class @UsersSelect constructor: -> @usersPath = "/autocomplete/users.json" @userPath = "/autocomplete/users/:id.json" $('.ajax-users-select').each (i, select) => @projectId = $(select).data('project-id') @groupId = $(select).data('group-id') @showCurrentUser = $(select).data('current-user') showNullUser = $(select).data('null-user') showAnyUser = $(select).data('any-user') showEmailUser = $(select).data('email-user') firstUser = $(select).data('first-user') $(select).select2 placeholder: "Search for a user" multiple: $(select).hasClass('multiselect') minimumInputLength: 0 query: (query) => @users query.term, (users) => data = { results: users } if query.term.length == 0 if firstUser # Move current user to the front of the list for obj, index in data.results if obj.username == firstUser data.results.splice(index, 1) data.results.unshift(obj) break if showNullUser nullUser = { name: 'Unassigned', avatar: null, username: 'none', id: 0 } data.results.unshift(nullUser) if showAnyUser anyUser = { name: 'Any', avatar: null, username: 'none', id: null } data.results.unshift(anyUser) if showEmailUser && data.results.length == 0 && query.term.match(/^[^@]+@[^@]+$/) emailUser = { name: "Invite \"#{query.term}\"", avatar: null, username: query.term, id: query.term } data.results.unshift(emailUser) query.callback(data) initSelection: (element, callback) => id = $(element).val() if id != "" && id != "0" @user(id, callback) formatResult: (args...) => @formatResult(args...) formatSelection: (args...) => @formatSelection(args...) dropdownCssClass: "ajax-users-dropdown" escapeMarkup: (m) -> # we do not want to escape markup since we are displaying html in results m formatResult: (user) -> if user.avatar_url avatar = user.avatar_url else avatar = gon.default_avatar_url "
" formatSelection: (user) -> user: (user_id, callback) => url = @buildUrl(@userPath) url = url.replace(':id', user_id) $.ajax( url: url dataType: "json" ).done (user) -> callback(user) # Return users list. Filtered by query # Only active users retrieved users: (query, callback) => url = @buildUrl(@usersPath) $.ajax( url: url data: search: query per_page: 20 active: true project_id: @projectId group_id: @groupId current_user: @showCurrentUser dataType: "json" ).done (users) -> callback(users) buildUrl: (url) -> url = gon.relative_url_root + url if gon.relative_url_root? return url