# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module Diff class SuggestionsParser # Matches for instance "-1", "+1" or "-1+2". SUGGESTION_CONTEXT = /^(\-(?\d+))?(\+(?\d+))?$/.freeze class << self # Returns an array of Gitlab::Diff::Suggestion which represents each # suggestion in the given text. # def parse(text, position:, project:, supports_suggestion: true) return [] unless position.complete? html = Banzai.render(text, project: nil, no_original_data: true, suggestions_filter_enabled: supports_suggestion) doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html) suggestion_nodes = doc.search('pre.language-suggestion') return [] if suggestion_nodes.empty? diff_file = position.diff_file(project.repository) suggestion_nodes.map do |node| lang_param = node['data-lang-params'] lines_above, lines_below = nil if lang_param && suggestion_params = fetch_suggestion_params(lang_param) lines_above = suggestion_params[:above] lines_below = suggestion_params[:below] end Gitlab::Diff::Suggestion.new(node.text, line: position.new_line, above: lines_above.to_i, below: lines_below.to_i, diff_file: diff_file) end end private def fetch_suggestion_params(lang_param) lang_param.match(SUGGESTION_CONTEXT) end end end end end