# frozen_string_literal: true module API class Tags < Grape::API include PaginationParams TAG_ENDPOINT_REQUIREMENTS = API::NAMESPACE_OR_PROJECT_REQUIREMENTS.merge(tag_name: API::NO_SLASH_URL_PART_REGEX) before { authorize! :download_code, user_project } params do requires :id, type: String, desc: 'The ID of a project' end resource :projects, requirements: API::NAMESPACE_OR_PROJECT_REQUIREMENTS do desc 'Get a project repository tags' do success Entities::Tag end params do optional :sort, type: String, values: %w[asc desc], default: 'desc', desc: 'Return tags sorted in updated by `asc` or `desc` order.' optional :order_by, type: String, values: %w[name updated], default: 'updated', desc: 'Return tags ordered by `name` or `updated` fields.' use :pagination end get ':id/repository/tags' do tags = ::Kaminari.paginate_array(::TagsFinder.new(user_project.repository, sort: "#{params[:order_by]}_#{params[:sort]}").execute) present paginate(tags), with: Entities::Tag, project: user_project end desc 'Get a single repository tag' do success Entities::Tag end params do requires :tag_name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the tag' end get ':id/repository/tags/:tag_name', requirements: TAG_ENDPOINT_REQUIREMENTS do tag = user_project.repository.find_tag(params[:tag_name]) not_found!('Tag') unless tag present tag, with: Entities::Tag, project: user_project end desc 'Create a new repository tag' do detail 'This optional release_description parameter was deprecated in GitLab 11.7.' success Entities::Tag end params do requires :tag_name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the tag' requires :ref, type: String, desc: 'The commit sha or branch name' optional :message, type: String, desc: 'Specifying a message creates an annotated tag' optional :release_description, type: String, desc: 'Specifying release notes stored in the GitLab database (deprecated in GitLab 11.7)' end post ':id/repository/tags' do authorize_push_project result = ::Tags::CreateService.new(user_project, current_user) .execute(params[:tag_name], params[:ref], params[:message]) if result[:status] == :success # Release creation with Tags API was deprecated in GitLab 11.7 if params[:release_description].present? release_create_params = { tag: params[:tag_name], name: params[:tag_name], # Name can be specified in new API description: params[:release_description] } ::Releases::CreateService .new(user_project, current_user, release_create_params) .execute end present result[:tag], with: Entities::Tag, project: user_project else render_api_error!(result[:message], 400) end end desc 'Delete a repository tag' params do requires :tag_name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the tag' end delete ':id/repository/tags/:tag_name', requirements: TAG_ENDPOINT_REQUIREMENTS do authorize_push_project tag = user_project.repository.find_tag(params[:tag_name]) not_found!('Tag') unless tag commit = user_project.repository.commit(tag.dereferenced_target) destroy_conditionally!(commit, last_updated: commit.authored_date) do result = ::Tags::DestroyService.new(user_project, current_user) .execute(params[:tag_name]) if result[:status] != :success render_api_error!(result[:message], result[:return_code]) end end end desc 'Add a release note to a tag' do detail 'This feature was deprecated in GitLab 11.7.' success Entities::TagRelease end params do requires :tag_name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the tag', as: :tag requires :description, type: String, desc: 'Release notes with markdown support' end post ':id/repository/tags/:tag_name/release', requirements: TAG_ENDPOINT_REQUIREMENTS do authorize_create_release! ## # Legacy API does not support tag auto creation. not_found!('Tag') unless user_project.repository.find_tag(params[:tag]) release_create_params = { tag: params[:tag], name: params[:tag], # Name can be specified in new API description: params[:description] } result = ::Releases::CreateService .new(user_project, current_user, release_create_params) .execute if result[:status] == :success present result[:release], with: Entities::TagRelease else render_api_error!(result[:message], result[:http_status]) end end desc "Update a tag's release note" do detail 'This feature was deprecated in GitLab 11.7.' success Entities::TagRelease end params do requires :tag_name, type: String, desc: 'The name of the tag', as: :tag requires :description, type: String, desc: 'Release notes with markdown support' end put ':id/repository/tags/:tag_name/release', requirements: TAG_ENDPOINT_REQUIREMENTS do authorize_update_release! result = ::Releases::UpdateService .new(user_project, current_user, declared_params(include_missing: false)) .execute if result[:status] == :success present result[:release], with: Entities::TagRelease else render_api_error!(result[:message], result[:http_status]) end end end helpers do def authorize_create_release! authorize! :create_release, user_project end def authorize_update_release! authorize! :update_release, release end def release @release ||= user_project.releases.find_by_tag(params[:tag]) end end end end