Update Prometheus docs for enhanced integration

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Joshua Lambert 2018-02-20 01:48:06 -05:00
parent b44b4d4d64
commit a55106d629
5 changed files with 52 additions and 206 deletions

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@ -2,17 +2,54 @@
> [Introduced][ce-8935] in GitLab 9.0.
GitLab offers powerful integration with [Prometheus] for monitoring your apps.
Metrics are retrieved from the configured Prometheus server, and then displayed
GitLab offers powerful integration with [Prometheus] for monitoring key metrics your apps, directly within GitLab.
Metrics for each environment are retrieved from Prometheus, and then displayed
within the GitLab interface.
Each project can be configured with its own specific Prometheus server, see the
[configuration](#configuration) section for more details. If you have a single
Prometheus server which monitors all of your infrastructure, you can pre-fill
the settings page with a default template. To configure the template, see the
[Services templates](services_templates.md) document.
![Environment Dashboard](img/prometheus_dashboard.png)
## Requirements
There are two ways to setup Prometheus integration, depending on where your apps are running:
* For deployments on Kubernetes, GitLab can [deploy and manage Prometheus](#managed-prometheus-on-kubernetes) in a cluster
* For other deployment targets, simply [specify the Prometheus server](manual-configuration-of-prometheus).
## Managed Prometheus on Kubernetes
GitLab can seamlessly deploy and manage Prometheus on a [connected Kubernetes cluster](../clusters/index.html), making monitoring the metrics of your deployed apps as easy as a single click.
### Requirements
* GitLab [10.5 or above](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/28916)
* A [connected Kubernetes cluster](../clusters/index.html)
* Helm Tiller [installed by GitLab](../clusters/index.html#installing-applications)
### Getting started
Once you have a connected Kubernetes cluster with Helm installed, deploying a managed Prometheus is as easy as a single click.
1. Go to the `CI/CD > Kubernetes` page, to view your connected clusters
1. Select the cluster you would like to deploy Prometheus to
1. Click the **Install** button to deploy Prometheus to the cluster
![Managed Prometheus Deploy](img/prometheus_deploy.png)
### About managed Prometheus deployments
Prometheus is deployed into the `gitlab-managed-apps` namespace, using the [official Helm chart](https://github.com/kubernetes/charts/tree/master/stable/prometheus). Prometheus is only accessible within the cluster, with GitLab communicating through the [Kubernetes API](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/kubernetes-api/).
The Prometheus server will [automatically detect and monitor](https://prometheus.io/docs/prometheus/latest/configuration/configuration/#%3Ckubernetes_sd_config%3E) nodes, pods, and endpoints.
To configure a resource to be monitored by Prometheus, simply set the following [Kubernetes annotations](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/overview/working-with-objects/annotations/):
* `prometheus.io/scrape` to `true` to enable monitoring of the resource.
* `prometheus.io/port` to define the port of the metrics endpoint.
* `prometheus.io/path` to define the path of the metrics endpoint. Defaults to `/metrics`.
CPU and Memory consumption is also monitored, but requires [naming conventions](prometheus_library/kubernetes.html#specifying-the-environment) in order to determine the environment. If you are using [Auto DevOps](../../../topics/autodevops/), this is handled automatically.
The [NGINX Ingress]((../clusters/index.html#installing-applications)) that is deployed by GitLab to clusters, is automatically annotated for monitoring providing key response metrics: latency, throughput, and error rates.
## Manual configuration of Prometheus
### Requirements
Integration with Prometheus requires the following:
@ -21,15 +58,7 @@ Integration with Prometheus requires the following:
1. Each metric must be have a label to indicate the environment
1. GitLab must have network connectivity to the Prometheus server
## Getting started with Prometheus monitoring
Depending on your deployment and where you have located your GitLab server, there are a few options to get started with Prometheus monitoring.
* If both GitLab and your applications are installed in the same Kubernetes cluster, you can leverage the [bundled Prometheus server within GitLab](#configuring-omnibus-gitlab-prometheus-to-monitor-kubernetes).
* If your applications are deployed on Kubernetes, but GitLab is not in the same cluster, then you can [configure a Prometheus server in your Kubernetes cluster](#configuring-your-own-prometheus-server-within-kubernetes).
* If your applications are not running in Kubernetes, [get started with Prometheus](#getting-started-with-prometheus-outside-of-kubernetes).
### Getting started with Prometheus outside of Kubernetes
### Getting started
Installing and configuring Prometheus to monitor applications is fairly straight forward.
@ -37,84 +66,7 @@ Installing and configuring Prometheus to monitor applications is fairly straight
1. Set up one of the [supported monitoring targets](prometheus_library/metrics.md)
1. Configure the Prometheus server to [collect their metrics](https://prometheus.io/docs/operating/configuration/#scrape_config)
### Configuring Omnibus GitLab Prometheus to monitor Kubernetes deployments
With Omnibus GitLab running inside of Kubernetes, you can leverage the bundled
version of Prometheus to collect the supported metrics. Once enabled, Prometheus will automatically begin monitoring Kubernetes Nodes and any [annotated Pods](https://prometheus.io/docs/operating/configuration/#<kubernetes_sd_config>).
1. Read how to configure the bundled Prometheus server in the
[Administration guide][gitlab-prometheus-k8s-monitor].
1. Now that Prometheus is configured, proceed on
[configuring the Prometheus project service in GitLab](#configuration-in-gitlab).
### Configuring your own Prometheus server within Kubernetes
Setting up and configuring Prometheus within Kubernetes is quick and painless.
The Prometheus project provides an [official Docker image][prometheus-docker-image]
which we can use as a starting point.
To get started quickly, we have provided a [sample YML file][prometheus-yml]
that can be used as a template. This file will create a `prometheus` **Namespace**,
**Service**, **Deployment**, and **ConfigMap** in Kubernetes. You can upload
this file to the Kubernetes dashboard using **+ Create** at the top right.
![Deploy Prometheus](img/prometheus_yaml_deploy.png)
Or use `kubectl`:
kubectl apply -f path/to/prometheus.yml
Once deployed, you should see the Prometheus service, deployment, and
pod start within the `prometheus` namespace. The server will begin to collect
metrics from each Kubernetes Node in the cluster, based on the configuration
provided in the template. It will also attempt to collect metrics from any Kubernetes Pods that have been [annotated for Prometheus](https://prometheus.io/docs/operating/configuration/#pod).
Since GitLab is not running within Kubernetes, the template provides external
network access via a `NodePort` running on `30090`. This method allows access
to be controlled using provider firewall rules, like within Google Compute Engine.
Since a `NodePort` does not automatically have firewall rules created for it,
one will need to be created manually to allow access. In GCP/GKE, you will want
to confirm the Node that the Prometheus pod is running on. This can be done
either by looking at the Pod in the Kubernetes dashboard, or by running:
kubectl describe pods -n prometheus
Next on GKE, we need to get the `tag` of the Node or VM Instance, so we can
create an accurate firewall rule. The easiest way to do this is to go into the
Google Cloud Platform Compute console and select the VM instance that matches
the name of the Node gathered from the step above. In this case, the node tag
needed is `gke-prometheus-demo-5d5ada10-node`. Also make a note of the
**External IP**, which will be the IP address the Prometheus server is reachable
![GCP Node Detail](img/prometheus_gcp_node_name.png)
Armed with the proper Node tag, the firewall rule can now be created
specifically for this node. To create the firewall rule, open the Google Cloud
Platform Networking console, and select **Firewall Rules**.
Create a new rule:
- Specify the source IP range to match your desired access list, which should
include your GitLab server. A sample of GitLab.com's IP address range is
available [in this issue][gitlab.com-ip-range], but note that GitLab.com's IPs
are subject to change without prior notification.
- Allowed protocol and port should be `tcp:30090`.
- The target tags should match the Node tag identified earlier in this step.
![GCP Firewall Rule](img/prometheus_gcp_firewall_rule.png)
Now that Prometheus is configured, proceed to
[configure the Prometheus project service in GitLab](##configuration-in-gitlab).
## Configuration in GitLab
### Configuration in GitLab
The actual configuration of Prometheus integration within GitLab is very simple.
All you will need is the DNS or IP address of the Prometheus server you'd like

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@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ Prometheus server up and running. You have two options here:
- If you have an Omnibus based GitLab installation within your Kubernetes cluster, you can leverage the bundled Prometheus server to [monitor Kubernetes](../../../../administration/monitoring/prometheus/index.md#configuring-prometheus-to-monitor-kubernetes).
- To configure your own Prometheus server, you can follow the [Prometheus documentation](https://prometheus.io/docs/introduction/overview/) or [our guide](../../../../administration/monitoring/prometheus/index.md#configuring-your-own-prometheus-server-within-kubernetes).
## Specifying the Environment label
## Specifying the Environment
In order to isolate and only display relevant metrics for a given environment
however, GitLab needs a method to detect which labels are associated. To do this, GitLab will [look for an `environment` label](metrics.md#identifying-environments).
In order to isolate and only display relevant CPU and Memory metrics for a given environment, GitLab needs a method to detect which containers it is running. Because these metrics are tracked at the container level, traditional Kubernetes labels are not available.
If you are using [GitLab Auto-Deploy](../../../../ci/autodeploy/index.md) and one of the two [provided Kubernetes monitoring solutions](../prometheus.md#getting-started-with-prometheus-monitoring), the `environment` label will be automatically added.
Instead, the [Deployment](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/deployment/) or [DaemonSet](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/daemonset/) name should begin with the name of the [enviroment](../../../../environments.html). It can be followed by a `-` and additional content if desired.
If you are using [GitLab Auto-Deploy](../../../../ci/autodeploy/index.md) and one of the two [provided Kubernetes monitoring solutions](../prometheus.md#getting-started-with-prometheus-monitoring), the naming will be correctly set automatically.

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@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: prometheus
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
name: prometheus
namespace: prometheus
prometheus.yml: |-
- job_name: 'kubernetes-nodes'
scheme: https
ca_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt
insecure_skip_verify: true
bearer_token_file: /var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token
- role: node
- source_labels: [pod_name]
target_label: environment
regex: (.+)-.+-.+
replacement: $1
- job_name: kubernetes-pods
ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt"
insecure_skip_verify: true
bearer_token_file: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
- role: pod
api_server: https://kubernetes.default.svc:443
ca_file: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/ca.crt"
bearer_token_file: "/var/run/secrets/kubernetes.io/serviceaccount/token"
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_scrape
action: keep
regex: 'true'
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_path
action: replace
target_label: __metrics_path__
regex: "(.+)"
- source_labels:
- __address__
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_prometheus_io_port
action: replace
regex: "([^:]+)(?::[0-9]+)?;([0-9]+)"
replacement: "$1:$2"
target_label: __address__
- action: labelmap
regex: __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_(.+)
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_namespace
action: replace
target_label: kubernetes_namespace
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
action: replace
target_label: kubernetes_pod_name
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: prometheus
namespace: prometheus
app: prometheus
- name: prometheus
protocol: TCP
port: 9090
nodePort: 30090
type: NodePort
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Deployment
name: prometheus
namespace: prometheus
replicas: 1
app: prometheus
- name: prometheus
image: prom/prometheus:latest
- '--config.file=/prometheus-data/prometheus.yml'
- name: prometheus
containerPort: 9090
- name: data-volume
mountPath: /prometheus-data
- name: data-volume
name: prometheus