# coding: utf-8 require 'spec_helper' describe ApplicationHelper do include UploadHelpers let(:gitlab_host) { "http://#{Gitlab.config.gitlab.host}" } describe 'current_controller?' do it 'returns true when controller matches argument' do stub_controller_name('foo') expect(helper.current_controller?(:foo)).to eq true end it 'returns false when controller does not match argument' do stub_controller_name('foo') expect(helper.current_controller?(:bar)).to eq false end it 'takes any number of arguments' do stub_controller_name('foo') expect(helper.current_controller?(:baz, :bar)).to eq false expect(helper.current_controller?(:baz, :bar, :foo)).to eq true end def stub_controller_name(value) allow(helper.controller).to receive(:controller_name).and_return(value) end end describe 'current_action?' do it 'returns true when action matches' do stub_action_name('foo') expect(helper.current_action?(:foo)).to eq true end it 'returns false when action does not match' do stub_action_name('foo') expect(helper.current_action?(:bar)).to eq false end it 'takes any number of arguments' do stub_action_name('foo') expect(helper.current_action?(:baz, :bar)).to eq false expect(helper.current_action?(:baz, :bar, :foo)).to eq true end def stub_action_name(value) allow(helper).to receive(:action_name).and_return(value) end end describe 'project_icon' do it 'returns an url for the avatar' do project = create(:empty_project, avatar: File.open(uploaded_image_temp_path)) avatar_url = "/uploads/system/project/avatar/#{project.id}/banana_sample.gif" expect(helper.project_icon(project.full_path).to_s) .to eq "\"Banana" allow(ActionController::Base).to receive(:asset_host).and_return(gitlab_host) avatar_url = "#{gitlab_host}/uploads/system/project/avatar/#{project.id}/banana_sample.gif" expect(helper.project_icon(project.full_path).to_s) .to eq "\"Banana" end it 'gives uploaded icon when present' do project = create(:empty_project) allow_any_instance_of(Project).to receive(:avatar_in_git).and_return(true) avatar_url = "#{gitlab_host}#{project_avatar_path(project)}" expect(helper.project_icon(project.full_path).to_s).to match(image_tag(avatar_url)) end end describe 'avatar_icon' do let(:user) { create(:user, avatar: File.open(uploaded_image_temp_path)) } context 'using an email' do context 'when there is a matching user' do it 'returns a relative URL for the avatar' do expect(helper.avatar_icon(user.email).to_s) .to eq("/uploads/system/user/avatar/#{user.id}/banana_sample.gif") end context 'when an asset_host is set in the config' do let(:asset_host) { 'http://assets' } before do allow(ActionController::Base).to receive(:asset_host).and_return(asset_host) end it 'returns an absolute URL on that asset host' do expect(helper.avatar_icon(user.email, only_path: false).to_s) .to eq("#{asset_host}/uploads/system/user/avatar/#{user.id}/banana_sample.gif") end end context 'when only_path is set to false' do it 'returns an absolute URL for the avatar' do expect(helper.avatar_icon(user.email, only_path: false).to_s) .to eq("#{gitlab_host}/uploads/system/user/avatar/#{user.id}/banana_sample.gif") end end context 'when the GitLab instance is at a relative URL' do before do stub_config_setting(relative_url_root: '/gitlab') # Must be stubbed after the stub above, and separately stub_config_setting(url: Settings.send(:build_gitlab_url)) end it 'returns a relative URL with the correct prefix' do expect(helper.avatar_icon(user.email).to_s) .to eq("/gitlab/uploads/system/user/avatar/#{user.id}/banana_sample.gif") end end end context 'when no user exists for the email' do it 'calls gravatar_icon' do expect(helper).to receive(:gravatar_icon).with('foo@example.com', 20, 2) helper.avatar_icon('foo@example.com', 20, 2) end end end describe 'using a user' do context 'when only_path is true' do it 'returns a relative URL for the avatar' do expect(helper.avatar_icon(user, only_path: true).to_s) .to eq("/uploads/system/user/avatar/#{user.id}/banana_sample.gif") end end context 'when only_path is false' do it 'returns an absolute URL for the avatar' do expect(helper.avatar_icon(user, only_path: false).to_s) .to eq("#{gitlab_host}/uploads/system/user/avatar/#{user.id}/banana_sample.gif") end end end end describe 'gravatar_icon' do let(:user_email) { 'user@email.com' } context 'with Gravatar disabled' do before do stub_application_setting(gravatar_enabled?: false) end it 'returns a generic avatar' do expect(helper.gravatar_icon(user_email)).to match('no_avatar.png') end end context 'with Gravatar enabled' do before do stub_application_setting(gravatar_enabled?: true) end it 'returns a generic avatar when email is blank' do expect(helper.gravatar_icon('')).to match('no_avatar.png') end it 'returns a valid Gravatar URL' do stub_config_setting(https: false) expect(helper.gravatar_icon(user_email)) .to match('http://www.gravatar.com/avatar/b58c6f14d292556214bd64909bcdb118') end it 'uses HTTPs when configured' do stub_config_setting(https: true) expect(helper.gravatar_icon(user_email)) .to match('https://secure.gravatar.com') end it 'returns custom gravatar path when gravatar_url is set' do stub_gravatar_setting(plain_url: 'http://example.local/?s=%{size}&hash=%{hash}') expect(gravatar_icon(user_email, 20)) .to eq('http://example.local/?s=40&hash=b58c6f14d292556214bd64909bcdb118') end it 'accepts a custom size argument' do expect(helper.gravatar_icon(user_email, 64)).to include '?s=128' end it 'defaults size to 40@2x when given an invalid size' do expect(helper.gravatar_icon(user_email, nil)).to include '?s=80' end it 'accepts a scaling factor' do expect(helper.gravatar_icon(user_email, 40, 3)).to include '?s=120' end it 'ignores case and surrounding whitespace' do normal = helper.gravatar_icon('foo@example.com') upcase = helper.gravatar_icon(' FOO@EXAMPLE.COM ') expect(normal).to eq upcase end end end describe 'simple_sanitize' do let(:a_tag) { 'Foo' } it 'allows the a tag' do expect(helper.simple_sanitize(a_tag)).to eq(a_tag) end it 'allows the span tag' do input = 'Bar' expect(helper.simple_sanitize(input)).to eq(input) end it 'disallows other tags' do input = "#{a_tag}" expect(helper.simple_sanitize(input)).to eq(a_tag) end end describe 'time_ago_with_tooltip' do def element(*arguments) Time.zone = 'UTC' @time = Time.zone.parse('2015-07-02 08:23') element = helper.time_ago_with_tooltip(@time, *arguments) Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse(element).first_element_child end it 'returns a time element' do expect(element.name).to eq 'time' end it 'includes the date string' do expect(element.text).to eq @time.strftime("%b %d, %Y") end it 'has a datetime attribute' do expect(element.attr('datetime')).to eq '2015-07-02T08:23:00Z' end it 'has a formatted title attribute' do expect(element.attr('title')).to eq 'Jul 2, 2015 8:23am' end it 'includes a default js-timeago class' do expect(element.attr('class')).to eq 'js-timeago' end it 'accepts a custom html_class' do expect(element(html_class: 'custom_class').attr('class')) .to eq 'js-timeago custom_class' end it 'accepts a custom tooltip placement' do expect(element(placement: 'bottom').attr('data-placement')).to eq 'bottom' end it 'converts to Time' do expect { helper.time_ago_with_tooltip(Date.today) }.not_to raise_error end it 'add class for the short format' do timeago_element = element(short_format: 'short') expect(timeago_element.attr('class')).to eq 'js-short-timeago' expect(timeago_element.next_element).to eq nil end end describe '#active_when' do it { expect(helper.active_when(true)).to eq('active') } it { expect(helper.active_when(false)).to eq(nil) } end describe '#support_url' do context 'when alternate support url is specified' do let(:alternate_url) { 'http://company.example.com/getting-help' } before do stub_application_setting(help_page_support_url: alternate_url) end it 'returns the alternate support url' do expect(helper.support_url).to eq(alternate_url) end end context 'when alternate support url is not specified' do it 'builds the support url from the promo_url' do expect(helper.support_url).to eq(helper.promo_url + '/getting-help/') end end end end