# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe WikiPages::CreateService do it_behaves_like 'WikiPages::CreateService#execute', :project describe '#execute' do let_it_be(:project) { create(:project) } subject(:service) { described_class.new(container: project) } context 'when wiki create fails due to git error' do let(:wiki_git_error) { 'Could not create wiki page' } it 'catches the thrown error and returns a ServiceResponse error' do allow_next_instance_of(WikiPage) do |instance| allow(instance).to receive(:create).and_raise(Gitlab::Git::CommandError.new(wiki_git_error)) end result = service.execute expect(result).to be_error expect(result.message).to eq(wiki_git_error) end end end end