%p This service will be installed on the Mattermost instance at %strong= link_to Gitlab.config.mattermost.host, Gitlab.config.mattermost.host %hr = form_for(:mattermost, method: :post, url: project_mattermost_path(@project), html: { class: 'js-requires-input'} ) do |f| %h4 Team %p = @teams.one? ? 'The team' : 'Select the team' where the slash commands will be used in - selected_id = @teams.one? ? @teams.first['id'] : nil - options = options_for_select(mattermost_teams_options(@teams), selected_id) = f.select(:team_id, options, { include_blank: 'Select team...'}, { class: 'form-control', disabled: @teams.one?, selected: selected_id, required: true }) = f.hidden_field(:team_id, value: selected_id, required: true) if @teams.one? .form-text.text-muted - if @teams.one? This is the only available team that you are a member of. - else The list shows all available teams that you are a member of. To create a team, = link_to "#{Gitlab.config.mattermost.host}/create_team" do use Mattermost's interface = icon('external-link') or ask your Mattermost system administrator. %hr %h4 Command trigger word %p Choose the word that will trigger commands = f.text_field(:trigger, value: @project.path, class: 'form-control', required: true) .form-text.text-muted %p Trigger word must be unique, and can't begin with a slash or contain any spaces. Use the word that works best for your team. %p Suggestions: %code= 'gitlab' %code= @project.path # Path contains no spaces, but dashes %code= @project.full_path %p Reserved: = link_to 'https://docs.mattermost.com/help/messaging/executing-commands.html#built-in-commands', target: '__blank' do see list of built-in slash commands = icon('external-link') %hr .clearfix .float-right = link_to 'Cancel', edit_project_service_path(@project, @service), class: 'btn btn-lg' = f.submit 'Install', class: 'btn btn-save btn-lg'