# frozen_string_literal: true module API class DeployTokens < ::API::Base include PaginationParams feature_category :continuous_delivery urgency :low helpers do def scope_params scopes = params.delete(:scopes) result_hash = Hashie::Mash.new result_hash[:read_registry] = scopes.include?('read_registry') result_hash[:write_registry] = scopes.include?('write_registry') result_hash[:read_package_registry] = scopes.include?('read_package_registry') result_hash[:write_package_registry] = scopes.include?('write_package_registry') result_hash[:read_repository] = scopes.include?('read_repository') result_hash end params :filter_params do optional :active, type: Boolean, desc: 'Limit by active status' end end desc 'List all deploy tokens' do detail 'Get a list of all deploy tokens across the GitLab instance. This endpoint requires administrator access. This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.9.' success Entities::DeployToken is_array true tags %w[deploy_tokens] end params do use :pagination use :filter_params end get 'deploy_tokens' do authenticated_as_admin! deploy_tokens = ::DeployTokens::TokensFinder.new( current_user, :all, declared_params ).execute present paginate(deploy_tokens), with: Entities::DeployToken end params do requires :id, types: [String, Integer], desc: 'The ID or URL-encoded path of the project owned by the authenticated user' end resource :projects, requirements: API::NAMESPACE_OR_PROJECT_REQUIREMENTS do params do use :pagination use :filter_params end desc 'List project deploy tokens' do detail "Get a list of a project's deploy tokens. This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.9." success Entities::DeployToken is_array true tags %w[deploy_tokens] end get ':id/deploy_tokens' do authorize!(:read_deploy_token, user_project) deploy_tokens = ::DeployTokens::TokensFinder.new( current_user, user_project, declared_params ).execute present paginate(deploy_tokens), with: Entities::DeployToken end params do requires :name, type: String, desc: "New deploy token's name" requires :scopes, type: Array[String], coerce_with: ::API::Validations::Types::CommaSeparatedToArray.coerce, values: ::DeployToken::AVAILABLE_SCOPES.map(&:to_s), desc: 'Indicates the deploy token scopes. Must be at least one of `read_repository`, `read_registry`, `write_registry`, `read_package_registry`, or `write_package_registry`.' optional :expires_at, type: DateTime, desc: 'Expiration date for the deploy token. Does not expire if no value is provided. Expected in ISO 8601 format (`2019-03-15T08:00:00Z`).' optional :username, type: String, desc: 'Username for deploy token. Default is `gitlab+deploy-token-{n}`' end desc 'Create a project deploy token' do detail 'Creates a new deploy token for a project. This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.9.' success Entities::DeployTokenWithToken tags %w[deploy_tokens] end post ':id/deploy_tokens' do authorize!(:create_deploy_token, user_project) result = ::Projects::DeployTokens::CreateService.new( user_project, current_user, scope_params.merge(declared(params, include_missing: false, include_parent_namespaces: false)) ).execute if result[:status] == :success present result[:deploy_token], with: Entities::DeployTokenWithToken else render_api_error!(result[:message], result[:http_status]) end end desc 'Get a project deploy token' do detail "Get a single project's deploy token by ID. This feature was introduced in GitLab 14.9." success Entities::DeployToken tags %w[deploy_tokens] end params do requires :token_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of the deploy token' end get ':id/deploy_tokens/:token_id' do authorize!(:read_deploy_token, user_project) deploy_token = user_project.deploy_tokens.find(params[:token_id]) present deploy_token, with: Entities::DeployToken end desc 'Delete a project deploy token' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.9.' tags %w[deploy_tokens] end params do requires :token_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of the deploy token' end delete ':id/deploy_tokens/:token_id' do authorize!(:destroy_deploy_token, user_project) ::Projects::DeployTokens::DestroyService.new( user_project, current_user, token_id: params[:token_id] ).execute no_content! end end params do requires :id, types: [Integer, String], desc: 'The ID or URL-encoded path of the group owned by the authenticated user' end resource :groups, requirements: API::NAMESPACE_OR_PROJECT_REQUIREMENTS do params do use :pagination use :filter_params end desc 'List group deploy tokens' do detail "Get a list of a group's deploy tokens. This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.9." success Entities::DeployToken is_array true tags %w[deploy_tokens] end get ':id/deploy_tokens' do authorize!(:read_deploy_token, user_group) deploy_tokens = ::DeployTokens::TokensFinder.new( current_user, user_group, declared_params ).execute present paginate(deploy_tokens), with: Entities::DeployToken end params do requires :name, type: String, desc: "New deploy token's name" requires :scopes, type: Array[String], coerce_with: ::API::Validations::Types::CommaSeparatedToArray.coerce, values: ::DeployToken::AVAILABLE_SCOPES.map(&:to_s), desc: 'Indicates the deploy token scopes. Must be at least one of `read_repository`, `read_registry`, `write_registry`, `read_package_registry`, or `write_package_registry`' optional :expires_at, type: DateTime, desc: 'Expiration date for the deploy token. Does not expire if no value is provided. Expected in ISO 8601 format (`2019-03-15T08:00:00Z`)' optional :username, type: String, desc: 'Username for deploy token. Default is `gitlab+deploy-token-{n}`' end desc 'Create a group deploy token' do detail 'Creates a new deploy token for a group. This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.9.' success Entities::DeployTokenWithToken tags %w[deploy_tokens] end post ':id/deploy_tokens' do authorize!(:create_deploy_token, user_group) result = ::Groups::DeployTokens::CreateService.new( user_group, current_user, scope_params.merge(declared(params, include_missing: false, include_parent_namespaces: false)) ).execute if result[:status] == :success present result[:deploy_token], with: Entities::DeployTokenWithToken else render_api_error!(result[:message], result[:http_status]) end end desc 'Get a group deploy token' do detail "Get a single group's deploy token by ID. This feature was introduced in GitLab 14.9. " success Entities::DeployToken tags %w[deploy_tokens] end params do requires :token_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of the deploy token' end get ':id/deploy_tokens/:token_id' do authorize!(:read_deploy_token, user_group) deploy_token = user_group.deploy_tokens.find(params[:token_id]) present deploy_token, with: Entities::DeployToken end desc 'Delete a group deploy token' do detail 'Removes a deploy token from the group. This feature was introduced in GitLab 12.9.' tags %w[deploy_tokens] end params do requires :token_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The ID of the deploy token' end delete ':id/deploy_tokens/:token_id' do authorize!(:destroy_deploy_token, user_group) ::Groups::DeployTokens::DestroyService.new( user_group, current_user, token_id: params[:token_id] ).execute no_content! end end end end