Merge branch 'copy-as-md' into 'master'

Copying a rendered issue/comment will paste into GFM textareas as actual GFM

See merge request !8597
This commit is contained in:
Jacob Schatz 2017-01-25 22:14:01 +00:00
commit a24e9a0e3c
12 changed files with 911 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,355 @@
/* eslint-disable class-methods-use-this, object-shorthand, no-unused-vars, no-use-before-define, no-new, max-len, no-restricted-syntax, guard-for-in, no-continue */
/* jshint esversion: 6 */
/*= require lib/utils/common_utils */
(() => {
const gfmRules = {
// The filters referenced in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb convert
// GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM) to HTML.
// These handlers consequently convert that same HTML to GFM to be copied to the clipboard.
// Every filter in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb that generates HTML
// from GFM should have a handler here, in reverse order.
// The GFM-to-HTML-to-GFM cycle is tested in spec/features/copy_as_gfm_spec.rb.
InlineDiffFilter: {
'span.idiff.addition'(el, text) {
return `{+${text}+}`;
'span.idiff.deletion'(el, text) {
return `{-${text}-}`;
TaskListFilter: {
'input[type=checkbox].task-list-item-checkbox'(el, text) {
return `[${el.checked ? 'x' : ' '}]`;
ReferenceFilter: {
'a.gfm:not([data-link=true])'(el, text) {
return el.dataset.original || text;
AutolinkFilter: {
'a'(el, text) {
// Fallback on the regular MarkdownFilter's `a` handler.
if (text !== el.getAttribute('href')) return false;
return text;
TableOfContentsFilter: {
'ul.section-nav'(el, text) {
return '[[_TOC_]]';
EmojiFilter: {
'img.emoji'(el, text) {
return el.getAttribute('alt');
ImageLinkFilter: {
''(el, text) {
return text;
VideoLinkFilter: {
'.video-container'(el, text) {
const videoEl = el.querySelector('video');
if (!videoEl) return false;
return CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(videoEl);
'video'(el, text) {
return `![${el.dataset.title}](${el.getAttribute('src')})`;
MathFilter: {
'pre.code.math[data-math-style=display]'(el, text) {
return `\`\`\`math\n${text.trim()}\n\`\`\``;
'code.code.math[data-math-style=inline]'(el, text) {
return `$\`${text}\`$`;
'span.katex-display span.katex-mathml'(el, text) {
const mathAnnotation = el.querySelector('annotation[encoding="application/x-tex"]');
if (!mathAnnotation) return false;
return `\`\`\`math\n${CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(mathAnnotation)}\n\`\`\``;
'span.katex-mathml'(el, text) {
const mathAnnotation = el.querySelector('annotation[encoding="application/x-tex"]');
if (!mathAnnotation) return false;
return `$\`${CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(mathAnnotation)}\`$`;
'span.katex-html'(el, text) {
// We don't want to include the content of this element in the copied text.
return '';
'annotation[encoding="application/x-tex"]'(el, text) {
return text.trim();
SanitizationFilter: {
'dl'(el, text) {
let lines = text.trim().split('\n');
// Add two spaces to the front of subsequent list items lines,
// or leave the line entirely blank.
lines = => {
const line = l.trim();
if (line.length === 0) return '';
return ` ${line}`;
return `<dl>\n${lines.join('\n')}\n</dl>`;
'sub, dt, dd, kbd, q, samp, var, ruby, rt, rp, abbr'(el, text) {
const tag = el.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return `<${tag}>${text}</${tag}>`;
SyntaxHighlightFilter: {
'pre.code.highlight'(el, t) {
const text = t.trim();
let lang = el.getAttribute('lang');
if (lang === 'plaintext') {
lang = '';
// Prefixes lines with 4 spaces if the code contains triple backticks
if (lang === '' && text.match(/^```/gm)) {
return text.split('\n').map((l) => {
const line = l.trim();
if (line.length === 0) return '';
return ` ${line}`;
return `\`\`\`${lang}\n${text}\n\`\`\``;
'pre > code'(el, text) {
// Don't wrap code blocks in ``
return text;
MarkdownFilter: {
'br'(el, text) {
// Two spaces at the end of a line are turned into a BR
return ' ';
'code'(el, text) {
let backtickCount = 1;
const backtickMatch = text.match(/`+/);
if (backtickMatch) {
backtickCount = backtickMatch[0].length + 1;
const backticks = Array(backtickCount + 1).join('`');
const spaceOrNoSpace = backtickCount > 1 ? ' ' : '';
return backticks + spaceOrNoSpace + text + spaceOrNoSpace + backticks;
'blockquote'(el, text) {
return text.trim().split('\n').map(s => `> ${s}`.trim()).join('\n');
'img'(el, text) {
return `![${el.getAttribute('alt')}](${el.getAttribute('src')})`;
'a.anchor'(el, text) {
// Don't render a Markdown link for the anchor link inside a heading
return text;
'a'(el, text) {
return `[${text}](${el.getAttribute('href')})`;
'li'(el, text) {
const lines = text.trim().split('\n');
const firstLine = `- ${lines.shift()}`;
// Add four spaces to the front of subsequent list items lines,
// or leave the line entirely blank.
const nextLines = => {
if (s.trim().length === 0) return '';
return ` ${s}`;
return `${firstLine}\n${nextLines.join('\n')}`;
'ul'(el, text) {
return text;
'ol'(el, text) {
// LIs get a `- ` prefix by default, which we replace by `1. ` for ordered lists.
return text.replace(/^- /mg, '1. ');
'h1'(el, text) {
return `# ${text.trim()}`;
'h2'(el, text) {
return `## ${text.trim()}`;
'h3'(el, text) {
return `### ${text.trim()}`;
'h4'(el, text) {
return `#### ${text.trim()}`;
'h5'(el, text) {
return `##### ${text.trim()}`;
'h6'(el, text) {
return `###### ${text.trim()}`;
'strong'(el, text) {
return `**${text}**`;
'em'(el, text) {
return `_${text}_`;
'del'(el, text) {
return `~~${text}~~`;
'sup'(el, text) {
return `^${text}`;
'hr'(el, text) {
return '-----';
'table'(el, text) {
const theadEl = el.querySelector('thead');
const tbodyEl = el.querySelector('tbody');
if (!theadEl || !tbodyEl) return false;
const theadText = CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(theadEl);
const tbodyText = CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(tbodyEl);
return theadText + tbodyText;
'thead'(el, text) {
const cells ='th'), (cell) => {
let chars = CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(cell).trim().length + 2;
let before = '';
let after = '';
switch ( {
case 'center':
before = ':';
after = ':';
chars -= 2;
case 'right':
after = ':';
chars -= 1;
chars = Math.max(chars, 3);
const middle = Array(chars + 1).join('-');
return before + middle + after;
return `${text}|${cells.join('|')}|`;
'tr'(el, text) {
const cells ='td, th'), cell => CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(cell).trim());
return `| ${cells.join(' | ')} |`;
class CopyAsGFM {
constructor() {
$(document).on('copy', '.md, .wiki', this.handleCopy);
$(document).on('paste', '.js-gfm-input', this.handlePaste);
handleCopy(e) {
const clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData;
if (!clipboardData) return;
const documentFragment =;
if (!documentFragment) return;
// If the documentFragment contains more than just Markdown, don't copy as GFM.
if (documentFragment.querySelector('.md, .wiki')) return;
clipboardData.setData('text/plain', documentFragment.textContent);
const gfm = CopyAsGFM.nodeToGFM(documentFragment);
clipboardData.setData('text/x-gfm', gfm);
handlePaste(e) {
const clipboardData = e.originalEvent.clipboardData;
if (!clipboardData) return;
const gfm = clipboardData.getData('text/x-gfm');
if (!gfm) return;
e.preventDefault();, gfm);
static nodeToGFM(node) {
if (node.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE) {
return node.textContent;
const text = this.innerGFM(node);
if (node.nodeType === Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE) {
return text;
for (const filter in gfmRules) {
const rules = gfmRules[filter];
for (const selector in rules) {
const func = rules[selector];
if (!, selector)) continue;
const result = func(node, text);
if (result === false) continue;
return result;
return text;
static innerGFM(parentNode) {
const nodes = parentNode.childNodes;
const clonedParentNode = parentNode.cloneNode(true);
const clonedNodes =, 0);
for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i += 1) {
const node = nodes[i];
const clonedNode = clonedNodes[i];
const text = this.nodeToGFM(node);
// `clonedNode.replaceWith(text)` is not yet widely supported
clonedNode.parentNode.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(text), clonedNode);
return clonedParentNode.innerText || clonedParentNode.textContent;
} = || {}; = CopyAsGFM;
new CopyAsGFM();

View File

@ -160,6 +160,62 @@
return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' ')); return decodeURIComponent(results[2].replace(/\+/g, ' '));
}; }; = () => {
const selection = window.getSelection();
const documentFragment = selection.getRangeAt(0).cloneContents();
if (documentFragment.textContent.length === 0) return null;
return documentFragment;
}; = (target, text) => {
// Firefox doesn't support `document.execCommand('insertText', false, text)` on textareas
const selectionStart = target.selectionStart;
const selectionEnd = target.selectionEnd;
const value = target.value;
const textBefore = value.substring(0, selectionStart);
const textAfter = value.substring(selectionEnd, value.length);
const newText = textBefore + text + textAfter;
target.value = newText;
target.selectionStart = target.selectionEnd = selectionStart + text.length;
// Trigger autosave
// Trigger autosize
var event = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('autosize:update', true, false);
}; = (node, selector) => {
const matches = Element.prototype.matches ||
Element.prototype.matchesSelector ||
Element.prototype.mozMatchesSelector ||
Element.prototype.msMatchesSelector ||
Element.prototype.oMatchesSelector ||
if (matches) {
return, selector);
// IE11 doesn't support `node.matches(selector)`
let parentNode = node.parentNode;
if (!parentNode) {
parentNode = document.createElement('div');
node = node.cloneNode(true);
const matchingNodes = parentNode.querySelectorAll(selector);
return, node) !== -1;
/** /**
this will take in the headers from an API response and normalize them this will take in the headers from an API response and normalize them
this way we don't run into production issues when nginx gives us lowercased header keys this way we don't run into production issues when nginx gives us lowercased header keys

View File

@ -39,29 +39,39 @@
} }
ShortcutsIssuable.prototype.replyWithSelectedText = function() { ShortcutsIssuable.prototype.replyWithSelectedText = function() {
var quote, replyField, selected, separator; var quote, replyField, documentFragment, selected, separator;
if (window.getSelection) {
selected = window.getSelection().toString(); documentFragment =;
replyField = $('.js-main-target-form #note_note'); if (!documentFragment) return;
if (selected.trim() === "") {
return; // If the documentFragment contains more than just Markdown, don't copy as GFM.
} if (documentFragment.querySelector('.md, .wiki')) return;
// Put a '>' character before each non-empty line in the selection
quote ="\n"), function(val) { selected =;
if (val.trim() !== '') {
return "> " + val + "\n"; replyField = $('.js-main-target-form #note_note');
} if (selected.trim() === "") {
}); return;
// If replyField already has some content, add a newline before our quote
separator = replyField.val().trim() !== "" && "\n" || '';
replyField.val(function(_, current) {
return current + separator + quote.join('') + "\n";
// Trigger autosave for the added text
// Focus the input field
return replyField.focus();
} }
quote ="\n"), function(val) {
return ("> " + val).trim() + "\n";
// If replyField already has some content, add a newline before our quote
separator = replyField.val().trim() !== "" && "\n\n" || '';
replyField.val(function(_, current) {
return current + separator + quote.join('') + "\n";
// Trigger autosave
// Trigger autosize
var event = document.createEvent('Event');
event.initEvent('autosize:update', true, false);
// Focus the input field
return replyField.focus();
}; };
ShortcutsIssuable.prototype.editIssue = function() { ShortcutsIssuable.prototype.editIssue = function() {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
title: Copying a rendered issue/comment will paste into GFM textareas as actual GFM

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ module Banzai
title = object_link_title(object) title = object_link_title(object)
klass = reference_class(object_sym) klass = reference_class(object_sym)
data = data_attributes_for(link_content || match, project, object) data = data_attributes_for(link_content || match, project, object, link: !!link_content)
if matches.names.include?("url") && matches[:url] if matches.names.include?("url") && matches[:url]
url = matches[:url] url = matches[:url]
@ -172,9 +172,10 @@ module Banzai
end end
end end
def data_attributes_for(text, project, object) def data_attributes_for(text, project, object, link: false)
data_attribute( data_attribute(
original: text, original: text,
link: link,
project:, project:,
object_sym => object_sym =>
) )

View File

@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ module Banzai
end end
end end
def data_attributes_for(text, project, object) def data_attributes_for(text, project, object, link: false)
if object.is_a?(ExternalIssue) if object.is_a?(ExternalIssue)
data_attribute( data_attribute(
project:, project:,

View File

@ -20,17 +20,19 @@ module Banzai
code = node.text code = node.text
css_classes = "code highlight" css_classes = "code highlight"
lexer = lexer_for(language) lexer = lexer_for(language)
lang = lexer.tag
begin begin
code = format(lex(lexer, code)) code = format(lex(lexer, code))
css_classes << " js-syntax-highlight #{lexer.tag}" css_classes << " js-syntax-highlight #{lang}"
rescue rescue
lang = nil
# Gracefully handle syntax highlighter bugs/errors to ensure # Gracefully handle syntax highlighter bugs/errors to ensure
# users can still access an issue/comment/etc. # users can still access an issue/comment/etc.
end end
highlighted = %(<pre class="#{css_classes}" v-pre="true"><code>#{code}</code></pre>) highlighted = %(<pre class="#{css_classes}" lang="#{lang}" v-pre="true"><code>#{code}</code></pre>)
# Extracted to a method to measure it # Extracted to a method to measure it
replace_parent_pre_element(node, highlighted) replace_parent_pre_element(node, highlighted)

View File

@ -35,7 +35,8 @@ module Banzai
src: element['src'], src: element['src'],
width: '400', width: '400',
controls: true, controls: true,
'data-setup' => '{}') 'data-setup' => '{}',
'data-title' => element['title'] || element['alt'])
link = doc.document.create_element( link = doc.document.create_element(
'a', 'a',

View File

@ -1,6 +1,12 @@
module Banzai module Banzai
module Pipeline module Pipeline
class GfmPipeline < BasePipeline class GfmPipeline < BasePipeline
# These filters convert GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM) to HTML.
# The handlers defined in app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js.es6
# consequently convert that same HTML to GFM to be copied to the clipboard.
# Every filter that generates HTML from GFM should have a handler in
# app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js.es6, in reverse order.
# The GFM-to-HTML-to-GFM cycle is tested in spec/features/copy_as_gfm_spec.rb.
def self.filters def self.filters
@filters ||= FilterArray[ @filters ||= FilterArray[
Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter, Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,432 @@
require 'spec_helper'
describe 'Copy as GFM', feature: true, js: true do
include GitlabMarkdownHelper
include ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper
before do
@feat =
# `markdown` helper expects a `@project` variable
@project = @feat.project
visit namespace_project_issue_path(@project.namespace, @project, @feat.issue)
# The filters referenced in lib/banzai/pipeline/gfm_pipeline.rb convert GitLab Flavored Markdown (GFM) to HTML.
# The handlers defined in app/assets/javascripts/copy_as_gfm.js.es6 consequently convert that same HTML to GFM.
# To make sure these filters and handlers are properly aligned, this spec tests the GFM-to-HTML-to-GFM cycle
# by verifying (`html_to_gfm(gfm_to_html(gfm)) == gfm`) for a number of examples of GFM for every filter, using the `verify` helper.
# These are all in a single `it` for performance reasons.
it 'works', :aggregate_failures do
'> 1. [x] **[$`2 + 2`$ {-=-}{+=+} 2^2 ~~:thumbsup:~~](**'
'a real world example from the gitlab-ce README',
# GitLab
[![Build status](](
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## Canonical source
The canonical source of GitLab Community Edition is [hosted on](
## Open source software to collaborate on code
To see how GitLab looks please see the [features page on our website](
- Manage Git repositories with fine grained access controls that keep your code secure
- Perform code reviews and enhance collaboration with merge requests
- Complete continuous integration (CI) and CD pipelines to builds, test, and deploy your applications
- Each project can also have an issue tracker, issue board, and a wiki
- Used by more than 100,000 organizations, GitLab is the most popular solution to manage Git repositories on-premises
- Completely free and open source (MIT Expat license)
'{-Deleted text-}',
'{+Added text+}'
'- [ ] Unchecked task',
'- [x] Checked task',
'1. [ ] Unchecked numbered task',
'1. [x] Checked numbered task'
# issue reference
# full issue reference
@feat.issue.to_reference(full: true),
# issue URL
namespace_project_issue_url(@project.namespace, @project, @feat.issue),
# issue URL with note anchor
namespace_project_issue_url(@project.namespace, @project, @feat.issue, anchor: 'note_123'),
# issue link
"[Issue](#{namespace_project_issue_url(@project.namespace, @project, @feat.issue)})",
# issue link with note anchor
"[Issue](#{namespace_project_issue_url(@project.namespace, @project, @feat.issue, anchor: 'note_123')})",
'MathFilter: math as converted from GFM to HTML',
'$`c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}`$',
# math block
c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}
aggregate_failures('MathFilter: math as transformed from HTML to KaTeX') do
gfm = '$`c = \pm\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}`$'
html = <<-HTML.strip_heredoc
<span class="katex">
<span class="katex-mathml">
<annotation encoding="application/x-tex">c = \\pm\\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}</annotation>
<span class="katex-html" aria-hidden="true">
<span class="strut" style="height: 0.913389em;"></span>
<span class="strut bottom" style="height: 1.04em; vertical-align: -0.126611em;"></span>
<span class="base textstyle uncramped">
<span class="mord mathit">c</span>
<span class="mrel">=</span>
<span class="mord">±</span>
<span class="sqrt mord"><span class="sqrt-sign" style="top: -0.073389em;">
<span class="style-wrap reset-textstyle textstyle uncramped"></span>
<span class="vlist">
<span class="" style="top: 0em;">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 1em;"></span>
<span class="mord textstyle cramped">
<span class="mord">
<span class="mord mathit">a</span>
<span class="msupsub">
<span class="vlist">
<span class="" style="top: -0.289em; margin-right: 0.05em;">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 0em;"></span>
<span class="reset-textstyle scriptstyle cramped">
<span class="mord mathrm">2</span>
<span class="baseline-fix">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 0em;"></span>
<span class="mbin">+</span>
<span class="mord">
<span class="mord mathit">b</span>
<span class="msupsub">
<span class="vlist">
<span class="" style="top: -0.289em; margin-right: 0.05em;">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 0em;"></span>
<span class="reset-textstyle scriptstyle cramped">
<span class="mord mathrm">2</span>
<span class="baseline-fix">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 0em;"></span>
<span class="" style="top: -0.833389em;">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 1em;"></span>
<span class="reset-textstyle textstyle uncramped sqrt-line"></span>
<span class="baseline-fix">
<span class="fontsize-ensurer reset-size5 size5">
<span class="" style="font-size: 1em;"></span>
output_gfm = html_to_gfm(html)
expect(output_gfm.strip).to eq(gfm.strip)
Plain text
def foo
This is an example of GFM
Code goes here
"Line with two spaces at the end \nto insert a linebreak",
'`` code with ` ticks ``',
'> Quote',
# multiline quote
> Multiline
> Quote
> With multiple paragraphs
'# Heading with no anchor link',
'- List item',
# multiline list item
- Multiline
List item
# nested lists
- Nested
- Lists
# list with blockquote
- List
> Blockquote
'1. Numbered list item',
# multiline numbered list item
1. Multiline
Numbered list item
# nested numbered list
1. Nested
1. Numbered lists
'# Heading',
'## Heading',
'### Heading',
'#### Heading',
'##### Heading',
'###### Heading',
# table
| Centered | Right | Left |
| Foo | Bar | **Baz** |
| Foo | Bar | **Baz** |
# table with empty heading
| | x | y |
| a | 1 | 0 |
| b | 0 | 1 |
alias_method :gfm_to_html, :markdown
def html_to_gfm(html)
js = <<-JS.strip_heredoc
(function(html) {
var node = document.createElement('div');
node.innerHTML = html;
def verify(label, *gfms)
aggregate_failures(label) do
gfms.each do |gfm|
html = gfm_to_html(gfm)
output_gfm = html_to_gfm(html)
expect(output_gfm.strip).to eq(gfm.strip)
# Fake a `current_user` helper
def current_user

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
/* eslint-disable space-before-function-paren, no-return-assign, no-var, quotes */ /* eslint-disable space-before-function-paren, no-return-assign, no-var, quotes */
/* global ShortcutsIssuable */ /* global ShortcutsIssuable */
/*= require copy_as_gfm */
/*= require shortcuts_issuable */ /*= require shortcuts_issuable */
(function() { (function() {
@ -14,10 +15,12 @@
}); });
return describe('#replyWithSelectedText', function() { return describe('#replyWithSelectedText', function() {
var stubSelection; var stubSelection;
// Stub window.getSelection to return the provided String. // Stub to return a node with the provided HTML.
stubSelection = function(text) { stubSelection = function(html) {
return window.getSelection = function() { = function() {
return text; var node = document.createElement('div');
node.innerHTML = html;
return node;
}; };
}; };
beforeEach(function() { beforeEach(function() {
@ -32,13 +35,13 @@
}); });
describe('with any selection', function() { describe('with any selection', function() {
beforeEach(function() { beforeEach(function() {
return stubSelection('Selected text.'); return stubSelection('<p>Selected text.</p>');
}); });
it('leaves existing input intact', function() { it('leaves existing input intact', function() {
$(this.selector).val('This text was already here.'); $(this.selector).val('This text was already here.');
expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe('This text was already here.'); expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe('This text was already here.');
this.shortcut.replyWithSelectedText(); this.shortcut.replyWithSelectedText();
return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("This text was already here.\n> Selected text.\n\n"); return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("This text was already here.\n\n> Selected text.\n\n");
}); });
it('triggers `input`', function() { it('triggers `input`', function() {
var triggered; var triggered;
@ -61,16 +64,16 @@
}); });
describe('with a one-line selection', function() { describe('with a one-line selection', function() {
return it('quotes the selection', function() { return it('quotes the selection', function() {
stubSelection('This text has been selected.'); stubSelection('<p>This text has been selected.</p>');
this.shortcut.replyWithSelectedText(); this.shortcut.replyWithSelectedText();
return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("> This text has been selected.\n\n"); return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("> This text has been selected.\n\n");
}); });
}); });
return describe('with a multi-line selection', function() { return describe('with a multi-line selection', function() {
return it('quotes the selected lines as a group', function() { return it('quotes the selected lines as a group', function() {
stubSelection("Selected line one.\n\nSelected line two.\nSelected line three.\n"); stubSelection("<p>Selected line one.</p>\n\n<p>Selected line two.</p>\n\n<p>Selected line three.</p>");
this.shortcut.replyWithSelectedText(); this.shortcut.replyWithSelectedText();
return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("> Selected line one.\n> Selected line two.\n> Selected line three.\n\n"); return expect($(this.selector).val()).toBe("> Selected line one.\n>\n> Selected line two.\n>\n> Selected line three.\n\n");
}); });
}); });
}); });

View File

@ -6,21 +6,21 @@ describe Banzai::Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter, lib: true do
context "when no language is specified" do context "when no language is specified" do
it "highlights as plaintext" do it "highlights as plaintext" do
result = filter('<pre><code>def fun end</code></pre>') result = filter('<pre><code>def fun end</code></pre>')
expect(result.to_html).to eq('<pre class="code highlight js-syntax-highlight plaintext" v-pre="true"><code>def fun end</code></pre>') expect(result.to_html).to eq('<pre class="code highlight js-syntax-highlight plaintext" lang="plaintext" v-pre="true"><code>def fun end</code></pre>')
end end
end end
context "when a valid language is specified" do context "when a valid language is specified" do
it "highlights as that language" do it "highlights as that language" do
result = filter('<pre><code class="ruby">def fun end</code></pre>') result = filter('<pre><code class="ruby">def fun end</code></pre>')
expect(result.to_html).to eq('<pre class="code highlight js-syntax-highlight ruby" v-pre="true"><code><span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">fun</span> <span class="k">end</span></code></pre>') expect(result.to_html).to eq('<pre class="code highlight js-syntax-highlight ruby" lang="ruby" v-pre="true"><code><span class="k">def</span> <span class="nf">fun</span> <span class="k">end</span></code></pre>')
end end
end end
context "when an invalid language is specified" do context "when an invalid language is specified" do
it "highlights as plaintext" do it "highlights as plaintext" do
result = filter('<pre><code class="gnuplot">This is a test</code></pre>') result = filter('<pre><code class="gnuplot">This is a test</code></pre>')
expect(result.to_html).to eq('<pre class="code highlight js-syntax-highlight plaintext" v-pre="true"><code>This is a test</code></pre>') expect(result.to_html).to eq('<pre class="code highlight js-syntax-highlight plaintext" lang="plaintext" v-pre="true"><code>This is a test</code></pre>')
end end
end end
@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ describe Banzai::Filter::SyntaxHighlightFilter, lib: true do
it "highlights as plaintext" do it "highlights as plaintext" do
result = filter('<pre><code class="ruby">This is a test</code></pre>') result = filter('<pre><code class="ruby">This is a test</code></pre>')
expect(result.to_html).to eq('<pre class="code highlight" v-pre="true"><code>This is a test</code></pre>') expect(result.to_html).to eq('<pre class="code highlight" lang="" v-pre="true"><code>This is a test</code></pre>')
end end
end end
end end