import { setHTMLFixture } from 'helpers/fixtures'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import { TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA } from '~/experimentation/constants'; import { getExperimentData, getAllExperimentContexts } from '~/experimentation/utils'; import Tracking, { initUserTracking, initDefaultTrackers } from '~/tracking'; import { REFERRER_TTL, URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY } from '~/tracking/constants'; import getStandardContext from '~/tracking/get_standard_context'; jest.mock('~/experimentation/utils', () => ({ getExperimentData: jest.fn(), getAllExperimentContexts: jest.fn(), })); describe('Tracking', () => { let standardContext; let snowplowSpy; let bindDocumentSpy; let trackLoadEventsSpy; let enableFormTracking; let setAnonymousUrlsSpy; beforeAll(() => { = || {}; = {}; = { schema: 'iglu:com.gitlab/gitlab_standard', data: { environment: 'testing', source: 'unknown', extra: {}, }, }; standardContext = getStandardContext(); }); beforeEach(() => { getExperimentData.mockReturnValue(undefined); getAllExperimentContexts.mockReturnValue([]); window.snowplow = window.snowplow || (() => {}); window.snowplowOptions = { namespace: '_namespace_', hostname: '', cookieDomain: '', }; snowplowSpy = jest.spyOn(window, 'snowplow'); }); describe('initUserTracking', () => { it('calls through to get a new tracker with the expected options', () => { initUserTracking(); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('newTracker', '_namespace_', '', { namespace: '_namespace_', hostname: '', cookieDomain: '', appId: '', userFingerprint: false, respectDoNotTrack: true, forceSecureTracker: true, eventMethod: 'post', contexts: { webPage: true, performanceTiming: true }, formTracking: false, linkClickTracking: false, pageUnloadTimer: 10, formTrackingConfig: { fields: { allow: [] }, forms: { allow: [] }, }, }); }); }); describe('initDefaultTrackers', () => { beforeEach(() => { bindDocumentSpy = jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'bindDocument').mockImplementation(() => null); trackLoadEventsSpy = jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'trackLoadEvents').mockImplementation(() => null); enableFormTracking = jest .spyOn(Tracking, 'enableFormTracking') .mockImplementation(() => null); setAnonymousUrlsSpy = jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'setAnonymousUrls').mockImplementation(() => null); }); it('should activate features based on what has been enabled', () => { initDefaultTrackers(); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('enableActivityTracking', 30, 30); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('trackPageView', null, [standardContext]); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('enableFormTracking'); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('enableLinkClickTracking'); window.snowplowOptions = { ...window.snowplowOptions, formTracking: true, linkClickTracking: true, formTrackingConfig: { forms: { whitelist: ['foo'] }, fields: { whitelist: ['bar'] } }, }; initDefaultTrackers(); expect(enableFormTracking).toHaveBeenCalledWith(window.snowplowOptions.formTrackingConfig); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('enableLinkClickTracking'); }); it('binds the document event handling', () => { initDefaultTrackers(); expect(bindDocumentSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('tracks page loaded events', () => { initDefaultTrackers(); expect(trackLoadEventsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('calls the anonymized URLs method', () => { initDefaultTrackers(); expect(setAnonymousUrlsSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); describe('when there are experiment contexts', () => { const experimentContexts = [ { schema: TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA, data: { experiment: 'experiment1', variant: 'control' }, }, { schema: TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA, data: { experiment: 'experiment_two', variant: 'candidate' }, }, ]; beforeEach(() => { getAllExperimentContexts.mockReturnValue(experimentContexts); }); it('includes those contexts alongside the standard context', () => { initDefaultTrackers(); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('trackPageView', null, [ standardContext, ...experimentContexts, ]); }); }); }); describe('.event', () => { afterEach(() => { window.doNotTrack = undefined; navigator.doNotTrack = undefined; navigator.msDoNotTrack = undefined; }); it('tracks to snowplow (our current tracking system)', () => { Tracking.event('_category_', '_eventName_', { label: '_label_' }); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'trackStructEvent', '_category_', '_eventName_', '_label_', undefined, undefined, [standardContext], ); }); it('allows adding extra data to the default context', () => { const extra = { foo: 'bar' }; Tracking.event('_category_', '_eventName_', { extra }); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'trackStructEvent', '_category_', '_eventName_', undefined, undefined, undefined, [ { ...standardContext, data: {, extra, }, }, ], ); }); it('skips tracking if snowplow is unavailable', () => { window.snowplow = false; Tracking.event('_category_', '_eventName_'); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('skips tracking if the user does not want to be tracked (general spec)', () => { window.doNotTrack = '1'; Tracking.event('_category_', '_eventName_'); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('skips tracking if the user does not want to be tracked (firefox legacy)', () => { navigator.doNotTrack = 'yes'; Tracking.event('_category_', '_eventName_'); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('skips tracking if the user does not want to be tracked (IE legacy)', () => { navigator.msDoNotTrack = '1'; Tracking.event('_category_', '_eventName_'); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); describe('.enableFormTracking', () => { it('tells snowplow to enable form tracking, with only explicit contexts', () => { const config = { forms: { allow: ['form-class1'] }, fields: { allow: ['input-class1'] } }; Tracking.enableFormTracking(config, ['_passed_context_', standardContext]); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'enableFormTracking', { forms: { whitelist: ['form-class1'] }, fields: { whitelist: ['input-class1'] } }, ['_passed_context_'], ); }); it('throws an error if no allow rules are provided', () => { const expectedError = new Error('Unable to enable form event tracking without allow rules.'); expect(() => Tracking.enableFormTracking()).toThrow(expectedError); expect(() => Tracking.enableFormTracking({ fields: { allow: true } })).toThrow(expectedError); expect(() => Tracking.enableFormTracking({ fields: { allow: [] } })).not.toThrow( expectedError, ); }); it('does not add empty form whitelist rules', () => { Tracking.enableFormTracking({ fields: { allow: ['input-class1'] } }); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'enableFormTracking', { fields: { whitelist: ['input-class1'] } }, [], ); }); describe('when `document.readyState` does not equal `complete`', () => { const originalReadyState = document.readyState; const setReadyState = (value) => { Object.defineProperty(document, 'readyState', { value, configurable: true, }); }; const fireReadyStateChangeEvent = () => { document.dispatchEvent(new Event('readystatechange')); }; beforeEach(() => { setReadyState('interactive'); }); afterEach(() => { setReadyState(originalReadyState); }); it('does not call `window.snowplow` until `readystatechange` is fired and `document.readyState` equals `complete`', () => { Tracking.enableFormTracking({ fields: { allow: ['input-class1'] } }); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); fireReadyStateChangeEvent(); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); setReadyState('complete'); fireReadyStateChangeEvent(); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); }); describe('.flushPendingEvents', () => { it('flushes any pending events', () => { Tracking.initialized = false; Tracking.event('_category_', '_eventName_', { label: '_label_' }); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); Tracking.flushPendingEvents(); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( 'trackStructEvent', '_category_', '_eventName_', '_label_', undefined, undefined, [standardContext], ); }); }); describe('.setAnonymousUrls', () => { afterEach(() => { = ''; localStorage.removeItem(URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY); }); it('does nothing if URLs are not provided', () => { Tracking.setAnonymousUrls(); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); expect(localStorage.getItem(URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY)).toBe(null); }); it('sets the page URL when provided and populates the cache', () => { = TEST_HOST; Tracking.setAnonymousUrls(); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setCustomUrl', TEST_HOST); expect(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY))[0]).toStrictEqual({ url: TEST_HOST, referrer: '', originalUrl: window.location.href, timestamp:, }); }); it('appends the hash/fragment to the pseudonymized URL', () => { const hash = 'first-heading'; = TEST_HOST; window.location.hash = hash; Tracking.setAnonymousUrls(); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setCustomUrl', `${TEST_HOST}#${hash}`); }); it('does not set the referrer URL by default', () => { = TEST_HOST; Tracking.setAnonymousUrls(); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('setReferrerUrl', expect.any(String)); }); describe('with referrers cache', () => { const testUrl = '/namespace:1/project:2/-/merge_requests/5'; const testOriginalUrl = '/my-namespace/my-project/-/merge_requests/'; const setUrlsCache = (data) => localStorage.setItem(URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY, JSON.stringify(data)); beforeEach(() => { = TEST_HOST; Object.defineProperty(document, 'referrer', { value: '', configurable: true }); }); it('does nothing if a referrer can not be found', () => { setUrlsCache([ { url: testUrl, originalUrl: TEST_HOST, timestamp:, }, ]); Tracking.setAnonymousUrls(); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('setReferrerUrl', expect.any(String)); }); it('sets referrer URL from the page URL found in cache', () => { Object.defineProperty(document, 'referrer', { value: testOriginalUrl }); setUrlsCache([ { url: testUrl, originalUrl: testOriginalUrl, timestamp:, }, ]); Tracking.setAnonymousUrls(); expect(snowplowSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('setReferrerUrl', testUrl); }); it('ignores and removes old entries from the cache', () => { const oldTimestamp = - (REFERRER_TTL + 1); Object.defineProperty(document, 'referrer', { value: testOriginalUrl }); setUrlsCache([ { url: testUrl, originalUrl: testOriginalUrl, timestamp: oldTimestamp, }, ]); Tracking.setAnonymousUrls(); expect(snowplowSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith('setReferrerUrl', testUrl); expect(localStorage.getItem(URLS_CACHE_STORAGE_KEY)).not.toContain(oldTimestamp); }); }); }); describe('tracking interface events with data-track-action', () => { let eventSpy; beforeEach(() => { eventSpy = jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'event'); Tracking.bindDocument('_category_'); // only happens once setHTMLFixture(`
`); }); it(`binds to clicks on elements matching [data-track-action]`, () => { document.querySelector(`[data-track-action="click_input1"]`).click(); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'click_input1', { label: '_label_', value: '0', }); }); it(`does not bind to clicks on elements without [data-track-action]`, () => { document.querySelector('[data-track-bogus="click_bogusinput"]').click(); expect(eventSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('allows value override with the data-track-value attribute', () => { document.querySelector(`[data-track-action="click_input2"]`).click(); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'click_input2', { value: '0', }); }); it('handles checkbox values correctly', () => { const checkbox = document.querySelector(`[data-track-action="toggle_checkbox"]`);; // unchecking expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'toggle_checkbox', { value: 0, });; // checking expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'toggle_checkbox', { value: '1', }); }); it('handles bootstrap dropdowns', () => { const dropdown = document.querySelector(`[data-track-action="toggle_dropdown"]`); dropdown.dispatchEvent(new Event('', { bubbles: true })); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'toggle_dropdown_show', {}); dropdown.dispatchEvent(new Event('', { bubbles: true })); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'toggle_dropdown_hide', {}); }); it('handles nested elements inside an element with tracking', () => { document.querySelector('span.nested').click(); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'nested_event', {}); }); it('includes experiment data if linked to an experiment', () => { const mockExperimentData = { variant: 'candidate', experiment: 'example', key: '2bff73f6bb8cc11156c50a8ba66b9b8b', }; getExperimentData.mockReturnValue(mockExperimentData); document.querySelector(`[data-track-action="click_input3"]`).click(); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'click_input3', { value: '_value_', context: { schema: TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA, data: mockExperimentData }, }); }); it('supports extra data as JSON', () => { document.querySelector(`[data-track-action="event_with_extra"]`).click(); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'event_with_extra', { extra: { foo: 'bar' }, }); }); it('ignores extra if provided JSON is invalid', () => { document.querySelector(`[data-track-action="event_with_invalid_extra"]`).click(); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('_category_', 'event_with_invalid_extra', {}); }); }); describe('tracking page loaded events with -action', () => { let eventSpy; beforeEach(() => { eventSpy = jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'event'); setHTMLFixture(`
`); Tracking.trackLoadEvents('_category_'); // only happens once }); it(`sends tracking events when [data-track-action="render"] is on an element`, () => { expect(eventSpy.mock.calls).toEqual([ [ '_category_', 'render', { label: 'label1', value: '1', property: '_property_', }, ], [ '_category_', 'render', { label: 'label2', value: '1', }, ], ]); }); describe.each` event | actionSuffix ${'click'} | ${''} ${''} | ${'_show'} ${''} | ${'_hide'} `(`auto-tracking $event events on nested elements`, ({ event, actionSuffix }) => { let link; beforeEach(() => { link = document.querySelector('#link'); eventSpy.mockClear(); }); it(`avoids using ancestor [data-track-action="render"] tracking configurations`, () => { link.dispatchEvent(new Event(event, { bubbles: true })); expect(eventSpy).not.toHaveBeenCalledWith( '_category_', `render${actionSuffix}`, expect.any(Object), ); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith( '_category_', `click_link${actionSuffix}`, expect.objectContaining({ label: 'all_nested_links' }), ); }); }); }); describe('tracking mixin', () => { describe('trackingOptions', () => { it('returns the options defined on initialisation', () => { const mixin = Tracking.mixin({ foo: 'bar' }); expect(mixin.computed.trackingOptions()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' }); }); it('lets local tracking value override and extend options', () => { const mixin = Tracking.mixin({ foo: 'bar' }); // The value of this in the Vue lifecyle is different, but this serves the test's purposes mixin.computed.tracking = { foo: 'baz', baz: 'bar' }; expect(mixin.computed.trackingOptions()).toEqual({ foo: 'baz', baz: 'bar' }); }); it('includes experiment data if linked to an experiment', () => { const mockExperimentData = { variant: 'candidate', experiment: 'darkMode', }; getExperimentData.mockReturnValue(mockExperimentData); const mixin = Tracking.mixin({ foo: 'bar', experiment: 'darkMode' }); expect(mixin.computed.trackingOptions()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', context: { schema: TRACKING_CONTEXT_SCHEMA, data: mockExperimentData, }, }); }); it('does not include experiment data if experiment data does not exist', () => { const mixin = Tracking.mixin({ foo: 'bar', experiment: 'lightMode' }); expect(mixin.computed.trackingOptions()).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', }); }); }); describe('trackingCategory', () => { it('returns the category set in the component properties first', () => { const mixin = Tracking.mixin({ category: 'foo' }); mixin.computed.tracking = { category: 'bar', }; expect(mixin.computed.trackingCategory()).toBe('bar'); }); it('returns the category set in the options', () => { const mixin = Tracking.mixin({ category: 'foo' }); expect(mixin.computed.trackingCategory()).toBe('foo'); }); it('returns undefined if no category is selected', () => { const mixin = Tracking.mixin(); expect(mixin.computed.trackingCategory()).toBe(undefined); }); }); describe('track', () => { let eventSpy; let mixin; beforeEach(() => { eventSpy = jest.spyOn(Tracking, 'event').mockReturnValue(); mixin = Tracking.mixin(); mixin = { ...mixin.computed, ...mixin.methods, }; }); it('calls the event method with no category or action defined', () => { mixin.trackingCategory = mixin.trackingCategory(); mixin.trackingOptions = mixin.trackingOptions(); mixin.track(); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, undefined, {}); }); it('calls the event method', () => { mixin.trackingCategory = mixin.trackingCategory(); mixin.trackingOptions = mixin.trackingOptions(); mixin.track('foo'); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(undefined, 'foo', {}); }); it('gives precedence to data for category and options', () => { mixin.trackingCategory = mixin.trackingCategory(); mixin.trackingOptions = mixin.trackingOptions(); const data = { category: 'foo', label: 'baz' }; mixin.track('foo', data); expect(eventSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith('foo', 'foo', data); }); }); }); });