Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

This commit is contained in:
GitLab Bot 2022-01-14 18:13:52 +00:00
parent 7b6a6bfc58
commit c55eb679a2
39 changed files with 512 additions and 437 deletions

View File

@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ export default {
<div class="cycle-analytics">
<h3>{{ $options.i18n.pageTitle }}</h3>
<div class="gl-display-flex gl-flex-direction-column gl-md-flex-direction-row">

View File

@ -213,7 +213,7 @@ export default {
<p class="gl-m-0">
class="gl-text-black-normal pipeline-id"
>{{ itemId(, '#') }}</gl-link

View File

@ -84,6 +84,14 @@ export default {
showNoMatchingResultsMessage() {
return Boolean(this.searchKey) && this.visibleLabels.length === 0;
shouldHighlighFirstItem() {
return this.searchKey !== '' && this.visibleLabels.length > 0;
updated() {
if (this.shouldHighlighFirstItem) {
methods: {
isLabelSelected(label) {
@ -143,11 +151,14 @@ export default {
<template v-else>
v-for="label in visibleLabels"
v-for="(label, index) in visibleLabels"
:active="shouldHighlighFirstItem && index === 0"

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
@import 'mixins_and_variables_and_functions';
.cycle-analytics {
margin: 24px auto 0;
position: relative;

View File

@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ module SessionlessAuthentication
def sessionless_sign_in(user)
if can?(user, :log_in) && !user.password_expired_if_applicable?
if user.can_log_in_with_non_expired_password?
# Notice we are passing store false, so the user is not
# actually stored in the session and a token is needed
# for every request. If you want the token to work as a

View File

@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ class Groups::BoardsController < Groups::ApplicationController
before_action do
push_frontend_feature_flag(:issue_boards_filtered_search, group, default_enabled: :yaml)
push_frontend_feature_flag(:board_multi_select, group, default_enabled: :yaml)
push_frontend_feature_flag(:swimlanes_buffered_rendering, group, default_enabled: :yaml)
push_frontend_feature_flag(:iteration_cadences, group, default_enabled: :yaml)
experiment(:prominent_create_board_btn, subject: current_user) do |e|
e.use { }

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@ class Projects::BoardsController < Projects::ApplicationController
before_action :check_issues_available!
before_action :assign_endpoint_vars
before_action do
push_frontend_feature_flag(:swimlanes_buffered_rendering, project, default_enabled: :yaml)
push_frontend_feature_flag(:issue_boards_filtered_search, project&.group, default_enabled: :yaml)
push_frontend_feature_flag(:board_multi_select, project, default_enabled: :yaml)
push_frontend_feature_flag(:iteration_cadences, project&.group, default_enabled: :yaml)

View File

@ -426,7 +426,9 @@ module ApplicationHelper
return if current_user
experiment(:logged_out_marketing_header, actor: nil) do |e|
e.candidate { 'logged-out-marketing-header-candidate' }
html_class = 'logged-out-marketing-header-candidate'
e.candidate { html_class }
e.try(:trial_focused) { html_class }
e.control {}

View File

@ -38,8 +38,7 @@ module IssuablesDescriptionTemplatesHelper
# Only local templates will be listed if licenses for inherited templates are not present
all_templates = { |tpl| tpl[:name] }.compact.uniq
template = all_templates.find { |tmpl_name| tmpl_name == params[:issuable_template] }
template || all_templates.find { |tmpl_name| tmpl_name.casecmp?('default') }
all_templates.find { |tmpl_name| tmpl_name == params[:issuable_template] }
def available_service_desk_templates_for(project)

View File

@ -1901,6 +1901,10 @@ class User < ApplicationRecord
def can_log_in_with_non_expired_password?
can?(:log_in) && !password_expired_if_applicable?
def can_be_deactivated?
active? && no_recent_activity? && !internal?

View File

@ -13,57 +13,72 @@
"type": "object"
"exception": {
"type": "object",
"required": ["values"],
"properties": {
"values": {
"oneOf": [
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [],
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "string"
"stacktrace": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/exception"
"type": "object",
"required": ["values"],
"properties": {
"values": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"$ref": "#/definitions/exception"
"definitions": {
"exception": {
"type": "object",
"required": [],
"properties": {
"type": {
"type": "string"
"value": {
"type": "string"
"stacktrace": {
"type": "object",
"required": [],
"properties": {
"frames": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [],
"properties": {
"frames": {
"type": "array",
"items": {
"type": "object",
"required": [],
"properties": {
"abs_path": {
"type": "string"
"function": {
"type": "string"
"lineno": {
"type": "number"
"in_app": {
"type": "boolean"
"filename": {
"type": "string"
"pre_context": {
"type": "array"
"context_line": {
"type": ["string", "null"]
"post_context": {
"type": "array"
"abs_path": {
"type": "string"
"function": {
"type": "string"
"lineno": {
"type": "number"
"in_app": {
"type": "boolean"
"filename": {
"type": "string"
"pre_context": {
"type": "array"
"context_line": {
"type": ["string", "null"]
"post_context": {
"type": "array"

View File

@ -10,10 +10,10 @@
= f.check_box :container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries, class: 'form-check-input'
= f.label :container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries, class: 'form-check-label' do
= _("Enable container expiration and retention policies for projects created earlier than GitLab 12.7.")
= link_to sprite_icon('question-o'), help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/index', anchor: 'cleanup-policy')
= link_to sprite_icon('question-o'), help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/reduce_container_registry_storage', anchor: 'cleanup-policy')
= _("Existing projects will be able to use expiration policies. Avoid enabling this if an external Container Registry is being used, as there is a performance risk if many images exist on one project.")
= link_to sprite_icon('question-o'), help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/index', anchor: 'use-with-external-container-registries')
= link_to sprite_icon('question-o'), help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/reduce_container_registry_storage', anchor: 'use-with-external-container-registries')
- if container_registry_expiration_policies_throttling?
= f.label :container_registry_delete_tags_service_timeout, _('Cleanup policy maximum processing time (seconds)'), class: 'label-bold'

View File

@ -26,6 +26,8 @@
- experiment(:logged_out_marketing_header, actor: nil) do |e|
- e.candidate do
= render 'layouts/header/marketing_links'
- e.try(:trial_focused) do
= render 'layouts/header/marketing_links'
- e.control do
= render "layouts/nav/top_nav"
@ -117,6 +119,9 @@
- e.candidate do
= render "layouts/nav/top_nav"
- e.try(:trial_focused) do
= render "layouts/nav/top_nav"
- e.control {}
- if header_link?(:user_dropdown)
%li.nav-item.header-user.js-nav-user-dropdown.dropdown{ data: { track_label: "profile_dropdown", track_action: "click_dropdown", track_value: "", qa_selector: 'user_menu' }, class: ('mr-0' if has_impersonation_link) }
@ -138,6 +143,14 @@
= link_to _('Login'), new_session_path(:user, redirect_to_referer: 'yes')
= render 'layouts/header/sign_in_register_button', class: 'gl-sm-display-none'
- e.try(:trial_focused) do
= link_to _('Get a free trial'), '', class: 'gl-button btn btn-default btn-sign-in'
= link_to _('Sign up'), new_user_registration_path
= link_to _('Login'), new_session_path(:user, redirect_to_referer: 'yes')
= render 'layouts/header/sign_in_register_button', class: 'gl-sm-display-none'
- e.control do
= render 'layouts/header/sign_in_register_button'

View File

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"containers_error_image" => image_path('illustrations/docker-error-state.svg'),
"repository_url" => escape_once(@project.container_registry_url),
"registry_host_url_with_port" => escape_once(registry_config.host_port),
"expiration_policy_help_page_path" => help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/', anchor: 'cleanup-policy'),
"expiration_policy_help_page_path" => help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/reduce_container_registry_storage', anchor: 'cleanup-policy'),
"garbage_collection_help_page_path" => help_page_path('administration/packages/container_registry', anchor: 'container-registry-garbage-collection'),
"run_cleanup_policies_help_page_path" => help_page_path('administration/packages/container_registry', anchor: 'run-the-cleanup-policy-now'),
"project_path": @project.full_path,

View File

@ -10,6 +10,6 @@
is_admin: current_user&.admin.to_s,
admin_settings_path: ci_cd_admin_application_settings_path(anchor: 'js-registry-settings'),
enable_historic_entries: container_expiration_policies_historic_entry_enabled?(@project).to_s,
help_page_path: help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/index', anchor: 'cleanup-policy'),
help_page_path: help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/reduce_container_registry_storage', anchor: 'cleanup-policy'),
show_cleanup_policy_on_alert: show_cleanup_policy_on_alert(@project).to_s,
tags_regex_help_page_path: help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/index', anchor: 'regex-pattern-examples') } }
tags_regex_help_page_path: help_page_path('user/packages/container_registry/reduce_container_registry_storage', anchor: 'regex-pattern-examples') } }

View File

@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
name: swimlanes_buffered_rendering
milestone: '13.11'
type: development
group: group::product planning
default_enabled: false

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
class RemoveProjectsCiDailyBuildGroupReportResultsProjectIdFk < Gitlab::Database::Migration[1.0]
def up
with_lock_retries do
execute('LOCK projects, ci_daily_build_group_report_results IN ACCESS EXCLUSIVE MODE')
remove_foreign_key_if_exists(:ci_daily_build_group_report_results, :projects, name: "fk_rails_0667f7608c")
def down
add_concurrent_foreign_key(:ci_daily_build_group_report_results, :projects, name: "fk_rails_0667f7608c", column: :project_id, target_column: :id, on_delete: "cascade")

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -29973,9 +29973,6 @@ ALTER TABLE ONLY ip_restrictions
ALTER TABLE ONLY terraform_state_versions
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_04f176e239 FOREIGN KEY (terraform_state_id) REFERENCES terraform_states(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ONLY ci_daily_build_group_report_results
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_0667f7608c FOREIGN KEY (project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;
ALTER TABLE ONLY ci_subscriptions_projects
ADD CONSTRAINT fk_rails_0818751483 FOREIGN KEY (downstream_project_id) REFERENCES projects(id) ON DELETE CASCADE;

View File

@ -694,7 +694,7 @@ project, you can [disable it from your project's settings](../../user/project/se
## Use an external container registry with GitLab as an auth endpoint
If you use an external container registry, some features associated with the
container registry may be unavailable or have [inherent risks](../../user/packages/container_registry/
container registry may be unavailable or have [inherent risks](../../user/packages/container_registry/
For the integration to work, the external registry must be configured to
use a JSON Web Token to authenticate with GitLab. The
@ -883,7 +883,7 @@ project.container_repositories.find_each do |repo|
You can also [run cleanup on a schedule](../../user/packages/container_registry/
You can also [run cleanup on a schedule](../../user/packages/container_registry/
## Container Registry garbage collection

View File

@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ The number of tags deleted by this API is limited on
because of the scale of the Container Registry there.
If your Container Registry has a large number of tags to delete,
only some of them will be deleted, and you might need to call this API multiple times.
To schedule tags for automatic deletion, use a [cleanup policy](../user/packages/container_registry/ instead.
To schedule tags for automatic deletion, use a [cleanup policy](../user/packages/container_registry/ instead.
In GitLab 12.4 and later, individual tags are deleted.

View File

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ The single entrypoint for the registry is the [HTTP API](
| Operation | UI | Background | Observations |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------ | ------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| [Check API version]( | **{check-circle}** Yes | **{check-circle}** Yes | Used globally to ensure that the registry supports the Docker Distribution V2 API, as well as for identifying whether GitLab Rails is talking to the GitLab Container Registry or a third-party one (used to toggle features only available in the former). |
| [List repository tags]( | **{check-circle}** Yes | **{check-circle}** Yes | Used to list and show tags in the UI. Used to list tags in the background for [cleanup policies](../../../user/packages/container_registry/#cleanup-policy) and [Geo replication](../../../administration/geo/replication/ |
| [List repository tags]( | **{check-circle}** Yes | **{check-circle}** Yes | Used to list and show tags in the UI. Used to list tags in the background for [cleanup policies](../../../user/packages/container_registry/ and [Geo replication](../../../administration/geo/replication/ |
| [Check if manifest exists]( | **{check-circle}** Yes | **{dotted-circle}** No | Used to get the digest of a manifest by tag. This is then used to pull the manifest and show the tag details in the UI. |
| [Pull manifest]( | **{check-circle}** Yes | **{dotted-circle}** No | Used to show the image size and the manifest digest in the tag details UI. |
| [Pull blob]( | **{check-circle}** Yes | **{dotted-circle}** No | Used to show the configuration digest and the creation date in the tag details UI. |

View File

@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ The **CI/CD** settings contain:
This pipeline configuration is run after the project's own configuration.
- [Package Registry]( -
Settings related to the use and experience of using the GitLab Package Registry. Some
[risks are involved](../../packages/container_registry/
[risks are involved](../../packages/container_registry/
in enabling some of these settings.
### Geo **(PREMIUM SELF)**

View File

@ -483,256 +483,9 @@ defined in the `delete_image` job.
### Delete images by using a cleanup policy
You can create a per-project [cleanup policy](#cleanup-policy) to ensure older tags and images are regularly removed from the
You can create a per-project [cleanup policy]( to ensure older tags and images are regularly removed from the
Container Registry.
## Cleanup policy
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.8.
> - [Renamed]( from "expiration policy" to "cleanup policy" in GitLab 13.2.
The cleanup policy is a scheduled job you can use to remove tags from the Container Registry.
For the project where it's defined, tags matching the regex pattern are removed.
The underlying layers and images remain.
To delete the underlying layers and images that aren't associated with any tags, administrators can use
[garbage collection](../../../administration/packages/ with the `-m` switch.
### Enable the cleanup policy
Cleanup policies can be run on all projects, with these exceptions:
- For, the project must have been created after 2020-02-22.
Support for projects created earlier is tracked
[in this issue](
- For self-managed GitLab instances, the project must have been created
in GitLab 12.8 or later. However, an administrator can enable the cleanup policy
for all projects (even those created before 12.8) in
[GitLab application settings](../../../api/
by setting `container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries` to true.
Alternatively, you can execute the following command in the [Rails console](../../../administration/operations/
ApplicationSetting.last.update(container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries: true)
There are performance risks with enabling it for all projects, especially if you
are using an [external registry](
- For self-managed GitLab instances, you can enable or disable the cleanup policy for a specific
To enable it:
Feature.enable(:container_expiration_policies_historic_entry, Project.find(<project id>))
To disable it:
Feature.disable(:container_expiration_policies_historic_entry, Project.find(<project id>))
For performance reasons, enabled cleanup policies are automatically disabled for projects on that don't have a container image.
### How the cleanup policy works
The cleanup policy collects all tags in the Container Registry and excludes tags
until only the tags to be deleted remain.
The cleanup policy searches for images based on the tag name. Support for the full path [has not yet been implemented](, but would allow you to clean up dynamically-named tags.
The cleanup policy:
1. Collects all tags for a given repository in a list.
1. Excludes the tag named `latest` from the list.
1. Evaluates the `name_regex` (tags to expire), excluding non-matching names from the list.
1. Excludes from the list any tags matching the `name_regex_keep` value (tags to preserve).
1. Excludes any tags that do not have a manifest (not part of the options in the UI).
1. Orders the remaining tags by `created_date`.
1. Excludes from the list the N tags based on the `keep_n` value (Number of tags to retain).
1. Excludes from the list the tags more recent than the `older_than` value (Expiration interval).
1. Finally, the remaining tags in the list are deleted from the Container Registry.
On, the execution time for the cleanup policy is limited, and some of the tags may remain in
the Container Registry after the policy runs. The next time the policy runs, the remaining tags are included,
so it may take multiple runs for all tags to be deleted.
GitLab self-managed installs support for third-party container registries that comply with the
[Docker Registry HTTP API V2](
specification. However, this specification does not include a tag delete operation. Therefore, when
interacting with third-party container registries, GitLab uses a workaround to delete tags. See the
[related issue](
for more information. Due to possible implementation variations, this workaround is not guaranteed
to work with all third-party registries in the same predictable way. If you use the GitLab Container
Registry, this workaround is not required because we implemented a special tag delete operation. In
this case, you can expect cleanup policies to be consistent and predictable.
### Create a cleanup policy
You can create a cleanup policy in [the API](#use-the-cleanup-policy-api) or the UI.
To create a cleanup policy in the UI:
1. For your project, go to **Settings > Packages & Registries**.
1. Expand the **Clean up image tags** section.
1. Complete the fields.
| Field | Description |
| **Toggle** | Turn the policy on or off. |
| **Run cleanup** | How often the policy should run. |
| **Keep the most recent** | How many tags to _always_ keep for each image. |
| **Keep tags matching** | The regex pattern that determines which tags to preserve. The `latest` tag is always preserved. For all tags, use `.*`. See other [regex pattern examples](#regex-pattern-examples). |
| **Remove tags older than** | Remove only tags older than X days. |
| **Remove tags matching** | The regex pattern that determines which tags to remove. This value cannot be blank. For all tags, use `.*`. See other [regex pattern examples](#regex-pattern-examples). |
1. Click **Save**.
Depending on the interval you chose, the policy is scheduled to run.
If you edit the policy and click **Save** again, the interval is reset.
### Regex pattern examples
Cleanup policies use regex patterns to determine which tags should be preserved or removed, both in the UI and the API.
Regex patterns are automatically surrounded with `\A` and `\Z` anchors. Do not include any `\A`, `\Z`, `^` or `$` token in the regex patterns as they are not necessary.
Here are examples of regex patterns you may want to use:
- Match all tags:
This is the default value for the expiration regex.
- Match tags that start with `v`:
- Match only the tag named `main`:
- Match tags that are either named or start with `release`:
- Match tags that either start with `v`, are named `main`, or begin with `release`:
### Set cleanup limits to conserve resources
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.9.
> - It's [deployed behind a feature flag](../../, disabled by default.
> - It's enabled on
> - It's not recommended for production use.
> - To use it in GitLab self-managed instances, ask a GitLab administrator to [enable it](#enable-or-disable-cleanup-policy-limits).
Cleanup policies are executed as a background process. This process is complex, and depending on the number of tags to delete,
the process can take time to finish.
To prevent server resource starvation, the following application settings are available:
- `container_registry_expiration_policies_worker_capacity`. The maximum number of cleanup workers running concurrently. This must be greater than `1`.
We recommend starting with a low number and increasing it after monitoring the resources used by the background workers.
- `container_registry_delete_tags_service_timeout`. The maximum time, in seconds, that the cleanup process can take to delete a batch of tags.
- `container_registry_cleanup_tags_service_max_list_size`. The maximum number of tags that can be deleted in a single execution. Additional tags must be deleted in another execution.
We recommend starting with a low number, like `100`, and increasing it after monitoring that container images are properly deleted.
For self-managed instances, those settings can be updated in the [Rails console](../../../administration/operations/
ApplicationSetting.last.update(container_registry_expiration_policies_worker_capacity: 3)
Alternatively, once the limits are [enabled](#enable-or-disable-cleanup-policy-limits),
they are available in the [administrator area](../../admin_area/
1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Admin**.
1. Go to **Settings > CI/CD > Container Registry**.
#### Enable or disable cleanup policy limits
The cleanup policies limits are under development and not ready for production use. They are
deployed behind a feature flag that is **disabled by default**.
[GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](../../../administration/
can enable it.
To enable it:
To disable it:
### Use the cleanup policy API
You can set, update, and disable the cleanup policies using the GitLab API.
- Select all tags, keep at least 1 tag per image, clean up any tag older than 14 days, run once a month, preserve any images with the name `main` and the policy is enabled:
curl --request PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
--data-binary '{"container_expiration_policy_attributes":{"cadence":"1month","enabled":true,"keep_n":1,"older_than":"14d","name_regex":"","name_regex_delete":".*","name_regex_keep":".*-main"}}' \
Valid values for `cadence` when using the API are:
- `1d` (every day)
- `7d` (every week)
- `14d` (every two weeks)
- `1month` (every month)
- `3month` (every quarter)
See the API documentation for further details: [Edit project](../../../api/
### Use with external container registries
When using an [external container registry](../../../administration/packages/,
running a cleanup policy on a project may have some performance risks.
If a project runs a policy to remove thousands of tags
the GitLab background jobs may get backed up or fail completely.
It is recommended you only enable container cleanup
policies for projects that were created before GitLab 12.8 if you are confident the number of tags
being cleaned up is minimal.
### Troubleshooting cleanup policies
If you see the following message:
"Something went wrong while updating the cleanup policy."
Check the regex patterns to ensure they are valid.
GitLab uses [RE2 syntax]( for regular expressions in the cleanup policy. You can test them with the [regex101 regex tester](
View some common [regex pattern examples](#regex-pattern-examples).
## Limitations
- Moving or renaming existing Container Registry repositories is not supported
@ -852,7 +605,7 @@ There can be different reasons behind this:
To fix this, there are two workarounds:
- If you are on GitLab 13.9 or later, you can [set limits for the cleanup policy](#set-cleanup-limits-to-conserve-resources).
- If you are on GitLab 13.9 or later, you can [set limits for the cleanup policy](
This limits the cleanup execution in time, and avoids the expired token error.
- Extend the expiration delay of the Container Registry authentication tokens. This defaults to 5
@ -877,14 +630,14 @@ these steps:
If you have Rails console access, you can enter the following commands to retrieve a list of tags limited by date:
output = "/tmp/list_o_tags.out","w" )
Project.find(<Project_id>).container_repositories.find(<container_repo_id>).tags.each do |tag|
output << + "\n" if tag.created_at < 1.month.ago
This set of commands creates a `/tmp/list_o_tags.out` file listing all tags with a `created_at` date of older than one month.
1. Remove from the `list_o_tags.out` file any tags that you want to keep. Here are some example

View File

@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
stage: Package
group: Package
info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see
# Reduce Container Registry Storage **(FREE)**
Container registries become large over time without cleanup. When a large number of images or tags are added:
- Fetching the list of available tags or images becomes slower.
- They take up a large amount of storage space on the server.
We recommend deleting unnecessary images and tags, and setting up a [cleanup policy](#cleanup-policy)
to automatically manage your container registry usage.
## Check Container Registry Storage Use
The Usage Quotas page (**Settings > Usage Quotas > Storage**) displays storage usage for Packages, which includes Container Registry,
however, the storage is not being calculated.
## Cleanup policy
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.8.
> - [Renamed]( from "expiration policy" to "cleanup policy" in GitLab 13.2.
The cleanup policy is a scheduled job you can use to remove tags from the Container Registry.
For the project where it's defined, tags matching the regex pattern are removed.
The underlying layers and images remain.
To delete the underlying layers and images that aren't associated with any tags, administrators can use
[garbage collection](../../../administration/packages/ with the `-m` switch.
### Enable the cleanup policy
Cleanup policies can be run on all projects, with these exceptions:
- For, the project must have been created after 2020-02-22.
Support for projects created earlier is tracked
[in this issue](
- For self-managed GitLab instances, the project must have been created
in GitLab 12.8 or later. However, an administrator can enable the cleanup policy
for all projects (even those created before 12.8) in
[GitLab application settings](../../../api/
by setting `container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries` to true.
Alternatively, you can execute the following command in the [Rails console](../../../administration/operations/
ApplicationSetting.last.update(container_expiration_policies_enable_historic_entries: true)
There are performance risks with enabling it for all projects, especially if you
are using an [external registry](#use-with-external-container-registries).
- For self-managed GitLab instances, you can enable or disable the cleanup policy for a specific
To enable it:
Feature.enable(:container_expiration_policies_historic_entry, Project.find(<project id>))
To disable it:
Feature.disable(:container_expiration_policies_historic_entry, Project.find(<project id>))
For performance reasons, enabled cleanup policies are automatically disabled for projects on that don't have a container image.
### How the cleanup policy works
The cleanup policy collects all tags in the Container Registry and excludes tags
until only the tags to be deleted remain.
The cleanup policy searches for images based on the tag name. Support for the full path [has not yet been implemented](, but would allow you to clean up dynamically-named tags.
The cleanup policy:
1. Collects all tags for a given repository in a list.
1. Excludes the tag named `latest` from the list.
1. Evaluates the `name_regex` (tags to expire), excluding non-matching names from the list.
1. Excludes from the list any tags matching the `name_regex_keep` value (tags to preserve).
1. Excludes any tags that do not have a manifest (not part of the options in the UI).
1. Orders the remaining tags by `created_date`.
1. Excludes from the list the N tags based on the `keep_n` value (Number of tags to retain).
1. Excludes from the list the tags more recent than the `older_than` value (Expiration interval).
1. Finally, the remaining tags in the list are deleted from the Container Registry.
On, the execution time for the cleanup policy is limited, and some of the tags may remain in
the Container Registry after the policy runs. The next time the policy runs, the remaining tags are included,
so it may take multiple runs for all tags to be deleted.
GitLab self-managed installs support for third-party container registries that comply with the
[Docker Registry HTTP API V2](
specification. However, this specification does not include a tag delete operation. Therefore, when
interacting with third-party container registries, GitLab uses a workaround to delete tags. See the
[related issue](
for more information. Due to possible implementation variations, this workaround is not guaranteed
to work with all third-party registries in the same predictable way. If you use the GitLab Container
Registry, this workaround is not required because we implemented a special tag delete operation. In
this case, you can expect cleanup policies to be consistent and predictable.
### Create a cleanup policy
You can create a cleanup policy in [the API](#use-the-cleanup-policy-api) or the UI.
To create a cleanup policy in the UI:
1. For your project, go to **Settings > Packages & Registries**.
1. Expand the **Clean up image tags** section.
1. Complete the fields.
| Field | Description |
| **Toggle** | Turn the policy on or off. |
| **Run cleanup** | How often the policy should run. |
| **Keep the most recent** | How many tags to _always_ keep for each image. |
| **Keep tags matching** | The regex pattern that determines which tags to preserve. The `latest` tag is always preserved. For all tags, use `.*`. See other [regex pattern examples](#regex-pattern-examples). |
| **Remove tags older than** | Remove only tags older than X days. |
| **Remove tags matching** | The regex pattern that determines which tags to remove. This value cannot be blank. For all tags, use `.*`. See other [regex pattern examples](#regex-pattern-examples). |
1. Click **Save**.
Depending on the interval you chose, the policy is scheduled to run.
If you edit the policy and click **Save** again, the interval is reset.
### Regex pattern examples
Cleanup policies use regex patterns to determine which tags should be preserved or removed, both in the UI and the API.
Regex patterns are automatically surrounded with `\A` and `\Z` anchors. Do not include any `\A`, `\Z`, `^` or `$` token in the regex patterns as they are not necessary.
Here are examples of regex patterns you may want to use:
- Match all tags:
This is the default value for the expiration regex.
- Match tags that start with `v`:
- Match only the tag named `main`:
- Match tags that are either named or start with `release`:
- Match tags that either start with `v`, are named `main`, or begin with `release`:
### Set cleanup limits to conserve resources
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.9.
> - It's [deployed behind a feature flag](../../, disabled by default.
> - It's enabled on
> - It's not recommended for production use.
> - To use it in GitLab self-managed instances, ask a GitLab administrator to [enable it](#enable-or-disable-cleanup-policy-limits).
Cleanup policies are executed as a background process. This process is complex, and depending on the number of tags to delete,
the process can take time to finish.
To prevent server resource starvation, the following application settings are available:
- `container_registry_expiration_policies_worker_capacity`. The maximum number of cleanup workers running concurrently. This must be greater than `1`.
We recommend starting with a low number and increasing it after monitoring the resources used by the background workers.
- `container_registry_delete_tags_service_timeout`. The maximum time, in seconds, that the cleanup process can take to delete a batch of tags.
- `container_registry_cleanup_tags_service_max_list_size`. The maximum number of tags that can be deleted in a single execution. Additional tags must be deleted in another execution.
We recommend starting with a low number, like `100`, and increasing it after monitoring that container images are properly deleted.
For self-managed instances, those settings can be updated in the [Rails console](../../../administration/operations/
ApplicationSetting.last.update(container_registry_expiration_policies_worker_capacity: 3)
Alternatively, once the limits are [enabled](#enable-or-disable-cleanup-policy-limits),
they are available in the [administrator area](../../admin_area/
1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Admin**.
1. Go to **Settings > CI/CD > Container Registry**.
#### Enable or disable cleanup policy limits
The cleanup policies limits are under development and not ready for production use. They are
deployed behind a feature flag that is **disabled by default**.
[GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](../../../administration/
can enable it.
To enable it:
To disable it:
### Use the cleanup policy API
You can set, update, and disable the cleanup policies using the GitLab API.
- Select all tags, keep at least 1 tag per image, clean up any tag older than 14 days, run once a month, preserve any images with the name `main` and the policy is enabled:
curl --request PUT --header 'Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8' --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" \
--data-binary '{"container_expiration_policy_attributes":{"cadence":"1month","enabled":true,"keep_n":1,"older_than":"14d","name_regex":"","name_regex_delete":".*","name_regex_keep":".*-main"}}' \
Valid values for `cadence` when using the API are:
- `1d` (every day)
- `7d` (every week)
- `14d` (every two weeks)
- `1month` (every month)
- `3month` (every quarter)
See the API documentation for further details: [Edit project](../../../api/
### Use with external container registries
When using an [external container registry](../../../administration/packages/,
running a cleanup policy on a project may have some performance risks.
If a project runs a policy to remove thousands of tags
the GitLab background jobs may get backed up or fail completely.
It is recommended you only enable container cleanup
policies for projects that were created before GitLab 12.8 if you are confident the number of tags
being cleaned up is minimal.
## Related topics
- [Delete images](
- [Delete registry repository](../../../api/
- [Delete a registry repository tag](../../../api/
- [Delete registry repository tags in bulk](../../../api/
- [Delete a package](../package_registry/
## Troubleshooting cleanup policies
If you see the following message:
"Something went wrong while updating the cleanup policy."
Check the regex patterns to ensure they are valid.
GitLab uses [RE2 syntax]( for regular expressions in the cleanup policy. You can test them with the [regex101 regex tester](
View some common [regex pattern examples](#regex-pattern-examples).

View File

@ -116,8 +116,6 @@ You might also be interested in templates for various
### Set a default template for merge requests and issues **(PREMIUM)**
> The `` template becoming the default [introduced]( in GitLab 14.7.
In a project, you can choose a default description template for new issues and merge requests.
As a result, every time a new merge request or issue is created, it's pre-filled with the text you
entered in the template.
@ -127,29 +125,17 @@ Prerequisites:
- On your project's left sidebar, select **Settings > General** and expand **Visibility, project features, permissions**.
Ensure issues or merge requests are set to either **Everyone with access** or **Only Project Members**.
To set a default description template for merge requests, either:
To set a default description template for merge requests:
- [Create a merge request template](#create-a-merge-request-template) named `` and save it in `.gitlab/merge_request_templates/`.
**If a `` file exists, it's used as the default template even if you select another one in the project settings.**
- Select the default template in project settings:
1. Go to your project's **Settings**.
1. Select **Expand** under the **Merge requests** header.
1. Fill in the **Default description template for merge requests** text area.
1. Select **Save changes**.
1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Projects** and find your project.
1. On the left sidebar, select **Settings**.
1. Expand **Merge requests**.
1. Fill in the **Default description template for merge requests** text area.
1. Select **Save changes**.
To set a default description template for issues:
To set a default description template for issues, either:
- [Create an issue template](#create-an-issue-template) named `` and save it in `.gitlab/issue_templates/`.
**If a `` file exists, it's used as the default template even if you select another one in the project settings.**
- Select the default template in project settings:
1. On the top bar, select **Menu > Projects** and find your project.
1. On the left sidebar, select **Settings**.
1. Expand **Default issue template**.
1. Fill in the **Default description template for issues** text area.
1. Select **Save changes**.
1. Select **Expand** under **Default issue template**.
1. Fill in the **Default description template for issues** text area.
Because GitLab merge request and issues support [Markdown](../, you can use it to format
headings, lists, and so on.

View File

@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ module Gitlab
Gitlab::Auth::UniqueIpsLimiter.limit_user! do
user = User.by_login(login)
break if user && !can_user_login_with_non_expired_password?(user)
break if user && !user.can_log_in_with_non_expired_password?
authenticators = []
@ -187,7 +187,7 @@ module Gitlab
if valid_oauth_token?(token)
user = User.id_in(token.resource_owner_id).first
return unless user && can_user_login_with_non_expired_password?(user)
return unless user && user.can_log_in_with_non_expired_password?, nil, :oauth, abilities_for_scopes(token.scopes))
@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ module Gitlab
return unless token_bot_in_project?(token.user, project) || token_bot_in_group?(token.user, project)
if can_user_login_with_non_expired_password?(token.user) || token.user.project_bot?
if token.user.can_log_in_with_non_expired_password? || token.user.project_bot?, nil, :personal_access_token, abilities_for_scopes(token.scopes))
@ -309,7 +309,7 @@ module Gitlab
return unless build.project.builds_enabled?
if build.user
return unless can_user_login_with_non_expired_password?(build.user) || (build.user.project_bot? && build.project.bots&.include?(build.user))
return unless build.user.can_log_in_with_non_expired_password? || (build.user.project_bot? && build.project.bots&.include?(build.user))
# If user is assigned to build, use restricted credentials of user, build.project, :build, build_authentication_abilities)
@ -406,10 +406,6 @@ module Gitlab
def can_user_login_with_non_expired_password?(user)
user.can?(:log_in) && !user.password_expired_if_applicable?

View File

@ -35,6 +35,9 @@ ci_daily_build_group_report_results:
- table: namespaces
column: group_id
on_delete: async_delete
- table: projects
column: project_id
on_delete: async_delete
- table: projects
column: project_id

View File

@ -16040,6 +16040,9 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "Get a free instance review"
msgstr ""
msgid "Get a free trial"
msgstr ""
msgid "Get a support subscription"
msgstr ""
@ -27964,12 +27967,6 @@ msgstr ""
msgid "ProjectSettings|Highlight the usage of hidden unicode characters. These have innocent uses for right-to-left languages, but can also be used in potential exploits."
msgstr ""
msgid "ProjectSettings|If a %{code_start}{code_end} file exists in %{code_start}.gitlab/issue_templates%{code_end} in the repository, it overrides this setting."
msgstr ""
msgid "ProjectSettings|If a %{code_start}{code_end} file exists in %{code_start}.gitlab/merge_request_templates%{code_end} in the repository, it overrides this setting."
msgstr ""
msgid "ProjectSettings|If merge trains are enabled, merging is only possible if the branch can be rebased without conflicts."
msgstr ""

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module QA
RSpec.describe 'Create', :requires_admin do # remove :requires_admin once the ff is enabled by default in
RSpec.describe 'Create', :requires_admin, quarantine: { issue: '', type: :investigating } do # remove :requires_admin once the ff is enabled by default in
context 'Content Editor' do
let(:initial_wiki) { Resource::Wiki::ProjectPage.fabricate_via_api! }
let(:page_title) { 'Content Editor Page' }

View File

@ -16,15 +16,6 @@ RSpec.describe Groups::BoardsController do
expect { list_boards }.to change(group.boards, :count).by(1)
it 'pushes swimlanes_buffered_rendering feature flag' do
allow(controller).to receive(:push_frontend_feature_flag).and_call_original
expect(controller).to receive(:push_frontend_feature_flag)
.with(:swimlanes_buffered_rendering, group, default_enabled: :yaml)
context 'when format is HTML' do
it 'renders template' do
@ -107,15 +98,6 @@ RSpec.describe Groups::BoardsController do
describe 'GET show' do
let!(:board) { create(:board, group: group) }
it 'pushes swimlanes_buffered_rendering feature flag' do
allow(controller).to receive(:push_frontend_feature_flag).and_call_original
expect(controller).to receive(:push_frontend_feature_flag)
.with(:swimlanes_buffered_rendering, group, default_enabled: :yaml)
read_board board: board
context 'when format is HTML' do
it 'renders template' do
expect { read_board board: board }.to change(BoardGroupRecentVisit, :count).by(1)

View File

@ -22,15 +22,6 @@ RSpec.describe Projects::BoardsController do
expect(assigns(:boards_endpoint)).to eq project_boards_path(project)
it 'pushes swimlanes_buffered_rendering feature flag' do
allow(controller).to receive(:push_frontend_feature_flag).and_call_original
expect(controller).to receive(:push_frontend_feature_flag)
.with(:swimlanes_buffered_rendering, project, default_enabled: :yaml)
context 'when format is HTML' do
it 'renders template' do
@ -125,15 +116,6 @@ RSpec.describe Projects::BoardsController do
describe 'GET show' do
let!(:board) { create(:board, project: project) }
it 'pushes swimlanes_buffered_rendering feature flag' do
allow(controller).to receive(:push_frontend_feature_flag).and_call_original
expect(controller).to receive(:push_frontend_feature_flag)
.with(:swimlanes_buffered_rendering, project, default_enabled: :yaml)
read_board board: board
it 'sets boards_endpoint instance variable to a boards path' do
read_board board: board

View File

@ -20,6 +20,21 @@ RSpec.describe 'User sees experimental lmarketing header' do
context 'when experiment candidate (trial focused variant)' do
it 'shows marketing header links', :aggregate_failures do
stub_experiments(logged_out_marketing_header: :trial_focused)
visit project_path(project)
expect(page).to have_text "About GitLab"
expect(page).to have_text "Pricing"
expect(page).to have_text "Talk to an expert"
expect(page).to have_text "Get a free trial"
expect(page).to have_text "Sign up"
expect(page).to have_text "Login"
context 'when experiment control' do
it 'does not show marketing header links', :aggregate_failures do
stub_experiments(logged_out_marketing_header: :control)
@ -31,6 +46,8 @@ RSpec.describe 'User sees experimental lmarketing header' do
expect(page).not_to have_text "Talk to an expert"
expect(page).not_to have_text "Sign up now"
expect(page).not_to have_text "Login"
expect(page).not_to have_text "Get a free trial"
expect(page).not_to have_text "Sign up"
expect(page).to have_text "Sign in / Register"

View File

@ -110,6 +110,19 @@ describe('DropdownContentsLabelsView', () => {
it('first item is active when search is not empty', async () => {
queryHandler: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue(workspaceLabelsQueryResponse),
searchKey: 'Label',
await makeObserverAppear();
await waitForPromises();
await nextTick();
it('when search returns 0 results', async () => {
queryHandler: jest.fn().mockResolvedValue({

View File

@ -498,6 +498,12 @@ RSpec.describe ApplicationHelper do
it { include(expected_class) }
context 'when candidate (:trial_focused variant)' do
let(:variant) { :trial_focused }
it { include(expected_class) }
context 'when control' do
let(:variant) { :control }

View File

@ -72,37 +72,6 @@ RSpec.describe IssuablesDescriptionTemplatesHelper, :clean_gitlab_redis_cache do
expect(helper.available_service_desk_templates_for(@project)).to eq(value)
context 'when no issuable_template parameter or default template is present' do
it 'does not select a template' do
expect(helper.selected_template(project)).to be(nil)
context 'when an issuable_template parameter has been provided' do
before do
allow(helper).to receive(:params).and_return({ issuable_template: 'another_issue_template' })
it 'selects the issuable template' do
expect(helper.selected_template(project)).to eq('another_issue_template')
context 'when there is a default template' do
let(:templates) do
"" => [
{ name: "another_issue_template", id: "another_issue_template", project_id: },
{ name: "default", id: "default", project_id: }
it 'selects the default template' do
expect(helper.selected_template(project)).to eq('default')
context 'when there are not templates in the project' do

View File

@ -42,6 +42,12 @@ RSpec.describe ErrorTracking::Collector::PayloadValidator do
it_behaves_like 'valid payload'
context 'go payload' do
let(:payload) { Gitlab::Json.parse(fixture_file('error_tracking/go_parsed_event.json')) }
it_behaves_like 'valid payload'
context 'empty payload' do
let(:payload) { '' }

View File

@ -170,4 +170,10 @@ RSpec.describe Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult do
let!(:parent) { }
it_behaves_like 'cleanup by a loose foreign key' do
let!(:model) { create(:ci_daily_build_group_report_result) }
let!(:parent) { model.project }

View File

@ -5805,6 +5805,48 @@ RSpec.describe User do
describe '#can_log_in_with_non_expired_password?' do
let(:user) { build(:user) }
subject { user.can_log_in_with_non_expired_password? }
context 'when user can log in' do
it 'returns true' do be_truthy
context 'when user with expired password' do
before do
user.password_expires_at = 2.minutes.ago
it 'returns false' do be_falsey
context 'when password expiration is not applicable' do
context 'when ldap user' do
let(:user) { build(:omniauth_user, provider: 'ldap') }
it 'returns true' do be_truthy
context 'when user cannot log in' do
context 'when user is blocked' do
let(:user) { build(:user, :blocked) }
it 'returns false' do be_falsey
describe '#read_only_attribute?' do
context 'when synced attributes metadata is present' do
it 'delegates to synced_attributes_metadata' do