# frozen_string_literal: true module TodosHelper def todos_pending_count @todos_pending_count ||= current_user.todos_pending_count end def todos_count_format(count) count > 99 ? '99+' : count.to_s end def todos_done_count @todos_done_count ||= current_user.todos_done_count end def todo_action_name(todo) case todo.action when Todo::ASSIGNED then todo.self_added? ? _('assigned') : _('assigned you') when Todo::REVIEW_REQUESTED then s_('Todos|requested a review of') when Todo::MENTIONED, Todo::DIRECTLY_ADDRESSED then format( s_("Todos|mentioned %{who} on"), who: todo_action_subject(todo) ) when Todo::BUILD_FAILED then s_('Todos|The pipeline failed in') when Todo::MARKED then s_('Todos|added a todo for') when Todo::APPROVAL_REQUIRED then format( s_("Todos|set %{who} as an approver for"), who: todo_action_subject(todo) ) when Todo::UNMERGEABLE then s_('Todos|Could not merge') when Todo::MERGE_TRAIN_REMOVED then s_("Todos|Removed from Merge Train:") end end def todo_self_addressing(todo) case todo.action when Todo::ASSIGNED then _('to yourself') when Todo::REVIEW_REQUESTED then _('from yourself') end end def todo_target_link(todo) text = raw(todo_target_type_name(todo) + ' ') + if todo.for_commit? content_tag(:span, todo.target_reference, class: 'commit-sha') else todo.target_reference end link_to text, todo_target_path(todo) end def todo_target_title(todo) # Design To Dos' filenames are displayed in `#todo_target_link` (see `Design#to_reference`), # so to avoid displaying duplicate filenames in the To Do list for designs, # we return an empty string here. return "" if todo.target.blank? || todo.for_design? "\"#{todo.target.title}\"" end def todo_parent_path(todo) if todo.resource_parent.is_a?(Group) link_to todo.resource_parent.name, group_path(todo.resource_parent) else link_to_project(todo.project) end end def todo_target_type_name(todo) return _('design') if todo.for_design? return _('alert') if todo.for_alert? target_type = if todo.for_issue_or_work_item? IntegrationsHelper.integration_issue_type(todo.target.issue_type) else IntegrationsHelper.integration_todo_target_type(todo.target_type) end target_type.titleize.downcase end def todo_target_path(todo) return unless todo.target.present? path_options = todo_target_path_options(todo) if todo.for_commit? project_commit_path(todo.project, todo.target, path_options) elsif todo.for_design? todos_design_path(todo, path_options) elsif todo.for_alert? details_project_alert_management_path(todo.project, todo.target) elsif todo.for_issue_or_work_item? path_options[:only_path] = true Gitlab::UrlBuilder.build(todo.target, **path_options) else path = [todo.resource_parent, todo.target] path.unshift(:pipelines) if todo.build_failed? polymorphic_path(path, path_options) end end def todo_target_path_options(todo) { anchor: todo_target_path_anchor(todo) } end def todo_target_path_anchor(todo) dom_id(todo.note) if todo.note.present? end def todo_target_state_pill(todo) return unless show_todo_state?(todo) state = todo.target.state.to_s raw_state_to_i18n = { "closed" => _('Closed'), "merged" => _('Merged'), "resolved" => _('Resolved') } case todo.target when MergeRequest if state == 'closed' background_class = 'gl-bg-red-500' elsif state == 'merged' background_class = 'gl-bg-blue-500' end when Issue background_class = 'gl-bg-blue-500' if state == 'closed' when AlertManagement::Alert background_class = 'gl-bg-blue-500' if state == 'resolved' end tag.span class: "gl-my-0 gl-px-2 status-box #{background_class}" do raw_state_to_i18n[state] || state.capitalize end end def todos_filter_params { state: params[:state].presence, project_id: params[:project_id], author_id: params[:author_id], type: params[:type], action_id: params[:action_id] }.compact end def todos_filter_empty? todos_filter_params.values.none? end def no_todos_messages [ s_('Todos|Good job! Looks like you don\'t have anything left on your To-Do List'), s_('Todos|Isn\'t an empty To-Do List beautiful?'), s_('Todos|Give yourself a pat on the back!'), s_('Todos|Nothing left to do. High five!'), s_('Todos|Henceforth, you shall be known as "To-Do Destroyer"') ] end def todos_filter_path(options = {}) without = options.delete(:without) options = todos_filter_params.merge(options) if without.present? without.each do |key| options.delete(key) end end "#{request.path}?#{options.to_param}" end def todo_actions_options [ { id: '', text: s_('Todos|Any Action') }, { id: Todo::ASSIGNED, text: s_('Todos|Assigned') }, { id: Todo::REVIEW_REQUESTED, text: s_('Todos|Review requested') }, { id: Todo::MENTIONED, text: s_('Todos|Mentioned') }, { id: Todo::MARKED, text: s_('Todos|Added') }, { id: Todo::BUILD_FAILED, text: s_('Todos|Pipelines') } ] end def todo_types_options [ { id: '', text: s_('Todos|Any Type') }, { id: 'Issue', text: s_('Todos|Issue') }, { id: 'MergeRequest', text: s_('Todos|Merge request') }, { id: 'DesignManagement::Design', text: s_('Todos|Design') }, { id: 'AlertManagement::Alert', text: s_('Todos|Alert') } ] end def todo_actions_dropdown_label(selected_action_id, default_action) selected_action = todo_actions_options.find { |action| action[:id] == selected_action_id.to_i } selected_action ? selected_action[:text] : default_action end def todo_types_dropdown_label(selected_type, default_type) selected_type = todo_types_options.find { |type| type[:id] == selected_type && type[:id] != '' } selected_type ? selected_type[:text] : default_type end def todo_due_date(todo) return unless todo.target.try(:due_date) is_due_today = todo.target.due_date.today? is_overdue = todo.target.overdue? css_class = if is_due_today 'text-warning' elsif is_overdue 'text-danger' else '' end content = content_tag(:span, class: css_class) do "Due #{is_due_today ? "today" : todo.target.due_date.to_s(:medium)}" end "· #{content}".html_safe end def todo_author_display?(todo) !todo.build_failed? && !todo.unmergeable? end private def todos_design_path(todo, path_options) design = todo.target designs_project_issue_path( todo.resource_parent, design.issue, path_options.merge( vueroute: design.filename ) ) end def todo_action_subject(todo) todo.self_added? ? s_('Todos|yourself') : _('you') end def show_todo_state?(todo) case todo.target when MergeRequest, Issue %w(closed merged).include?(todo.target.state) when AlertManagement::Alert %i(resolved).include?(todo.target.state) else false end end end TodosHelper.prepend_mod_with('TodosHelper')