import _ from 'underscore'; import { truncatePathMiddleToLength } from '~/lib/utils/text_utility'; import { diffModes, diffViewerModes } from '~/ide/constants'; import { LINE_POSITION_LEFT, LINE_POSITION_RIGHT, TEXT_DIFF_POSITION_TYPE, LEGACY_DIFF_NOTE_TYPE, DIFF_NOTE_TYPE, NEW_LINE_TYPE, OLD_LINE_TYPE, MATCH_LINE_TYPE, LINES_TO_BE_RENDERED_DIRECTLY, MAX_LINES_TO_BE_RENDERED, TREE_TYPE, } from '../constants'; export function findDiffFile(files, match, matchKey = 'file_hash') { return files.find(file => file[matchKey] === match); } export const getReversePosition = linePosition => { if (linePosition === LINE_POSITION_RIGHT) { return LINE_POSITION_LEFT; } return LINE_POSITION_RIGHT; }; export function getFormData(params) { const { commit, note, noteableType, noteableData, diffFile, noteTargetLine, diffViewType, linePosition, positionType, } = params; const position = JSON.stringify({ base_sha: diffFile.diff_refs.base_sha, start_sha: diffFile.diff_refs.start_sha, head_sha: diffFile.diff_refs.head_sha, old_path: diffFile.old_path, new_path: diffFile.new_path, position_type: positionType || TEXT_DIFF_POSITION_TYPE, old_line: noteTargetLine ? noteTargetLine.old_line : null, new_line: noteTargetLine ? noteTargetLine.new_line : null, x: params.x, y: params.y, width: params.width, height: params.height, }); const postData = { view: diffViewType, line_type: linePosition === LINE_POSITION_RIGHT ? NEW_LINE_TYPE : OLD_LINE_TYPE, merge_request_diff_head_sha: diffFile.diff_refs.head_sha, in_reply_to_discussion_id: '', note_project_id: '', target_type: noteableData.targetType, target_id:, return_discussion: true, note: { note, position, noteable_type: noteableType, noteable_id:, commit_id: commit &&, type: diffFile.diff_refs.start_sha && diffFile.diff_refs.head_sha ? DIFF_NOTE_TYPE : LEGACY_DIFF_NOTE_TYPE, line_code: noteTargetLine ? noteTargetLine.line_code : null, }, }; return postData; } export function getNoteFormData(params) { const data = getFormData(params); return { endpoint: params.noteableData.create_note_path, data, }; } export const findIndexInInlineLines = (lines, lineNumbers) => { const { oldLineNumber, newLineNumber } = lineNumbers; return _.findIndex( lines, line => line.old_line === oldLineNumber && line.new_line === newLineNumber, ); }; export const findIndexInParallelLines = (lines, lineNumbers) => { const { oldLineNumber, newLineNumber } = lineNumbers; return _.findIndex( lines, line => line.left && line.right && line.left.old_line === oldLineNumber && line.right.new_line === newLineNumber, ); }; export function removeMatchLine(diffFile, lineNumbers, bottom) { const indexForInline = findIndexInInlineLines(diffFile.highlighted_diff_lines, lineNumbers); const indexForParallel = findIndexInParallelLines(diffFile.parallel_diff_lines, lineNumbers); const factor = bottom ? 1 : -1; diffFile.highlighted_diff_lines.splice(indexForInline + factor, 1); diffFile.parallel_diff_lines.splice(indexForParallel + factor, 1); } export function addLineReferences(lines, lineNumbers, bottom, isExpandDown, nextLineNumbers) { const { oldLineNumber, newLineNumber } = lineNumbers; const lineCount = lines.length; let matchLineIndex = -1; const linesWithNumbers =, index) => { if (l.type === MATCH_LINE_TYPE) { matchLineIndex = index; } else { Object.assign(l, { old_line: bottom ? oldLineNumber + index + 1 : oldLineNumber + index - lineCount, new_line: bottom ? newLineNumber + index + 1 : newLineNumber + index - lineCount, }); } return l; }); if (matchLineIndex > -1) { const line = linesWithNumbers[matchLineIndex]; let targetLine; if (isExpandDown) { targetLine = nextLineNumbers; } else if (bottom) { targetLine = linesWithNumbers[matchLineIndex - 1]; } else { targetLine = linesWithNumbers[matchLineIndex + 1]; } Object.assign(line, { meta_data: { old_pos: targetLine.old_line, new_pos: targetLine.new_line, }, }); } return linesWithNumbers; } export function addContextLines(options) { const { inlineLines, parallelLines, contextLines, lineNumbers, isExpandDown } = options; const normalizedParallelLines = => ({ left: line, right: line, line_code: line.line_code, })); const factor = isExpandDown ? 1 : 0; if (!isExpandDown && options.bottom) { inlineLines.push(...contextLines); parallelLines.push(...normalizedParallelLines); } else { const inlineIndex = findIndexInInlineLines(inlineLines, lineNumbers); const parallelIndex = findIndexInParallelLines(parallelLines, lineNumbers); inlineLines.splice(inlineIndex + factor, 0, ...contextLines); parallelLines.splice(parallelIndex + factor, 0, ...normalizedParallelLines); } } /** * Trims the first char of the `richText` property when it's either a space or a diff symbol. * @param {Object} line * @returns {Object} * @deprecated */ export function trimFirstCharOfLineContent(line = {}) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-param-reassign delete line.text; const parsedLine = Object.assign({}, line); if (line.rich_text) { const firstChar = parsedLine.rich_text.charAt(0); if (firstChar === ' ' || firstChar === '+' || firstChar === '-') { parsedLine.rich_text = line.rich_text.substring(1); } } return parsedLine; } function getLineCode({ left, right }, index) { if (left && left.line_code) { return left.line_code; } else if (right && right.line_code) { return right.line_code; } return index; } function diffFileUniqueId(file) { return `${file.content_sha}-${file.file_hash}`; } function combineDiffFilesWithPriorFiles(files, prior = []) { files.forEach(file => { const id = diffFileUniqueId(file); const oldMatch = prior.find(oldFile => diffFileUniqueId(oldFile) === id); if (oldMatch) { const missingInline = !file.highlighted_diff_lines; const missingParallel = !file.parallel_diff_lines; if (missingInline) { Object.assign(file, { highlighted_diff_lines: oldMatch.highlighted_diff_lines, }); } if (missingParallel) { Object.assign(file, { parallel_diff_lines: oldMatch.parallel_diff_lines, }); } } }); return files; } function ensureBasicDiffFileLines(file) { const missingInline = !file.highlighted_diff_lines; const missingParallel = !file.parallel_diff_lines; Object.assign(file, { highlighted_diff_lines: missingInline ? [] : file.highlighted_diff_lines, parallel_diff_lines: missingParallel ? [] : file.parallel_diff_lines, }); return file; } function cleanRichText(text) { return text ? text.replace(/^[+ -]/, '') : undefined; } function prepareLine(line) { return Object.assign(line, { rich_text: cleanRichText(line.rich_text), discussionsExpanded: true, discussions: [], hasForm: false, text: undefined, }); } function prepareDiffFileLines(file) { const inlineLines = file.highlighted_diff_lines; const parallelLines = file.parallel_diff_lines; let parallelLinesCount = 0; inlineLines.forEach(prepareLine); parallelLines.forEach((line, index) => { Object.assign(line, { line_code: getLineCode(line, index) }); if (line.left) { parallelLinesCount += 1; prepareLine(line.left); } if (line.right) { parallelLinesCount += 1; prepareLine(line.right); } Object.assign(file, { inlineLinesCount: inlineLines.length, parallelLinesCount, }); }); return file; } function getVisibleDiffLines(file) { return Math.max(file.inlineLinesCount, file.parallelLinesCount); } function finalizeDiffFile(file) { const name = (file.viewer && || diffViewerModes.text; const lines = getVisibleDiffLines(file); Object.assign(file, { renderIt: lines < LINES_TO_BE_RENDERED_DIRECTLY, collapsed: name === diffViewerModes.text && lines > MAX_LINES_TO_BE_RENDERED, isShowingFullFile: false, isLoadingFullFile: false, discussions: [], renderingLines: false, }); return file; } export function prepareDiffData(diffData, priorFiles) { return combineDiffFilesWithPriorFiles(diffData.diff_files, priorFiles) .map(ensureBasicDiffFileLines) .map(prepareDiffFileLines) .map(finalizeDiffFile); } export function getDiffPositionByLineCode(diffFiles, useSingleDiffStyle) { let lines = []; const hasInlineDiffs = diffFiles.some(file => file.highlighted_diff_lines.length > 0); if (!useSingleDiffStyle || hasInlineDiffs) { // In either of these cases, we can use `highlighted_diff_lines` because // that will include all of the parallel diff lines, too lines = diffFiles.reduce((acc, diffFile) => { diffFile.highlighted_diff_lines.forEach(line => { acc.push({ file: diffFile, line }); }); return acc; }, []); } else { // If we're in single diff view mode and the inline lines haven't been // loaded yet, we need to parse the parallel lines lines = diffFiles.reduce((acc, diffFile) => { diffFile.parallel_diff_lines.forEach(pair => { // It's possible for a parallel line to have an opposite line that doesn't exist // For example: *deleted* lines will have `null` right lines, while // *added* lines will have `null` left lines. // So we have to check each line before we push it onto the array so we're not // pushing null line diffs if (pair.left) { acc.push({ file: diffFile, line: pair.left }); } if (pair.right) { acc.push({ file: diffFile, line: pair.right }); } }); return acc; }, []); } return lines.reduce((acc, { file, line }) => { if (line.line_code) { acc[line.line_code] = { base_sha: file.diff_refs.base_sha, head_sha: file.diff_refs.head_sha, start_sha: file.diff_refs.start_sha, new_path: file.new_path, old_path: file.old_path, old_line: line.old_line, new_line: line.new_line, line_code: line.line_code, position_type: 'text', }; } return acc; }, {}); } // This method will check whether the discussion is still applicable // to the diff line in question regarding different versions of the MR export function isDiscussionApplicableToLine({ discussion, diffPosition, latestDiff }) { const { line_code, ...diffPositionCopy } = diffPosition; if (discussion.original_position && discussion.position) { const originalRefs = discussion.original_position; const refs = discussion.position; return _.isEqual(refs, diffPositionCopy) || _.isEqual(originalRefs, diffPositionCopy); } // eslint-disable-next-line return latestDiff && && line_code === discussion.line_code; } export const getLowestSingleFolder = folder => { const getFolder = (blob, start = []) => blob.tree.reduce( (acc, file) => { const shouldGetFolder = file.tree.length === 1 && file.tree[0].type === TREE_TYPE; const currentFileTypeTree = file.type === TREE_TYPE; const path = shouldGetFolder || currentFileTypeTree ? acc.path.concat( : acc.path; const tree = shouldGetFolder || currentFileTypeTree ? acc.tree.concat(file) : acc.tree; if (shouldGetFolder) { const firstFolder = getFolder(file); path.push(...firstFolder.path); tree.push(...firstFolder.tree); } return { ...acc, path, tree, }; }, { path: start, tree: [] }, ); const { path, tree } = getFolder(folder, []); return { path: truncatePathMiddleToLength(path.join('/'), 40), treeAcc: tree.length ? tree[tree.length - 1].tree : null, }; }; export const flattenTree = tree => { const flatten = blobTree => blobTree.reduce((acc, file) => { const blob = file; let treeToFlatten = blob.tree; if (file.type === TREE_TYPE && file.tree.length === 1) { const { treeAcc, path } = getLowestSingleFolder(file); if (treeAcc) { = path; treeToFlatten = flatten(treeAcc); } } blob.tree = flatten(treeToFlatten); return acc.concat(blob); }, []); return flatten(tree); }; export const generateTreeList = files => { const { treeEntries, tree } = files.reduce( (acc, file) => { const split = file.new_path.split('/'); split.forEach((name, i) => { const parent = acc.treeEntries[split.slice(0, i).join('/')]; const path = `${parent ? `${parent.path}/` : ''}${name}`; if (!acc.treeEntries[path]) { const type = path === file.new_path ? 'blob' : 'tree'; acc.treeEntries[path] = { key: path, path, name, type, tree: [], }; const entry = acc.treeEntries[path]; if (type === 'blob') { Object.assign(entry, { changed: true, tempFile: file.new_file, deleted: file.deleted_file, fileHash: file.file_hash, addedLines: file.added_lines, removedLines: file.removed_lines, parentPath: parent ? `${parent.path}/` : '/', }); } else { Object.assign(entry, { opened: true, }); } (parent ? parent.tree : acc.tree).push(entry); } }); return acc; }, { treeEntries: {}, tree: [] }, ); return { treeEntries, tree: flattenTree(tree) }; }; export const getDiffMode = diffFile => { const diffModeKey = Object.keys(diffModes).find(key => diffFile[`${key}_file`]); return ( diffModes[diffModeKey] || (diffFile.viewer && === diffViewerModes.mode_changed && diffViewerModes.mode_changed) || diffModes.replaced ); }; export const convertExpandLines = ({ diffLines, data, typeKey, oldLineKey, newLineKey, mapLine, }) => { const dataLength = data.length; const lines = []; for (let i = 0, diffLinesLength = diffLines.length; i < diffLinesLength; i += 1) { const line = diffLines[i]; if ( === 'match') { const beforeLine = diffLines[i - 1]; const afterLine = diffLines[i + 1]; const newLineProperty =; const beforeLineIndex = newLineProperty(beforeLine) || 0; const afterLineIndex = newLineProperty(afterLine) - 1 || dataLength; lines.push(, afterLineIndex).map((l, index) => mapLine({ line: Object.assign(l, { hasForm: false, discussions: [] }), oldLine: ( || 0) + index + 1, newLine: (newLineProperty(beforeLine) || 0) + index + 1, }), ), ); } else { lines.push(line); } } return lines; }; export const idleCallback = cb => requestIdleCallback(cb); function getLinesFromFileByLineCode(file, lineCode) { const parallelLines = file.parallel_diff_lines; const inlineLines = file.highlighted_diff_lines; const matchesCode = line => line.line_code === lineCode; return [ ...parallelLines.reduce((acc, line) => { if (line.left) { acc.push(line.left); } if (line.right) { acc.push(line.right); } return acc; }, []), ...inlineLines, ].filter(matchesCode); } export const updateLineInFile = (selectedFile, lineCode, updateFn) => { getLinesFromFileByLineCode(selectedFile, lineCode).forEach(updateFn); }; export const allDiscussionWrappersExpanded = diff => { let discussionsExpanded = true; const changeExpandedResult = line => { if (line && line.discussions.length) { discussionsExpanded = discussionsExpanded && line.discussionsExpanded; } }; diff.parallel_diff_lines.forEach(line => { changeExpandedResult(line.left); changeExpandedResult(line.right); }); diff.highlighted_diff_lines.forEach(line => { changeExpandedResult(line); }); return discussionsExpanded; };