# frozen_string_literal: true module Members class InviteService < Members::CreateService extend ::Gitlab::Utils::Override def initialize(*args) super @invites += parsed_emails @errors = {} end private alias_method :formatted_errors, :errors def parsed_emails # can't put this in the initializer since `invites_from_params` is called in super class # and needs it @parsed_emails ||= (formatted_param(params[:email]) || []) end def formatted_param(parameter) parameter&.split(',')&.uniq&.flatten end def validate_invitable! super return if params[:email].blank? # we need the below due to add_member hitting Members::CreatorService.parse_users_list and ignoring invalid emails # ideally we wouldn't need this, but we can't really change the add_members method invalid_emails.each { |email| errors[email] = s_('AddMember|Invite email is invalid') } end def invalid_emails parsed_emails.each_with_object([]) do |email, invalid| next if Member.valid_email?(email) invalid << email @invites.delete(email) end end override :blank_invites_message def blank_invites_message s_('AddMember|Invites cannot be blank') end override :add_error_for_member def add_error_for_member(member, existing_errors) errors[invited_object(member)] = all_member_errors(member, existing_errors).to_sentence end def invited_object(member) return member.invite_email if member.invite_email # There is a case where someone was invited by email, but the `user` record exists. # The member record returned will not have an invite_email attribute defined since # the CreatorService finds `user` record sometimes by email. # At that point we lose the info of whether this invite was done by `user` or by email. # Here we will give preference to check invites by user_id first. # There is also a case where a user could be invited by their email and # at the same time via the API in the same request. # This would would mean the same user is invited as user_id and email. # However, that isn't as likely from the UI at least since the token generator checks # for that case and doesn't allow email being used if the user exists as a record already. if member.user_id.to_s.in?(invites) member.user.username else member.user.all_emails.detect { |email| email.in?(invites) } end end end end