The status is shown for
- The author of a commit when viewing a commit
- Notes on a commit (regular/diff)
- The user that triggered a pipeline when viewing a pipeline
- The author of a merge request when viewing a merge request
- The author of notes on a merge request (regular/diff)
- The author of an issue when viewing an issue
- The author of notes on an issue
- The author of a snippet when viewing a snippet
- The author of notes on a snippet
- A user's profile page
- The list of members of a group/user
This model will hold the status of a user, including these fields:
- emoji: always present, with a default value
- user: always present, foreign key to user
- message: optional, maximum length of 100
The table also stores
- cached_markdown_version
- message_html
For rendering markdown in the `message` field.