require 'spec_helper' describe ProjectsHelper do include ProjectForksHelper describe "#project_status_css_class" do it "returns appropriate class" do expect(project_status_css_class("started")).to eq("table-active") expect(project_status_css_class("failed")).to eq("table-danger") expect(project_status_css_class("finished")).to eq("table-success") end end describe "can_change_visibility_level?" do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:user) { create(:project_member, :reporter, user: create(:user), project: project).user } let(:forked_project) { fork_project(project, user) } it "returns false if there are no appropriate permissions" do allow(helper).to receive(:can?) { false } expect(helper.can_change_visibility_level?(project, user)).to be_falsey end it "returns true if there are permissions and it is not fork" do allow(helper).to receive(:can?) { true } expect(helper.can_change_visibility_level?(project, user)).to be_truthy end it 'allows visibility level to be changed if the project is forked' do allow(helper).to receive(:can?).with(user, :change_visibility_level, project) { true } project.update!(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE) fork_project(project) expect(helper.can_change_visibility_level?(project, user)).to be_truthy end context "forks" do it "returns false if there are permissions and origin project is PRIVATE" do allow(helper).to receive(:can?) { true } project.update(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::PRIVATE) expect(helper.can_change_visibility_level?(forked_project, user)).to be_falsey end it "returns true if there are permissions and origin project is INTERNAL" do allow(helper).to receive(:can?) { true } project.update(visibility_level: Gitlab::VisibilityLevel::INTERNAL) expect(helper.can_change_visibility_level?(forked_project, user)).to be_truthy end end end describe "readme_cache_key" do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } before do helper.instance_variable_set(:@project, project) end it "returns a valid cach key" do expect(helper.send(:readme_cache_key)).to eq("#{project.full_path}-#{}-readme") end it "returns a valid cache key if HEAD does not exist" do allow(project).to receive(:commit) { nil } expect(helper.send(:readme_cache_key)).to eq("#{project.full_path}-nil-readme") end end describe "#project_list_cache_key", :clean_gitlab_redis_shared_state do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) allow(helper).to receive(:can?).with(user, :read_cross_project) { true } end it "includes the route" do expect(helper.project_list_cache_key(project)).to include(project.route.cache_key) end it "includes the project" do expect(helper.project_list_cache_key(project)).to include(project.cache_key) end it "includes the controller name" do expect(helper.controller).to receive(:controller_name).and_return("testcontroller") expect(helper.project_list_cache_key(project)).to include("testcontroller") end it "includes the controller action" do expect(helper.controller).to receive(:action_name).and_return("testaction") expect(helper.project_list_cache_key(project)).to include("testaction") end it "includes the application settings" do settings = Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings expect(helper.project_list_cache_key(project)).to include(settings.cache_key) end it "includes a version" do expect(helper.project_list_cache_key(project).last).to start_with('v') end it 'includes wether or not the user can read cross project' do expect(helper.project_list_cache_key(project)).to include('cross-project:true') end it "includes the pipeline status when there is a status" do create(:ci_pipeline, :success, project: project, sha: project.commit.sha) expect(helper.project_list_cache_key(project)).to include("pipeline-status/#{project.commit.sha}-success") end end describe '#load_pipeline_status' do it 'loads the pipeline status in batch' do project = build(:project) helper.load_pipeline_status([project]) # Skip lazy loading of the `pipeline_status` attribute pipeline_status = project.instance_variable_get('@pipeline_status') expect(pipeline_status).to be_a(Gitlab::Cache::Ci::ProjectPipelineStatus) end end describe '#show_no_ssh_key_message?' do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end context 'user has no keys' do it 'returns true' do expect(helper.show_no_ssh_key_message?).to be_truthy end end context 'user has an ssh key' do it 'returns false' do create(:personal_key, user: user) expect(helper.show_no_ssh_key_message?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#show_no_password_message?' do let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end context 'user has password set' do it 'returns false' do expect(helper.show_no_password_message?).to be_falsey end end context 'user has hidden the message' do it 'returns false' do allow(helper).to receive(:cookies).and_return(hide_no_password_message: true) expect(helper.show_no_password_message?).to be_falsey end end context 'user requires a password for Git' do it 'returns true' do allow(user).to receive(:require_password_creation_for_git?).and_return(true) expect(helper.show_no_password_message?).to be_truthy end end context 'user requires a personal access token for Git' do it 'returns true' do allow(user).to receive(:require_password_creation_for_git?).and_return(false) allow(user).to receive(:require_personal_access_token_creation_for_git_auth?).and_return(true) expect(helper.show_no_password_message?).to be_truthy end end end describe '#link_to_set_password' do let(:user) { create(:user, password_automatically_set: true) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end context 'password authentication is enabled for Git' do it 'returns link to set a password' do stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled_for_git?: true) expect(helper.link_to_set_password).to match %r{set a password} end end context 'password authentication is disabled for Git' do it 'returns link to create a personal access token' do stub_application_setting(password_authentication_enabled_for_git?: false) expect(helper.link_to_set_password).to match %r{create a personal access token} end end end describe '#link_to_member_avatar' do let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user) } let(:expected) { double } before do expect(helper).to receive(:avatar_icon_for_user).with(user, 16).and_return(expected) end it 'returns image tag for member avatar' do expect(helper).to receive(:image_tag).with(expected, { width: 16, class: ["avatar", "avatar-inline", "s16"], alt: "", "data-src" => anything }) helper.link_to_member_avatar(user) end it 'returns image tag with avatar class' do expect(helper).to receive(:image_tag).with(expected, { width: 16, class: ["avatar", "avatar-inline", "s16", "any-avatar-class"], alt: "", "data-src" => anything }) helper.link_to_member_avatar(user, avatar_class: "any-avatar-class") end end describe '#link_to_member' do let(:group) { build_stubbed(:group) } let(:project) { build_stubbed(:project, group: group) } let(:user) { build_stubbed(:user) } describe 'using the default options' do it 'returns an HTML link to the user' do link = helper.link_to_member(project, user) expect(link).to match(%r{/#{user.username}}) end end end describe 'default_clone_protocol' do context 'when user is not logged in and gitlab protocol is HTTP' do it 'returns HTTP' do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(nil) expect(helper.send(:default_clone_protocol)).to eq('http') end end context 'when user is not logged in and gitlab protocol is HTTPS' do it 'returns HTTPS' do stub_config_setting(protocol: 'https') allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(nil) expect(helper.send(:default_clone_protocol)).to eq('https') end end end describe '#sanitizerepo_repo_path' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:storage_path) { Gitlab.config.repositories.storages.default.legacy_disk_path } before do allow(Settings.shared).to receive(:[]).with('path').and_return('/base/repo/export/path') end it 'removes the repo path' do repo = File.join(storage_path, 'namespace/test.git') import_error = "Could not clone #{repo}\n" expect(sanitize_repo_path(project, import_error)).to eq('Could not clone [REPOS PATH]/namespace/test.git') end it 'removes the temporary repo path used for uploads/exports' do repo = '/base/repo/export/path/tmp/project_exports/uploads/test.tar.gz' import_error = "Unable to decompress #{repo}\n" expect(sanitize_repo_path(project, import_error)).to eq('Unable to decompress [REPO EXPORT PATH]/uploads/test.tar.gz') end end describe '#last_push_event' do let(:user) { double(:user, fork_of: nil) } let(:project) { double(:project, id: 1) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) helper.instance_variable_set(:@project, project) end context 'when there is no current_user' do let(:user) { nil } it 'returns nil' do expect(helper.last_push_event).to eq(nil) end end it 'returns recent push on the current project' do event = double(:event) expect(user).to receive(:recent_push).with(project).and_return(event) expect(helper.last_push_event).to eq(event) end end describe '#get_project_nav_tabs' do let(:project) { create(:project) } let(:user) { create(:user) } before do allow(helper).to receive(:can?) { true } end subject do helper.send(:get_project_nav_tabs, project, user) end context 'when builds feature is enabled' do before do allow(project).to receive(:builds_enabled?).and_return(true) end it "does include pipelines tab" do include(:pipelines) end end context 'when builds feature is disabled' do before do allow(project).to receive(:builds_enabled?).and_return(false) end it "do not include pipelines tab" do is_expected.not_to include(:pipelines) end end end describe '#show_projects' do let(:projects) do create(:project) Project.all end it 'returns true when there are projects' do expect(helper.show_projects?(projects, {})).to eq(true) end it 'returns true when there are no projects but a name is given' do expect(helper.show_projects?(Project.none, name: 'foo')).to eq(true) end it 'returns true when there are no projects but personal is present' do expect(helper.show_projects?(Project.none, personal: 'true')).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when there are no projects and there is no name' do expect(helper.show_projects?(Project.none, {})).to eq(false) end end describe('#push_to_create_project_command') do let(:user) { create(:user, username: 'john') } it 'returns the command to push to create project over HTTP' do allow(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings).to receive(:enabled_git_access_protocol) { 'http' } expect(helper.push_to_create_project_command(user)).to eq('git push --set-upstream$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel | xargs basename).git $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)') end it 'returns the command to push to create project over SSH' do allow(Gitlab::CurrentSettings.current_application_settings).to receive(:enabled_git_access_protocol) { 'ssh' } expect(helper.push_to_create_project_command(user)).to eq('git push --set-upstream git@localhost:john/$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel | xargs basename).git $(git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD)') end end describe '#any_projects?' do let!(:project) { create(:project) } it 'returns true when projects will be returned' do expect(helper.any_projects?(Project.all)).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when no projects will be returned' do expect(helper.any_projects?(Project.none)).to eq(false) end it 'returns true when using a non-empty Array' do expect(helper.any_projects?([project])).to eq(true) end it 'returns false when using an empty Array' do expect(helper.any_projects?([])).to eq(false) end it 'only executes a single query when a LIMIT is applied' do relation = Project.limit(1) recorder = do 2.times do helper.any_projects?(relation) end end expect(recorder.count).to eq(1) end end describe '#git_user_name' do let(:user) { double(:user, name: 'John "A" Doe53') } before do allow(helper).to receive(:current_user).and_return(user) end it 'parses quotes in name' do expect(helper.send(:git_user_name)).to eq('John \"A\" Doe53') end end describe 'show_xcode_link' do let!(:project) { create(:project) } let(:mac_ua) { 'Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_13_4) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/66.0.3359.139 Safari/537.36' } let(:ios_ua) { 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; CPU OS 5_1_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/534.46 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.1 Mobile/9B206 Safari/7534.48.3' } context 'when the repository is xcode compatible' do before do allow(project.repository).to receive(:xcode_project?).and_return(true) end it 'returns false if the visitor is not using macos' do allow(helper).to receive(:browser).and_return( expect(helper.show_xcode_link?(project)).to eq(false) end it 'returns true if the visitor is using macos' do allow(helper).to receive(:browser).and_return( expect(helper.show_xcode_link?(project)).to eq(true) end end context 'when the repository is not xcode compatible' do before do allow(project.repository).to receive(:xcode_project?).and_return(false) end it 'returns false if the visitor is not using macos' do allow(helper).to receive(:browser).and_return( expect(helper.show_xcode_link?(project)).to eq(false) end it 'returns false if the visitor is using macos' do allow(helper).to receive(:browser).and_return( expect(helper.show_xcode_link?(project)).to eq(false) end end end end