# frozen_string_literal: true require 'redis' module Gitlab module Instrumentation class RedisBase class << self include ::Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize include ::Gitlab::Instrumentation::RedisPayload # TODO: To be used by https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/issues/395 # as a 'label' alias. def storage_key self.name.demodulize.underscore end def add_duration(duration) ::RequestStore[call_duration_key] ||= 0 ::RequestStore[call_duration_key] += duration end def add_call_details(duration, args) return unless Gitlab::PerformanceBar.enabled_for_request? # redis-rb passes an array (e.g. [[:get, key]]) return unless args.length == 1 # TODO: Add information about current Redis client # being instrumented. # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-com/gl-infra/scalability/-/issues/316. detail_store << { cmd: args.first, duration: duration, backtrace: ::Gitlab::BacktraceCleaner.clean_backtrace(caller) } end def increment_request_count ::RequestStore[request_count_key] ||= 0 ::RequestStore[request_count_key] += 1 end def increment_read_bytes(num_bytes) ::RequestStore[read_bytes_key] ||= 0 ::RequestStore[read_bytes_key] += num_bytes end def increment_write_bytes(num_bytes) ::RequestStore[write_bytes_key] ||= 0 ::RequestStore[write_bytes_key] += num_bytes end def get_request_count ::RequestStore[request_count_key] || 0 end def read_bytes ::RequestStore[read_bytes_key] || 0 end def write_bytes ::RequestStore[write_bytes_key] || 0 end def detail_store ::RequestStore[call_details_key] ||= [] end def query_time query_time = ::RequestStore[call_duration_key] || 0 query_time.round(::Gitlab::InstrumentationHelper::DURATION_PRECISION) end def redis_cluster_validate!(command) ::Gitlab::Instrumentation::RedisClusterValidator.validate!(command) if @redis_cluster_validation end def enable_redis_cluster_validation @redis_cluster_validation = true self end def count_request @request_counter ||= Gitlab::Metrics.counter(:redis_client_requests_total, 'Client side Redis request count, per Redis server') @request_counter.increment({ storage: storage_key }) end def count_exception(ex) # This metric is meant to give a client side view of how the Redis # server is doing. Redis itself does not expose error counts. This # metric can be used for Redis alerting and service health monitoring. @exception_counter ||= Gitlab::Metrics.counter(:redis_client_exceptions_total, 'Client side Redis exception count, per Redis server, per exception class') @exception_counter.increment({ storage: storage_key, exception: ex.class.to_s }) end private def request_count_key strong_memoize(:request_count_key) { build_key(:redis_request_count) } end def read_bytes_key strong_memoize(:read_bytes_key) { build_key(:redis_read_bytes) } end def write_bytes_key strong_memoize(:write_bytes_key) { build_key(:redis_write_bytes) } end def call_duration_key strong_memoize(:call_duration_key) { build_key(:redis_call_duration) } end def call_details_key strong_memoize(:call_details_key) { build_key(:redis_call_details) } end def build_key(namespace) "#{storage_key}_#{namespace}" end end end end end