Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

This commit is contained in:
GitLab Bot 2020-12-16 00:09:58 +00:00
parent e32167eb63
commit eba30e2ad8
116 changed files with 603 additions and 442 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ export default {
<div class="issuable-create-container">
<slot name="title"></slot>
<hr />
<hr class="gl-mt-0" />

View File

@ -573,10 +573,6 @@ body {
font-size: 1.25em;
font-weight: $gl-font-weight-bold;
&:last-child {
margin-bottom: 0;
&.with-button {
line-height: 34px;

View File

@ -216,10 +216,6 @@
.editor-title-row {
margin-bottom: 20px;
.popover.suggest-gitlab-ci-yml {
z-index: $header-zindex - 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module RepositoryStorageMovable
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
include AfterCommitQueue
included do
scope :order_created_at_desc, -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
validates :container, presence: true
validates :state, presence: true
validates :source_storage_name,
on: :create,
presence: true,
inclusion: { in: ->(_) { Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.keys } }
validates :destination_storage_name,
on: :create,
presence: true,
inclusion: { in: ->(_) { Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.keys } }
validate :container_repository_writable, on: :create
default_value_for(:destination_storage_name, allows_nil: false) do
state_machine initial: :initial do
event :schedule do
transition initial: :scheduled
event :start do
transition scheduled: :started
event :finish_replication do
transition started: :replicated
event :finish_cleanup do
transition replicated: :finished
event :do_fail do
transition [:initial, :scheduled, :started] => :failed
transition replicated: :cleanup_failed
around_transition initial: :scheduled do |storage_move, block|
storage_move.container.set_repository_read_only!(skip_git_transfer_check: true)
rescue => err
next false
storage_move.run_after_commit do
before_transition started: :replicated do |storage_move|
before_transition started: :failed do |storage_move|
state :initial, value: 1
state :scheduled, value: 2
state :started, value: 3
state :finished, value: 4
state :failed, value: 5
state :replicated, value: 6
state :cleanup_failed, value: 7
class_methods do
def pick_repository_storage
container_klass = reflect_on_association(:container).class_name.constantize
# Projects, snippets, and group wikis has different db structure. In projects,
# we need to update some columns in this step, but we don't with the other resources.
# Therefore, we create this No-op method for snippets and wikis and let project
# overwrite it in their implementation.
def update_repository_storage(new_storage)
# No-op
def schedule_repository_storage_update_worker
raise NotImplementedError
def add_error(message)
errors.add(error_key, message)
def container_repository_writable
add_error(_('is read only')) if container&.repository_read_only?
def error_key
raise NotImplementedError

View File

@ -9,7 +9,8 @@ class NamespaceOnboardingAction < ApplicationRecord
subscription_created: 1,
git_write: 2,
merge_request_created: 3,
git_read: 4
git_read: 4,
user_added: 6
enum action: ACTIONS

View File

@ -342,7 +342,7 @@ class Project < ApplicationRecord
has_many :daily_build_group_report_results, class_name: 'Ci::DailyBuildGroupReportResult'
has_many :repository_storage_moves, class_name: 'ProjectRepositoryStorageMove'
has_many :repository_storage_moves, class_name: 'ProjectRepositoryStorageMove', inverse_of: :container
has_many :webide_pipelines, -> { webide_source }, class_name: 'Ci::Pipeline', inverse_of: :project
has_many :reviews, inverse_of: :project

View File

@ -4,100 +4,31 @@
# project. For example, moving a project to another gitaly node to help
# balance storage capacity.
class ProjectRepositoryStorageMove < ApplicationRecord
include AfterCommitQueue
extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override
include RepositoryStorageMovable
belongs_to :project, inverse_of: :repository_storage_moves
belongs_to :container, class_name: 'Project', inverse_of: :repository_storage_moves, foreign_key: :project_id
alias_attribute :project, :container
scope :with_projects, -> { includes(container: :route) }
validates :project, presence: true
validates :state, presence: true
validates :source_storage_name,
on: :create,
presence: true,
inclusion: { in: ->(_) { Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.keys } }
validates :destination_storage_name,
on: :create,
presence: true,
inclusion: { in: ->(_) { Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.keys } }
validate :project_repository_writable, on: :create
default_value_for(:destination_storage_name, allows_nil: false) do
override :update_repository_storage
def update_repository_storage(new_storage)
container.update_column(:repository_storage, new_storage)
state_machine initial: :initial do
event :schedule do
transition initial: :scheduled
event :start do
transition scheduled: :started
event :finish_replication do
transition started: :replicated
event :finish_cleanup do
transition replicated: :finished
event :do_fail do
transition [:initial, :scheduled, :started] => :failed
transition replicated: :cleanup_failed
around_transition initial: :scheduled do |storage_move, block|
storage_move.project.set_repository_read_only!(skip_git_transfer_check: true)
rescue => err
storage_move.errors.add(:project, err.message)
next false
storage_move.run_after_commit do
before_transition started: :replicated do |storage_move|
storage_move.project.update_column(:repository_storage, storage_move.destination_storage_name)
before_transition started: :failed do |storage_move|
state :initial, value: 1
state :scheduled, value: 2
state :started, value: 3
state :finished, value: 4
state :failed, value: 5
state :replicated, value: 6
state :cleanup_failed, value: 7
scope :order_created_at_desc, -> { order(created_at: :desc) }
scope :with_projects, -> { includes(project: :route) }
class << self
def pick_repository_storage
override :schedule_repository_storage_update_worker
def schedule_repository_storage_update_worker
def project_repository_writable
errors.add(:project, _('is read only')) if project&.repository_read_only?
override :error_key
def error_key

View File

@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ module Members
enqueue_onboarding_progress_action(source) if members.size > errors.size
return success unless errors.any?
@ -50,6 +52,10 @@ module Members
limit && limit < 0 ? nil : limit
def enqueue_onboarding_progress_action(source)

View File

@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
class OnboardingProgressService
def initialize(namespace)
@namespace = namespace
@namespace = namespace.root_ancestor
def execute(action:)

View File

@ -9,9 +9,8 @@
= link_to "the file", project_blob_path(@project, tree_join(@branch_name, @file_path)), target: "_blank", rel: 'noopener noreferrer', class: 'gl-link'
and make sure your changes will not unintentionally remove theirs.
Edit file
Edit file

View File

@ -1,9 +1,8 @@
- breadcrumb_title _("Repository")
- page_title _("New File"), @path.presence, @ref
New file
New file
= form_tag(project_create_blob_path(@project, @id), method: :post, class: 'js-edit-blob-form js-new-blob-form js-quick-submit js-requires-input', data: blob_editor_paths(@project)) do
= render 'projects/blob/editor', ref: @ref

View File

@ -1787,6 +1787,14 @@
:weight: 1
:tags: []
- :name: namespaces_onboarding_user_added
:feature_category: :users
:urgency: :low
:resource_boundary: :unknown
:weight: 1
:idempotent: true
:tags: []
- :name: new_issue
:feature_category: :issue_tracking

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
# frozen_string_literal: true
module Namespaces
class OnboardingUserAddedWorker
include ApplicationWorker
feature_category :users
urgency :low
def perform(namespace_id)
namespace = Namespace.find(namespace_id) :user_added)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title: Allow passing `commit_id` when creating MR discussions via the API and expose `commit_id` for MR diff notes
merge_request: 47130
author: Johannes Altmanninger @krobelus
type: added

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title: 'Remove last-child bottom-margin: 0 from page-title class'
merge_request: 49884
type: fixed

View File

@ -198,6 +198,8 @@
- 1
- - namespaceless_project_destroy
- 1
- - namespaces_onboarding_user_added
- 1
- - new_epic
- 2
- - new_issue

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'Badge "%s" must be capitalized.'
level: error
scope: raw

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use the US spelling "%s" instead of the British "%s".'
level: error
ignorecase: true

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'Syntax highlighting hint "%s" must be one of: yaml, ruby, plaintext, markdown, javascript, shell, golang, python, dockerfile, or typescript.'
level: error
scope: raw

View File

@ -8,6 +8,6 @@ extends: existence
message: 'Avoid words like "%s" that promise future changes, because documentation is about the current state of the product.'
level: suggestion
ignorecase: true
- currently

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ extends: existence
message: '"%s" is a first-person pronoun. Use second- or third-person pronouns (like we, you, us, one) instead.'
level: warning
ignorecase: true
- '\bI[ ,;:?!"]|\bI\x27.{1,2}'
- me

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ extends: existence
message: 'Avoid using future tense: "%s". Use present tense instead.'
ignorecase: true
level: warning
- "(going to( |\n|[[:punct:]])[a-zA-Z]*|"
- "will( |\n|[[:punct:]])[a-zA-Z]*|"

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use inclusive language. Consider "%s" instead of "%s".'
level: suggestion
ignorecase: true

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use inclusive language. Consider "%s" instead of "%s".'
level: warning
ignorecase: true

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use inclusive language. Consider "%s" instead of "%s".'
level: suggestion
ignorecase: true

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'Link "%s" must use the .md file extension.'
level: error
scope: raw

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'Link "%s" must not start with "./".'
level: error
scope: raw

View File

@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
# Warning: gitlab.LatinTerms
# Checks for use of latin terms.
# Checks for use of Latin terms.
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use "%s" instead of "%s", but consider rewriting the sentence.'
level: warning
nonword: true
ignorecase: true

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'Can this reference to "%s" be refactored?'
level: suggestion
nonword: true
ignorecase: true

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'Use a comma before the last "and" or "or" in a list of four or more items.'
level: warning
- '(?:[\w-_` ]+,){2,}(?:[\w-_` ]+) (and |or )'

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ extends: existence
message: 'Rewrite "%s" to not use "s".'
level: warning
ignorecase: true
- GitLab's # Straight apostrophe.
- GitLabs # Curly closing apostrophe.

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'Link "%s" must be inline.'
level: error
scope: raw

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'Link "%s" must be a relative link with a .md extension.'
level: error
scope: raw

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
extends: occurrence
message: 'Shorter sentences improve readability (max 25 words).'
scope: sentence
level: warning
max: 25
token: \b(\w+)\b

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: '"%s" must contain one and only one space.'
level: error
nonword: true

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ extends: existence
message: 'Avoid words like "%s" that imply ease of use, because the user may find this action hard.'
level: suggestion
ignorecase: true
- easy
- easily

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Consider %s instead of "%s".'
level: suggestion
ignorecase: true

View File

@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: substitution
message: 'Use "to-do item" in most cases, or "Add a to do" if referring to the UI button.'
level: warning
ignorecase: false

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
# For a list of all options, see
extends: existence
message: 'This introduced-in line is not formatted correctly.'
level: error
scope: raw

View File

@ -7,8 +7,8 @@ description: 'Learn how to use and administer GitLab, the most scalable Git-base
<div class="d-none">
<em>Visit <a href=""></a> for optimized
navigation, discoverability, and readability.</em>
<h3>Visit <a href=""></a> for the latest version
of this help information with enhanced navigation, discoverability, and readability.</h3>
<!-- the div above will not display on the docs site but will display on /help -->

View File

@ -6,9 +6,12 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
# Compliance features
You can configure the following GitLab features to help ensure that your GitLab instance meets common compliance standards. Click a feature name for further documentation.
You can configure the following GitLab features to help ensure that your GitLab
instance meets common compliance standards. Click a feature name for additional
GitLabs [security features](../security/ may also help you meet relevant compliance standards.
The [security features](../security/ in GitLab may also help you meet
relevant compliance standards.
|Feature |GitLab tier | |
| ---------| :--------: | :-------: |
@ -23,4 +26,4 @@ GitLabs [security features](../security/ may also help you meet rel
|**[Audit events](**<br>To maintain the integrity of your code, GitLab Enterprise Edition Premium gives admins the ability to view any modifications made within the GitLab server in an advanced audit events system, so you can control, analyze, and track every change.|Premium+||
|**[Auditor users](**<br>Auditor users are users who are given read-only access to all projects, groups, and other resources on the GitLab instance.|Premium+||
|**[Credentials inventory](../user/admin_area/**<br>With a credentials inventory, GitLab administrators can keep track of the credentials used by all of the users in their GitLab instance. |Ultimate||
|**Separation of Duties using [Protected branches](../user/project/ and [custom CI Configuration Paths](../ci/pipelines/**<br> GitLab Silver and Premium users can leverage GitLab's cross-project YAML configuration's to define deployers of code and developers of code. View the [Separation of Duties Deploy Project]( and [Separation of Duties Project]( to see how to use this set up to define these roles.|Premium+||
|**Separation of Duties using [Protected branches](../user/project/ and [custom CI Configuration Paths](../ci/pipelines/**<br> GitLab Silver and Premium users can leverage the GitLab cross-project YAML configurations to define deployers of code and developers of code. View the [Separation of Duties Deploy Project]( and [Separation of Duties Project]( to see how to use this set up to define these roles.|Premium+||

View File

@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ The following are required to run Geo:
- Git-lfs 2.4.2+ on the user side when using LFS
- All nodes must run the same GitLab version.
Additionally, check GitLab's [minimum requirements](../../install/,
Additionally, check the GitLab [minimum requirements](../../install/,
and we recommend you use:
- At least GitLab Enterprise Edition 10.0 for basic Geo features.

View File

@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ distributed storage (`azure`, `gcs`, `s3`, `swift`, or `oss`) for your Docker
Registry on the **primary** node, you can use the same storage for a **secondary**
Docker Registry as well. For more information, read the
[Load balancing considerations](
when deploying the Registry, and how to set up the storage driver for GitLab's
when deploying the Registry, and how to set up the storage driver for the GitLab
integrated [Container Registry](../../packages/
## Replicating Docker Registry

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ from [](
### How can the data be classified into categories according to its sensitivity?
- GitLabs model of sensitivity is centered around public vs. internal vs.
- The GitLab model of sensitivity is centered around public vs. internal vs.
private projects. Geo replicates them all indiscriminately. “Selective sync”
exists for files and repositories (but not database content), which would permit
only less-sensitive projects to be replicated to a **secondary** node if desired.

View File

@ -51,26 +51,40 @@ Learn how to install, configure, update, and maintain your GitLab instance.
- [Global user settings]( Configure instance-wide user permissions.
- [Polling]( Configure how often the GitLab UI polls for updates.
- [GitLab Pages configuration](pages/ Enable and configure GitLab Pages.
- [GitLab Pages configuration for GitLab source installations](pages/ Enable and configure GitLab Pages on [source installations](../install/
- [GitLab Pages configuration for GitLab source installations](pages/
Enable and configure GitLab Pages on [source installations](../install/
- [Uploads administration]( Configure GitLab uploads storage.
- [Environment variables]( Supported environment
variables that can be used to override their default values to configure
- [Plugins]( With custom plugins, GitLab administrators can introduce custom integrations without modifying GitLab's source code.
- [Plugins]( With custom plugins, GitLab administrators can
introduce custom integrations without modifying GitLab source code.
- [Enforcing Terms of Service](../user/admin_area/settings/
- [Third party offers](../user/admin_area/settings/
- [Compliance]( A collection of features from across the application that you may configure to help ensure that your GitLab instance and DevOps workflow meet compliance standards.
- [Diff limits](../user/admin_area/ Configure the diff rendering size limits of branch comparison pages.
- [Merge request diffs storage]( Configure merge requests diffs external storage.
- [Broadcast Messages](../user/admin_area/ Send messages to GitLab users through the UI.
- [Elasticsearch](../integration/ Enable Elasticsearch to empower GitLab's Advanced Search. Useful when you deal with a huge amount of data. **(STARTER ONLY)**
- [External Classification Policy Authorization](../user/admin_area/settings/ **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
- [Upload a license](../user/admin_area/ Upload a license to unlock features that are in paid tiers of GitLab. **(STARTER ONLY)**
- [Admin Area](../user/admin_area/ for self-managed instance-wide configuration and maintenance.
- [S/MIME Signing]( how to sign all outgoing notification emails with S/MIME.
- [Enabling and disabling features flags]( how to enable and disable GitLab features deployed behind feature flags.
- [Compliance]( A collection of features from across the
application that you may configure to help ensure that your GitLab instance
and DevOps workflow meet compliance standards.
- [Diff limits](../user/admin_area/ Configure the diff rendering
size limits of branch comparison pages.
- [Merge request diffs storage]( Configure merge
requests diffs external storage.
- [Broadcast Messages](../user/admin_area/ Send messages
to GitLab users through the UI.
- [Elasticsearch](../integration/ Enable Elasticsearch to
empower Advanced Search. Useful when you deal with a huge amount of data.
- [External Classification Policy Authorization](../user/admin_area/settings/
- [Upload a license](../user/admin_area/ Upload a license to unlock
features that are in paid tiers of GitLab. **(STARTER ONLY)**
- [Admin Area](../user/admin_area/ for self-managed instance-wide
configuration and maintenance.
- [S/MIME Signing]( how to sign all outgoing notification
emails with S/MIME.
- [Enabling and disabling features flags]( how to enable and
disable GitLab features deployed behind feature flags.
#### Customizing GitLab's appearance
#### Customizing GitLab appearance
- [Header logo](../user/admin_area/ Change the logo on all pages and email headers.
- [Favicon](../user/admin_area/ Change the default favicon to your own logo.
@ -104,7 +118,7 @@ Learn how to install, configure, update, and maintain your GitLab instance.
- [Mattermost]( Integrate with [Mattermost](, an open source, private cloud workplace for web messaging.
- [PlantUML](integration/ Create simple diagrams in AsciiDoc and Markdown documents
created in snippets, wikis, and repositories.
- [Web terminals](integration/ Provide terminal access to your applications deployed to Kubernetes from within GitLab's CI/CD [environments](../ci/environments/
- [Web terminals](integration/ Provide terminal access to your applications deployed to Kubernetes from within GitLab CI/CD [environments](../ci/environments/
## User settings and permissions
@ -134,7 +148,7 @@ Learn how to install, configure, update, and maintain your GitLab instance.
## Project settings
- [Issue closing pattern]( Customize how to close an issue from commit messages.
- [Gitaly](gitaly/ Configuring Gitaly, GitLab's Git repository storage service.
- [Gitaly](gitaly/ Configuring Gitaly, the Git repository storage service for GitLab.
- [Default labels](../user/admin_area/ Create labels that are automatically added to every new project.
- [Restrict the use of public or internal projects](../public_access/ Restrict the use of visibility levels for users when they create a project or a snippet.
- [Custom project templates](../user/admin_area/ Configure a set of projects to be used as custom templates when creating a new project. **(PREMIUM ONLY)**
@ -186,7 +200,7 @@ Learn how to install, configure, update, and maintain your GitLab instance.
- [Monitoring GitLab](monitoring/
- [Monitoring uptime](../user/admin_area/monitoring/ Check the server status using the health check endpoint.
- [IP whitelist](monitoring/ Monitor endpoints that provide health check information when probed.
- [Monitoring GitHub imports](monitoring/ GitLab's GitHub Importer displays Prometheus metrics to monitor the health and progress of the importer.
- [Monitoring GitHub imports](monitoring/ The GitLab GitHub Importer displays Prometheus metrics to monitor the health and progress of the importer.
### Performance Monitoring
@ -199,7 +213,7 @@ Learn how to install, configure, update, and maintain your GitLab instance.
## Analytics
- [Pseudonymizer]( Export data from GitLab's database to CSV files in a secure way. **(ULTIMATE)**
- [Pseudonymizer]( Export data from a GitLab database to CSV files in a secure way. **(ULTIMATE)**
## Troubleshooting

View File

@ -499,8 +499,8 @@ as the overall index size. This value defaults to `1024 KiB` (1 MiB) as any
text files larger than this likely aren't meant to be read by humans.
You must set a limit, as unlimited file sizes aren't supported. Setting this
value to be greater than the amount of memory on GitLab's Sidekiq nodes causes
GitLab's Sidekiq nodes to run out of memory, as they will pre-allocate this
value to be greater than the amount of memory on GitLab Sidekiq nodes causes
the GitLab Sidekiq nodes to run out of memory, as they will pre-allocate this
amount of memory during indexing.
### Maximum field length

View File

@ -370,7 +370,7 @@ GitLab strongly recommends against using AWS Elastic File System (EFS).
Our support team will not be able to assist on performance issues related to
file system access.
Customers and users have reported that AWS EFS does not perform well for GitLab's
Customers and users have reported that AWS EFS does not perform well for the GitLab
use-case. Workloads where many small files are written in a serialized manner, like `git`,
are not well-suited for EFS. EBS with an NFS server on top will perform much better.
@ -383,7 +383,7 @@ For more details on another person's experience with EFS, see this [Commit Brook
### Avoid using CephFS and GlusterFS
GitLab strongly recommends against using CephFS and GlusterFS.
These distributed file systems are not well-suited for GitLab's input/output access patterns because Git uses many small files and access times and file locking times to propagate will make Git activity very slow.
These distributed file systems are not well-suited for the GitLab input/output access patterns because Git uses many small files and access times and file locking times to propagate will make Git activity very slow.
### Avoid using PostgreSQL with NFS

View File

@ -9,12 +9,12 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
> [Available in]( GitLab
> Community Edition 11.2.
GitLab's default SSH authentication requires users to upload their SSH
The default SSH authentication for GitLab requires users to upload their SSH
public keys before they can use the SSH transport.
In centralized (e.g. corporate) environments this can be a hassle
operationally, particularly if the SSH keys are temporary keys issued
to the user, e.g. ones that expire 24 hours after issuing.
In centralized (for example, corporate) environments this can be a hassle
operationally, particularly if the SSH keys are temporary keys issued to the
user, including ones that expire 24 hours after issuing.
In such setups some external automated process is needed to constantly
upload the new keys to GitLab.

View File

@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ supporting custom domains a secondary IP is not needed.
Before proceeding with the Pages configuration, you will need to:
1. Have a domain for Pages that is not a subdomain of your GitLab's instance domain.
1. Have a domain for Pages that is not a subdomain of your GitLab instance domain.
| GitLab domain | Pages domain | Does it work? |
| :---: | :---: | :---: |
@ -842,7 +842,7 @@ x509: certificate signed by unknown authority
The reason for those errors is that the files `resolv.conf` and `ca-bundle.pem` are missing inside the chroot.
The fix is to copy the host's `/etc/resolv.conf` and GitLab's certificate bundle inside the chroot:
The fix is to copy the host's `/etc/resolv.conf` and the GitLab certificate bundle inside the chroot:
sudo mkdir -p /var/opt/gitlab/gitlab-rails/shared/pages/etc/ssl

View File

@ -8,9 +8,9 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Ultimate]( 11.1.
As GitLab's database hosts sensitive information, using it unfiltered for analytics
As the GitLab database hosts sensitive information, using it unfiltered for analytics
implies high security requirements. To help alleviate this constraint, the Pseudonymizer
service is used to export GitLab's data in a pseudonymized way.
service is used to export GitLab data in a pseudonymized way.
This process is not impervious. If the source data is available, it's possible for

View File

@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ There is a Rake task for migrating uploads between different storage types.
## Migrate to object storage
After [configuring the object storage](../../ for GitLab's
uploads, use this task to migrate existing uploads from the local storage to the remote storage.
After [configuring the object storage](../../ for uploads
to GitLab, use this task to migrate existing uploads from the local storage to the remote storage.
All of the processing is done in a background worker and requires **no downtime**.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ The Rake task uses three parameters to find uploads to migrate:
| `mount_point` | string/symbol | Name of the model's column the uploader is mounted on. |
These parameters are mainly internal to GitLab's structure, you may want to refer to the task list
These parameters are mainly internal to the structure of GitLab, you may want to refer to the task list
instead below.
This task also accepts an environment variable which you can use to override

View File

@ -1763,12 +1763,6 @@ You can also run [multiple Sidekiq processes](../operations/extra_sidekiq_proces
This section describes how to configure the GitLab application (Rails) component.
In our architecture, we run each GitLab Rails node using the Puma webserver, and
have its number of workers set to 90% of available CPUs, with four threads. For
nodes running Rails with other components, the worker value should be reduced
accordingly. We've determined that a worker value of 50% achieves a good balance,
but this is dependent on workload.
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: GitLab application 1

View File

@ -1763,12 +1763,6 @@ You can also run [multiple Sidekiq processes](../operations/extra_sidekiq_proces
This section describes how to configure the GitLab application (Rails) component.
In our architecture, we run each GitLab Rails node using the Puma webserver, and
have its number of workers set to 90% of available CPUs, with four threads. For
nodes running Rails with other components, the worker value should be reduced
accordingly. We've determined that a worker value of 50% achieves a good balance,
but this is dependent on workload.
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: GitLab application 1

View File

@ -1479,12 +1479,6 @@ You can also run [multiple Sidekiq processes](../operations/extra_sidekiq_proces
This section describes how to configure the GitLab application (Rails) component.
In our architecture, we run each GitLab Rails node using the Puma webserver, and
have its number of workers set to 90% of available CPUs, with four threads. For
nodes running Rails with other components, the worker value should be reduced
accordingly. We've determined that a worker value of 50% achieves a good balance,
but this is dependent on workload.
On each node perform the following:
1. If you're [using NFS](#configure-nfs-optional):

View File

@ -1763,12 +1763,6 @@ You can also run [multiple Sidekiq processes](../operations/extra_sidekiq_proces
This section describes how to configure the GitLab application (Rails) component.
In our architecture, we run each GitLab Rails node using the Puma webserver, and
have its number of workers set to 90% of available CPUs, with four threads. For
nodes running Rails with other components, the worker value should be reduced
accordingly. We've determined that a worker value of 50% achieves a good balance,
but this is dependent on workload.
The following IPs will be used as an example:
- ``: GitLab application 1

View File

@ -1479,12 +1479,6 @@ You can also run [multiple Sidekiq processes](../operations/extra_sidekiq_proces
This section describes how to configure the GitLab application (Rails) component.
In our architecture, we run each GitLab Rails node using the Puma webserver, and
have its number of workers set to 90% of available CPUs, with four threads. For
nodes running Rails with other components, the worker value should be reduced
accordingly. We've determined that a worker value of 50% achieves a good balance,
but this is dependent on workload.
On each node perform the following:
1. If you're [using NFS](#configure-nfs-optional):

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
You can set up GitLab on a single server or scale it up to serve many users.
This page details the recommended Reference Architectures that were built and
verified by GitLab's Quality and Support teams.
verified by the GitLab Quality and Support teams.
Below is a chart representing each architecture tier and the number of users
they can handle. As your number of users grow with time, its recommended that
@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ you scale GitLab accordingly.
![Reference Architectures](img/reference-architectures.png)
<!-- Internal link: -->
Testing on these reference architectures were performed with
[GitLab's Performance Tool](
Testing on these reference architectures was performed with the
[GitLab Performance Tool](
at specific coded workloads, and the throughputs used for testing were
calculated based on sample customer data. Select the
[reference architecture](#available-reference-architectures) that matches your scale.
@ -36,8 +36,8 @@ the [default setup](#automated-backups) by
[installing GitLab](../../install/ on a single machine to minimize
maintenance and resource costs.
If your organization has more than 2,000 users, the recommendation is to scale
GitLab's components to multiple machine nodes. The machine nodes are grouped by
If your organization has more than 2,000 users, the recommendation is to scale the
GitLab components to multiple machine nodes. The machine nodes are grouped by
components. The addition of these nodes increases the performance and
scalability of to your GitLab instance.

View File

@ -773,6 +773,7 @@ Diff comments also contain position:
"noteable_id": 3,
"noteable_type": "Merge request",
"noteable_iid": null,
"commit_id": "4803c71e6b1833ca72b8b26ef2ecd5adc8a38031",
"position": {
"base_sha": "b5d6e7b1613fca24d250fa8e5bc7bcc3dd6002ef",
"start_sha": "7c9c2ead8a320fb7ba0b4e234bd9529a2614e306",
@ -828,6 +829,8 @@ curl --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: <your_access_token>" "
### Create new merge request thread
> The `commit id` entry was [introduced]( in GitLab 13.7.
Creates a new thread to a single project merge request. This is similar to creating
a note but other comments (replies) can be added to it later.
@ -842,6 +845,7 @@ Parameters:
| `id` | integer/string | yes | The ID or [URL-encoded path of the project]( |
| `merge_request_iid` | integer | yes | The IID of a merge request |
| `body` | string | yes | The content of the thread |
| `commit_id` | string | no | SHA referencing commit to start this thread on |
| `created_at` | string | no | Date time string, ISO 8601 formatted, e.g. 2016-03-11T03:45:40Z (requires admin or project/group owner rights) |
| `position` | hash | no | Position when creating a diff note |
| `position[base_sha]` | string | yes | Base commit SHA in the source branch |

View File

@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ type: concepts, howto
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.0.
You can use the Freeze Periods API to manipulate GitLab's [Freeze Period](../user/project/releases/ entries.
You can use the Freeze Periods API to manipulate GitLab [Freeze Period](../user/project/releases/ entries.
## Permissions and security

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
# Releases API
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 11.7.
> - Using this API you can manipulate GitLab's [Release](../../user/project/releases/ entries.
> - Using this API you can manipulate GitLab [Release](../../user/project/releases/ entries.
> - For manipulating links as a release asset, see [Release Links API](
> - Release Evidences were [introduced]( in GitLab 12.5.

View File

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 11.7.
Using this API you can manipulate GitLab's [Release](../../user/project/releases/ links. For manipulating other Release assets, see [Release API](
Using this API you can manipulate GitLab [Release](../../user/project/releases/ links. For manipulating other Release assets, see [Release API](
GitLab supports links to `http`, `https`, and `ftp` assets.
## Get links

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ through the [continuous methodologies](introduction/
Out-of-the-box management systems can decrease hours spent on maintaining toolchains by 10% or more.
Watch our ["Mastering continuous software development"](
webcast to learn about continuous methods and how GitLabs built-in CI can help you simplify and scale software development.
webcast to learn about continuous methods and how the GitLab built-in CI can help you simplify and scale software development.
## Overview

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@ -25,9 +25,9 @@ it easier to [deploy to AWS](#deploy-your-application-to-the-aws-elastic-contain
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 12.6.
GitLab's AWS Docker image provides the [AWS Command Line Interface](,
The GitLab AWS Docker image provides the [AWS Command Line Interface](,
which enables you to run `aws` commands. As part of your deployment strategy, you can run `aws` commands directly from
`.gitlab-ci.yml` by specifying [GitLab's AWS Docker image](
`.gitlab-ci.yml` by specifying the [GitLab AWS Docker image](
Some credentials are required to be able to run `aws` commands:

View File

@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ deploy_prod:
The `when: manual` action:
- Exposes a "play" button in GitLab's UI for that job.
- Exposes a "play" button in the GitLab UI for that job.
- Means the `deploy_prod` job will only be triggered when the "play" button is clicked.
You can find the "play" button in the pipelines, environments, deployments, and jobs views.
@ -413,7 +413,7 @@ deploy:
- master
When deploying to a Kubernetes cluster using GitLab's Kubernetes integration,
When deploying to a Kubernetes cluster using the GitLab Kubernetes integration,
information about the cluster and namespace will be displayed above the job
trace on the deployment job page:
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@ For example:
#### Going from source files to public pages
With GitLab's [Route Maps](../review_apps/ you can go directly
With GitLab [Route Maps](../review_apps/, you can go directly
from source files to public pages in the environment set for Review Apps.
### Stopping an environment

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ GitLab CI/CD.
Out-of-the-box management systems can decrease hours spent on maintaining toolchains by 10% or more.
Watch our ["Mastering continuous software development"](
webcast to learn about continuous methods and how GitLabs built-in CI can help you simplify and scale software development.
webcast to learn about continuous methods and how the GitLab built-in CI can help you simplify and scale software development.
> For some additional information about GitLab CI/CD:

View File

@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ paths (on the website).
### Route Maps example
The following is an example of a route map for [Middleman](,
a static site generator (SSG) used to build [GitLab's website](,
a static site generator (SSG) used to build the [GitLab website](,
deployed from its [project on](

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ pipeline that can be used to trigger a pipeline in the Omnibus GitLab repository
that will create:
- A deb package for Ubuntu 16.04, available as a build artifact, and
- A Docker image, which is pushed to [Omnibus GitLab's container
- A Docker image, which is pushed to the [Omnibus GitLab container
(images titled `gitlab-ce` and `gitlab-ee` respectively and image tag is the
commit which triggered the pipeline).

View File

@ -528,6 +528,7 @@ You can use the following fake tokens as examples:
| Usage | Guidance |
| admin, admin area | Use **administration**, **administrator**, **administer**, or **Admin Area** instead. |.
| and/or | Use **or** instead, or another sensible construction. |
| currently | Do not use when talking about the product or its features. The documentation describes the product as it is today. |
| easily | Do not use. If the user doesn't find the process to be these things, we lose their trust. |
@ -539,7 +540,7 @@ You can use the following fake tokens as examples:
| i.e. | Do not use Latin abbreviations. Use **that is** instead. ([Vale](../ rule: [`LatinTerms.yml`]( |
| jargon | Do not use. Define the term or [link to a definition](#links-to-external-documentation). |
| may, might | **Might** means something has the probability of occurring. **May** gives permission to do something. Consider **can** instead of **may**. |
| me | Do not use first-person singular. Use **you**, **we**, or **us** instead. ([Vale](../ rule: [`FirstPerson.yml`]( |
| me, myself, mine | Do not use first-person singular. Use **you**, **we**, or **us** instead. ([Vale](../ rule: [`FirstPerson.yml`]( |
| please | Do not use. For details, see the [Microsoft style guide]( |
| profanity | Do not use. Doing so may negatively affect other users and contributors, which is contrary to the GitLab value of [Diversity, Inclusion, and Belonging]( |
| scalability | Do not use when talking about increasing GitLab performance for additional users. The words scale or scaling are sometimes acceptable, but references to increasing GitLab performance for additional users should direct readers to the GitLab [reference architectures](../../../administration/reference_architectures/ page. |
@ -547,6 +548,7 @@ You can use the following fake tokens as examples:
| slashes | Instead of **and/or**, use **or** or another sensible construction. This rule also applies to other slashes, like **follow/unfollow**. Some exceptions (like **CI/CD**) are allowed. |
| that | Do not use. Example: `the file that you save` can be `the file you save`. |
| useful | Do not use. If the user doesn't find the process to be these things, we lose their trust. |
| utilize | Do not use. Use **use** instead. It's more succinct and easier for non-native English speakers to understand. |
| via | Do not use Latin abbreviations. Use **with**, **through**, or **by using** instead. ([Vale](../ rule: [`LatinTerms.yml`]( |
<!-- vale on -->
@ -1853,7 +1855,8 @@ packages. Possible configuration settings include:
- Other settings in `lib/support/`.
Configuration procedures can require users to edit configuration files, reconfigure
GitLab, or restart GitLab. Use these styles to document these steps:
GitLab, or restart GitLab. Use these styles to document these steps, replacing
`PATH/TO` with the appropriate path:
<!-- vale off -->
@ -1866,7 +1869,7 @@ GitLab, or restart GitLab. Use these styles to document these steps:
external_url ""
1. Save the file and [reconfigure](path/to/administration/
1. Save the file and [reconfigure](PATH/TO/administration/
GitLab for the changes to take effect.
@ -1880,7 +1883,7 @@ GitLab, or restart GitLab. Use these styles to document these steps:
host: ""
1. Save the file and [restart](path/to/administration/
1. Save the file and [restart](PATH/TO/administration/
GitLab for the changes to take effect.

View File

@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ You can use Vale:
- [In a Git hook](#configure-pre-push-hooks). Vale only reports errors in the Git hook (the same
configuration as the CI/CD pipelines), and does not report suggestions or warnings.
#### Vale
#### Vale result types
Vale returns three types of results: `suggestion`, `warning`, and `error`:

View File

@ -13,9 +13,9 @@ the [Elasticsearch integration documentation](../integration/
## Deep Dive
In June 2019, Mario de la Ossa hosted a Deep Dive (GitLab team members only: ``) on GitLab's [Elasticsearch integration](../integration/ to share his domain specific knowledge with anyone who may work in this part of the codebase in the future. You can find the [recording on YouTube](, and the slides on [Google Slides]( and in [PDF]( Everything covered in this deep dive was accurate as of GitLab 12.0, and while specific details may have changed since then, it should still serve as a good introduction.
In June 2019, Mario de la Ossa hosted a Deep Dive (GitLab team members only: ``) on the GitLab [Elasticsearch integration](../integration/ to share his domain specific knowledge with anyone who may work in this part of the codebase in the future. You can find the [recording on YouTube](, and the slides on [Google Slides]( and in [PDF]( Everything covered in this deep dive was accurate as of GitLab 12.0, and while specific details may have changed since then, it should still serve as a good introduction.
In August 2020, a second Deep Dive was hosted, focusing on [GitLab's specific architecture for multi-indices support](#zero-downtime-reindexing-with-multiple-indices). The [recording on YouTube]( and the [slides]( are available. Everything covered in this deep dive was accurate as of GitLab 13.3.
In August 2020, a second Deep Dive was hosted, focusing on [GitLab-specific architecture for multi-indices support](#zero-downtime-reindexing-with-multiple-indices). The [recording on YouTube]( and the [slides]( are available. Everything covered in this deep dive was accurate as of GitLab 13.3.
## Supported Versions
@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ This is not applicable yet as multiple indices functionality is not fully implem
Folders like `ee/lib/elastic/v12p1` contain snapshots of search logic from different versions. To keep a continuous Git history, the latest version lives under `ee/lib/elastic/latest`, but its classes are aliased under an actual version (e.g. `ee/lib/elastic/v12p3`). When referencing these classes, never use the `Latest` namespace directly, but use the actual version (e.g. `V12p3`).
The version name basically follows GitLab's release version. If setting is changed in 12.3, we will create a new namespace called `V12p3` (p stands for "point"). Raise an issue if there is a need to name a version differently.
The version name basically follows the GitLab release version. If setting is changed in 12.3, we will create a new namespace called `V12p3` (p stands for "point"). Raise an issue if there is a need to name a version differently.
If the current version is `v12p1`, and we need to create a new version for `v12p3`, the steps are as follows:

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
# Translate GitLab to your language
The text in GitLab's user interface is in American English by default.
The text in the GitLab user interface is in American English by default.
Each string can be translated to other languages.
As each string is translated, it is added to the languages translation file,
and is made available in future releases of GitLab.

View File

@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ determining a suitable level of formality.
### Inclusive language
[Diversity]( is one of GitLab's values.
[Diversity]( is a GitLab value.
We ask you to avoid translations which exclude people based on their gender or
In languages which distinguish between a male and female form, use both or

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
# Image scaling guide
This section contains a brief overview of GitLab's image scaler and how to work with it.
This section contains a brief overview of the GitLab image scaler and how to work with it.
For a general introduction to the history of image scaling at GitLab, you might be interested in
[this Unfiltered blog post](

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ integration as well as linking to more detailed resources for how to do so.
## Integration Tiers
GitLab's security offerings are designed for GitLab Gold and GitLab Ultimate users, and the
The security offerings in GitLab are designed for GitLab Gold and GitLab Ultimate users, and the
use case. All the features are in those tiers. This includes the APIs and standard reporting
framework needed to provide a consistent experience for users to easily bring their preferred

View File

@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ the above methods, provided the cloud provider supports it.
- [Install on AWS](aws/ Install Omnibus GitLab on AWS using the community AMIs that GitLab provides.
- [Install GitLab on Google Cloud Platform](google_cloud_platform/ Install Omnibus GitLab on a VM in GCP.
- [Install GitLab on Azure](azure/ Install Omnibus GitLab from Azure Marketplace.
- [Install GitLab on OpenShift]( Install GitLab on OpenShift by using GitLab's Helm charts.
- [Install GitLab on OpenShift]( Install GitLab on OpenShift by using the GitLab Helm charts.
- [Install GitLab on DC/OS]( Install GitLab on Mesosphere DC/OS via the [GitLab-Mesosphere integration](
- [Install GitLab on DigitalOcean]( Install Omnibus GitLab on DigitalOcean.
- _Testing only!_ [DigitalOcean and Docker Machine](
@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ installation:
- [Upload a license](../user/admin_area/ or [start a free trial](
Activate all GitLab Enterprise Edition functionality with a license.
- [Set up runners]( Set up one or more GitLab
Runners, the agents that are responsible for all of GitLab's CI/CD features.
Runners, the agents that are responsible for all of the GitLab CI/CD features.
- [GitLab Pages](../administration/pages/ Configure GitLab Pages to
allow hosting of static sites.
- [GitLab Registry](../administration/packages/ With the
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ installation:
faster, more advanced code search across your entire GitLab instance.
- [Geo replication](../administration/geo/
Geo is the solution for widely distributed development teams.
- [Release and maintenance policy](../policy/ Learn about GitLab's
- [Release and maintenance policy](../policy/ Learn about GitLab
policies governing version naming, as well as release pace for major, minor, patch,
and security releases.
- [Pricing]( Pricing for the different tiers.

View File

@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ Connect to your GitLab instance via **Bastion Host A** using [SSH Agent Forwardi
#### Disable Let's Encrypt
Since we're adding our SSL certificate at the load balancer, we do not need GitLab's built-in support for Let's Encrypt. Let's Encrypt [is enabled by default]( when using an `https` domain in GitLab 10.7 and later, so we need to explicitly disable it:
Since we're adding our SSL certificate at the load balancer, we do not need the GitLab built-in support for Let's Encrypt. Let's Encrypt [is enabled by default]( when using an `https` domain in GitLab 10.7 and later, so we need to explicitly disable it:
1. Open `/etc/gitlab/gitlab.rb` and disable it:
@ -586,7 +586,7 @@ Let's create an EC2 instance where we'll install Gitaly:
1. Finally, acknowledge that you have access to the selected private key file or create a new one. Click **Launch Instances**.
Instead of storing configuration _and_ repository data on the root volume, you can also choose to add an additional EBS volume for repository storage. Follow the same guidance as above. See the [Amazon EBS pricing]( We do not recommend using EFS as it may negatively impact GitLabs performance. You can review the [relevant documentation](../../administration/ for more details.
Instead of storing configuration _and_ repository data on the root volume, you can also choose to add an additional EBS volume for repository storage. Follow the same guidance as above. See the [Amazon EBS pricing]( We do not recommend using EFS as it may negatively impact the performance of GitLab. You can review the [relevant documentation](../../administration/ for more details.
Now that we have our EC2 instance ready, follow the [documentation to install GitLab and set up Gitaly on its own server](../../administration/gitaly/ Perform the client setup steps from that document on the [GitLab instance we created](#install-gitlab) above.

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ type: howto
# Install GitLab on Microsoft Azure
This guide is deprecated and pending an update. For the time being, use GitLab's
This guide is deprecated and pending an update. For the time being, use the GitLab
[image in the Azure Marketplace](
Azure is Microsoft's business cloud and GitLab is a pre-configured offering on

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ for details.
platform created by [RedHat](, based on [Kubernetes]( and [Docker]( That means
you can host your own PaaS for free and almost with no hassle.
In this tutorial, we will see how to deploy GitLab in OpenShift using GitLab's
In this tutorial, we will see how to deploy GitLab in OpenShift using the GitLab
official Docker image while getting familiar with the web interface and CLI
tools that will help us achieve our goal.
@ -326,8 +326,8 @@ Now that we configured this, let's see how to manage and scale GitLab.
Setting up GitLab for the first time might take a while depending on your
internet connection and the resources you have attached to the all-in-one VM.
GitLab's Docker image is quite big (~500MB), so you'll have to wait until
it's downloaded and configured before you use it.
The GitLab Docker image is quite big (approximately 500 MB), so you'll have to
wait until it's downloaded and configured before you use it.
### Watch while GitLab gets deployed

View File

@ -107,7 +107,7 @@ Apart from a local hard drive you can also mount a volume that supports the netw
If you have enough RAM and a recent CPU the speed of GitLab is mainly limited by hard drive seek times. Having a fast drive (7200 RPM and up) or a solid state drive (SSD) will improve the responsiveness of GitLab.
Since file system performance may affect GitLab's overall performance, [we don't recommend using AWS EFS for storage](../administration/
Since file system performance may affect the overall performance of GitLab, [we don't recommend using AWS EFS for storage](../administration/
### CPU

View File

@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ updated automatically.
## Upgrading to a new Elasticsearch major version
Since Elasticsearch can read and use indices created in the previous major version, you don't need to change anything in GitLab's configuration when upgrading Elasticsearch.
Since Elasticsearch can read and use indices created in the previous major version, you don't need to change anything in the GitLab configuration when upgrading Elasticsearch.
The only thing worth noting is that if you have created your current index before GitLab 13.0, you might want to [reclaim the production index name](#reclaiming-the-gitlab-production-index-name) or reindex from scratch (which will implicitly create an alias). The latter might be faster depending on the GitLab instance size. Once you do that, you'll be able to perform zero-downtime reindexing and you will benefit from any future features that will make use of the alias.
@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ The following Elasticsearch settings are available:
| `AWS Secret Access Key` | The AWS secret access key. |
| `Maximum file size indexed` | See [the explanation in instance limits.](../administration/ |
| `Maximum field length` | See [the explanation in instance limits.](../administration/ |
| `Maximum bulk request size (MiB)` | The Maximum Bulk Request size is used by GitLab's Golang-based indexer processes and indicates how much data it ought to collect (and store in memory) in a given indexing process before submitting the payload to Elasticsearchs Bulk API. This setting should be used with the Bulk request concurrency setting (see below) and needs to accommodate the resource constraints of both the Elasticsearch host(s) and the host(s) running GitLab's Golang-based indexer either from the `gitlab-rake` command or the Sidekiq tasks. |
| `Bulk request concurrency` | The Bulk request concurrency indicates how many of GitLab's Golang-based indexer processes (or threads) can run in parallel to collect data to subsequently submit to Elasticsearchs Bulk API. This increases indexing performance, but fills the Elasticsearch bulk requests queue faster. This setting should be used together with the Maximum bulk request size setting (see above) and needs to accommodate the resource constraints of both the Elasticsearch host(s) and the host(s) running GitLab's Golang-based indexer either from the `gitlab-rake` command or the Sidekiq tasks. |
| `Maximum bulk request size (MiB)` | The Maximum Bulk Request size is used by the GitLab Golang-based indexer processes and indicates how much data it ought to collect (and store in memory) in a given indexing process before submitting the payload to Elasticsearchs Bulk API. This setting should be used with the Bulk request concurrency setting (see below) and needs to accommodate the resource constraints of both the Elasticsearch host(s) and the host(s) running the GitLab Golang-based indexer either from the `gitlab-rake` command or the Sidekiq tasks. |
| `Bulk request concurrency` | The Bulk request concurrency indicates how many of the GitLab Golang-based indexer processes (or threads) can run in parallel to collect data to subsequently submit to Elasticsearchs Bulk API. This increases indexing performance, but fills the Elasticsearch bulk requests queue faster. This setting should be used together with the Maximum bulk request size setting (see above) and needs to accommodate the resource constraints of both the Elasticsearch host(s) and the host(s) running the GitLab Golang-based indexer either from the `gitlab-rake` command or the Sidekiq tasks. |
| `Client request timeout` | Elasticsearch HTTP client request timeout value in seconds. `0` means using the system default timeout value, which depends on the libraries that GitLab application is built upon. |
### Limiting namespaces and projects

View File

@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ but commented out to help encourage others to add to it in the future. -->
## Two-factor Authentication (2FA) for Git over SSH operations
> - [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.7.
> - It's [deployed behind a feature flag](<replace with path to>/user/, disabled by default.
> - It's [deployed behind a feature flag](../user/, disabled by default.
> - It's disabled on
> - It's not recommended for production use.
> - To use it in GitLab self-managed instances, ask a GitLab administrator to [enable it](#enable-or-disable-two-factor-authentication-2fa-for-git-operations).
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ with the associated SSH key.
Two-factor Authentication (2FA) for Git operations is under development and not
ready for production use. It is deployed behind a feature flag that is
**disabled by default**. [GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](<replace with path to>/administration/
**disabled by default**. [GitLab administrators with access to the GitLab Rails console](../administration/
can enable it.
To enable it:

View File

@ -16,6 +16,6 @@ If you plan to deploy a GitLab instance on a physically-isolated and offline net
## Features
Follow these best practices to use GitLab's features in an offline environment:
Follow these best practices to use GitLab features in an offline environment:
- [Operating the GitLab Secure scanners in an offline environment](../../user/application_security/offline_deployments/

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@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ much more.
## Overview
GitLab provides a WAF out of the box after Ingress is deployed. All you need to do is deploy your
application along with a service and Ingress resource. In GitLab's [Ingress](../../user/clusters/
application along with a service and Ingress resource. In the GitLab [Ingress](../../user/clusters/
deployment, the [ModSecurity](
module is loaded into Ingress-NGINX by default and monitors the traffic to the applications
which have an Ingress. The ModSecurity module runs with the [OWASP Core Rule Set (CRS)](

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
This is a step-by-step guide to help you use the GitLab [Web Application Firewall]( after
deploying a project hosted on to Google Kubernetes Engine using [Auto DevOps](../autodevops/
GitLab's native Kubernetes integration is used, so you do not need
The GitLab native Kubernetes integration is used, so you do not need
to create a Kubernetes cluster manually using the Google Cloud Platform console.
A simple application is created and deployed based on a GitLab template.
@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ These instructions also work for a self-managed GitLab instance. However, you
need to ensure your own [runners are configured](../../ci/runners/ and
[Google OAuth is enabled](../../integration/
GitLab's Web Application Firewall is deployed with [Ingress](../../user/clusters/,
The GitLab Web Application Firewall is deployed with [Ingress](../../user/clusters/,
so it is available to your applications no matter how you deploy them to Kubernetes.
## Configuring your Google account
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Google account (for example, one that you use to access Gmail, Drive, etc.) or c
Every new Google Cloud Platform (GCP) account receives [$300 in credit](,
and in partnership with Google, GitLab is able to offer an additional $200 for new GCP accounts to get started with GitLab's
and in partnership with Google, GitLab is able to offer an additional $200 for new GCP accounts to get started with the GitLab
Google Kubernetes Engine integration. All you have to do is [follow this link]( and apply for credit.
## Creating a new project from a template
@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ to take full advantage of Auto DevOps.
## Install Ingress
GitLab's Kubernetes integration comes with some
The GitLab Kubernetes integration comes with some
[pre-defined applications](../../user/project/clusters/
for you to install.

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ official ways to update GitLab:
### Linux packages (Omnibus GitLab)
The [Omnibus update guide](
contains the steps needed to update a package installed by GitLab's official
contains the steps needed to update a package installed by official GitLab
There are also instructions when you want to

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@ -20,8 +20,8 @@ available to the user if they have access to them. For example:
- Private projects will be available only if the user is a member of the project.
Repository and database information that are copied over to each new project are
identical to the data exported with
[GitLab's Project Import/Export](../project/settings/
identical to the data exported with the
[GitLab Project Import/Export](../project/settings/
To set project templates at a group level,

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@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ data. Only run fuzzing against a test server.
### HTTP Archive (HAR)
The [HTTP Archive format (HAR)](
is an archive file format for logging HTTP transactions. When used with GitLab's API fuzzer, HAR
is an archive file format for logging HTTP transactions. When used with the GitLab API fuzzer, HAR
must contain records of calling the web API to test. The API fuzzer extracts all the requests and
uses them to perform testing.
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@ developers and testers use to call various types of APIs. The API definitions
for use with API Fuzzing. When exporting, make sure to select a supported version of Postman
Collection: v2.0 or v2.1.
When used with GitLab's API fuzzer, Postman Collections must contain definitions of the web API to
When used with the GitLab API fuzzer, Postman Collections must contain definitions of the web API to
test with valid data. The API fuzzer extracts all the API definitions and uses them to perform

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ vulnerabilities. By including an extra job in your pipeline that scans for those
displays them in a merge request, you can use GitLab to audit your Docker-based apps.
By default, container scanning in GitLab is based on [Clair]( and
[Klar](, which are open-source tools for vulnerability static analysis in
containers. [GitLab's Klar analyzer](
containers. The GitLab [Klar analyzer](
scans the containers and serves as a wrapper for Clair.
To integrate security scanners other than Clair and Klar into GitLab, see

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
> [Introduced]( in GitLab 13.4, only for public projects on
As part of [GitLab's role as a CVE Numbering Authority](
As part of [our role as a CVE Numbering Authority](
([CNA](, you may request
[CVE]( identifiers from GitLab to track
vulnerabilities found within your project.
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ If the following conditions are met, a **Request CVE ID** button appears in your
## Submitting a CVE ID Request
Clicking the **Request CVE ID** button in the issue sidebar takes you to the new issue page for
[GitLab's CVE project](
the [GitLab CVE project](
![CVE ID request button](img/cve_id_request_button.png)

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated w
> [Introduced]( in [GitLab Ultimate]( 10.7.
GitLab's Dependency Scanning feature can automatically find security vulnerabilities in your
The Dependency Scanning feature can automatically find security vulnerabilities in your
dependencies while you're developing and testing your applications. For example, dependency scanning
lets you know if your application uses an external (open source) library that is known to be
vulnerable. You can then take action to protect your application.
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ Here are the requirements for using dependency scanning in an offline environmen
- If you have a limited access environment you need to allow access, such as using a proxy, to the advisory database: ``.
If you are unable to permit access to `` you must host an offline copy of this `git` repository and set the `GEMNASIUM_DB_REMOTE_URL` variable to the URL of this repository. For more information on configuration variables, see [Dependency Scanning](#configuring-dependency-scanning).
This advisory database is constantly being updated, so you must periodically sync your local copy with GitLab's.
This advisory database is constantly being updated, so you must periodically sync your local copy with GitLab.
- _Only if scanning Ruby projects_: Host an offline Git copy of the [advisory database](
- _Only if scanning npm/yarn projects_: Host an offline copy of the [retire.js]( [node]( and [js]( advisory databases.

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@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ NOTE:
Only direct subgroups can be set as the template source. Projects of nested subgroups of a selected template source cannot be used.
Repository and database information that are copied over to each new project are
identical to the data exported with [GitLab's Project Import/Export](../project/settings/
identical to the data exported with the [GitLab Project Import/Export](../project/settings/
<!-- ## Troubleshooting

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@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ type: howto, reference
> - [Introduced]( in [GitLab Premium]( 9.0.
> - [Moved](<>) to GitLab Core in 13.7.
GitLab's Deploy Boards offer a consolidated view of the current health and
GitLab Deploy Boards offer a consolidated view of the current health and
status of each CI [environment](../../ci/environments/ running on [Kubernetes](, displaying the status
of the pods in the deployment. Developers and other teammates can view the
progress and status of a rollout, pod by pod, in the workflow they already use

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@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ To read the container registry images, you'll need to:
1. Create a Deploy Token with `read_registry` as a scope.
1. Take note of your `username` and `token`.
1. Sign in to GitLabs Container Registry using the deploy token:
1. Sign in to the GitLab Container Registry using the deploy token:
docker login -u <username> -p <deploy_token>
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ To push the container registry images, you'll need to:
1. Create a Deploy Token with `write_registry` as a scope.
1. Take note of your `username` and `token`.
1. Sign in to GitLabs Container Registry using the deploy token:
1. Sign in to the GitLab Container Registry using the deploy token:
docker login -u <username> -p <deploy_token>

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@ -38,10 +38,10 @@ to enable this if not already.
## How it works
When issues/pull requests are being imported, the Bitbucket importer tries to find
the Bitbucket author/assignee in GitLab's database using the Bitbucket `nickname`.
the Bitbucket author/assignee in the GitLab database using the Bitbucket `nickname`.
For this to work, the Bitbucket author/assignee should have signed in beforehand in GitLab
and **associated their Bitbucket account**. Their `nickname` must also match their Bitbucket
`username.`. If the user is not found in GitLab's database, the project creator
`username.`. If the user is not found in the GitLab database, the project creator
(most of the times the current user that started the import process) is set as the author,
but a reference on the issue about the original Bitbucket author is kept.

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ This requires Gitea `v1.0.0` or newer.
## How it works
Since Gitea is currently not an OAuth provider, author/assignee cannot be mapped
to users in your GitLab's instance. This means that the project creator (most of
to users in your GitLab instance. This means that the project creator (most of
the times the current user that started the import process) is set as the author,
but a reference on the issue about the original Gitea author is kept.

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ must meet one of the following conditions prior to the import:
[primary email address](
on their profile that matches their GitLab account's email address.
If a user referenced in the project is not found in GitLab's database, the project creator (typically the user
If a user referenced in the project is not found in the GitLab database, the project creator (typically the user
that initiated the import process) is set as the author/assignee, but a note on the issue mentioning the original
GitHub author is added.
@ -103,7 +103,7 @@ If you are using a self-managed GitLab instance or if you are importing from Git
1. From the top navigation bar, click **+** and select **New project**.
1. Select the **Import project** tab and then select **GitHub**.
1. Select the first button to **List your GitHub repositories**. You are redirected to a page on [GitHub]( to authorize the GitLab application.
1. Click **Authorize GitlabHQ**. You are redirected back to GitLab's Import page and all of your GitHub repositories are listed.
1. Click **Authorize GitlabHQ**. You are redirected back to the GitLab Import page and all of your GitHub repositories are listed.
1. Continue on to [selecting which repositories to import](#selecting-which-repositories-to-import).
### Using a GitHub token

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ you can also view all the issues collectively at the group level.
See also [Always start a discussion with an issue](
<i class="fa fa-youtube-play youtube" aria-hidden="true"></i>
To learn how GitLab's Strategic Marketing department uses GitLab issues with [labels](../ and
To learn how the GitLab Strategic Marketing department uses GitLab issues with [labels](../ and
[issue boards](../, see the video on
[Managing Commitments with Issues](

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@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ This translates to the following keywords:
- Resolve, Resolves, Resolved, Resolving, resolve, resolves, resolved, resolving
- Implement, Implements, Implemented, Implementing, implement, implements, implemented, implementing
Note that `%{issue_ref}` is a complex regular expression defined inside GitLab's
Note that `%{issue_ref}` is a complex regular expression defined inside the GitLab
source code that can match references to:
- A local issue (`#123`).

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@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ To make your website's visitors even more secure, you can choose to
force HTTPS for GitLab Pages. By doing so, all attempts to visit your
website via HTTP will be automatically redirected to HTTPS via 301.
It works with both GitLab's default domain and with your custom
It works with both the GitLab default domain and with your custom
domain (as long as you've set a valid certificate for it).
To enable this setting:

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ Before you can enable automatic provisioning of an SSL certificate for your doma
and verified your ownership.
- Verified your website is up and running, accessible through your custom domain.
GitLab's Let's Encrypt integration is enabled and available on
The GitLab integration with Let's Encrypt is enabled and available on
For **self-managed** GitLab instances, make sure your administrator has
[enabled it](../../../../administration/pages/

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