# frozen_string_literal: true module Ci module Partitionable module Switch extend ActiveSupport::Concern # These methods are cached at the class level and depend on the value # of `table_name`, changing that value resets them. # `cached_find_by_statement` is used to cache SQL statements which can # include the table name. # SWAPABLE_METHODS = %i[table_name quoted_table_name arel_table predicate_builder cached_find_by_statement].freeze included do |base| partitioned = Class.new(base) do self.table_name = base.routing_table_name def self.routing_class? true end end base.const_set(:Partitioned, partitioned) end class_methods do def routing_class? false end def routing_table_enabled? return false if routing_class? ::Feature.enabled?(routing_table_name_flag) end # We're delegating them to the `Partitioned` model. # They do not require any check override since they come from AR core # (are always defined) and we're using `super` to get the value. # SWAPABLE_METHODS.each do |name| define_method(name) do |*args, &block| if routing_table_enabled? self::Partitioned.public_send(name, *args, &block) # rubocop: disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend else super(*args, &block) end end end end end end end