module API class Pipelines < Grape::API include PaginationParams before { authenticate! } params do requires :id, type: String, desc: 'The project ID' end resource :projects, requirements: { id: %r{[^/]+} } do desc 'Get all Pipelines of the project' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.11.' success Entities::PipelineBasic end params do use :pagination optional :scope, type: String, values: %w(running branches tags), desc: 'Either running, branches, or tags' optional :status, type: String, values: ['running', 'pending', 'success', 'failed', 'canceled', 'skipped'], desc: 'Pipeline Status' optional :ref, type: String, desc: 'Pipeline Ref' optional :duration, type: Integer, desc: 'Greater than the specified duration' optional :yaml_error, type: Boolean, desc: 'If true, returns only yaml error pipelines.' optional :user_id, type: String, desc: 'User who executed pipelines' optional :order_by, type: String, values: ['id', 'status', 'ref', 'user_id', 'started_at', 'finished_at', 'created_at', 'updated_at'], default: 'id', desc: 'Return issues ordered by `created_at` or `updated_at` fields.' optional :sort, type: String, values: ['asc', 'desc'], default: 'desc', desc: 'Return pipelines sorted in `asc` or `desc` order.' end get ':id/pipelines' do authorize! :read_pipeline, user_project pipelines =, params).execute(scope: params[:scope]) present paginate(pipelines), with: Entities::PipelineBasic end desc 'Create a new pipeline' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.14' success Entities::Pipeline end params do requires :ref, type: String, desc: 'Reference' end post ':id/pipeline' do authorize! :create_pipeline, user_project new_pipeline =, current_user, declared_params(include_missing: false)) .execute(ignore_skip_ci: true, save_on_errors: false) if new_pipeline.persisted? present new_pipeline, with: Entities::Pipeline else render_validation_error!(new_pipeline) end end desc 'Gets a specific pipeline for the project' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.11' success Entities::Pipeline end params do requires :pipeline_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The pipeline ID' end get ':id/pipelines/:pipeline_id' do authorize! :read_pipeline, user_project present pipeline, with: Entities::Pipeline end desc 'Retry builds in the pipeline' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.11.' success Entities::Pipeline end params do requires :pipeline_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The pipeline ID' end post ':id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/retry' do authorize! :update_pipeline, user_project pipeline.retry_failed(current_user) present pipeline, with: Entities::Pipeline end desc 'Cancel all builds in the pipeline' do detail 'This feature was introduced in GitLab 8.11.' success Entities::Pipeline end params do requires :pipeline_id, type: Integer, desc: 'The pipeline ID' end post ':id/pipelines/:pipeline_id/cancel' do authorize! :update_pipeline, user_project pipeline.cancel_running status 200 present pipeline.reload, with: Entities::Pipeline end end helpers do def pipeline @pipeline ||= user_project.pipelines.find(params[:pipeline_id]) end end end end