import * as urlUtils from '~/lib/utils/url_utility'; const setWindowLocation = value => { Object.defineProperty(window, 'location', { writable: true, value, }); }; describe('URL utility', () => { describe('webIDEUrl', () => { afterEach(() => { gon.relative_url_root = ''; }); describe('without relative_url_root', () => { it('returns IDE path with route', () => { expect(urlUtils.webIDEUrl('/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/1')).toBe( '/-/ide/project/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/1', ); }); }); describe('with relative_url_root', () => { beforeEach(() => { gon.relative_url_root = '/gitlab'; }); it('returns IDE path with route', () => { expect(urlUtils.webIDEUrl('/gitlab/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/1')).toBe( '/gitlab/-/ide/project/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests/1', ); }); }); }); describe('mergeUrlParams', () => { it('adds w', () => { expect(urlUtils.mergeUrlParams({ w: 1 }, '#frag')).toBe('?w=1#frag'); expect(urlUtils.mergeUrlParams({ w: 1 }, '/path#frag')).toBe('/path?w=1#frag'); expect(urlUtils.mergeUrlParams({ w: 1 }, 'https://host/path')).toBe('https://host/path?w=1'); expect(urlUtils.mergeUrlParams({ w: 1 }, 'https://host/path#frag')).toBe( 'https://host/path?w=1#frag', ); expect(urlUtils.mergeUrlParams({ w: 1 }, 'https://h/p?k1=v1#frag')).toBe( 'https://h/p?k1=v1&w=1#frag', ); }); it('updates w', () => { expect(urlUtils.mergeUrlParams({ w: 1 }, '?k1=v1&w=0#frag')).toBe('?k1=v1&w=1#frag'); }); it('adds multiple params', () => { expect(urlUtils.mergeUrlParams({ a: 1, b: 2, c: 3 }, '#frag')).toBe('?a=1&b=2&c=3#frag'); }); it('adds and updates encoded params', () => { expect(urlUtils.mergeUrlParams({ a: '&', q: '?' }, '?a=%23#frag')).toBe('?a=%26&q=%3F#frag'); }); }); describe('removeParams', () => { describe('when url is passed', () => { it('removes query param with encoded ampersand', () => { const url = urlUtils.removeParams(['filter'], '/mail?filter=n%3Djoe%26l%3Dhome'); expect(url).toBe('/mail'); }); it('should remove param when url has no other params', () => { const url = urlUtils.removeParams(['size'], '/feature/home?size=5'); expect(url).toBe('/feature/home'); }); it('should remove param when url has other params', () => { const url = urlUtils.removeParams(['size'], '/feature/home?q=1&size=5&f=html'); expect(url).toBe('/feature/home?q=1&f=html'); }); it('should remove param and preserve fragment', () => { const url = urlUtils.removeParams(['size'], '/feature/home?size=5#H2'); expect(url).toBe('/feature/home#H2'); }); it('should remove multiple params', () => { const url = urlUtils.removeParams(['z', 'a'], '/home?z=11111&l=en_US&a=true#H2'); expect(url).toBe('/home?l=en_US#H2'); }); }); }); describe('setUrlFragment', () => { it('should set fragment when url has no fragment', () => { const url = urlUtils.setUrlFragment('/home/feature', 'usage'); expect(url).toBe('/home/feature#usage'); }); it('should set fragment when url has existing fragment', () => { const url = urlUtils.setUrlFragment('/home/feature#overview', 'usage'); expect(url).toBe('/home/feature#usage'); }); it('should set fragment when given fragment includes #', () => { const url = urlUtils.setUrlFragment('/home/feature#overview', '#install'); expect(url).toBe('/home/feature#install'); }); }); describe('getBaseURL', () => { beforeEach(() => { setWindowLocation({ protocol: 'https:', host: '', }); }); it('returns correct base URL', () => { expect(urlUtils.getBaseURL()).toBe(''); }); }); describe('isAbsoluteOrRootRelative', () => { const validUrls = ['', '', '/users/sign_in']; const invalidUrls = ['', './file/path', 'notanurl', '']; it.each(validUrls)(`returns true for %s`, url => { expect(urlUtils.isAbsoluteOrRootRelative(url)).toBe(true); }); it.each(invalidUrls)(`returns false for %s`, url => { expect(urlUtils.isAbsoluteOrRootRelative(url)).toBe(false); }); }); describe('isSafeUrl', () => { const absoluteUrls = [ '', '', '', '', '', ]; const rootRelativeUrls = ['/relative/link']; const relativeUrls = ['./relative/link', '../relative/link']; const urlsWithoutHost = ['http://', 'https://', 'https:https:https:']; /* eslint-disable no-script-url */ const nonHttpUrls = [ 'javascript:', 'javascript:alert("XSS")', 'jav\tascript:alert("XSS");', '  javascript:alert("XSS");', '', 'file:///', 'file:///etc/hosts', ]; /* eslint-enable no-script-url */ // javascript:alert('XSS') const encodedJavaScriptUrls = [ 'javascript:alert('XSS')', 'javascript:alert('XSS')', 'javascript:alert('XSS')', '\\u006A\\u0061\\u0076\\u0061\\u0073\\u0063\\u0072\\u0069\\u0070\\u0074\\u003A\\u0061\\u006C\\u0065\\u0072\\u0074\\u0028\\u0027\\u0058\\u0053\\u0053\\u0027\\u0029', ]; const safeUrls = [...absoluteUrls, ...rootRelativeUrls]; const unsafeUrls = [ ...relativeUrls, ...urlsWithoutHost, ...nonHttpUrls, ...encodedJavaScriptUrls, ]; describe('with URL constructor support', () => { it.each(safeUrls)('returns true for %s', url => { expect(urlUtils.isSafeURL(url)).toBe(true); }); it.each(unsafeUrls)('returns false for %s', url => { expect(urlUtils.isSafeURL(url)).toBe(false); }); }); }); describe('getWebSocketProtocol', () => { it.each` protocol | expectation ${'http:'} | ${'ws:'} ${'https:'} | ${'wss:'} `('returns "$expectation" with "$protocol" protocol', ({ protocol, expectation }) => { setWindowLocation({ protocol, host: '', }); expect(urlUtils.getWebSocketProtocol()).toEqual(expectation); }); }); describe('getWebSocketUrl', () => { it('joins location host to path', () => { setWindowLocation({ protocol: 'http:', host: '', }); const path = '/lorem/ipsum?a=bc'; expect(urlUtils.getWebSocketUrl(path)).toEqual('ws://'); }); }); });