The current documentation suggests that a user can not use his own
runner for a specific group or project. At first I thought this was the
case but it is not true, since we do allow websocket connections on, this was discovered as part of the investigation on
In the administration page for web terminals add a new `Security`
section explaining how the interactive web terminals are secured between
GitLab and gitlab-runner.
This section is under administration instead of
`doc/ci/interactive_web_terminal` because the administrators of the
GitLab instance would be mostly interested in this, whilst
`doc/ci/interactive_web_terminal` are interested in how the feature
The pngquant tool was used, and particularly, the
following command:
/usr/bin/pngquant -f --skip-if-larger --ext .png --speed 1 image.png
Before: 47584K
After : 34924K