Add knapsack qa report and use it to run tests in parallel
Use the RSpec runner with knapsack
The way the Knapsack runner uses exec to start rspec seems
incompatible with the way we expect it to work. Plus, it requires
Instead, we use knapsacks AllocatorBuilder to select the spec
files to run, and then start rspec as normal, via
This also means we can incorporate tags.
Let the job run automatically
Check all defined knapsack env vars before requiring knapsack
gitlab-qa accepts an env var named GITLAB_QA_ACCESS_TOKEN, but here we
Adds a new end-to-end test to check that Git protocol v2 can be used to
push over SSH.
Includes a change in Git::Repository to use Runtime::Env.debug? to
enable logging instead of .verbose?
Override page object methods to log the actions taken by the methods
before or after the action, as appropriate.
Allow page object action logging to be turned on via a QA_DEBUG env var.
Unlike CHROME_HEADLESS (and the soon to arrive VERBOSE), QA_DEBUG
is false by default.
QA_DEBUG is used instead of just DEBUG because that enables Selenium
debug logging.
Mask passwords entered into fields with a QA selector with 'password'
in the name. Doesn't mask sensitive data entered into any other field.
If SIGNUP_DISABLED is true skip any tests with a context
:skip_signup_disabled. The context is set for the registration tests.
This allows the tests to be skipped when run on the staging, which
doesn't allow registration
Adds the ability to use admin credentials to add a license so that when
testing an LDAP user on EE the LDAP user does not have to be an admin.
Admin credentials default to GDK's root user. Can be overriden via
ADMIN_USERNAME and ADMIN_PASSWORD environment variables.
GITLAB_USERNAME and GITLAB_PASSWORD may be specified for an LDAP login, but QA
scenarios may need to know which type it is in order to log in successfully.