merge into public

This commit is contained in:
Andrey Kumanyaev 2013-01-19 21:33:38 +04:00 committed by Dmitriy Zaporozhets
parent 7d3efec7d1
commit 911f6eb106
2 changed files with 45 additions and 0 deletions

View file

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
My Teams
= link_to new_team_path, class: "btn very_small info" do
New Team
= link_to teams_path, class: "btn very_small info" do
All Teams
- teams.each do |team|
= link_to team_path(id: team.path), class: dom_class(team) do
%strong.well-title= truncate(, length: 35)
%strong Projects:
%span= current_user.authorized_projects.in_team(team).count

View file

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
!!! 5
%html{ lang: "en"}
= render "layouts/head", title: "#{}"
%body{class: "#{app_theme} application"}
= render "layouts/flash"
= render "layouts/head_panel", title: "#{}"
= nav_link(path: 'teams#show', html_options: {class: 'home'}) do
= link_to "Home", team_path(@user_team), title: "Home"
= nav_link(path: 'teams#issues') do
= link_to issues_team_path(@user_team) do
%span.count= Issue.opened.of_user_team(@user_team).count
= nav_link(path: 'teams#merge_requests') do
= link_to merge_requests_team_path(@user_team) do
Merge Requests
%span.count= MergeRequest.opened.of_user_team(@user_team).count
= nav_link(path: 'teams#search') do
= link_to "Search", search_team_path(@user_team)
.content= yield