# Port ActiveRecord::Relation#in_batches from ActiveRecord 5. # https://github.com/rails/rails/blob/ac027338e4a165273607dccee49a3d38bc836794/activerecord/lib/active_record/relation/batches.rb#L184 # TODO: this can be removed once we're using AR5. raise "Vendored ActiveRecord 5 code! Delete #{__FILE__}!" if ActiveRecord::VERSION::MAJOR >= 5 module ActiveRecord module Batches # Differences from upstream: enumerator support was removed, and custom # order/limit clauses are ignored without a warning. def in_batches(of: 1000, start: nil, finish: nil, load: false) raise "Must provide a block" unless block_given? relation = self.reorder(batch_order).limit(of) relation = relation.where(arel_table[primary_key].gteq(start)) if start relation = relation.where(arel_table[primary_key].lteq(finish)) if finish batch_relation = relation loop do if load records = batch_relation.records ids = records.map(&:id) yielded_relation = self.where(primary_key => ids) yielded_relation.load_records(records) else ids = batch_relation.pluck(primary_key) yielded_relation = self.where(primary_key => ids) end break if ids.empty? primary_key_offset = ids.last raise ArgumentError.new("Primary key not included in the custom select clause") unless primary_key_offset yield yielded_relation break if ids.length < of batch_relation = relation.where(arel_table[primary_key].gt(primary_key_offset)) end end end end