# frozen_string_literal: true module API module BoardsResponses extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do helpers do def board board_parent.boards.find(params[:board_id]) end def create_board forbidden! unless board_parent.multiple_issue_boards_available? response = ::Boards::CreateService.new(board_parent, current_user, { name: params[:name] }).execute present response.payload, with: Entities::Board end def update_board service = ::Boards::UpdateService.new(board_parent, current_user, declared_params(include_missing: false)) service.execute(board) if board.valid? present board, with: Entities::Board else bad_request!("Failed to save board #{board.errors.messages}") end end def delete_board forbidden! unless board_parent.multiple_issue_boards_available? destroy_conditionally!(board) do |board| service = ::Boards::DestroyService.new(board_parent, current_user) service.execute(board) end end def board_lists board.destroyable_lists end def create_list create_list_service = ::Boards::Lists::CreateService.new(board_parent, current_user, declared_params.compact.with_indifferent_access) response = create_list_service.execute(board) if response.success? present response.payload[:list], with: Entities::List else render_api_error!({ error: response.errors.first }, 400) end end def move_list(list) move_list_service = ::Boards::Lists::MoveService.new(board_parent, current_user, { position: params[:position].to_i }) if move_list_service.execute(list) present list, with: Entities::List else render_api_error!({ error: "List could not be moved!" }, 400) end end def destroy_list(list) destroy_conditionally!(list) do |list| service = ::Boards::Lists::DestroyService.new(board_parent, current_user) if service.execute(list).error? render_api_error!({ error: 'List could not be deleted!' }, 400) end end end params :list_creation_params do requires :label_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of an existing label' end params :update_params_ce do optional :name, type: String, desc: 'The board name' optional :hide_backlog_list, type: Grape::API::Boolean, desc: 'Hide the Open list' optional :hide_closed_list, type: Grape::API::Boolean, desc: 'Hide the Closed list' end params :update_params_ee do # Configurable issue boards are not available in CE/EE Core. # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/issue_board.html#configurable-issue-boards end params :update_params do use :update_params_ce use :update_params_ee end end end end end