom/Support/Laura Stanley
Nikki Schuman INT/United Kingdom/Support/Nikki Schuman
Harriet Butcher INT/United Kingdom/Support/Harriet Butcher
Global Groups INT/Global Groups
DevelopersNL INT/Global Groups/DevelopersNL
DevelopersUK INT/Global Groups/DevelopersUK
DevelopersUS INT/Global Groups/DevelopersUS
ProductionNL INT/Global Groups/ProductionNL
SupportUK INT/Global Groups/SupportUK
People Ops US INT/Global Groups/People Ops US
Global Admins INT/Global Groups/Global Admins
> See [more information]( on searching Active Directory with Windows PowerShell from [The Scripting Guys](
## GitLab LDAP configuration
The initial configuration of LDAP in GitLab requires changes to the `gitlab.rb` configuration file. Below is an example of a complete configuration using an Active Directory.
The two Active Directory specific values are `active_directory: true` and `uid: 'sAMAccountName'`. `sAMAccountName` is an attribute returned by Active Directory used for GitLab usernames. See the example output from `ldapsearch` for a full list of attributes a "person" object (user) has in **AD** - [`ldapsearch` example](#using-ldapsearch-unix)
> Both group_base and admin_group configuration options are only available in GitLab Enterprise Edition. See [GitLab EE - LDAP Features](#gitlab-enterprise-edition---ldap-features)
### Example `gitlab.rb` LDAP
gitlab_rails['ldap_enabled'] = true
gitlab_rails['ldap_servers'] = {
'main' => {
'label' => 'GitLab AD',
'host' => '',
'port' => 636,
'uid' => 'sAMAccountName',
'method' => 'ssl',
'bind_dn' => 'CN=GitLabSRV,CN=Users,DC=GitLab,DC=org',
'password' => 'Password1',
'active_directory' => true,
'base' => 'OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org',
'group_base' => 'OU=Global Groups,OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org',
'admin_group' => 'Global Admins'
> **Note:** Remember to run `gitlab-ctl reconfigure` after modifying `gitlab.rb`
## Security improvements (LDAPS)
Security is an important aspect when deploying an LDAP server. By default, LDAP traffic is transmitted unsecured. LDAP can be secured using SSL/TLS called LDAPS, or commonly "LDAP over SSL".
Securing LDAP (enabling LDAPS) on Windows Server 2012 involves installing a valid SSL certificate. For full details see Microsoft's guide [How to enable LDAP over SSL with a third-party certification authority](
> By default a LDAP service listens for connections on TCP and UDP port 389. LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) listens on port 636
### Testing you AD server
#### Using **AdFind** (Windows)
You can use the [`AdFind`]( utility (on Windows based systems) to test that your LDAP server is accessible and authentication is working correctly. This is a freeware utility built by [Joe Richards](
**Return all objects**
You can use the filter `objectclass=*` to return all directory objects.
adfind -h -ssl -u "CN=GitLabSRV,CN=Users,DC=GitLab,DC=org" -up Password1 -b "OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org" -f (objectClass=*)
**Return single object using filter**
You can also retrieve a single object by **specifying** the object name or full **DN**. In this example we specify the object name only `CN=Leroy Fox`.
adfind -h -ssl -u "CN=GitLabSRV,CN=Users,DC=GitLab,DC=org" -up Password1 -b "OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org" -f (&(objectcategory=person)(CN=Leroy Fox))”
#### Using **ldapsearch** (Unix)
You can use the `ldapsearch` utility (on Unix based systems) to test that your LDAP server is accessible and authentication is working correctly. This utility is included in the [`ldap-utils`]( package.
**Return all objects**
You can use the filter `objectclass=*` to return all directory objects.
ldapsearch -D "CN=GitLabSRV,CN=Users,DC=GitLab,DC=org" \
-w Password1 -p 636 -h \
-b "OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org" -Z \
-s sub "(objectclass=*)"
**Return single object using filter**
You can also retrieve a single object by **specifying** the object name or full **DN**. In this example we specify the object name only `CN=Leroy Fox`.
ldapsearch -D "CN=GitLabSRV,CN=Users,DC=GitLab,DC=org" -w Password1 -p 389 -h -b "OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org" -Z -s sub "CN=Leroy Fox"
**Full output of `ldapsearch` command:** - Filtering for _CN=Leroy Fox_
# LDAPv3
# base <OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org> with scope subtree
# filter: CN=Leroy Fox
# requesting: ALL
# Leroy Fox, Developers, United Kingdom, GitLab INT,
dn: CN=Leroy Fox,OU=Developers,OU=United Kingdom,OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=or
objectClass: top
objectClass: person
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: user
cn: Leroy Fox
sn: Fox
givenName: Leroy
distinguishedName: CN=Leroy Fox,OU=Developers,OU=United Kingdom,OU=GitLab INT,
instanceType: 4
whenCreated: 20170210030500.0Z
whenChanged: 20170213050128.0Z
displayName: Leroy Fox
uSNCreated: 16790
memberOf: CN=DevelopersUK,OU=Global Groups,OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org
uSNChanged: 20812
name: Leroy Fox
objectGUID:: rBCAo6NR6E6vfSKgzcUILg==
userAccountControl: 512
badPwdCount: 0
codePage: 0
countryCode: 0
badPasswordTime: 0
lastLogoff: 0
lastLogon: 0
pwdLastSet: 131311695009850084
primaryGroupID: 513
accountExpires: 9223372036854775807
logonCount: 0
sAMAccountName: Leroyf
sAMAccountType: 805306368
objectCategory: CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=GitLab,DC=org
dSCorePropagationData: 16010101000000.0Z
lastLogonTimestamp: 131314356887754250
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
## Basic user authentication
After configuring LDAP, basic authentication will be available. Users can then login using their directory credentials. An extra tab is added to the GitLab login screen for the configured LDAP server (e.g "**GitLab AD**").
![GitLab OU Structure](img/user_auth.gif)
Users that are removed from the LDAP base group (e.g `OU=GitLab INT,DC=GitLab,DC=org`) will be **blocked** in GitLab. [More information](../../administration/auth/ on LDAP security.
If `allow_username_or_email_login` is enabled in the LDAP configuration, GitLab will ignore everything after the first '@' in the LDAP username used on login. Example: The username `` is converted to `jon.doe` when authenticating with the LDAP server. Disable this setting if you use `userPrincipalName` as the `uid`.
## LDAP extended features on GitLab EE
With [GitLab Enterprise Edition (EE)](, besides everything we just described, you'll
have extended functionalities with LDAP, such as:
- Group sync
- Group permissions
- Updating user permissions
- Multiple LDAP servers
Read through the article on [LDAP for GitLab EE]( for an overview.

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@ -7,6 +7,11 @@ to provide the community with guidance on specific processes to achieve certain
They are written by members of the GitLab Team and by They are written by members of the GitLab Team and by
[Community Writers]( [Community Writers](
## Authentication
- **LDAP**
- [How to configure LDAP with GitLab CE](how_to_configure_ldap_gitlab_ce/
## GitLab Pages ## GitLab Pages
- **GitLab Pages from A to Z** - **GitLab Pages from A to Z**

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@ -18,6 +18,8 @@ This page gathers all the resources for the topic **Authentication** within GitL
- [LDAP (Enterprise Edition)]( - [LDAP (Enterprise Edition)](
- [Enforce Two-factor Authentication (2FA)](../../security/ - [Enforce Two-factor Authentication (2FA)](../../security/
- **Articles:** - **Articles:**
- [How to Configure LDAP with GitLab CE](../../articles/how_to_configure_ldap_gitlab_ce/
- [How to Configure LDAP with GitLab EE](
- [Feature Highlight: LDAP Integration]( - [Feature Highlight: LDAP Integration](
- [Debugging LDAP]( - [Debugging LDAP](
- **Integrations:** - **Integrations:**