Add latest changes from gitlab-org/gitlab@master

This commit is contained in:
GitLab Bot 2020-06-10 18:09:15 +00:00
parent f2f748c081
commit f6905d2ed2
82 changed files with 1446 additions and 693 deletions

View File

@ -52,6 +52,9 @@
.if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request: &if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
.if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-merge-request: &if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-merge-request
if: '$CI_SERVER_HOST == "" && $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE =~ /^gitlab-org($|\/security$)/ && $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID'
.if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-tag: &if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-tag
if: '$CI_SERVER_HOST == "" && $CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE =~ /^gitlab-org($|\/security$)/ && $CI_COMMIT_TAG'
@ -372,13 +375,13 @@
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-merge-request
changes: *ci-patterns
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-merge-request
changes: *qa-patterns
allow_failure: true
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-merge-request
changes: *code-patterns
when: manual
allow_failure: true
@ -507,7 +510,7 @@
- <<: *if-not-ee
when: never
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-merge-request
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-and-security-merge-request
changes: *code-qa-patterns
- <<: *if-dot-com-gitlab-org-schedule

View File

@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ export default {
computed: {
...mapState(['clusters', 'clustersPerPage', 'loading', 'page', 'totalCulsters']),
...mapState(['clusters', 'clustersPerPage', 'loading', 'page', 'providers', 'totalCulsters']),
currentPage: {
get() {
@ -102,6 +102,9 @@ export default {
// Sentry will notify us if we are missing types.
throw new Error(`UnknownK8sCpuQuantity:${quantity}`);
selectedProvider(provider) {
return this.providers[provider] || this.providers.default;
statusTitle(status) {
const iconTitle = STATUSES[status] || STATUSES.default;
return sprintf(__('Status: %{title}'), { title: iconTitle.title }, false);
@ -182,8 +185,21 @@ export default {
<section v-else>
<gl-table :items="clusters" :fields="fields" stacked="md" class="qa-clusters-table">
<template #cell(name)="{ item }">
<div class="d-flex flex-row-reverse flex-md-row js-status">
<gl-link data-qa-selector="cluster" :data-qa-cluster-name="" :href="item.path">
class="gl-display-flex gl-align-items-center gl-justify-content-end gl-justify-content-md-start js-status"
class="gl-w-6 gl-h-6 gl-display-flex gl-align-items-center"
{{ }}
@ -192,7 +208,6 @@ export default {
class="mr-2 ml-md-2"

View File

@ -9,12 +9,10 @@ export default () => {
const { endpoint } = entryPoint.dataset;
// eslint-disable-next-line no-new
new Vue({
el: '#js-clusters-list-app',
store: createStore({ endpoint }),
store: createStore(entryPoint.dataset),
render(createElement) {
return createElement(Clusters);

View File

@ -5,5 +5,10 @@ export default (initialState = {}) => ({
clusters: [],
clustersPerPage: 0,
page: 1,
providers: {
aws: { path: initialState.imgTagsAwsPath, text: initialState.imgTagsAwsText },
default: { path: initialState.imgTagsDefaultPath, text: initialState.imgTagsDefaultText },
gcp: { path: initialState.imgTagsGcpPath, text: initialState.imgTagsGcpText },
totalCulsters: 0,

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@ import FileTemplatesBar from './file_templates/bar.vue';
import { __ } from '~/locale';
import { extractMarkdownImagesFromEntries } from '../stores/utils';
import { getPathParent, readFileAsDataURL } from '../utils';
import { getRulesWithTraversal } from '../lib/editorconfig/parser';
import mapRulesToMonaco from '../lib/editorconfig/rules_mapper';
export default {
components: {
@ -32,6 +34,7 @@ export default {
return {
content: '',
images: {},
rules: {},
computed: {
@ -195,7 +198,7 @@ export default {
Promise.all([this.fetchFileData(), this.fetchEditorconfigRules()])
.then(() => {
@ -254,6 +257,8 @@ export default {
this.model.onChange(model => {
const { file } = model;
if (! return;
@ -280,12 +285,29 @@ export default {
fileLanguage: this.model.language,
refreshEditorDimensions() {
if (this.showEditor) {
fetchEditorconfigRules() {
return getRulesWithTraversal(this.file.path, path => {
const entry = this.entries[path];
if (!entry) return Promise.resolve(null);
const content = entry.content || entry.raw;
if (content) return Promise.resolve(content);
return this.getFileData({ path: entry.path, makeFileActive: false }).then(() =>
this.getRawFileData({ path: entry.path }),
}).then(rules => {
this.rules = mapRulesToMonaco(rules);
onPaste(event) {
const editor = this.editor.instance;
const reImage = /^image\/(png|jpg|jpeg|gif)$/;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
import { parseString } from 'editorconfig/src/lib/ini';
import minimatch from 'minimatch';
import { getPathParents } from '../../utils';
const dirname = path => path.replace(/\.editorconfig$/, '');
function isRootConfig(config) {
return config.some(([pattern, rules]) => !pattern && rules?.root === 'true');
function getRulesForSection(path, [pattern, rules]) {
if (!pattern) {
return {};
if (minimatch(path, pattern, { matchBase: true })) {
return rules;
return {};
function getRulesWithConfigs(filePath, configFiles = [], rules = {}) {
if (!configFiles.length) return rules;
const [{ content, path: configPath }, ...nextConfigs] = configFiles;
const configDir = dirname(configPath);
if (!filePath.startsWith(configDir)) return rules;
const parsed = parseString(content);
const isRoot = isRootConfig(parsed);
const relativeFilePath = filePath.slice(configDir.length);
const sectionRules = parsed.reduce(
(acc, section) => Object.assign(acc, getRulesForSection(relativeFilePath, section)),
// prefer existing rules by overwriting to section rules
const result = Object.assign(sectionRules, rules);
return isRoot ? result : getRulesWithConfigs(filePath, nextConfigs, result);
// eslint-disable-next-line import/prefer-default-export
export function getRulesWithTraversal(filePath, getFileContent) {
const editorconfigPaths = [
...getPathParents(filePath).map(x => `${x}/.editorconfig`),
return Promise.all( => getFileContent(path).then(content => ({ path, content }))),
).then(results => getRulesWithConfigs(filePath, results.filter(x => x.content)));

View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import { isBoolean, isNumber } from 'lodash';
const map = (key, validValues) => value =>
value in validValues ? { [key]: validValues[value] } : {};
const bool = key => value => (isBoolean(value) ? { [key]: value } : {});
const int = (key, isValid) => value =>
isNumber(value) && isValid(value) ? { [key]: Math.trunc(value) } : {};
const rulesMapper = {
indent_style: map('insertSpaces', { tab: false, space: true }),
indent_size: int('tabSize', n => n > 0),
tab_width: int('tabSize', n => n > 0),
trim_trailing_whitespace: bool('trimTrailingWhitespace'),
end_of_line: map('endOfLine', { crlf: 1, lf: 0 }),
insert_final_newline: bool('insertFinalNewline'),
const parseValue = x => {
let value = typeof x === 'string' ? x.toLowerCase() : x;
if (/^[0-9.-]+$/.test(value)) value = Number(value);
if (value === 'true') value = true;
if (value === 'false') value = false;
return value;
export default function mapRulesToMonaco(rules) {
return Object.entries(rules).reduce((obj, [key, value]) => {
return Object.assign(obj, rulesMapper[key]?.(parseValue(value)) || {});
}, {});

View File

@ -15,22 +15,23 @@ import routerModule from './modules/router';
export const createStore = () =>
new Vuex.Store({
state: state(),
modules: {
commit: commitModule,
fileTemplates: fileTemplates(),
rightPane: paneModule(),
clientside: clientsideModule(),
router: routerModule,
export const createStoreOptions = () => ({
state: state(),
modules: {
commit: commitModule,
fileTemplates: fileTemplates(),
rightPane: paneModule(),
clientside: clientsideModule(),
router: routerModule,
export const createStore = () => new Vuex.Store(createStoreOptions());
export default createStore();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
import { historyPushState } from '~/lib/utils/common_utils';
import { setUrlParams } from '~/lib/utils/url_utility';
export default {
props: {
query: {
type: Object,
required: true,
watch: {
query: {
immediate: true,
deep: true,
handler(newQuery) {
historyPushState(setUrlParams(newQuery, window.location.href, true));
render() {
return this.$slots.default;

View File

@ -57,6 +57,8 @@ class GroupsController < Groups::ApplicationController
@group =, group_params).execute
if @group.persisted?
track_experiment_event(:onboarding_issues, 'created_namespace')
notice = if @group.chat_team.present?
"Group '#{}' and its Mattermost team were successfully created."

View File

@ -69,6 +69,7 @@ class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
if result[:status] == :success
track_experiment_event(:signup_flow, 'end') # We want this event to be tracked when the user is _in_ the experimental group
track_experiment_event(:onboarding_issues, 'signed_up') if && !helpers.in_subscription_flow? && !helpers.in_invitation_flow?
return redirect_to new_users_sign_up_group_path if experiment_enabled?(:onboarding_issues) && !helpers.in_subscription_flow? && !helpers.in_invitation_flow?
set_flash_message! :notice, :signed_up

View File

@ -27,9 +27,12 @@ module Types
authorize: :read_project,
resolve: -> (snippet, args, context) {, snippet.project_id).find }
# Author can be nil in some scenarios. For example,
# when the admin setting restricted visibility
# level is set to public
field :author, Types::UserType,
description: 'The owner of the snippet',
null: false,
null: true,
resolve: -> (snippet, args, context) {, snippet.author_id).find }
field :file_name, GraphQL::STRING_TYPE,

View File

@ -17,15 +17,23 @@ module ClustersHelper
def js_clusters_list_data(path = nil)
endpoint: path,
img_tags: {
aws: { path: image_path('illustrations/logos/amazon_eks.svg'), text: s_('ClusterIntegration|Amazon EKS') },
default: { path: image_path('illustrations/logos/kubernetes.svg'), text: _('Kubernetes Cluster') },
gcp: { path: image_path('illustrations/logos/google_gke.svg'), text: s_('ClusterIntegration|Google GKE') }
# This method is depreciated and will be removed when associated HAML files are moved to JavaScript
def provider_icon(provider = nil)
case provider
when 'aws'
image_tag 'illustrations/logos/amazon_eks.svg', alt: s_('ClusterIntegration|Amazon EKS'), class: 'gl-h-full'
when 'gcp'
image_tag 'illustrations/logos/google_gke.svg', alt: s_('ClusterIntegration|Google GKE'), class: 'gl-h-full'
image_tag 'illustrations/logos/kubernetes.svg', alt: _('Kubernetes Cluster'), class: 'gl-h-full'
img_data = js_clusters_list_data.dig(:img_tags, provider&.to_sym) ||
js_clusters_list_data.dig(:img_tags, :default)
image_tag img_data[:path], alt: img_data[:text], class: 'gl-h-full'
def render_gcp_signup_offer

View File

@ -60,7 +60,8 @@ module EnvironmentsHelper
'custom-metrics-path' => project_prometheus_metrics_path(project),
'validate-query-path' => validate_query_project_prometheus_metrics_path(project),
'custom-metrics-available' => "#{custom_metrics_available?(project)}",
'prometheus-alerts-available' => "#{can?(current_user, :read_prometheus_alerts, project)}"
'prometheus-alerts-available' => "#{can?(current_user, :read_prometheus_alerts, project)}",
'dashboard-timezone' => project.metrics_setting_dashboard_timezone.to_s.upcase

View File

@ -2410,6 +2410,10 @@ class Project < ApplicationRecord
touch(:last_activity_at, :last_repository_updated_at)
def metrics_setting
super || build_metrics_setting
def find_service(services, name)

View File

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ class ClusterEntity < Grape::Entity
expose :environment_scope
expose :name
expose :nodes
expose :provider_type
expose :status_name, as: :status
expose :status_reason
expose :applications, using: ClusterApplicationEntity

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ class ClusterSerializer < BaseSerializer

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
= link_to _('More information'), help_page_path('user/group/clusters/index', anchor: 'cluster-precedence')
- if Feature.enabled?(:clusters_list_redesign)
#js-clusters-list-app{ data: { endpoint: clusterable.index_path(format: :json) } }
#js-clusters-list-app{ data: js_clusters_list_data(clusterable.index_path(format: :json)) }
- else
.gl-responsive-table-row.table-row-header{ role: "row" }

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title: Add ability to filter self monitoring resource usage charts by instance name
merge_request: 34084
type: changed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title: Support reading .editorconfig files inside of the Web IDE
merge_request: 32378
type: added

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title: Added provider type icon to cluster list
merge_request: 33196
type: changed

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
title: Set author as nullable in snippet GraphQL Type
merge_request: 34135
type: fixed

View File

@ -17,11 +17,16 @@ module Gitlab
class Application < Rails::Application
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/utils')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/redis/wrapper')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/redis/cache')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/redis/queues')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/redis/shared_state')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/current_settings')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/middleware/read_only')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/middleware/basic_health_check')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/middleware/same_site_cookies')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/middleware/handle_ip_spoof_attack_error')
require_dependency Rails.root.join('lib/gitlab/runtime')
# Settings in config/environments/* take precedence over those specified here.
# Application configuration should go into files in config/initializers
@ -257,6 +262,17 @@ module Gitlab
# Use caching across all environments
# Full list of options:
caching_config_hash = {}
caching_config_hash[:redis] = Gitlab::Redis::Cache.pool
caching_config_hash[:compress] = Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(ENV.fetch('ENABLE_REDIS_CACHE_COMPRESSION', '1'))
caching_config_hash[:namespace] = Gitlab::Redis::Cache::CACHE_NAMESPACE
caching_config_hash[:expires_in] = 2.weeks # Cache should not grow forever
config.cache_store = :redis_cache_store, caching_config_hash
config.active_job.queue_adapter = :sidekiq
# This is needed for gitlab-shell

View File

@ -49,6 +49,8 @@ Rails.application.configure do
# Do not log asset requests
config.assets.quiet = true
config.allow_concurrency = Gitlab::Runtime.multi_threaded?
# BetterErrors live shell (REPL) on every stack frame

View File

@ -77,4 +77,6 @@ Rails.application.configure do
config.action_mailer.raise_delivery_errors = true
config.eager_load = true
config.allow_concurrency = Gitlab::Runtime.multi_threaded?

View File

@ -1075,9 +1075,6 @@ production: &base
## ActionCable settings
# Enables handling of ActionCable requests on the Puma web workers
# When this is disabled, a standalone ActionCable server must be started
in_app: true
# Number of threads used to process ActionCable connection callbacks and channel actions
# worker_pool_size: 4

View File

@ -729,7 +729,6 @@ Settings.webpack.dev_server['port'] ||= 3808
# ActionCable settings
Settings['action_cable'] ||={})
Settings.action_cable['in_app'] ||= false
Settings.action_cable['worker_pool_size'] ||= 4

View File

@ -1,14 +1,3 @@
# Use caching across all environments
# Full list of options:
caching_config_hash = {}
caching_config_hash[:redis] = Gitlab::Redis::Cache.pool
caching_config_hash[:compress] = Gitlab::Utils.to_boolean(ENV.fetch('ENABLE_REDIS_CACHE_COMPRESSION', '1'))
caching_config_hash[:namespace] = Gitlab::Redis::Cache::CACHE_NAMESPACE
caching_config_hash[:expires_in] = 2.weeks # Cache should not grow forever
Gitlab::Application.config.cache_store = :redis_cache_store, caching_config_hash
# Make sure we initialize a Redis connection pool before multi-threaded
# execution starts by
# 1. Sidekiq

View File

@ -3,9 +3,9 @@
require 'action_cable/subscription_adapter/redis'
Rails.application.configure do
# Mount the ActionCable engine when in-app mode is enabled
config.action_cable.mount_path = Gitlab.config.action_cable.in_app ? '/-/cable' : nil
# We only mount the ActionCable engine in tests where we run it in-app
# For other environments, we run it on a standalone Puma server
config.action_cable.mount_path = Rails.env.test? ? '/-/cable' : nil
config.action_cable.url = Gitlab::Utils.append_path(Gitlab.config.gitlab.relative_url_root, '/-/cable')
config.action_cable.worker_pool_size = Gitlab.config.action_cable.worker_pool_size

View File

@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
dashboard: 'Default dashboard'
priority: 1
type: 'text'
label: 'Instance label regex'
default_value: '.+'
- group: 'Resource usage'
@ -9,7 +18,7 @@ panel_groups:
y_label: "% memory used"
- id: node_memory_usage_percentage
query_range: '(1 - (node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes or node_memory_MemFree_bytes + node_memory_Buffers_bytes + node_memory_Cached_bytes + node_memory_Slab_bytes) / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes) * 100'
query_range: '(1 - (node_memory_MemAvailable_bytes{instance=~"{{instance}}"} or (node_memory_MemFree_bytes{instance=~"{{instance}}"} + node_memory_Buffers_bytes{instance=~"{{instance}}"} + node_memory_Cached_bytes{instance=~"{{instance}}"} + node_memory_Slab_bytes{instance=~"{{instance}}"})) / node_memory_MemTotal_bytes{instance=~"{{instance}}"}) * 100'
unit: "%"
label: instance
@ -18,7 +27,7 @@ panel_groups:
y_label: "% CPU used"
- id: node_cpu_usage_percentage
query_range: '(avg without (mode,cpu) (1 - irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle"}[5m]))) * 100'
query_range: '(avg without (mode,cpu) (1 - irate(node_cpu_seconds_total{mode="idle",instance=~"{{instance}}"}[5m]))) * 100'
unit: "%"
label: instance

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ backtrace
@ -121,6 +122,8 @@ Ecto
@ -139,6 +142,7 @@ Forgerock
@ -148,6 +152,7 @@ GitLab
@ -297,6 +302,7 @@ preloading

View File

@ -11240,7 +11240,7 @@ type Snippet implements Noteable {
The owner of the snippet
author: User!
author: User
Snippet blob

View File

@ -33183,13 +33183,9 @@
"type": {
"kind": "NON_NULL",
"name": null,
"ofType": {
"kind": "OBJECT",
"name": "User",
"ofType": null
"kind": "OBJECT",
"name": "User",
"ofType": null
"isDeprecated": false,
"deprecationReason": null

View File

@ -1641,7 +1641,7 @@ Represents a snippet entry
| Name | Type | Description |
| --- | ---- | ---------- |
| `author` | User! | The owner of the snippet |
| `author` | User | The owner of the snippet |
| `blob` | SnippetBlob! | Snippet blob |
| `blobs` | SnippetBlob! => Array | Snippet blobs |
| `createdAt` | Time! | Timestamp this snippet was created |

View File

@ -594,7 +594,7 @@ There are two ways to determine the value of `DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG`:
- **Second way -** In some setups, it's possible that Docker client
will use the available system keystore to store the result of `docker
will use the available system key store to store the result of `docker
login`. In that case, it's impossible to read `~/.docker/config.json`,
so you will need to prepare the required base64-encoded version of
`${username}:${password}` and create the Docker configuration JSON manually.
@ -712,7 +712,7 @@ To configure credentials store, follow these steps:
- Or, if you are running self-managed Runners, add the above JSON to
`${GITLAB_RUNNER_HOME}/.docker/config.json`. GitLab Runner will read this config file
`${GITLAB_RUNNER_HOME}/.docker/config.json`. GitLab Runner will read this configuration file
and will use the needed helper for this specific repository.
NOTE: **Note:** `credsStore` is used to access ALL the registries.
@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ To configure access for ``, follow th
- Or, if you are running self-managed Runners,
add the above JSON to `${GITLAB_RUNNER_HOME}/.docker/config.json`.
GitLab Runner will read this config file and will use the needed helper for this
GitLab Runner will read this configuration file and will use the needed helper for this
specific repository.
1. You can now use any private image from `` defined in

View File

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ parameter in `.gitlab-ci.yml` to use the custom location instead of the default
Now it's time we set up [GitLab CI/CD]( to automatically build, test and deploy the dependency!
GitLab CI/CD uses a file in the root of the repo, named `.gitlab-ci.yml`, to read the definitions for jobs
GitLab CI/CD uses a file in the root of the repository, named `.gitlab-ci.yml`, to read the definitions for jobs
that will be executed by the configured GitLab Runners. You can read more about this file in the [GitLab Documentation](../../yaml/
First of all, remember to set up variables for your deployment. Navigate to your project's **Settings > CI/CD > Environment variables** page
@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ and add the following ones (replace them with your current values, of course):
- **MAVEN_REPO_USER**: `gitlab` (your Artifactory username)
- **MAVEN_REPO_PASS**: `AKCp2WXr3G61Xjz1PLmYa3arm3yfBozPxSta4taP3SeNu2HPXYa7FhNYosnndFNNgoEds8BCS` (your Artifactory Encrypted Password)
Now it's time to define jobs in `.gitlab-ci.yml` and push it to the repo:
Now it's time to define jobs in `.gitlab-ci.yml` and push it to the repository:
image: maven:latest
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ deploy:
GitLab Runner will use the latest [Maven Docker image](, which already contains all the tools and the dependencies you need to manage the project,
in order to run the jobs.
Environment variables are set to instruct Maven to use the `homedir` of the repo instead of the user's home when searching for configuration and dependencies.
Environment variables are set to instruct Maven to use the `homedir` of the repository instead of the user's home when searching for configuration and dependencies.
Caching the `.m2/repository folder` (where all the Maven files are stored), and the `target` folder (where our application will be created), is useful for speeding up the process
by running all Maven phases in a sequential order, therefore, executing `mvn test` will automatically run `mvn compile` if necessary.
@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ Both `build` and `test` jobs leverage the `mvn` command to compile the applicati
Deploy to Artifactory is done as defined by the variables we have just set up.
The deployment occurs only if we're pushing or merging to `master` branch, so that the development versions are tested but not published.
Done! Now you have all the changes in the GitLab repo, and a pipeline has already been started for this commit. In the **Pipelines** tab you can see what's happening.
Done! Now you have all the changes in the GitLab repository, and a pipeline has already been started for this commit. In the **Pipelines** tab you can see what's happening.
If the deployment has been successful, the deploy job log will output:
@ -177,7 +177,7 @@ If the deployment has been successful, the deploy job log will output:
the `mvn` command downloads a lot of files from the internet, so you'll see a lot of extra activity in the log the first time you run it.
Yay! You did it! Checking in Artifactory will confirm that you have a new artifact available in the `libs-release-local` repo.
Yay! You did it! Checking in Artifactory will confirm that you have a new artifact available in the `libs-release-local` repository.
## Create the main Maven application
@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ Here is how you can get the content of the file directly from Artifactory:
1. Click on **Generate Maven Settings**
1. Click on **Generate Settings**
1. Copy to clipboard the configuration file
1. Save the file as `.m2/settings.xml` in your repo
1. Save the file as `.m2/settings.xml` in your repository
Now you are ready to use the Artifactory repository to resolve dependencies and use `simple-maven-dep` in your main application!
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ You need a last step to have everything in place: configure the `.gitlab-ci.yml`
You want to leverage [GitLab CI/CD]( to automatically build, test and run your awesome application,
and see if you can get the greeting as expected!
All you need to do is to add the following `.gitlab-ci.yml` to the repo:
All you need to do is to add the following `.gitlab-ci.yml` to the repository:
image: maven:latest

View File

@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ To use different provider take a look at long list of [Supported Providers](http
## Using Dpl with Docker
In most cases, you will have configured [GitLab Runner]( to use your server's shell commands.
This means that all commands are run in the context of local user (e.g. gitlab_runner or gitlab_ci_multi_runner).
This means that all commands are run in the context of local user (e.g. `gitlab_runner` or `gitlab_ci_multi_runner`).
It also means that most probably in your Docker container you don't have the Ruby runtime installed.
You will have to install it:

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ All these operations will put all files into a `build` folder, which is ready to
## How to transfer files to a live server
You have multiple options: rsync, scp, sftp, and so on. For now, we will use scp.
You have multiple options: rsync, SCP, SFTP, and so on. For now, we will use SCP.
To make this work, you need to add a GitLab CI/CD Variable (accessible on `gitlab.example/your-project-name/variables`). That variable will be called `STAGING_PRIVATE_KEY` and it's the **private** SSH key of your server.
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ Therefore, for a production environment we use additional steps to ensure that a
Since this was a WordPress project, I gave real life code snippets. Some further ideas you can pursue:
- Having a slightly different script for `master` branch will allow you to deploy to a production server from that branch and to a stage server from any other branches.
- Instead of pushing it live, you can push it to WordPress official repo (with creating a SVN commit, etc.).
- Instead of pushing it live, you can push it to WordPress official repository (with creating a SVN commit, etc.).
- You could generate i18n text domains on the fly.

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@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ docker-php-ext-install pdo_mysql
You might wonder what `docker-php-ext-install` is. In short, it is a script
provided by the official php Docker image that you can use to easily install
provided by the official PHP Docker image that you can use to easily install
extensions. For more information read the documentation at
@ -174,7 +174,7 @@ Finally, push to GitLab and let the tests begin!
### Test against different PHP versions in Shell builds
The [phpenv]( project allows you to easily manage different versions of PHP
each with its own config. This is especially useful when testing PHP projects
each with its own configuration. This is especially useful when testing PHP projects
with the Shell executor.
You will have to install it on your build machine under the `gitlab-runner`

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@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ You can add a command to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file to
| `CI_COMMIT_TITLE` | 10.8 | all | The title of the commit - the full first line of the message |
| `CI_CONCURRENT_ID` | all | 11.10 | Unique ID of build execution within a single executor. |
| `CI_CONCURRENT_PROJECT_ID` | all | 11.10 | Unique ID of build execution within a single executor and project. |
| `CI_CONFIG_PATH` | 9.4 | 0.5 | The path to CI config file. Defaults to `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| `CI_CONFIG_PATH` | 9.4 | 0.5 | The path to CI configuration file. Defaults to `.gitlab-ci.yml` |
| `CI_DEBUG_TRACE` | all | 1.7 | Whether [debug logging (tracing)]( is enabled |
| `CI_DEFAULT_BRANCH` | 12.4 | all | The name of the default branch for the project. |
| `CI_DEPLOY_PASSWORD` | 10.8 | all | Authentication password of the [GitLab Deploy Token](../../user/project/deploy_tokens/, only present if the Project has one related. |
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ You can add a command to your `.gitlab-ci.yml` file to
| `CI_PROJECT_DIR` | all | all | The full path where the repository is cloned and where the job is run. If the GitLab Runner `builds_dir` parameter is set, this variable is set relative to the value of `builds_dir`. For more information, see [Advanced configuration]( for GitLab Runner. |
| `CI_PROJECT_ID` | all | all | The unique ID of the current project that GitLab CI/CD uses internally |
| `CI_PROJECT_NAME` | 8.10 | 0.5 | The name of the directory for the project that is currently being built. For example, if the project URL is ``, the `CI_PROJECT_NAME` would be `project-1`. |
| `CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE` | 8.10 | 0.5 | The project namespace (username or groupname) that is currently being built |
| `CI_PROJECT_NAMESPACE` | 8.10 | 0.5 | The project namespace (username or group name) that is currently being built |
| `CI_PROJECT_PATH` | 8.10 | 0.5 | The namespace with project name |
| `CI_PROJECT_PATH_SLUG` | 9.3 | all | `$CI_PROJECT_PATH` lowercased and with everything except `0-9` and `a-z` replaced with `-`. Use in URLs and domain names. |
| `CI_PROJECT_REPOSITORY_LANGUAGES` | 12.3 | all | Comma-separated, lowercased list of the languages used in the repository (e.g. `ruby,javascript,html,css`) |

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@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ For instance:
In order to validate some parameters in the API request, we validate them
before sending them further (say Gitaly). The following are the
[custom validators](,
[custom validators](,
which we have added so far and how to use them. We also wrote a
guide on how you can add a new custom validator.

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@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ module EE
This looks working as a workaround, however, this approach has some donwside that:
This looks working as a workaround, however, this approach has some downsides that:
- Features could move from EE to FOSS or vice versa. Therefore, the offset might be mixed between FOSS and EE in the future.
e.g. When you move `activity_limit_exceeded` to FOSS, you'll see `{ unknown_failure: 0, config_error: 1, activity_limit_exceeded: 1_000 }`.

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@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ process boundaries, the correlation ID is injected into the outgoing request. Th
the propagation of the correlation ID to each downstream subsystem.
Correlation IDs are normally generated in the Rails application in response to
certain webrequests. Some user facing systems don't generate correlation IDs in
certain web requests. Some user facing systems don't generate correlation IDs in
response to user requests (for example, Git pushes over SSH).
### Developer guidelines for working with correlation IDs

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@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ files.
This also allows the nav to be displayed on other
highest-level dirs (`/omnibus/`, `/runner/`, etc),
highest-level directories (`/omnibus/`, `/runner/`, etc),
linking them back to `/ee/`.
The same logic is applied to all sections (`sec[:section_url]`),

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@ -107,13 +107,13 @@ The pipeline in the `gitlab-docs` project:
Once a week on Mondays, a scheduled pipeline runs and rebuilds the Docker images
used in various pipeline jobs, like `docs-lint`. The Docker image configuration files are
located at <>.
located in the [Dockerfiles directory](
If you need to rebuild the Docker images immediately (must have maintainer level permissions):
CAUTION: **Caution**
If you change the dockerfile configuration and rebuild the images, you can break the master
pipeline in the main `gitlab` repo as well as in `gitlab-docs`. Create an image with
pipeline in the main `gitlab` repository as well as in `gitlab-docs`. Create an image with
a different name first and test it to ensure you do not break the pipelines.
1. In [`gitlab-docs`](, go to **{rocket}** **CI / CD > Pipelines**.
@ -207,22 +207,22 @@ If you don't specify `editor:`, the simple one is used by default.
## Algolia search engine
The docs site uses [Algolia docsearch](
The docs site uses [Algolia DocSearch](
for its search function. This is how it works:
1. GitLab is a member of the [docsearch program](,
1. GitLab is a member of the [DocSearch program](,
which is the free tier of [Algolia](
1. Algolia hosts a [DocSearch configuration](
for the GitLab docs site, and we've worked together to refine it.
1. That [config]( is
1. That [configuration]( is
parsed by their [crawler](
every 24h and [stores](
the [docsearch index](
the [DocSearch index](
on [Algolia's servers](
1. On the docs side, we use a [docsearch layout]( which
1. On the docs side, we use a [DocSearch layout]( which
is present on pretty much every page except <>,
which uses its [own layout]( In those layouts,
there's a JavaScript snippet which initiates docsearch by using an API key
there's a JavaScript snippet which initiates DocSearch by using an API key
and an index name (`gitlab`) that are needed for Algolia to show the results.
NOTE: **For GitLab employees:**

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@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ For additional details on each, see the [template for new docs](#template-for-ne
Note that you can include additional subsections, as appropriate, such as 'How it Works', 'Architecture',
and other logical divisions such as pre- and post-deployment steps.
and other logical divisions such as pre-deployment and post-deployment steps.
## Template for new docs

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@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ See the [Elasticsearch GDK setup instructions](
- `gitlab:elastic:test:index_size`: Tells you how much space the current index is using, as well as how many documents are in the index.
- `gitlab:elastic:test:index_size_change`: Outputs index size, reindexes, and outputs index size again. Useful when testing improvements to indexing size.
Additionally, if you need large repos or multiple forks for testing, please consider [following these instructions](
Additionally, if you need large repositories or multiple forks for testing, please consider [following these instructions](
## How does it work?
The Elasticsearch integration depends on an external indexer. We ship an [indexer written in Go]( The user must trigger the initial indexing via a Rake task but, after this is done, GitLab itself will trigger reindexing when required via `after_` callbacks on create, update, and destroy that are inherited from [/ee/app/models/concerns/elastic/application_versioned_search.rb](
The Elasticsearch integration depends on an external indexer. We ship an [indexer written in Go]( The user must trigger the initial indexing via a Rake task but, after this is done, GitLab itself will trigger reindexing when required via `after_` callbacks on create, update, and destroy that are inherited from [`/ee/app/models/concerns/elastic/application_versioned_search.rb`](
After initial indexing is complete, create, update, and delete operations for all models except projects (see [#207494]( are tracked in a Redis [`ZSET`]( A regular `sidekiq-cron` `ElasticIndexBulkCronWorker` processes this queue, updating many Elasticsearch documents at a time with the [Bulk Request API](
Search queries are generated by the concerns found in [ee/app/models/concerns/elastic]( These concerns are also in charge of access control, and have been a historic source of security bugs so please pay close attention to them!
Search queries are generated by the concerns found in [`ee/app/models/concerns/elastic`]( These concerns are also in charge of access control, and have been a historic source of security bugs so please pay close attention to them!
## Existing Analyzers/Tokenizers/Filters
These are all defined in [ee/lib/elastic/latest/config.rb](
These are all defined in [`ee/lib/elastic/latest/config.rb`](
### Analyzers
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Not directly used for indexing, but rather used to transform a search input. Use
#### `sha_tokenizer`
This is a custom tokenizer that uses the [`edgeNGram` tokenizer]( to allow SHAs to be searcheable by any sub-set of it (minimum of 5 chars).
This is a custom tokenizer that uses the [`edgeNGram` tokenizer]( to allow SHAs to be searchable by any sub-set of it (minimum of 5 chars).
@ -149,7 +149,7 @@ These proxy objects would talk to Elasticsearch server directly (see top half of
![Elasticsearch Architecture](img/elasticsearch_architecture.svg)
In the planned new design, each model would have a pair of corresponding subclassed proxy objects, in which model-specific logic is located. For example, `Snippet` would have `SnippetClassProxy` and `SnippetInstanceProxy` (being subclass of `Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::ClassMethodsProxy` and `Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::InstanceMethodsProxy`, respectively).
In the planned new design, each model would have a pair of corresponding sub-classed proxy objects, in which model-specific logic is located. For example, `Snippet` would have `SnippetClassProxy` and `SnippetInstanceProxy` (being subclass of `Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::ClassMethodsProxy` and `Elasticsearch::Model::Proxy::InstanceMethodsProxy`, respectively).
`__elasticsearch__` would represent another layer of proxy object, keeping track of multiple actual proxy objects. It would forward method calls to the appropriate index. For example:

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@ -1,15 +1,15 @@
# Axios
We use [axios]( to communicate with the server in Vue applications and most new code.
We use [Axios]( to communicate with the server in Vue applications and most new code.
In order to guarantee all defaults are set you *should not use `axios` directly*, you should import `axios` from `axios_utils`.
In order to guarantee all defaults are set you *should not use Axios directly*, you should import Axios from `axios_utils`.
## CSRF token
All our request require a CSRF token.
To guarantee this token is set, we are importing [axios](, setting the token, and exporting `axios` .
All our requests require a CSRF token.
To guarantee this token is set, we are importing [Axios](, setting the token, and exporting `axios` .
This exported module should be used instead of directly using `axios` to ensure the token is set.
This exported module should be used instead of directly using Axios to ensure the token is set.
## Usage
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ This exported module should be used instead of directly using `axios` to ensure
## Mock axios response in tests
## Mock Axios response in tests
To help us mock the responses we are using [axios-mock-adapter](
@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Advantages over [`spyOn()`](
- simple API to test error cases
- provides `replyOnce()` to allow for different responses
We have also decided against using [axios interceptors]( because they are not suitable for mocking.
We have also decided against using [Axios interceptors]( because they are not suitable for mocking.
### Example
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ We have also decided against using [axios interceptors](
### Mock poll requests in tests with axios
### Mock poll requests in tests with Axios
Because polling function requires a header object, we need to always include an object as the third argument:

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@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
Add the `Ajax` object to the plugins array of a `DropLab.prototype.init` or `DropLab.prototype.addHook` call.
`Ajax` requires 2 config values, the `endpoint` and `method`.
`Ajax` requires 2 configuration values, the `endpoint` and `method`.
- `endpoint` should be a URL to the request endpoint.
- `method` should be `setData` or `addData`.

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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ to the dropdown using a simple fuzzy string search of an input value.
Add the `Filter` object to the plugins array of a `DropLab.prototype.init` or `DropLab.prototype.addHook` call.
- `Filter` requires a config value for `template`.
- `Filter` requires a configuration value for `template`.
- `template` should be the key of the objects within your data array that you want to compare
to the user input string, for filtering.

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@
Add the `InputSetter` object to the plugins array of a `DropLab.prototype.init` or `DropLab.prototype.addHook` call.
- `InputSetter` requires a config value for `input` and `valueAttribute`.
- `InputSetter` requires a configuration value for `input` and `valueAttribute`.
- `input` should be the DOM element that you want to manipulate.
- `valueAttribute` should be a string that is the name of an attribute on your list items that is used to get the value
to update the `input` element with.
You can also set the `InputSetter` config to an array of objects, which will allow you to update multiple elements.
You can also set the `InputSetter` configuration to an array of objects, which will allow you to update multiple elements.
<input id="input" value="">

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@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Emojis
GitLab supports native unicode emojis and fallsback to image-based emojis selectively
GitLab supports native Unicode emojis and falls back to image-based emojis selectively
when your platform does not support it.
## How to update Emojis
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ when your platform does not support it.
1. Ensure you see new individual images copied into `app/assets/images/emoji/`
1. Ensure you can see the new emojis and their aliases in the GFM Autocomplete
1. Ensure you can see the new emojis and their aliases in the award emoji menu
1. You might need to add new emoji unicode support checks and rules for platforms
1. You might need to add new emoji Unicode support checks and rules for platforms
that do not support a certain emoji and we need to fallback to an image.
See `app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/is_emoji_unicode_supported.js`
and `app/assets/javascripts/emoji/support/unicode_support_map.js`

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@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ Default client accepts two parameters: `resolvers` and `config`.
## GraphQL Queries
To save query compilation at runtime, webpack can directly import `.graphql`
files. This allows webpack to preprocess the query at compile time instead
files. This allows webpack to pre-process the query at compile time instead
of the client doing compilation of queries.
To distinguish queries from mutations and fragments, the following naming convention is recommended:

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@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ sprite_icon(icon_name, size: nil, css_class: '')
- **icon_name** Use the icon_name that you can find in the SVG Sprite
([Overview is available here](
- **size (optional)** Use one of the following sizes : 16, 24, 32, 48, 72 (this will be translated into a `s16` class)
- **css_class (optional)** If you want to add additional css classes
- **css_class (optional)** If you want to add additional CSS classes
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ export default {
- **name** Name of the Icon in the SVG Sprite ([Overview is available here](
- **size (optional)** Number value for the size which is then mapped to a specific CSS class
(Available Sizes: 8, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48, 72 are mapped to `sXX` css classes)
- **css-classes (optional)** Additional CSS Classes to add to the svg tag.
(Available Sizes: 8, 12, 16, 18, 24, 32, 48, 72 are mapped to `sXX` CSS classes)
- **css-classes (optional)** Additional CSS Classes to add to the SVG tag.
### Usage in HTML/JS
@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ Please use the class `svg-content` around it to ensure nice rendering.
### Usage in Vue
To use an SVG illustrations in a template provide the path as a property and display it through a standard img tag.
To use an SVG illustrations in a template provide the path as a property and display it through a standard `img` tag.

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@ -6,9 +6,9 @@ To get started with Vue, read through [their documentation](
What is described in the following sections can be found in these examples:
- web ide: <>
- security products: <>
- registry: <>
- [Web IDE](
- [Security products](
- [Registry](
## Vue architecture
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ All new features built with Vue.js must follow a [Flux architecture](https://fac
The main goal we are trying to achieve is to have only one data flow and only one data entry.
In order to achieve this goal we use [vuex](#vuex).
You can also read about this architecture in vue docs about [state management](
You can also read about this architecture in Vue docs about [state management](
and about [one way data flow](
### Components and Store
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ To do that, provide the data through `data` attributes in the HTML element and q
_Note:_ You should only do this while initializing the application, because the mounted element will be replaced with Vue-generated DOM.
The advantage of providing data from the DOM to the Vue instance through `props` in the `render` function
instead of querying the DOM inside the main vue component is that makes tests easier by avoiding the need to
instead of querying the DOM inside the main Vue component is that makes tests easier by avoiding the need to
create a fixture or an HTML element in the unit test. See the following example:

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@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
type: how-tos
# Develop on a feature branch
GitLab values encourage the use of [Minimal Viable Change (MVC)](
However, viable changes are not always small. In such cases, it can help to set up a dedicated feature branch.
People can contribute MRs to that feature branch, without affecting the functionality of the default (usually `master`) branch.
Once work on the development branch is complete, then the feature branch can be finally merged into the default branch.
GitLab frequently implements this process whenever there is an MVC that requires multiple MRs.
## Use case: GitLab's release posts
This section describes the use case with GitLab [release posts](
Dozens of GitLab team members contribute to each monthly release post.
In such cases, it may be more efficient to submit an MR on the release post feature branch instead of master.
In this case, the feature branch would be `release-X-Y`. Assuming the `release-X-Y` branch already exists, you can set up an MR against that branch, with the following steps:
1. Create a new branch (`test-branch`) against the feature branch (`release-X-Y`):
git checkout -b test-branch release-X-Y
You should now be on a branch named `test-branch`.
1. Make desired changes on the `test-branch`.
1. Add your changes, commit, and push to the `test-branch`:
git add .
1. Commit your changes:
git commit -m "Some good reason"
1. Push your changes to the repository:
git push --set-upstream origin test-branch
1. Navigate to the URL for your repository. In this case, the repository is `www-gitlab-com`, available at ``.
If needed, sign in to GitLab. You should then see an option to **Create merge request**:
![Create merge request](img/create_merge_request_v13_1.png)
1. After you click **Create merge request**, you'll see an option to **Change branches**. Select that option.
1. In the **New Merge Request** screen, you can now select the **Source** and **Target** branches.
In the screenshot shown,
we have selected `test-branch` as the source, and `release-13-0` as the target.
![Modify branches](img/modify_branches_v13_1.png)
1. Once you've selected the Source and Target branches, click **Compare branches and continue**.
You should see an entry similar to:
New Merge Request
From test-branch into release-13-0
An entry like this confirms that your MR will **not** merge into master.
1. Make any additional changes in the **New Merge Request** screen, and click **Submit merge request**.
1. In the new merge request, look for **Request to merge**. You'll see an entry similar to:
Request to merge test-branch into release-13-0
That confirms you've set up the MR to merge into the specified branch, not master.
1. Proceed with the change as you would with any other MR.
1. When your MR is approved, and an appropriate user merges that MR, you can rest assured that your work is incorporated directly into the feature branch.
When the feature branch is ready, it can then be merged into master.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 16 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 73 KiB

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@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ If you have problems with Git, the following may help:
## Branching strategies
- [Feature branch workflow](../../gitlab-basics/
- [Develop on a feature branch](
- [GitLab Flow](../
- [Git Branching - Branches in a Nutshell](
- [Git Branching - Branching Workflows](

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@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ After this basic package structure is created, we need to tag it in Git and push
git init
add composer.json
git add composer.json
git commit -m 'Composer package test'
git tag v1.0.0
git add origin<namespace>/<project-name>.git

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@ -23,9 +23,6 @@ GitLab [administrators](../administration/ receive all permissions.
To add or import a user, you can follow the
[project members documentation](project/members/
For information on eligible approvers for Merge Requests, see
[Eligible approvers](project/merge_requests/
## Principles behind permissions
See our [product handbook on permissions](
@ -99,6 +96,7 @@ The following table depicts the various user permission levels in a project.
| Assign merge requests | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Label merge requests | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Lock merge request threads | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Approve merge requests (*9*) | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Manage/Accept merge requests | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Create new environments | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
| Stop environments | | | ✓ | ✓ | ✓ |
@ -177,6 +175,8 @@ The following table depicts the various user permission levels in a project.
1. Guest users can access GitLab [**Releases**](project/releases/ for downloading assets but are not allowed to download the source code nor see repository information like tags and commits.
1. Actions are limited only to records owned (referenced) by user.
1. When [Share Group Lock](./group/ is enabled the project can't be shared with other groups. It does not affect group with group sharing.
1. For information on eligible approvers for merge requests, see
[Eligible approvers](project/merge_requests/
## Project features permissions

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@ -73,19 +73,27 @@ be used for merge request approvals:
- As [merge request eligible approvers](merge_requests/
- As required approvers for [protected branches]( **(PREMIUM)**
NOTE: **Note**:
Developer or higher [permissions](../ are required in order to
approve a merge request.
Once set, Code Owners are displayed in merge requests widgets:
![MR widget - Code Owners](img/code_owners_mr_widget_v12_4.png)
NOTE: **Note**:
While the`CODEOWNERS` file can be used in addition to Merge Request [Approval Rules](merge_requests/ it can also be used as the sole driver of a Merge Request approval (without using [Approval Rules](merge_requests/ by simply creating the file in one of the three locations specified above, configuring the Code Owners to be required approvers for [protected branches]( and then using [the syntax of Code Owners files]( to specify the actual owners and granular permissions.
While the `CODEOWNERS` file can be used in addition to Merge Request [Approval Rules](merge_requests/
it can also be used as the sole driver of merge request approvals
(without using [Approval Rules](merge_requests/
To do so, create the file in one of the three locations specified above and
set the code owners as required approvers for [protected branches](
Use [the syntax of Code Owners files](
to specify the actual owners and granular permissions.
NOTE: **Note**:
Using Code Owners in conjunction with [Protected Branches Approvals](
will prevent any user who is not specified in the `CODEOWNERS` file from pushing changes
Using Code Owners in conjunction with [Protected Branches Approvals](
will prevent any user who is not specified in the `CODEOWNERS` file from pushing changes
for the specified files/paths, even if their role is included in the **Allowed to push** column.
This allows for a more inclusive push strategy, as administrators don't have to restrict developers
from pushing directly to the protected branch, but can restrict pushing to certain
from pushing directly to the protected branch, but can restrict pushing to certain
files where a review by Code Owners is required.
## The syntax of Code Owners files

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@ -1,25 +1,34 @@
# Custom Issue Tracker Service
# Custom Issue Tracker service
To enable the Custom Issue Tracker integration in a project, navigate to the
[Integrations page](, click
the **Customer Issue Tracker** service, and fill in the required details on the page as described
in the table below. You will be able to edit the title and description later as well.
To enable the Custom Issue Tracker integration in a project:
| Field | Description |
| ----- | ----------- |
| `title` | A title for the issue tracker (to differentiate between instances, for example). |
| `description` | A name for the issue tracker (to differentiate between instances, for example) |
| `project_url` | The URL to the project in the custom issue tracker. |
| `issues_url` | The URL to the issue in the issue tracker project that is linked to this GitLab project. Note that the `issues_url` requires `:id` in the URL. This ID is used by GitLab as a placeholder to replace the issue number. For example, ``. |
| `new_issue_url` | Currently unused. Will be changed in a future release. |
1. Go to **{settings}** **Settings > Integrations**.
1. Click **Custom Issue Tracker**
1. Fill in the tracker's details, such as title, description, and URLs.
You will be able to edit these fields later as well.
Once you have configured and enabled Custom Issue Tracker Service you'll see a link on the GitLab project pages that takes you to that custom issue tracker.
These are some of the required fields:
| Field | Description |
| --------------- | ----------- |
| **Title** | A title for the issue tracker (for example, to differentiate between instances). |
| **Description** | A name for the issue tracker (for example, to differentiate between instances). |
| **Project URL** | The URL to the project in the custom issue tracker. |
| **Issues URL** | The URL to the issue in the issue tracker project that is linked to this GitLab project. Note that the `issues_url` requires `:id` in the URL. This ID is used by GitLab as a placeholder to replace the issue number. For example, ``. |
| **New issue URL** | Currently unused. Will be changed in a future release. |
1. Click **Test settings and save changes**.
After you configure and enable the Custom Issue Tracker service, you'll see a link on the GitLab
project pages that takes you to that custom issue tracker.
## Referencing issues
- Issues are referenced with `ANYTHING-<ID>`, where `ANYTHING` can be any string in CAPS and `<ID>`
is a number used in the target project of the custom integration (for example, `PROJECT-143`).
- `ANYTHING` is a placeholder to differentiate against GitLab issues, which are referenced with `#<ID>`. You can use a project name or project key to replace it for example.
- When building the hyperlink, the `ANYTHING` part is ignored, and links always point to the address
Issues are referenced with `<ANYTHING>-<ID>` (for example, `PROJECT-143`), where `<ANYTHING>` can be any string in CAPS, and `<ID>`
is a number used in the target project of the custom integration.
`<ANYTHING>` is a placeholder to differentiate against GitLab issues, which are referenced with `#<ID>`. You can use a project name or project key to replace it for example.
When building the hyperlink, the `<ANYTHING>` part is ignored, and links always point to the address
specified in `issues_url`, so in the example above, `PROJECT-143` would refer to

View File

@ -34,10 +34,12 @@ minimum number of required approvers can still be set in the [project settings f
### Eligible approvers
The following can approve merge requests:
The following users can approve merge requests:
- Users being added as approvers at project or merge request level.
- [Code owners](#code-owners-as-eligible-approvers) to the files changed by the merge request.
- Users who have been added as approvers at the project or merge request levels with
developer or higher [permissions](../../
- [Code owners](#code-owners-as-eligible-approvers) of the files changed by the merge request
that have developer or higher [permissions](../../
An individual user can be added as an approver for a project if they are a member of:
@ -68,7 +70,7 @@ were not explicitly listed in the approval rules.
If you add [Code Owners](../ to your repository, the owners to the
corresponding files will become eligible approvers, together with members with Developer
or higher permissions.
or higher [permissions](../../
To enable this merge request approval rule:

View File

@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ module Gitlab
def puma?
!!defined?(::Puma) && !defined?(ACTION_CABLE_SERVER)
# For unicorn, we need to check for actual server instances to avoid false positives.
@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ module Gitlab
def web_server?
puma? || unicorn?
puma? || unicorn? || action_cable?
def action_cable?
web_server? && (!!defined?(ACTION_CABLE_SERVER) || Gitlab.config.action_cable.in_app)
def multi_threaded?
@ -82,21 +82,19 @@ module Gitlab
def max_threads
threads = 1 # main thread
main_thread = 1
if puma?
threads += Puma.cli_config.options[:max_threads]
if action_cable?
elsif puma?
elsif sidekiq?
# An extra thread for the poller in Sidekiq Cron:
threads += Sidekiq.options[:concurrency] + 1
if action_cable?
threads += Gitlab.config.action_cable.worker_pool_size
Sidekiq.options[:concurrency] + 1
end + main_thread

View File

@ -79,6 +79,7 @@
"diff": "^3.4.0",
"document-register-element": "1.14.3",
"dropzone": "^4.2.0",
"editorconfig": "^0.15.3",
"emoji-regex": "^7.0.3",
"emoji-unicode-version": "^0.2.1",
"exports-loader": "^0.7.0",
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@
"marked": "^0.3.12",
"mermaid": "^8.5.1",
"mersenne-twister": "1.1.0",
"minimatch": "^3.0.4",
"mitt": "^1.2.0",
"monaco-editor": "^0.18.1",
"monaco-editor-webpack-plugin": "^1.7.0",

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
# Exit early if we don't want to build the image
if [[ "${BUILD_ASSETS_IMAGE}" != "true" ]]
exit 0
exit 0
# Generate the image name based on the project this is being run in

View File

@ -16,6 +16,10 @@ module Trigger
%w[gitlab gitlab-ee].include?(ENV['CI_PROJECT_NAME'])
def self.non_empty_variable_value(variable)
variable_value = ENV[variable]
@ -26,6 +30,9 @@ module Trigger
class Base
def invoke!(post_comment: false, downstream_job_name: nil)
# gitlab-bot's token "GitLab multi-project pipeline polling"
Gitlab.private_token = access_token
pipeline_variables = variables
puts "Triggering downstream pipeline on #{downstream_project_path}"
@ -40,7 +47,7 @@ module Trigger
puts "Triggered downstream pipeline: #{pipeline.web_url}\n"
puts "Waiting for downstream pipeline status"!(pipeline, access_token) if post_comment!(pipeline) if post_comment
downstream_job =
if downstream_job_name
Gitlab.pipeline_jobs(downstream_project_path, do |potential_job|
@ -49,9 +56,9 @@ module Trigger
if downstream_job,, access_token),
else,, access_token),
@ -140,6 +147,7 @@ module Trigger
'GITLAB_VERSION' => Trigger.non_empty_variable_value('CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA') || ENV['CI_COMMIT_SHA'],
'SECURITY_SOURCES' => ? 'true' : 'false',
'ee' => ? 'true' : 'false',
'QA_BRANCH' => ENV['QA_BRANCH'] || 'master'
@ -197,9 +205,7 @@ module Trigger
class CommitComment
def!(downstream_pipeline, access_token)
Gitlab.private_token = access_token
Trigger.non_empty_variable_value('CI_MERGE_REQUEST_SOURCE_BRANCH_SHA') || ENV['CI_COMMIT_SHA'],
@ -214,7 +220,7 @@ module Trigger
INTERVAL = 60 # seconds
MAX_DURATION = 3600 * 3 # 3 hours
attr_reader :project, :id, :api_token
attr_reader :project, :id
def self.unscoped_class_name
@ -224,14 +230,10 @@ module Trigger
def initialize(project, id, api_token)
def initialize(project, id)
@project = project
@id = id
@api_token = api_token
@start =
# gitlab-bot's token "GitLab multi-project pipeline polling"
Gitlab.private_token = api_token
def wait!

View File

@ -301,6 +301,66 @@ RSpec.describe GroupsController do
describe 'tracking group creation for onboarding issues experiment' do
before do
subject(:create_namespace) { post :create, params: { group: { name: 'new_group', path: 'new_group' } } }
context 'experiment disabled' do
before do
stub_experiment(onboarding_issues: false)
it 'does not track anything' do
expect(Gitlab::Tracking).not_to receive(:event)
context 'experiment enabled' do
before do
stub_experiment(onboarding_issues: true)
context 'and the user is part of the control group' do
before do
stub_experiment_for_user(onboarding_issues: false)
it 'tracks the event with the "created_namespace" action with the "control_group" property' do
expect(Gitlab::Tracking).to receive(:event).with(
label: anything,
property: 'control_group'
context 'and the user is part of the experimental group' do
before do
stub_experiment_for_user(onboarding_issues: true)
it 'tracks the event with the "created_namespace" action with the "experimental_group" property' do
expect(Gitlab::Tracking).to receive(:event).with(
label: anything,
property: 'experimental_group'
describe 'GET #index' do

View File

@ -9,5 +9,8 @@ import 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/json/monaco.contribution';
import 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/language/html/monaco.contribution';
import 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/basic-languages/monaco.contribution';
// This language starts trying to spin up web workers which obviously breaks in Jest environment
export * from 'monaco-editor/esm/vs/editor/editor.api';
export default global.monaco;

View File

@ -14,6 +14,13 @@ describe('Clusters', () => {
const endpoint = 'some/endpoint';
const entryData = {
imgTagsAwsText: 'AWS Icon',
imgTagsDefaultText: 'Default Icon',
imgTagsGcpText: 'GCP Icon',
const findLoader = () => wrapper.find(GlLoadingIcon);
const findPaginatedButtons = () => wrapper.find(GlPagination);
const findTable = () => wrapper.find(GlTable);
@ -24,7 +31,7 @@ describe('Clusters', () => {
const mountWrapper = () => {
store = ClusterStore({ endpoint });
store = ClusterStore(entryData);
wrapper = mount(Clusters, { store });
return axios.waitForAll();
@ -87,6 +94,23 @@ describe('Clusters', () => {
describe('cluster icon', () => {
providerText | lineNumber
${'GCP Icon'} | ${0}
${'AWS Icon'} | ${1}
${'Default Icon'} | ${2}
${'Default Icon'} | ${3}
${'Default Icon'} | ${4}
${'Default Icon'} | ${5}
`('renders provider image and alt text for each cluster', ({ providerText, lineNumber }) => {
const images = findTable().findAll('.js-status img');
const image =;
describe('cluster status', () => {
statusName | lineNumber | result

View File

@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ export const clusterList = [
name: 'My Cluster 1',
environment_scope: '*',
cluster_type: 'group_type',
provider_type: 'gcp',
status: 'creating',
nodes: null,
@ -10,6 +11,7 @@ export const clusterList = [
name: 'My Cluster 2',
environment_scope: 'development',
cluster_type: 'project_type',
provider_type: 'aws',
status: 'unreachable',
nodes: [
@ -22,6 +24,7 @@ export const clusterList = [
name: 'My Cluster 3',
environment_scope: 'development',
cluster_type: 'project_type',
provider_type: 'none',
status: 'authentication_failure',
nodes: [

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
export const exampleConfigs = [
path: 'foo/bar/baz/.editorconfig',
content: `
tab_width = 6
indent_style = tab
path: 'foo/bar/.editorconfig',
content: `
root = false
indent_size = 5
indent_style = space
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
end_of_line = crlf
path: 'foo/.editorconfig',
content: `
tab_width = 4
indent_style = tab
path: '.editorconfig',
content: `
root = true
indent_size = 3
indent_style = space
end_of_line = lf
insert_final_newline = true
indent_size = 2
indent_style = space
trim_trailing_whitespace = true
end_of_line = crlf
path: 'foo/bar/root/.editorconfig',
content: `
root = true
tab_width = 1
indent_style = tab
export const exampleFiles = [
path: 'foo/bar/root/',
rules: {
indent_style: 'tab', // foo/bar/root/.editorconfig
tab_width: '1', // foo/bar/root/.editorconfig
monacoRules: {
insertSpaces: false,
tabSize: 1,
path: 'foo/bar/baz/my_spec.js',
rules: {
end_of_line: 'crlf', // foo/bar/.editorconfig (for _spec.js files)
indent_size: '5', // foo/bar/.editorconfig
indent_style: 'tab', // foo/bar/baz/.editorconfig
insert_final_newline: 'true', // .editorconfig
tab_width: '6', // foo/bar/baz/.editorconfig
trim_trailing_whitespace: 'true', // .editorconfig (for .js files)
monacoRules: {
endOfLine: 1,
insertFinalNewline: true,
insertSpaces: false,
tabSize: 6,
trimTrailingWhitespace: true,
path: 'foo/my_file.js',
rules: {
end_of_line: 'lf', // .editorconfig
indent_size: '2', // .editorconfig (for .js files)
indent_style: 'tab', // foo/.editorconfig
insert_final_newline: 'true', // .editorconfig
tab_width: '4', // foo/.editorconfig
trim_trailing_whitespace: 'true', // .editorconfig (for .js files)
monacoRules: {
endOfLine: 0,
insertFinalNewline: true,
insertSpaces: false,
tabSize: 4,
trimTrailingWhitespace: true,
path: 'foo/',
rules: {
end_of_line: 'lf', // .editorconfig
indent_size: '3', // .editorconfig
indent_style: 'tab', // foo/.editorconfig
insert_final_newline: 'true', // .editorconfig
tab_width: '4', // foo/.editorconfig
monacoRules: {
endOfLine: 0,
insertFinalNewline: true,
insertSpaces: false,
tabSize: 4,
path: 'foo/bar/my_file.txt',
rules: {
end_of_line: 'crlf', // .editorconfig (for .txt files)
indent_size: '5', // foo/bar/.editorconfig
indent_style: 'space', // foo/bar/.editorconfig
insert_final_newline: 'true', // .editorconfig
tab_width: '4', // foo/.editorconfig
trim_trailing_whitespace: 'true', // foo/bar/.editorconfig
monacoRules: {
endOfLine: 1,
insertFinalNewline: true,
insertSpaces: true,
tabSize: 4,
trimTrailingWhitespace: true,

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { getRulesWithTraversal } from '~/ide/lib/editorconfig/parser';
import { exampleConfigs, exampleFiles } from './mock_data';
describe('~/ide/lib/editorconfig/parser', () => {
const getExampleConfigContent = path =>
Promise.resolve(exampleConfigs.find(x => x.path === path)?.content);
describe('getRulesWithTraversal', () => {
'traverses through all editorconfig files in parent directories (until root=true is hit) and finds rules for this file (case %#)',
({ path, rules }) => {
return getRulesWithTraversal(path, getExampleConfigContent).then(result => {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
import mapRulesToMonaco from '~/ide/lib/editorconfig/rules_mapper';
describe('mapRulesToMonaco', () => {
const multipleEntries = {
input: { indent_style: 'tab', indent_size: '4', insert_final_newline: 'true' },
output: { insertSpaces: false, tabSize: 4, insertFinalNewline: true },
// tab width takes precedence
const tabWidthAndIndent = {
input: { indent_style: 'tab', indent_size: '4', tab_width: '3' },
output: { insertSpaces: false, tabSize: 3 },
rule | monacoOption
${{ indent_style: 'tab' }} | ${{ insertSpaces: false }}
${{ indent_style: 'space' }} | ${{ insertSpaces: true }}
${{ indent_style: 'unset' }} | ${{}}
${{ indent_size: '4' }} | ${{ tabSize: 4 }}
${{ indent_size: '4.4' }} | ${{ tabSize: 4 }}
${{ indent_size: '0' }} | ${{}}
${{ indent_size: '-10' }} | ${{}}
${{ indent_size: 'NaN' }} | ${{}}
${{ tab_width: '4' }} | ${{ tabSize: 4 }}
${{ tab_width: '5.4' }} | ${{ tabSize: 5 }}
${{ tab_width: '-10' }} | ${{}}
${{ trim_trailing_whitespace: 'true' }} | ${{ trimTrailingWhitespace: true }}
${{ trim_trailing_whitespace: 'false' }} | ${{ trimTrailingWhitespace: false }}
${{ trim_trailing_whitespace: 'unset' }} | ${{}}
${{ end_of_line: 'lf' }} | ${{ endOfLine: 0 }}
${{ end_of_line: 'crlf' }} | ${{ endOfLine: 1 }}
${{ end_of_line: 'cr' }} | ${{}}
${{ end_of_line: 'unset' }} | ${{}}
${{ insert_final_newline: 'true' }} | ${{ insertFinalNewline: true }}
${{ insert_final_newline: 'false' }} | ${{ insertFinalNewline: false }}
${{ insert_final_newline: 'unset' }} | ${{}}
${multipleEntries.input} | ${multipleEntries.output}
${tabWidthAndIndent.input} | ${tabWidthAndIndent.output}
`('correctly maps editorconfig rule to monaco option: $rule', ({ rule, monacoOption }) => {

View File

@ -16,6 +16,44 @@ describe GitlabSchema.types['Snippet'] do
expect(described_class).to have_graphql_fields(*expected_fields)
context 'when restricted visibility level is set to public' do
let_it_be(:snippet) { create(:personal_snippet, :repository, :public, author: user) }
let(:current_user) { user }
let(:query) do
snippets {
nodes {
author {
let(:response) { subject.dig('data', 'snippets', 'nodes')[0] }
subject { GitlabSchema.execute(query, context: { current_user: current_user }).as_json }
before do
stub_application_setting(restricted_visibility_levels: [Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PUBLIC])
it 'returns snippet author' do
expect(response['author']).to be_present
context 'when user is not logged in' do
let(:current_user) { nil }
it 'returns snippet author as nil' do
expect(response['author']).to be_nil
describe 'authorizations' do
specify { expect(described_class).to require_graphql_authorizations(:read_snippet) }

View File

@ -59,6 +59,22 @@ describe ClustersHelper do
describe '#js_clusters_list_data' do
it 'displays endpoint path and images' do
js_data = helper.js_clusters_list_data('/path')
expect(js_data[:endpoint]).to eq('/path')
expect(js_data.dig(:img_tags, :aws, :path)).to match(%r(/illustrations/logos/amazon_eks|svg))
expect(js_data.dig(:img_tags, :default, :path)).to match(%r(/illustrations/logos/kubernetes|svg))
expect(js_data.dig(:img_tags, :gcp, :path)).to match(%r(/illustrations/logos/google_gke|svg))
expect(js_data.dig(:img_tags, :aws, :text)).to eq('Amazon EKS')
expect(js_data.dig(:img_tags, :default, :text)).to eq('Kubernetes Cluster')
expect(js_data.dig(:img_tags, :gcp, :text)).to eq('Google GKE')
describe '#provider_icon' do
it 'will return GCP logo with gcp argument' do
logo = helper.provider_icon('gcp')

View File

@ -48,45 +48,18 @@ describe Gitlab::Runtime do
before do
stub_const('::Puma', puma_type)
allow(puma_type).to receive_message_chain(:cli_config, :options).and_return(max_threads: 2)
stub_config(action_cable: { in_app: false })
it_behaves_like "valid runtime", :puma, 3
context "when ActionCable in-app mode is enabled" do
before do
stub_config(action_cable: { in_app: true, worker_pool_size: 3 })
it_behaves_like "valid runtime", :puma, 6
context "when ActionCable standalone is run" do
before do
stub_const('ACTION_CABLE_SERVER', true)
stub_config(action_cable: { worker_pool_size: 8 })
it_behaves_like "valid runtime", :puma, 11
context "unicorn" do
before do
stub_config(action_cable: { in_app: false })
it_behaves_like "valid runtime", :unicorn, 1
context "when ActionCable in-app mode is enabled" do
before do
stub_config(action_cable: { in_app: true, worker_pool_size: 3 })
it_behaves_like "valid runtime", :unicorn, 4
context "sidekiq" do
@ -132,4 +105,17 @@ describe Gitlab::Runtime do
it_behaves_like "valid runtime", :rails_runner, 1
context "action_cable" do
before do
stub_const('ACTION_CABLE_SERVER', true)
allow(Gitlab::Application).to receive_message_chain(:config, :action_cable, :worker_pool_size).and_return(8)
it "reports its maximum concurrency based on ActionCable's worker pool size" do
expect(subject.max_threads).to eq(9)

View File

@ -6064,6 +6064,14 @@ describe Project do
it { is_expected.not_to include(user) }
describe "#metrics_setting" do
let(:project) { build(:project) }
it 'creates setting if it does not exist' do
expect(project.metrics_setting).to be_an_instance_of(ProjectMetricsSetting)
def finish_job(export_job)

View File

@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ describe ClusterSerializer do

View File

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ module ImportExport
def setup_reader(reader)
if reader == :ndjson_reader && Feature.enabled?(:project_import_ndjson)
if reader == :ndjson_reader && Feature.enabled?(:project_import_ndjson, default_enabled: true)
allow_any_instance_of(Gitlab::ImportExport::JSON::LegacyReader::File).to receive(:exist?).and_return(false)
allow_any_instance_of(Gitlab::ImportExport::JSON::NdjsonReader).to receive(:exist?).and_return(true)