Update the .gitignore, .gitlab-ci.yml, and Dockerfile templates

This commit is contained in:
Filipa Lacerda 2018-04-12 10:29:29 +01:00
parent db6854b2cd
commit d671d05865
No known key found for this signature in database
19 changed files with 81 additions and 17 deletions

View File

@ -37,8 +37,10 @@ captures/
.idea/workspace.xml .idea/workspace.xml
.idea/tasks.xml .idea/tasks.xml
.idea/gradle.xml .idea/gradle.xml
.idea/dictionaries .idea/dictionaries
.idea/libraries .idea/libraries
# Keystore files # Keystore files
# Uncomment the following line if you do not want to check your keystore files in. # Uncomment the following line if you do not want to check your keystore files in.

View File

@ -6,3 +6,4 @@
erl_crash.dump erl_crash.dump
*.ez *.ez
*.beam *.beam

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm # Covers JetBrains IDEs: IntelliJ, RubyMine, PhpStorm, AppCode, PyCharm, CLion, Android Studio and WebStorm
# Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839 # Reference: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/articles/206544839
# User-specific stuff: # User-specific stuff
.idea/**/workspace.xml .idea/**/workspace.xml
.idea/**/tasks.xml .idea/**/tasks.xml
.idea/dictionaries .idea/dictionaries
# Sensitive or high-churn files: # Sensitive or high-churn files
.idea/**/dataSources/ .idea/**/dataSources/
.idea/**/dataSources.ids .idea/**/dataSources.ids
.idea/**/dataSources.local.xml .idea/**/dataSources.local.xml
@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
.idea/**/dynamic.xml .idea/**/dynamic.xml
.idea/**/uiDesigner.xml .idea/**/uiDesigner.xml
# Gradle: # Gradle
.idea/**/gradle.xml .idea/**/gradle.xml
.idea/**/libraries .idea/**/libraries
@ -22,14 +22,12 @@
cmake-build-debug/ cmake-build-debug/
cmake-build-release/ cmake-build-release/
# Mongo Explorer plugin: # Mongo Explorer plugin
.idea/**/mongoSettings.xml .idea/**/mongoSettings.xml
## File-based project format: # File-based project format
*.iws *.iws
## Plugin-specific files:
# IntelliJ # IntelliJ
out/ out/
@ -47,3 +45,6 @@ com_crashlytics_export_strings.xml
crashlytics.properties crashlytics.properties
crashlytics-build.properties crashlytics-build.properties
fabric.properties fabric.properties
# Editor-based Rest Client

View File

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ $RECYCLE.BIN/
# Windows Installer files # Windows Installer files
*.cab *.cab
*.msi *.msi
*.msm *.msm
*.msp *.msp

vendor/gitignore/Godot.gitignore vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
# Godot-specific ignores
# Mono-specific ignores

View File

@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
/.htaccess /.htaccess
/administrator/cache/* /administrator/cache/*
/administrator/components/com_admin/* /administrator/components/com_admin/*

View File

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
# For PCBs designed using KiCad: http://www.kicad-pcb.org/ # For PCBs designed using KiCad: http://www.kicad-pcb.org/
# Format documentation: http://kicad-pcb.org/help/file-formats/
# Temporary files # Temporary files
*.000 *.000
@ -8,6 +9,10 @@
*~ *~
_autosave-* _autosave-*
*.tmp *.tmp
# Netlist files (exported from Eeschema) # Netlist files (exported from Eeschema)
*.net *.net

View File

@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ pom.xml.asc
.lein-plugins/ .lein-plugins/
.lein-failures .lein-failures
.nrepl-port .nrepl-port

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ build/Release
node_modules/ node_modules/
jspm_packages/ jspm_packages/
# Typescript v1 declaration files # TypeScript v1 declaration files
typings/ typings/
# Optional npm cache directory # Optional npm cache directory

View File

@ -53,9 +53,8 @@ coverage.xml
# Django stuff: # Django stuff:
*.log *.log
local_settings.py local_settings.py
# Flask stuff: # Flask stuff:
instance/ instance/

View File

@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ pickle-email-*.html
# TODO Comment out this rule if you are OK with secrets being uploaded to the repo # TODO Comment out this rule if you are OK with secrets being uploaded to the repo
config/initializers/secret_token.rb config/initializers/secret_token.rb
# Only include if you have production secrets in this file, which is no longer a Rails default # Only include if you have production secrets in this file, which is no longer a Rails default
# config/secrets.yml # config/secrets.yml

View File

@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
/target/ /target/
# Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries # Remove Cargo.lock from gitignore if creating an executable, leave it for libraries
# More information here http://doc.crates.io/guide.html#cargotoml-vs-cargolock # More information here https://doc.rust-lang.org/cargo/guide/cargo-toml-vs-cargo-lock.html
Cargo.lock Cargo.lock
# These are backup files generated by rustfmt # These are backup files generated by rustfmt

View File

@ -153,7 +153,9 @@ _minted*
*.mw *.mw
# nomencl # nomencl
*.nlo *.nlo
# pax # pax
*.pax *.pax

View File

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
[Bb]uilds/ [Bb]uilds/
Assets/AssetStoreTools* Assets/AssetStoreTools*
# Visual Studio 2015 cache directory # Visual Studio cache directory
/.vs/ /.vs/
# Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files # Autogenerated VS/MD/Consulo solution and project files

View File

@ -64,8 +64,10 @@ StyleCopReport.xml
*.ilk *.ilk
*.meta *.meta
*.obj *.obj
*.pch *.pch
*.pdb *.pdb
*.pgc *.pgc
*.pgd *.pgd
*.rsp *.rsp
@ -248,6 +250,7 @@ ServiceFabricBackup/
*.rdl.data *.rdl.data
*.bim.layout *.bim.layout
*.bim_*.settings *.bim_*.settings
# Microsoft Fakes # Microsoft Fakes
FakesAssemblies/ FakesAssemblies/
@ -319,3 +322,8 @@ ASALocalRun/
# MSBuild Binary and Structured Log # MSBuild Binary and Structured Log
*.binlog *.binlog
# NVidia Nsight GPU debugger configuration file
# MFractors (Xamarin productivity tool) working folder

View File

@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ before_script:
- apt-get install git nodejs libcurl4-gnutls-dev libicu-dev libmcrypt-dev libvpx-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libxpm-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev libxml2-dev libexpat1-dev libbz2-dev libgmp3-dev libldap2-dev unixodbc-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev libaspell-dev libsnmp-dev libpcre3-dev libtidy-dev -yqq - apt-get install git nodejs libcurl4-gnutls-dev libicu-dev libmcrypt-dev libvpx-dev libjpeg-dev libpng-dev libxpm-dev zlib1g-dev libfreetype6-dev libxml2-dev libexpat1-dev libbz2-dev libgmp3-dev libldap2-dev unixodbc-dev libpq-dev libsqlite3-dev libaspell-dev libsnmp-dev libpcre3-dev libtidy-dev -yqq
# Install php extensions # Install php extensions
- docker-php-ext-install mbstring mcrypt pdo_mysql curl json intl gd xml zip bz2 opcache - docker-php-ext-install mbstring pdo_mysql curl json intl gd xml zip bz2 opcache
# Install & enable Xdebug for code coverage reports # Install & enable Xdebug for code coverage reports
- pecl install xdebug - pecl install xdebug

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
image: node:latest
# This folder is cached between builds
# http://docs.gitlab.com/ce/ci/yaml/README.html#cache
- node_modules/
- yarn install
- ./node_modules/.bin/gatsby build --prefix-paths
- public
- master

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
# Full project: https://gitlab.com/pages/hugo # Full project: https://gitlab.com/pages/hugo
image: publysher/hugo image: dettmering/hugo-build
pages: pages:
script: script:

View File

@ -1,8 +1,27 @@
# This file is a template, and might need editing before it works on your project. # Official language image. Look for the different tagged releases at:
# https://hub.docker.com/r/library/python/tags/
image: python:latest image: python:latest
# Change pip's cache directory to be inside the project directory since we can
# only cache local items.
# Pip's cache doesn't store the python packages
# https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/reference/pip_install/#caching
# If you want to also cache the installed packages, you have to install
# them in a virtualenv and cache it as well.
- .cache/pip
- venv/
before_script: before_script:
- python -V # Print out python version for debugging - python -V # Print out python version for debugging
- pip install virtualenv
- virtualenv venv
- source venv/bin/activate
test: test:
script: script: